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It's A Crime

Page 4

by C. E. Hansen

  I was happy for the distraction. I took the opportunity to clear my head, still recovering from the frying of my brain cells.

  “Uh-hum.” Cole cleared his throat.

  “Please sit.” I waved my hand toward Michelle’s chair.

  Cole instead pulled an empty chair from the table behind us, making sure to leave Michelle’s chair empty for her when she returned, a thoughtfulness that didn’t get past my observation. He lowered himself slowly, pulling his chair close to me. I lifted and emptied the remaining bourbon down my throat. Its warmth once again resigned me to the fact this was going to be one hell of a nasty hangover.

  Fuck it.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize I said that out loud.” I blushed. More from the effects of the drink, as I seldom blush. I don’t have that filter, let alone when I’m drinking.

  “Ready for that drink now?”

  “I can be persuaded.” I used my “sexy voice” and was rewarded with that killer smile. Holy Hell!

  Cole turned his head toward the bar, fully expecting Sarah would be right there waiting on his next demand. This must happen to him regularly, women just standing waiting for the slightest chance to have any interaction with him. I did notice she, like most of the women in this bar, couldn’t take her eyes off him. I, myself, was not impervious. He raised his hand extending two long fingers into the air ordering another round. Sarah nodded, smiled weakly, looking defeated, and turned to get our drinks.

  I wasn’t crying for her; she wouldn’t be going home alone tonight. She never did. And after what I went through with that psycho Jonathan, I wouldn’t be opposed to mindless sex with a stranger.

  Cole was looking at me; the intensity of his gaze sent heat coursing through my veins. All I could think was how much I would like to have his hands and mouth doing things to my body. I shuddered at the thought. I was pretty sure he would be a God in the sack. He licked his lips and my libido jumped through the roof. He stood and walked over to the bar to get the drinks. I was drawn to his perfect body, observing how superbly his biceps, legs and ass flexed as he moved. My thoughts ran away from me and I found myself fantasizing about how hard his body would feel against me, how well-endowed he was. The flush rose from my neck to my face. I had to rein myself in.

  I yelled out, “Put those on my tab, Sarah. Thanks.” Sassy.

  She smiled and muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. I’m pretty sure I heard “rich bitch” in there somewhere. I smiled back at her, my widest, most beguiling smile, which earned me a hearty chuckle from Cole. It was a sexy low grumble that rose from deep down in his chest. He handed me my drink and clinked his glass against mine.

  “Thank you.” He paused. “I have to say, I am not in the habit of having a beautiful woman buy me a drink.” A hint of displeasure colored his voice.

  “Oh, that is so yesterday,” I interjected. “Women have been liberated for some time now, didn’t you get the notice?”

  He leaned back in the chair, arms crossed over his broad chest, watching me as if this was a game for him. His gaze was unwavering and trained on my face, although I did notice the occasional lingering glance on my tits.

  “Like what you see?” I asked sardonically.

  “Very much so.” His voice was smoldering. Excitement built up in my core.

  “Well, Ace, I have had a very bad day and an even worse evening.” I paused. “I’m not looking for romance and flowers and I’m not up for a mind game. I’m a little skittish right now.”

  “I understand. What is do you want, Grace?” His expression was focused, serious, his tone warm.

  “I’m more in the market for a mindless fuck and you have me all twisted inside. You following me?”

  He arched his eyebrow slightly but if he was surprised by my boldness it didn’t show; his gaze remained focused on my face. Apparently, my bold attitude wasn’t unnerving him even a little. Good.

  “I am.”

  “I don’t want any hurt feelings. I just want us to enjoy each other’s company.”

  “I am enjoying your company.”

  “You asked what I want. That is what I want.”

  “I like a woman who knows what she wants.”

  “Be forewarned, I’m very exacting.”

  “I aim to please.” He paused. “I don’t think you would be disappointed.”

  We both stared at each other for a long minute, neither willing to break the sexual tension.

  “Now, if you would tell me what I need to do to seal the deal, so to speak?”

  His voice was so low, so sexy my heart started beating faster. I felt that inexplicable pull to him again. As if he radiated a silent need I was unconsciously attuned to answering.

  “So, it’s ‘let’s make a deal’?”

  “I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.” He looked slowly around the room, his mood light. “But before you say no, take a good long look at me and let me know if you see a man who is easily put off.”

  I wasn’t able to look anywhere else. The look on his face had me panting, his determination evident. I shuddered. I was moist and throbbing for his cock, frenzied with the desire to feel him inside me. Trying hard to not let him see my need, I laughed weakly and looked over his shoulder down the length of the bar. Indeed all the single ladies here, and some not so single, would love to be the one he took home. I was sure you could throw in a few men too.

  “Feeling a bit sure of your skills, are you?” I threw at him.

  “Sweetheart, if there is one thing I know you will be smiling. Perhaps a bit sore, but smiling.”

  “I like making deals.” I licked my lips in anticipation. “However, the jury is still out on whether you can keep up with me. What are your credentials?”

  “I make deals that look impossible possible, and of course closing the deal, so to speak.” He spoke slowly, confidence oozing out of every pore.

  Michelle came back in, once again breaking the building tension. She looked back and forth between us and decided this was something she wanted no part of. She turned toward me and said, “Jeff is coming to pick me up. He’ll be here in a few minutes. He wants to ‘talk,’ so he said.”

  She made quotation marks with her fingers in the air, something she did often when telling me the other side of a conversation. “You know, explain things, apologize. I’m going to run outside to grab a fast smoke before he gets here.” I hated that she smoked, but she took my faults and loved me regardless, I could do no less. “I’ll be back in a few, if he walks in before I get back.”

  She grabbed a cigarette and her lighter from her coat pocket and made a beeline for the side door, the “smoking section” as we jokingly referred to the small patio on the side. Thanks to Mayor Bloomberg, a very small amount of space in the City remained where you were allowed to smoke. I applauded his Honor’s efforts—Michelle not so much.

  We remained seated both sizing the other up in total silence until Michelle came back. The intense allure he radiated was built in strength, developing into a near-physical impression of his inexorable power over my libido.

  “Everything okay here? I’m getting a weird vibe.” Her concern was obvious. “Listen, I can tell Jeff I’ll see him later.” She leaned in between us, blocking Cole’s view and spoke directly to me. “Really, I don’t mind.”

  “No, everything here is fine.” My voice sounded strange, even to me. “You go and see Jeff, straighten his ass out.”

  “I plan to.” She was looking at me worriedly. “Are you going to be okay here?”

  “I’m fine, really, go take care of Jeff.”

  Cole sat there looking back and forth, following our conversation. Taking it all in stride.

  “Um, I see Jeff outside,” she said. “I’m gonna go, if you’re okay with that.”

  When she received no response, she continued, “You WILL call or text me later so I know where you are.” She leaned in toward my ear and said, speaking low, “Don’t do anything stupid. You
don’t know a thing about this guy. The City is full of creeps and you know that. Jon-a-than,” she said sing-song like.

  “It’s fine, Michelle. I’ll be fine, Michelle,” I reassured her. “I’ll call you in a little while. Go and don’t take any shit from Jeff. I’ll be fine…really,” I repeated once again for emphasis.

  I stood and gave her a quick hug. Cole stood when I did.

  Michelle looked right at Cole. “I love her just the way she looks now.” Pointing up and down, she indicated my body. “Do not let anything happen to her that may change that.” Without warning, she raised her cell to her face. The flash of the camera blinded us both. I stood there, mouth agape, Cole shook his head and laughed.

  “Michelle, I am nothing if not a gentleman.” He bowed mockingly toward her, still blinking from the flash.

  “Then don’t forget she is a lady,” Michelle said, the tenacity in her voice coming through. It took all I had in me not to laugh out loud. Lady.

  “Nothing will happen to her that she doesn’t want to happen.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” She was admonishing me.

  “She’ll look just as happy when you see her next, if not happier.” His voice remained pleasant and soothing,

  She hugged me again and walked out, turning once more to get another good look at Cole, sizing him up and down slowly. I assume to make sure she would have a good description to go along with the picture she took, to give the police should they need it.

  I sat down, drained. Smiling, looking relieved, Cole sat and looked directly into my eyes.

  “Yeah, she will do that to you, drain you.”

  “She is just worried about her friend. I can’t fault her for that.” He smiled. “But yes, she is a little intense.”

  He slowly lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip. He looked so good I had to literally restrain myself from jumping him and ripping his clothes off.

  “I just want to warn you I’m very set in my ways. I don’t like men too controlling. I do what I like, when I like it and how I like it. Tell me now if that is a problem.”

  “Listen.” He pulled himself up and leaned in close to me, setting his face on the tips of his long fingers. “I may sound blunt to you but I am always honest. You can count on me to always be truthful. I don’t lie. EVER. Nor do I tolerate being lied to,” he said with conviction. “I have as much a need to be in control as do you. Obviously neither one of us wants to give up that edge.” He paused purposefully. “I want you. I have to admit I’ve been hard for you since I first saw you sitting here...and we wouldn’t be having this discussion now if you didn’t want me.”

  “Conceit is not a good color on you.” I looked directly into his eyes, a smile playing on my lips.

  “Like you, I also want what I want.” A wicked smile grew on his face. “And I want you.”

  The huskiness of his voice made me all hot and bothered. I did want him, more than my next breath. I turned my head and looked back toward the bar, trying to gain perspective. If I could look away from him for a few moments, it would clear my head and give me the time I needed to gain my composure. His proximity was making me wet; I needed to think. The bourbons I drank definitely didn’t help.

  He could have any woman in this bar. All of whom would go with him in a millisecond. So why the hell this amazing looking guy chose me was a mystery.

  Surely he was not desperate for company. He was gorgeous and filthy rich judging by his clothing and boots that cost, by my estimate, over two thousand dollars. Seeing that fashion is my game, I know of what I speak. He sported a platinum Rolex, the same as I own sans the diamonds. This man had it all going for him.

  What kind of woman goes out and fucks a virtual stranger? I’m beginning to think me. I was feeling horny and frustrated and just wanted to have a little fun. I have no intention of falling for him or anyone else for that matter.

  “A question for you, Ace, why me?” I asked, truly baffled.

  “Clearly you do not know the effect your beauty has on men...on me, or you wouldn’t ask such an inane question.” His voice becoming husky with desire he leaned in to me and breathed, “I’ve thought about fucking you since I first saw you and am about to explode with want for you.”

  Chapter 6

  The hairs on my nape stood up.

  My internal temperature went up ten degrees in as many seconds. My only other outlet tonight was my vibrator, which would have to work overtime tonight to keep up with the desire this one man elicited. He was here with me now and I saw no reason to not use his body the same as he wanted to use mine.

  “Just good clean fun sex—no demands?” I gazed into the depths of those sensual green pools.

  “Was that a yes?”

  The tension was strung tight, almost combustible.

  “This IS going to happen.” That sounded as much a threat as a promise.

  There was that conceit again.

  “Don’t be smug. It isn’t becoming,” I reprimanded, feeling my resolve erode.

  “The decision remains yours,” he stated again.

  “Right now, I’m thinking I could use another drink.”

  If he were as sexually frustrated as I was, he didn’t show it; his composure remained cool.

  Cole once again lifted two fingers in the air. I couldn’t see without turning, but was sure Sarah was on standby, watching, hoping to be thrown a bone.

  He must have seen the conflict in my eyes. He smiled that perfect smile with those perfect teeth and I was done. He rose once more and walked to the bar to retrieve our drinks, placed mine down and took his seat. He moved, I watched. He drank, I watched.

  Stop procrastinating, Grace, go for it; you can always blame it on the bourbon.

  I didn’t realize I said my thought out loud until he threw his head back and laughed. The full throaty sound flowed over me like a rush of warm water. The air left my lungs in a rush followed immediately by what little bit common sense I had left. My awareness of him heightened to a physically painful degree. His unpretentious laughter made him less sex god, more human. Flesh and blood, human and real.

  I thought I heard at least ten hearts breaking in sync right then. The women who were watching, and a few men I’m sure, saw that the game was clearly up and Ice Princess was about to take the prize. Cole shook his head.

  “What is your issue now?” I asked, a smile pushing the corners of my mouth into a satisfied grin.

  “You. You are my issue.” He lifted is head to the heavens. “You would try the Gods, Grace.”

  ‘Mmm. Me thinks you speak in riddles,” I mumbled.

  “I am only interested in you.” He raised his hand and brushed the back of his fingers softly across my cheek. “I told you, I want you so bad my dick is hard. I’m dangerously close to taking you right here, right now.”

  I was about to do something scandalous, improper, and I loved it. Katherine Chancellor’s only child, her precious, properly raised daughter, was reaching across under the small table. My hand met a very impressive erection.

  Oh my. I rolled my hand over his huge cock. All of which I hoped would be filling all of me shortly.

  “You keep doing that and I will take you here and now…” His voice was low, hoarse with need.

  My heart rate accelerated; my lips parted slightly, my breathing quickened. I was wet and throbbing for him. Raw animal lust had my hand trembling and I prayed I wasn’t about to make a mistake, one I would later regret. A huff of pent up air escaped my lungs. The tension that had my body ready to spring ebbed. I looked into those tantalizing eyes.

  “I guess this is your lucky day, Ace, I seem to have an opening.”

  “I’m getting to like that name.” His voice was smooth as silk.

  “I’m getting to like calling you that name. Question is can you live up to it?”

  “Just give me a chance...” He looked directly into my eyes. I think I turned to putty, “I promised you won’t be disappointed.”

like heaven.” I lifted my drink, indicating “deal,” and took a long sip. Again enjoying the warmth it gave me, and the bravado that followed.

  He raised an eyebrow. He tossed his glass back, draining the contents, then leaned it toward me. “You want to get out of here? Go somewhere a little more private, grab a bite, and…” he trailed off, his eyes glowing.

  “And? I like ands. What do you have in mind?” It had better include you taking everything off. I was salivating thinking of his naked body. I’d like to straddle that. I was bold, brazen, full of piss n’ vinegar, as my dad would have said.

  “I’m staying at the Asbury. Nice accommodations, great room service, premium bar. I’m sure you will like it.”

  “It sounds like it’s right up my alley.” The Asbury, wow, nice, I thought.

  He crossed to the bar and dropped a fifty for Sarah, who quickly grabbed it up and put it right next to the other tip he previously gave her. She smiled and winked, letting him know if I didn’t work out for him, she would be right here waiting. Seriously? I’m standing right here…is she fucking with me? I strode over to where they stood and possessively placed my hand on his chest, smiling up at him. He looked at me, unable to take his eyes off of me, Sarah took a step back-Grace two, Sarah zip.

  He pulled his jacket on, his arm brushing against mine as he did. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to ignore my acute awareness of him. It was impossible. He grabbed my coat and scarf and put it over his arm. Sarah stood behind the bar looking broken. I actually felt bad for her. I liked Sarah, but if it came down to me or her, he was taking me home.

  He held my coat up I shrugged it on as we walked outside Luke’s. He turned me around and wrapped my scarf around my neck then handed me my cell phone, which of course I hadn’t realized I’d left on the table. I thanked him with a smile and a roll of my eyes.

  “You should text Michelle and let her know where you will be.”

  “She is just really overprotective of me,” I defended Michelle.

  “I see that. I also understand her concern.” He bent close to my ear and my breath caught. The heat in his breath brushed my face as he whispered, “But nothing is going to happen to you that you don’t want to happen. That is a promise, and I don’t break promises.”


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