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Mastered by the Hired Man

Page 6

by Melissa Harlow

  "Don't be," he said gently. "I've forgotten how lovely you look when you come."

  She turned to face him, astonished by his reaction. She'd expected outrage, not kindness. James was possessive, even when he was only James, and not Master James.

  "Carlos is coming back, after he finishes with the horses," James said.


  "You haven't finished with him."

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "You're going to demonstrate your oral skills."

  She felt the color draining from her face. As many times as she had fantasized about sucking Carlos' cock she certainly hadn't imagined doing it, especially in front of James. In truth she had never imagined actually doing it at all. It was merely a fantasy, something she thought of.

  "Why do you look so upset, Lenore? As I recall, you have quite a talented mouth." He leaned against the door jam, steadying himself. "I like to remember."

  "Are you okay?" she said, rushing over to help support him.

  He recoiled from her, and Lenore reluctantly let go of him, knowing he hated her assistance. He slumped against the doorframe.

  "I've neglected you," he said, pressing an emaciated hand to his temple. "The way that you looked today, when you climaxed, the way your eyes sparkled. I haven't seen that in so long. You didn't fail me, Lenore, I have failed you."

  "No," she gasped, tears dangerously close to spilling out. "No, Sir, I failed you. I was weak." For a moment she considered confessing what had happened in the stable with Santiago, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

  He managed a feeble smile. "You have never been weak. Not ever, in the entire time that I have been blessed with your presence in my life you have been strong and graceful." His voice cracked with emotion and he held his hand up dismissively.

  "Go put something pretty on and wait for Carlos in my office."

  "Why are you doing this? You hate Carlos."

  "How I feel about him is of little importance. I'd considered asking Henry Blevens to look after you, but I can already see the way you feel, my problem with Carlos is mainly that I don't see him as a suitable choice."

  "Choice? Choice for what?"

  "For you. I have known for some time that you had needs that I was no longer able to provide, but to find that you have gone so far as to disobey everything you have been taught tells me that you need correction. You need a man to master you, but from all I can see Carlos is not that man."

  "I don't need anyone or anything except you!"

  "It's not going to be much longer, Lenore. It can't be, I can't tolerate it much more."

  There was a weakness in his voice that crushed her. Lenore refused to respond to it, and she abruptly turned and left the kitchen, unwilling to discuss the matter. James was going to be fine. He was her sun – the bright, shining part of her life, and he was not going to leave her. She would do as he asked with Carlos, but that would be all. Her heart belonged to James, and she would not allow Carlos any further inside. It had been a mistake to care for Carlos in the first place, and now she firmly resolved that she would never allow it to progress any further than whatever James insisted.

  She closed the bedroom door and leaned back against it, her thoughts in a jumble. Perhaps this was only another of James' tests. Maybe he was merely testing her to see if she would actually do this. But what about what happened earlier? If that was a test, and she'd already failed it, then why this? Lenore rubbed her temples, confused and frustrated. It didn't seem likely that he was just going to turn her over to Carlos, especially since Master James was now aware that she had feelings for Carlos.

  Just do what James says. That might be all Master James wanted. He probably enjoyed showing off to Carlos. It was time to stop with all this silly fantasy bullshit and behave the way she was supposed to.

  She dressed carefully ... for James, not Carlos. James' favorite, a tight, black, form-fitting, silk dress that buttoned down the front with elaborate gold clasps, no bra or panties, only a lacey garter belt and a pair of black silk stockings. Not fishnet, because James didn't like that. Tacky, he'd always said. He preferred plain stockings with a seam that ran up the back of the leg. Even her shoes were carefully selected, an impossibly high pair of pointed stilettos that pushed her toes so tightly together that it hurt to wear them. The pain would be good, she wanted to be distracted, she didn't want to think about Carlos or analyze the feelings she had for him.

  The dress didn't fit as well as the last time she'd worn it; it wasn't so much that she had put on weight, rather the weight had shifted. Her large, heavy breasts were losing their war against gravity. She pushed them up, positioning them beneath the fabric, but the thin silk offered no support, and they slid and sagged again. Annoyed, she turned in the full-length mirror and made sure the seams on her stockings were perfectly straight.

  Her ass was still burning. She looked over her shoulder in the mirror at the flashes of pink that still remained. And there was purple already darkening to black ... he'd bruised her. She ran her own hands over the marks left by Carlos' hand, reigniting the pain. Pressing her hand to the print on her ass, careful that it was all lined up she brought her hand down in a slap over the mark Carlos had given her. She struck only part of it, her own hand much smaller than Carlos' but it stung beautifully. Her pussy throbbed with need. She glared at her reflection in the mirror. You have James, your husband! Stop behaving like a child! You do not need Carlos!

  Lenore went back to readying herself, applying bright red lipstick carefully, accentuating her full lips with care, knowing it would smear, it would smear and she'd look like a five-dollar whore, just the way James liked. The shade was called Crimson Star but James had christened it Slut Red. Carlos' cock would be smeared with Slut Red. Carlos, so beautiful ... oh, no! This had to be about James, she refused to acknowledge her attraction to Carlos any longer. James could have thrown her out years ago, but he hadn't. He'd taken care of her, and she owed him appreciation and loyalty. She'd never been good enough for James, what further proof did she need! Now, again, she was going to be made to show Carlos what a slut she was. Santiago already knew; he'd masturbated her in the barn, allowed her to fuck herself on his hand.

  Tears sparkled in her eyes. She was just like Alma. All the years of pretending she was a lady, living here in this pretty house as Master James' wife hadn't changed what she'd always been. A slut. Every punishment James had ever administered to her she had deserved, and each one had only made her more insatiable.

  She wiped her eyes carefully, running a fingertip beneath each one, careful not to smear her eyeliner. She wasn't going to do this, wasn't going to think about what she really was, or what she really wanted. She was Lenore Acheson, the wife and property of Master James, nothing more, nothing less.

  Usually she kept her hair up; it was cooler that way and it didn't get in her face, but she removed all of the clips and let it spill wildly free. She didn't brush it, arranging it in a tangle of curls over her shoulders, shaking her head so that it fell into her face, trying to hide her eyes.

  Her heart fluttered wildly when she heard the front door chimes.

  "Lenore, your guest is here," James' voice rang up the hallway.

  With a final nervous glance in the mirror, Lenore teetered nervously on the shoes that crushed her toes down the hall and towards James' office.

  Lenore held her head high as she entered the room. James was in his easy chair, appearing paler than ever. Tomorrow they should take a walk down to the lake, she decided. He could use a bit of sunshine.

  She approached James, ignoring Carlos, who sat looking more uncomfortable than she was, in the wingback chair near the fireplace.

  "My, don't you look lovely," James sighed. "Turn and show Carlos."

  She did, trying hard not to make any eye contact. He made her weak when she looked at him. She did not want to want to do this. But she did want to, and moisture oozed between her legs. Should have worn some damn panties...

Are you naked beneath your dress?" James asked.

  Damn it, he knew she was! "Yes, Sir, except for my garter belt and stockings."

  "Good girl," James said with genuine appreciation. "Remove the dress for him."

  "I ... I don't want to." She cringed at her own words. She was lying, and she was blatantly disobeying James.

  James clicked his tongue disparagingly. "You know better than that, Lenore." She heard his leather chair creak behind her. "You should be punished for that remark." He laughed, rich and warm, as if he were truly happy. She knew that he wasn't, and it tore at her heart. He'd done everything for her, given her so much, and all she'd ever had to give him in return was herself. She'd failed him.

  A single tear blazed a warm trail down her cheek and she turned to look at her husband's face. "Why are you doing this, Sir?"

  "Don't question me, Lenore!" James snapped. "Why are you crying? It's pointless. Are you trying to pretend that you are ashamed to allow him to see your body? He's had his tongue in your cunt for Christ's sake. You came on his face. I don't think you have anything left to hide from him. Surely this reluctance is not something you're putting on for me? You should be well aware that I know what a little slut you have always been, now remove the dress."

  Her fingers shook as she undid the clasps. All the time spent putting this on, and already she had to take it off. When she finally stole a peek at Carlos' face she found it amusing the way he was the one who looked embarrassed. The blush on his face empowered her and her nerves calmed. Back in check of her emotions, she concentrated on being seductive, and when the dress fell in a silken puddle at her feet she boldly stood naked directly in front of Carlos' chair and managed to look him in the eyes.

  "Kneel for him," James demanded.

  Lenore knelt at Carlos' feet. He was dirty, he smelled of the horses and the stable. Lenore breathed the scent in, remembering nights she'd spent in the stable with James. The scent was more than just that of the stable however, she could smell Carlos. His sweat, his musk, and she could almost swear that she could smell his arousal, or perhaps, it was only hers. Over the scent of the leather furniture and James' cigars, she could definitely smell something out of the ordinary. She inhaled deeply, and could nearly taste him in the air.

  Okay, Lenore, concentrate. She glanced up at his face, and that was all it took to melt her. Handsome perfection, the most amazing man she'd ever looked at. Forget not wanting to do this, she could hardly wait. No ... this was for James, not for Carlos.

  "I'm sorry for my behavior earlier, Sir," Lenore said, speaking more to James than to Carlos. "I took my pleasure without earning it, and did not return it, which is unacceptable."

  Carlos was trembling and she found herself hoping that James wouldn't notice. She didn't like that he thought Carlos was weak.

  "With your permission, Sir, I would like to suck your cock." There was a tremble in her voice; a tremble that she worried would make James think her weak. And she was. It felt like a lifetime since James had been able to perform sexually, and she still had intense cravings that she tried to ignore. James had made her life all about sex; for their entire marriage, she had served him gratefully, unselfishly, but the sexual limbo she now lived in was frustrating.

  Carlos' eyes widened, and he glanced over at James.

  "She's speaking to you, Carlos," James said.

  "Yes," he said softly, so softly it was nearly inaudible.

  "No," James said. "You are in charge Carlos, speak to her with authority. Tell her what you want."

  Carlos looked dazed, but he swallowed hard and looked down at her. "Suck my cock," he demanded, in an almost-convincing voice.

  Her hands fumbled a bit on the button of his pants, and the zipper sounded terribly loud in the silence of James' office. The grandfather clock ticked nearly as loud in the corner. She eased his underwear down and his cock sprang out, already stiff and swollen. She tried not to look surprised or impressed, although she was truly both.

  Carlos Ortiz packed one hell of a formidable weapon and it was pointed directly at her. She'd been with only Miguel before James, and had never encountered any cock as sizeable as the one naked and straining in her direction. His wiry pubic hairs were jet black, and his shaft was thick and streaked with blue veins.

  She nervously wet her lips as she thought of the way his mouth had made her feel. Glorious, he had unselfishly pleased her. And, she'd asked him to stop ... which he had not. She smiled a little to herself – he was going to pay for that very soon.

  She began the same way that she would have if he were Master James, by kissing the head of his cock softly. She swore she could hear James' voice in her head, even though he sat watching, silently.

  Kiss your Master's cock, Lenore.

  Carlos sighed, so very sweetly, as her lips eagerly touched his warm skin.

  She kissed the head of his cock again, this time leaving her lips pressed up against it longer, feeling them growing wet as his cock oozed pre-cum.

  He tasted salty and musky, and she dipped her tongue into the slit at the tip coaxing out just a bit more. Learn your Master's taste. Savor it.

  Carlos shifted forward in the chair. He tried to be nonchalant, but Lenore knew better: he was trying to give her easier access.

  She was continually aware of her power as she licked and teased him. Carlos remained still; James had never been still, he'd always immediately taken control and forced her head down. She shifted her knees on the hardwood floor, feeling a breeze from the open window tickle her overheated body.

  She was not going to make him come; all she was going to do was torment him, it would serve him right for not stopping before, when she'd asked.

  James' voice startled her because she'd been concentrating so hard on teasing Carlos that she'd almost forgotten he was there. "Carlos, it's obvious that she's not doing it properly. I think you should correct her."

  She lazily let her tongue slide over the ridge and peeked up at Carlos' face. His jaw was clenched tight, and his eyes were black. He wanted her to take it all, and she couldn't resist.

  Slowly, Lenore took the head in her mouth and began to take the length in. She tried to take it carefully, he was much larger than Master James. Over the years she had learned to perform flawlessly for Master James and she never gagged and never displeased him. Worship your Master's cock.

  "Correct her, Carlos," James insisted. "She always tries to be such a fucking little tease because she likes to be punished for it. You've got one hell of a cock there, boy. Feed it to her – let's see if she can take one that big. I don't think she can."

  There was almost an urgency in James' voice. Was it possible that he was actually enjoying the prospect of watching his wife deep-throat the hired man's cock?

  Carlos' fingers caressed her face for a moment before he grabbed her hair and pulled her closer. She gagged when he [Chris Hal1] hit her throat, something that James would not have tolerated, but Carlos let out a moan when she did it, as if it had pleased him.

  To her surprise she heard James laugh. "There you go Carlos, don't let her tease you, make her work. Use your hands, hold her head, and fuck her mouth. Use her. Lenore likes to be used, that is her purpose."

  Carlos' hands tightened their grip. Pulling her forward onto his cock, he began to thrust his hips up, easing his cock in and out of her mouth. She struggled to keep her mouth open and her throat relaxed, but since she was unaccustomed to his size, she gagged and sputtered.

  Each time he brought her head forward onto his cock, he seemed to press a little farther. She choked as his cock hit the back of her throat again, but she couldn't pull away. He held her fast as he began a relentless slow fuck. Her eyes watered until tears slid down her face, but she was keenly aware that her eyes weren't the only thing watering.

  Carlos' breathing was raspy and ragged. He pumped his cock into her harder and faster. Then he pressed back even farther. Her nose was pressed into his wiry pubic hair.

  Lenore's throat fel
t raw and her jaw ached, but the more persist ache was the emptiness in her tingling pussy. She felt his body jump and she cupped his balls softly, forcing a groan from his lips as he seemed to melt in her mouth.

  Lenore eagerly swallowed his thick cum, sucking harder with each twitch of his cock. She looked up at Carlos, his eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open ... oh, she should have never looked at him. He made her feel ... he made her want.

  James is my sun she repeated over and over in her head. Carlos' grip on her hair slacked, and his hand caressed her cheek softly, the coarse calluses on the pads of his fingers scraping across her skin, tracing gently down her jawline. James is my sun.

  Carlos shifted forward on the chair as she let his cock slip out of her lips, as if he didn't want this to be over. She kissed the tip lovingly, not wanting it to be over either.

  "Thank you," he whispered.

  James is my sun. Carlos is my moon. Lenore rested her head in his lap.

  "You may go now, Carlos," James said coldly.

  Carlos struggled to tuck his softening cock away and fasten his pants. Lenore remained kneeling motionless on the floor at his feet. A part of her felt filled with joy and pride that she had pleased him and yet, another part of her wanted to weep. James must hate her. She kept her eyes on the floor, not wanting to see Carlos' face.

  She didn't look up as Carlos left James' office. He shut the door behind him and she heard the soft thump as he closed the front door.

  "Come here, Lenore," James said. She couldn't identify the emotion in his voice. Anger? He almost sounded ... aroused. An interesting thought, that her husband would get so excited by something that she'd been certain would enrage him.

  She stood silent and unmoving by James' chair, and she gasped when he touched her. It had been so long since he'd touched her, she nearly moaned as his fingers traced softly up and down on her moist inner thigh. His finger skimmed up and down her slit, feeling her wetness. Her body ached with helpless longing ... a longing that she knew would not be fulfilled.

  "You can be all his when I'm gone, Lenore. For now, you are not all his, you are mine. For now, I make the decisions – I decide what you can and cannot do. When I'm gone, if you chose to belong to him, then you may. If that's what you want, if that what makes you happy then you can."


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