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The Craft of the Wise 4: Healing Hearts

Page 4

by Dee Carney

  His hand still rested on her back. The gentle stroke he slid over her could have tipped his hand, but nothing in the other demons’ or Dina’s behavior suggested they noticed. She let their inattentiveness provide a small measure of courage in what seemed an ill-fated venture.

  “Dina, answer me this.” Could the other witch hear the tremor in her voice? “Did you expect him to believe you? I mean, demon or not, Devin isn’t so gullible as to think you are capable of helping him. I’m not certain what kind of promises you’ve made, but you’re just not that good.”

  Dina’s face reddened, and then paled.

  “The last time I checked, even if you were the one to curse him, you don’t have the skill to remove the demon-touch. Not many witches do.” She glanced at him over her shoulder before turning to stare Dina down. “I mean, Devin, have you ever wondered why a witch chooses to concentrate on certain aspects of the Craft while others focus elsewhere? I bet she didn’t explain to you that some gifts just come naturally to some. No matter how hard she might study, other aspects of the Craft will always seem just out of grasp. That’s because in order to maintain the natural order, most witches are given maybe one or two gifts to work with. Mayda Valentine is a rare exception and why she’s our High Priestess.”

  She felt Devin tensing behind her. Based on the way Dina’s face dropped, something about her words struck a chord. Perhaps she’d tried to convince Devin of the very opposite thing. Feeling braver, Selena continued.

  “Mayda and Ava Valentine have knowledge and the capability to successfully work most spells. That’s why the Book of Shadows is so important to them. Liana is another rare gem. I don’t think you’ve met her, Devin. She could very well be a High Priestess, just not as powerful as Mayda. I could go through the coven name by name and point out their amazing skills. Me? I’m not like any of them. My skills are a little more mundane.” She shrugged. “All I can do is heal.”

  “When you said you could help me…” Devin’s voice caught.

  “Has Dina spent her time trying to convince you that the curse should stay? That you have no reason to want its removal? How many times have you listened to her and not questioned why?”

  “I—I needed the appropriate tools. The appropriate preparations, Devin. Don’t let her sway your belief in my ability to remove the curse.”

  Selena laughed. “You need another millennium of life to learn how to heal in a way that comes naturally to me.” Goddess, talking down to Dina was easy while pretending that a horde of demons didn’t surround them. Although, the immense satisfaction she received from watching Dina squirm made her warm all over.

  She almost stumbled when Devin strode past her to reach Dina’s side. He grabbed her by the throat, squeezing until the flesh beneath his fingers turned white. “Is it true?” he growled. “All this time you’ve been falsely leading me on?”

  Little more than a squeak came out of Dina’s mouth. Her face reddened as his grip tightened. The other demons shifted where they stood, but none made a move to come to her rescue.

  “Who’s right, witch? Are you able to remove it or not?”

  Dina’s hands scratched at his, but he didn’t loosen his hold. When her lips began to turn blue, Selena’s own fear for her heightened. If he didn’t allow her some oxygen soon, there’d be one less witch in the world.


  “Devin.” She’d kick herself later for coming to Dina’s aid, but in the long run, she’d feel worse if she did absolutely nothing. Even Dina didn’t deserve this sort of end. Her crimes against witchdom demanded retribution, but not necessarily death.

  He ignored her still, so she walked over to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Selena said again softly, “Devin.”

  When he glanced down on her, the intensity behind his red eyes made her shudder. He dipped his chin in a curt nod though and dropped his arm. Dina collapsed in a heap next to him. Her desperate, ragged breathing an indication of just how close she’d come to being choked to death.

  She looked up at them both with venom in her eyes. “How dare you.”

  “Don’t bore me, witch. You value yourself more highly than you should.”

  “Value myself? I’ve brought order to the demon realm. I’ve—”

  Devin chuckled, a hollow, mirthless sound. “Do you really think they care about that? Do you think they care about you?” He bent at the waist, bringing his face close to hers. “Who do you think the demons will back in a fight, a witch…or another demon?”

  She scrambled away from him, kicking up dust in her hurry. That didn’t stop Devin from advancing like a dark menace. He said, “Only one who can keep her promise is valuable to them. Prove yourself, witch. End my curse!”

  Selena almost feared for him in that moment. The way Dina glared at him gave every indication just how quickly she could turn on and off her attraction to him. The fact he rebuffed her every advance didn’t help his case any. In that moment, she wondered if Dina tolerated him because she couldn’t do anything else. Regardless, if she had been the impetus for the curse in the first place, she created a monster she could not control. Her only resort would be to destroy him.

  Dina rose to her knees before standing. Her clothing, now caked with dust, emitted puffs of dirt as she moved. When she stood, she no longer seemed the beautiful vixen intent on domination. She looked like a dirty child in need of a nap.

  She lifted her gaze to Devin and, when she spoke, her voice held all the huskiness and cunning Selena had always known her for. “Bring her. First, we sacrifice the witch. After that, we end your curse. Then we’ll see just who is the valuable one.”

  Chapter Seven

  Despite the callousness of her words, Selena listened with little more than contempt for what Dina had to say. Obvious to her, and possibly Devin, Dina couldn’t deliver on what she promised. Even though Selena didn’t feel she could trust him completely yet, no one could deny that Dina had shown her true colors. And they resembled a cowardly yellow.

  Dina whirled on her heels and pushed through a small formation of demons. Behind them, Selena spied something she hadn’t noticed before. A stone tableau had been erected at the trees’ border. On the surface, several witch’s tools lay side by side. She recognized a grimoire, a chalice, an athame and a caldron. Surrounding them were a few unlit candles and various herbs, most of which she didn’t recognize, however. Probably native to this realm if she had to guess. Off to the side, almost hidden, a beautiful offering bowl rested.

  “Bring her,” Dina called over her shoulder.

  With her heart thudding louder than she thought possible, she looked to Devin whose expression hadn’t changed. The emotions behind his eyes were unreadable, even if her faith in him had begun to grow again.

  Trust me.

  She held on to those words, wanting to believe in them. Really she did. But between the two dozen demons surrounding her, the evil glint in Dina’s glare and the fact a demon nee werewolf asked for that trust was—well—overwhelming to say the least! Still, she forged ahead.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked side by side with Devin until they reached Dina who filled the offering bowl with liquid and slid a medallion inside. Although the words she chanted didn’t mean much, Selena listened enraptured to the way they rolled off her tongue. Perhaps she’d been too quick to judge Dina’s abilities because to her knowledge, no one else in the coven could speak the native language of the demons with such fluidity. The short clicks and staccato jumble of words played like a song.

  Dina swayed to the melody she sang. She lit the candles one by one, the rites of a ritual evident. The crinkle of leaves could be heard despite her chanting as she crumpled them in her hand. The pieces of leaves were scattered into the offering bowl. Then she dipped her fingers into the liquid and with the other hand pointed up. When she finished chanting, she turned. “Cat got your tongue, Selena? You’re awfully quiet now compared to before.”

  Selena could only stare in part horror, part awe. />
  Well, hell.

  Her coven sisters’ ears would be ringing, but she couldn’t come up with any better phrase. If they witnessed what she stared at now, they would be at an equal loss for words.

  The sky above them darkened. The rolling of clouds allowed only snatches of light in the dark sky. The clean scent of rain filled the air and, as if to exacerbate the effect, off in the distance a low rumble of thunder sounded. If they didn’t find shelter soon, they’d be drenched. No doubt, something just shy of a hurricane brewed. Then she noticed the one thing about the unnatural change around them that made her skin crawl.

  A large rip, like the one found in her favorite silk shirt she swore she’d someday repair, made a ragged hole directly opposite of where Selena outstretched her arm. The aberration extended as far as she could see in both directions. Nothing came out of the opening, if anything it might have been a vacuum of space.

  “What is that?” she cried.

  “How much skill do you think is required to open a rift between the demon realm and the world you call home, healer? Do you really think I don’t have enough power to fix some stupid curse?” Dina pointed to the tear. “Are you so sure about that?”

  This was bad. This was so bad.

  Goddess help them all.

  The strength of Devin’s presence behind her washed over Selena, wrapped around her until she could almost feel its embrace. His previous calm, mental reassurance provided a solid foundation beneath legs that felt like overcooked spaghetti. Underneath her thundering heartbeat, she could scarcely hear his whispery words, but she couldn’t deny their effect. Devin was her rock at this moment in time.

  “Stoking evil is not a sign of power,” she said with a shaky voice. “Anyone who would turn their back on the Craft, on goodness, could destroy just about anything she wanted.”

  Dina turned eyes filled with rage on her. “Yes, she could, sister. Anything or anyone.”

  “Goddess, Dina, do you understand what you’ve done? With that rift, you threaten not only to open the way between realms, but you could destroy both of them if it becomes unstable. Is that really what you want?”

  “I’m too good to allow that to happen.”

  A spike of courage appeared out of nowhere and Selena took a step forward. “Are you? Are you sure?”

  Devin stepped between them, and she used those precious seconds to gulp down air, trying to figure out how in heaven’s name she would get out of this mess. She was no match for Dina. Never had been and never would be. But this…this destructive path their enemy set them on had to be diverted.

  The sure strength of Devin’s voice eased the tension surrounding them. “If you’re so powerful, Dina, why not up the ante?”

  Selena peeked around him in time to catch the puzzlement on her enemy’s face. “What do you mean?”

  “Send the witch back. Let her carry a warning message to those who would try and stop you.” His voice dropped lower, almost seductive in the way it stroked along Selena’s spine. “Show everyone that even with the combined actions of witches and werewolves working against you, you’re still able to connect the two realms permanently.”

  Dina frowned. “I need her to remove your curse, or have you changed your mind?”

  “I still don’t believe you can do it. Do this first, and if you succeed—”

  “There’s no doubt, werewolf.”

  “If you succeed, there’ll be plenty of witches to choose from.” He lifted a shoulder and let it fall. “Who knows? With demons wreaking havoc amongst humans, overrunning werewolves and the like, I might find it in my best interests to stay exactly as I am.”

  To Selena’s utter surprise, Dina paused, mulling over his words. For her to consider this self-destructive course pointed to how unstable Dina’s mind worked. Never mind it worked in Selena’s favor.

  Dina lifted her gaze to meet Devin’s. “One condition.”

  “What would that be?” He folded his arms over themselves, widening his stance.

  “When I have permanently opened the gateway, I get your,” she pointed a long finger at him, “undivided loyalty. In everything.”



  The simultaneous clash of their words made Devin turn and look at Selena. In his red eyes, she saw his humanity, and his love for her. His willingness to sacrifice what they’d found if it meant keeping her alive.

  His gaze still locked on hers, he murmured, “Send her back, Dina, and I’m all yours.”

  Selena’s heart dropped in that moment.

  * * * *

  “Your brother doesn’t give you enough credit.”

  Her head rested against his chest. The slow rise and fall rocked her into a lull. Her mind was a whirl of plans and ideas, fears, and decisions. She should run inside to tell the others she had returned safely, but for just a few minutes more she wanted this time alone with him.

  They owed him. Big.

  Dina sent Selena back without ceremony, landing her in the safety of Ava’s yard. Bolts of fear made her blood run cold when she realized Devin wasn’t beside her. Before she could panic, he appeared, still as a demon. His form didn’t matter. He was here.

  For now, she sat cradled next to him on the lawn. A large oak tree blocked their view of the house, but at the same time, it blocked anyone inside from seeing them.

  He said nothing as he watched her. The uncharacteristic silence made him seem torn on how to proceed before at last, he finally spoke. “I had to make sure you returned safely. I can’t stay here.”

  She reached for him. “Please, Devin. Just for a little while. I—I’m confused. I just need to talk it out, for a second.”


  She lifted her gaze to stare into his eyes. “You knew we were going about this the wrong way, didn’t you?”

  “Just a hunch. Dina worked hard on opening the rift. Because that task was so important to her, I assumed it would then be important to you. I just didn’t think the coven was as prepared as it could have been.”

  “But if we’d taken Dina down without closing the hole she created, it would have been bad for both sides.”

  “If you say so.” He looked away. ”Just know that despite what you see in front of you, I don’t want the world overrun with demons, either.”

  Again, wistfulness crept into his voice. She thought he would have shifted when he crossed over, but the demon form stayed with him. She cupped his jaw in her hand and tilted his face toward hers. “You could have joined sides with Dina and let her try to remove the curse first, but you didn’t. I want you to know this, Devin. I will do everything in my power to remove the curse. Everything.”

  “I know. And don’t think I’m not aware that my bargain with Dina depends on it.” He smiled, his razor sharp teeth flashing at her. Before she met him, she might have run screaming from the sight. Now, his amusement made her smile in return.

  She stared a moment longer into eyes red like rubies and made a decision. When she slid her hand behind his head, a flash of confusion crossed his features. He might have sensed her own hesitation, but she brushed it aside as quickly as it had risen. She wanted this.

  Selena elevated herself just a little bit more and touched her mouth to his. He pulled away, startled when she opened her eyes to meet his astonished ones. Such as they were, his brows were elevated high on his forehead. He shook his head.

  “No, no…not when I’m a demon.”

  “What you are at this moment is not who you are. Who you are is Devin Remington, the man who says he loves me, and Devin? Yes...oh, baby, yes.”

  He didn’t resist her when she brushed her mouth against his this time. He tensed as if ready to bolt, but she had no plans of letting him go anywhere. She let her lips play against his, caressing, soothing him until he kissed her back.

  When his arms wrapped around her, she knew she’d won. And when he all but melted against her, shaky confidence grew until it stood firm.

  Time stood still
as she let herself become swept away by the feel of him. Demon or werewolf, the man beneath, the one she wanted to spend time with and get to know, had caught a hold of her heart in a short time. She couldn’t return his feelings—not yet—but without a doubt in her mind, she knew one day he’d have her body and soul.

  The crunch of leaves as someone stepped on them upon approach broke her reverie. They broke apart as a male voice cursed. “God damn it.” The bright glare of a flashlight made her shift her face away. “Make this easy on everyone and don’t move, Devin.”

  Holding a hand up to block the beam, Selena squinted in the direction of the voice. “Vince?”

  The lieutenant ignored her, keeping the concentration of light on Devin. “Whatever you do, Devin, just don’t move. After that stunt you pulled, your brother’s gunning for you. I don’t know what you were thinking, but between the pack and the coven, everyone’s out for your head.”

  Chapter Eight

  They allowed her time to shower and change into some decent clothing before she had to appear before Mayda with an explanation. No one had to tell her how much trouble she was in. The looks on their faces and the silence in the room as she walked past the other witches was a dead giveaway. Not to mention Mayda’s slow inspection of her wearing nothing more than Devin’s shirt resulted in a flood of heat washing over her face. Somehow she’d completely forgotten about the circumstances leading to traveling into the demon realm.

  By the time she arrived in the conference room, as they called the room in the basement these days, most of the key players had already assembled. The room’s rumble of noise fell away when they noticed her. One by one, conversations died, as she stood poised in the entranceway. She spotted him almost immediately.

  Devin—the werewolf—fixed her with a look of such desire her blood boiled. Her heartbeat raced at the sight, a subconscious brush of her tongue over now dry lips the only movement she could make beneath the intensity of his gaze. Goddess above, she could almost forget the others waited with them. When he looked at her like that, she could believe the two of them stood against the world.


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