The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires

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The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires Page 7

by Stan Hendriks

  “Yeah, thank you for apologizing. And don’t worry, it’s fine. See you around.”

  They give each other a very awkward hug and then Ivy walks away. Cole waves her goodbye and then closes the door. He walks onto the balcony, looks outside and puts his hands on his head. He takes a very deep breath and says to himself, “Come on, Cole, really?! You have the most amazing woman waiting for you at home, and still, you think about kissing another girl?! It’s a good thing that nothing happened you idiot.” Cole then walks back inside, shakes his head, takes off his suit and lies down underneath the blanket on the bed.

  A while earlier, it is night in London and Igor parks his supercar on the driveway of the mansion of Lord Williams. He gets out and sees that the mansion looks as good as new! He takes a deep breath, walks over to the front doors and opens one of them. The inside of the mansion is also completely renovated and there is brand new furniture inside. But there are no lights burning and he can’t hear anyone. He carefully walks through the hallway and goes into the living room. He looks around but sees no one, but then hears something behind him! He quickly turns around and sees a pale man, who looks like he’s in his early sixties, with a suit on, a long gray beard, a long gray ponytail and dark red eyes! “No way! How is this possible?!” Igor asks.

  “Did you forget my name, Harry?”

  “No,” Igor replies while still in total shock.

  “Then say it!”

  “Yes, Lord Williams.”

  Lord Williams walks closer to Igor and says, “We will have a couple of guests over, so I have to be sure that you are going to behave yourself, Harry.”

  “Guests?! What do mean?!”

  Right at that moment, Vlad, Ivan, and Lydia come walking into the living room! Igor looks at Vlad and says, “You’re a Dracul vampire! How?! Ivan?! How are you even alive?! What is going on here?!”

  “You didn’t take me seriously when I talked about the master plan, but now you have no other choice but to, love.”

  “And why is that?!”

  Then, Dracula comes walking in with a black suit on and a red tie. The dark circles that were underneath his eyes disappeared and he looks a lot stronger! “Hello, Harry. Or should I say, Igor?” Dracula says with a smirk.

  Igor shakes his head and says, “No! This can’t be real!”

  “Well, it is real. Aren’t you happy to see me, Vlad, and your father again?”

  “Igor is the son of Lord Williams?” Vlad asks.

  “Yes, love, and his name is Harry. Not Igor.”

  Vlad laughs and so does Ivan. “What do you want from me?! And yes, laugh now, friends, but suffer later!”

  “Shut your mouth, Harry! Do not embarrass me! Or should I show you again what happens when you do?!” Lord Williams replies.

  “But of course, father! I don’t know what is going on here, but I’m not scared! If you all want a fight, then you can have it! And if you want to beat me up again, father, then I suggest you try!” Igor says.

  Lord Williams shows his fangs but Dracula puts his hand on Lord Williams his chest and holds him back. With a big smirk, Dracula replies, “Don’t be foolish, Harry. We both know that I could take your life in the blink of an eye. But, let’s just all remain calm, because frankly, I did not come here to fight you, Harry.”

  “So, why did you come?! And how come that my father, Vlad, and Ivan are alive?!”

  “I don’t think it matters why and how they are alive again. But what does matter is that I need you, Harry.”

  “What do you need me for?!”

  “If you want to know why and for what, then I suggest you let me talk. So, stop asking questions, is that understood?”

  Igor nods and Dracula continues, “I have a plan, a big one. A plan that will make this world ours again, but, the plan cannot be executed correctly without you.” Dracula then starts to explain the plan and after that, he says, “Don’t forget that it was me who blessed you with the wonderful life you have right now and that it was me who taught you how to be a real man. So, Harry, I need to know if you are with me, or against me.”

  Igor looks at his father, at Vlad, and at Ivan and Lydia. They all nod and Igor says, “Alright, I will help you, but under one condition. My name is Igor, not Harry, and you will call me Igor.”

  Dracula laughs, pads Igor on his shoulder and replies, “Of course, Igor, I knew you would make the right decision. After all, you’re the second Dracul vampire I ever created, so it would have been a shame if I had to take your head off and rip your heart out.”

  Igor is visibly getting nervous, but then Dracula says, “But don’t worry, I am not going to do that. But, there is one more thing left to do.”

  “And what is that?” Igor asks.

  Dracula raises his left hand and shows Igor the ring on his finger. “Kiss the ring, and pledge your loyalty to your master.”

  Igor hesitates for a while, but then takes a knee, closes his eyes and kisses the ring. Dracula laughs and says, “And now that Igor has joined us as well, it is time to execute the plan and take back this world!”

  Chapter five Surprise

  The next morning, a taxi stops in front of Cole’s house and Cole gets out of it. It is snowing heavily, and he grabs his suitcase and bag from the trunk, pays the driver and walks onto the porch of his house. He knocks on the door and waits. Vanessa opens the door and with a bright smile, she jumps into his arms. “Finally, you are back!”

  “Yeah, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” Vanessa replies, as she gives him a kiss. “You’re just in time, I was already making a special Christmas breakfast.”

  “Oh really? It better be good because I’m starving,” Cole says with a smirk.

  Vanessa smiles, shakes her head and they walk inside. The whole house is filled with Christmas decoration and Cole lays his bag and suitcase down on the hallway floor and walks with Vanessa into the kitchen. He looks what she’s making and says, “Steak this early in the morning?”

  “Yeah, but you don’t have to eat it,” Vanessa replies with a smirk.

  “Oh, trust me, I love steak. But I’m just not used to eating it this early.”

  “Yes, well, it’s Christmas, who cares,” Vanessa replies, as she continues cooking. “But, what do you think of the Christmas decoration in here and in Brown’s Creek?”

  Cole grabs a bottle of water, takes a sip and replies, “I like it, it looks good. My mother and I never used to decorate the house you know. Even Brown’s Creek wasn’t decorated before. But, I like this a lot more. It really gives you that Christmas spirit. But, how is everything going here?”

  “Good, nothing much going on. But I do have to admit that your pack is very nice, they are very helpful and a week ago I was invited to a birthday party. It was nice.”

  “A birthday party? From who?”

  “From Amy, she lives close to the new police station.”

  “Yes, I know her. How old did she become?”

  “Thirty-five, but don’t worry, she understood why you couldn’t be there.”

  “Yeah, but I was thinking to check out the new police station, so I think that I will pay her a quick visit then.”

  “Yes, you should do that, and also talk to David. Yesterday when I got off the phone with you, I heard that he almost got into a fight with Ben.”

  “Are you kidding me?! Why? What happened?”

  “Something about the decoration and Ben didn’t want to listen to David. So, David thought it was disrespectful but his grandpa calmed David down before it really escalated.”

  Cole shakes his head and replies, “But Ben is already, what, in his late-fifties? Why would he even pick a fight with him? Just… I don’t know what’s going on with David, but I will go talk to him.”

  “Yeah, but honestly, if he doesn’t stop acting like that, you should pick another beta.”

  “I know, I know. Alright then, I will go talk to him and check out the police station, be right back.”

s, but don’t take too long.”

  “I won’t,” Cole replies, as he gives her a kiss on her cheek and walks out of the house. He walks towards Brown’s Creek, but when he is halfway, a truck stops next to him. He sees David and his grandpa sitting in the truck and David rolls his window down and says, “Good morning! It’s good to have you back, how are you?”

  “I’m good, and it’s good to see you again. Actually, I went to look for you because we need to have a word.”

  David gets out and David’s grandpa asks, “Should I wait to give you a ride after you’re done talking?”

  “No, thank you. I’ve been sitting a lot lately so it’s good for me to walk a bit,” Cole replies.

  “You can go, grandpa, I will see you back at the house.”

  “Alright, and Merry Christmas, Cole.”

  “Merry Christmas,” Cole replies.

  David’s grandpa drives off and David asks, “Why do you want to speak to me?”

  “Let’s walk,” Cole replies.

  They start walking and Cole says, “I want to speak to you because I heard, from multiple people, that you’ve been acting like… well, like a hothead. And I also heard that you almost got into a fight with Ben yesterday. So, what is going on with that?”

  “Yesterday I gave Ben clear instructions as to what to do, but he refused to listen. I thought it was disrespectful and I told him that he should respect and listen to the beta. After that, we got into a heated discussion. But regarding my behavior as a hothead, I’m the beta but I feel like people do not take me seriously. So, I feel like I have to show them sometimes that they have to respect me or else there will be consequences.”

  “Listen, David. If you want the others to respect you, you have to respect them as well. And just because you are the beta, doesn’t mean you are better than them. But, I do have to admit that I’m surprised with how you are acting. The reason I chose you as the beta was because I thought that you would be a great leader and because I thought you knew how to deal with the rest of the pack.”

  “I do, trust me.”

  “Please, let me finish. I just can’t have you acting this way. And if you keep on acting like this, I will be forced to choose another beta. Is that clear?”

  “I understand, I am sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good, and next to that, you are right that the rest of the pack should listen to their beta as well. And trust me, they will listen to you as long as you don’t act like Conrad used to act. And if there really are some people of the pack that disrespect you, then I want you to discuss that with me and then we will take care of it together.”

  “I understand, and next time I will come to you if something happens, I promise.”

  “That’s good, and trust me, I still believe that you are the right guy to be the beta of this pack. So please, do not let me down.”

  “I won’t, I promise. And thank you for saying that, it means a lot.”

  “No problem, anyway, how is everything going with the pack?”

  “Well, other than what happened between me and Ben, it’s going great. Everyone is happy, and some are even pregnant, which means the pack is going to expand. Ah, before I forget, more brown werewolves showed up, about twenty actually.”

  “Oh, really? Where did they come from? And do they have a place to stay?”

  “They came from varies countries. When they heard that you are back in control of this world again and that the rest of the pack lives here, they immediately packed their bags and came out here. They also said that there are more brown werewolves spread over the world, I don’t know how many, but they are planning to visit Brown’s Creek soon. And yes, they have a place to stay. It’s good that we built extra houses. And, the new wolves would love to meet their alpha, so if you have time later on then I could show you where they live.”

  “Yeah, that would be great. I still have to check out the new police station and see Amy, but after that, we could go and see them. Well, I still have to eat breakfast at home as well, but I will call you when I will have time. But, that is great news, that the pack is growing.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  They walk into Brown’s Creek and David says, “Alright, I have to go back home if you don’t mind.”

  “No problem, like I said, I will call you later then.”

  “That’s fine, bye,” David replies, as he walks off.

  Cole walks through the town, greets a lot of brown werewolves, has small talks with them and he checks out the new police station and also visits Amy for a short moment. After that, he goes back to his house and walks into the kitchen. The food is already laying on the table and Vanessa says, “Good, you’re a bit late but it doesn’t matter.”

  Cole and Vanessa take a seat at the dinner table and start eating. “So, did you speak with David?”

  “Yeah, he apologized, and he told me that it wouldn’t happen again.”

  “Oh, and you believe him?”

  “Yes, I mean, everyone deserves a second chance. But I also told him that if he won’t change, then I will be forced to pick another beta. By the way, this steak is so good.”

  Vanessa smiles and replies, “Thanks. But oh, I completely forgot to tell you that more brown werewolves came to this town.”

  “Yeah, David already told me about it. It’s great. But, enough about the pack and this town. I have a surprise for you,” Cole says with a bright smile on his face.

  “Really? What is it?”

  “Well, I missed my flight yesterday and I really wanted to make up for that. So, I thought, why not spend New Year’s Eve in Paris?”

  “Paris?! Really?!”

  “Yes, I already have the plane tickets and I already booked a suite with a view at the Eiffel tower.”

  “No way, that is amazing! I always wanted to visit Paris!” Vanessa replies, as she gets up, walks over to Cole and gives him a big hug. “Alright, get up,” Vanessa says.


  “Just, get up.”

  “Alright then,” Cole replies, as he gets up.

  Vanessa takes a couple of steps backward and puts both of her hands on her belly. She smiles and says, “Surprise!”

  Cole is visibly confused and asks, “Okay… what is the surprise exactly?”

  Vanessa laughs, and a tear rolls down her cheek. Cole gets even more confused but then sees Vanessa moving her hands in circular motions over her belly. His mouth falls open and he says, “No… no way! Are you serious?!”

  “Yes, I’m pregnant!”

  “Oh my god!” Cole replies, as he gives Vanessa a very tight hug.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Yes! Of course, I am! When did you find out?!”

  “Well, for the last few weeks I noticed that something was going on. I had all these different symptoms and, so I looked it up and bought a pregnancy test. And a couple of days ago I took it and it was positive.”

  “Oh my god! That is amazing!” Cole replies, as they give each other a big kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Cole takes a deep breath and says, “Wow, I did not expect that at all. We must celebrate this!”

  Vanessa laughs and replies, “Yes, maybe we should.”

  “Oh my god, your brother is coming here today as well. I’m wondering what he will say.”

  “Yes, me too, but let’s just finish our breakfast first and plan everything after that.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. But, now I get why you didn’t want to drink whiskey with me.”

  “True, I didn’t know I was pregnant back then, but I already had that feeling.”

  Cole smiles and they give each other another big hug and a kiss, and then sit back down at the dinner table and eat. They talk some more about it and a couple of hours later, Vanessa is seated on the couch in the living room and Cole picks up a framed picture of his mother and smiles. “Maybe we should visit your mother and your father’s grave today,” Vanessa says.

  “Yeah, mayb
e. All I know is that she would have gone crazy if she heard that I’m going to be a father,” Cole replies, as he puts the picture down and sits down next to Vanessa on the couch. “But, I would feel bad for you if we would.”


  “Because we are able to go to my mother and father’s grave, but we cannot go to your brother and mother’s grave right now.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t matter, really.”

  “Don’t you find it hard then?”

  “Of course, it’s hard. I would have loved to have talked to my mother about this and I would have loved to hear what advice she would have given me, but it’s just the way it is. I know she is still with me and I know she will help me. So, it really is no problem that I cannot visit their graves right now, trust me.”

  Cole gives her a kiss on her head and then the doorbell goes. Cole gets up, walks over to the front door and opens it. Brian is standing in front of it, alone, and this time he is wearing casual clothes, instead of a white suit. Cole gives him a quick hug and asks, “Where did the suit go?”

  Brian laughs and replies, “It is Christmas, I don’t need it right now.”

  Cole lets him in and they walk into the living room. Vanessa gives her brother a big hug and Cole grabs two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. Cole sits down next to Vanessa and Brian sits down on the couch across from them. Cole pours whiskey into both glasses and gives one to Brian. Brian takes a big sip and says, “Oh, just what I needed. So, how is everything going in Brown’s Creek? Is the pack okay?”

  “Yes, the pack is growing actually,” Vanessa replies.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah, more brown werewolves showed up and they live here now. Later today I should go and see them by the way, but yes, and some are pregnant, so it’s going great. What about your pack?”

  “It’s good, we already had more werewolves than your pack, but we’re growing as well. But, I also have to point out that a lot of white werewolves are located all over the world. But yes, everything is going well. It’s great to be the alpha and working with you and the others to keep the peace among all creatures.”

  Cole raises his glass and with a smile, he says, “Cheers to that.”


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