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It's A Crime

Page 18

by C. E. Hansen

  He had a visceral effect on me; the sudden familiar ache grew between my thighs. The rawness of his hunger for me was a serious turn-on. My head rolled backward onto his chest. He was aroused, his thick cock firm against my ass; I couldn’t keep from grinding into it. I wanted him. I wanted him inside me, completing me. He gripped my ass and pulled me up hard against him, his erection like hot steel.

  My breasts swelled, becoming heavy, my sex wet and swollen. I was hungry for him, greedy. Demanding. My breathing quickened. I sensed his hunger flowing through him, enveloping me. His powerful frame was hard and hot, and pulsing with the tension. He caged me in his strong arms, pinning me to the glass wall of the shower.

  I rotated my hips, softly caressing him. His sharp intake of air let me know my efforts were rewarded. His hands became needy, searching. He parted my moist folds with his fingers and inserted two into me, slowly moving them in and out, rubbing my clit. I craved his touch everywhere, searing my body. I writhed with the pleasure his fingers brought me, my core clenching and releasing with the first quiver of orgasm.

  I bent over, grabbing hold of his throbbing cock, and guided him to my overstimulated sex, and with an audible moan he slid in easily. He grabbed my hips and started rocking back and forth on his heels, thrusting in and out. I rubbed my clit, my passion building sending me soaring higher, higher than I’d ever been.

  I felt the implosion inside of me. I came, my cleft contracting, tightening in pulsating rhythm around his shaft. I came until I couldn’t feel anything else. A hard shudder shook him and he growled, his hips circling and he came with a tormented groan.

  That night we made love, fucked, and did things to each other’s bodies without holding anything back. By the time I fell asleep in his arms, my body felt respite, sore and satisfied.

  The next day, we quietly made our way back to New York the same way we had arrived. Ray met us at the heliport and we climbed in the back of the Black BMW SUV. Both of us were somber. I was taken aback when Ray pulled up in front of my apartment building. I turned to Cole but I didn’t need to see his expression to know what my badly timed words had done.

  “I will have all your things returned to your apartment by tomorrow.” He wore a look of regret on his face. “Jason will drive your car here.”

  “Oh…okay, well...I had a great time. You and I, we was fun. I had fun.”

  He leaned in toward me, kissing me gently, regretfully. My mouth was still sore from the passionate, primal sex we had last night. I put my hands in his hair and pulled his head closer to mine, holding him in place as my tongue tangled with his. I unhurriedly pulled away, licking my lips. He eyes narrowed and he reached for me. He ran the pad of his thumb over my parted mouth.

  “Grace, I am not going to just let you go and walk out of my life.” He lowered his eyes, grabbing my hands in his, holding me, keeping me from leaving. “I just need time.”

  He must have seen the hope in my eyes. He lifted my chin and leaned in to kiss me again. His lips touched mine so softly, my heart fluttered.

  “Wait for me. I love...time with you.”

  My heart trembled; I thought he was about to say what I was feeling. I loved him so much my heart ached.

  “I’ll wait…but don’t treat me like a fool. If you don’t plan on coming back…” Tears slipped unwanted down my cheeks. He raised his hand to my face, and he softy wiped them away. He kissed my cheeks softly in their place.

  “Don’t, baby, don’t.” His voice was soft, pleading; I hadn’t seen this side of him before. “I’ve never...felt…It’s not easy for me to express my feelings.” He had a tortured look on his face. He looked directly into my eyes. “I can’t have you involved.” His whispered breath blew across my cheek, causing a shiver to run through me. “There is no one else, only you.. no one..”

  He had only kissed me and I was panting with want for him. He took my mouth again, filling me with the taste of his longing and need, his tongue a velvet lash of tormenting sensuality. The flesh between my legs had grown so swollen and sensitive, so vulnerable to his ravenous hunger, I immediately sensed the tightening in my core. It was unfortunate Ray was standing outside the car. I tried to shake off the desire coursing through my blood.

  I kissed him lightly and whispered, “Don’t take too long.”

  He’d given me hope. I was cautious.

  Ray opened my door and I quickly climbed out. I looked back and stuck my head in the door, speaking in a hushed tone, I said, “I do love you.”

  A look flashed across his face; lightning fast, but I saw it.

  My eyes filled with tears, again, and I turned to walk away.

  “Grace...” he trailed off. I held up my hand, effectively stopping him from saying any more. I straightened myself up and turned to Ray, extending my hand. “Ray, it was lovely meeting you.”

  “Thank you, Miss Preston. It has been my pleasure.” He bowed and took my extended hand, holding it briefly. I turned and hurried through the door Tony was holding open for me, not daring to look back.

  Chapter 29

  Jennifer walked in the door to see Todd asleep on the couch. She shook her head in disgust.

  This bastard gets away with this shit all the time. Never cleans the sink, never empties the dishwasher, NEVER gets the groceries. I guess I’m the asshole.

  “Poor Budds. You’re not responsible for jackass Daddy not taking you for your walk.”

  She softly called Buddy to her and bent down to attach his leash, quietly closing the door behind them. Together they walked to the elevator. Buddy was very anxious to go out, jumping up and down.

  “Okay, okay, Budds, we’re going out.” Poor little guy; he had to be waiting a long time.

  “Don’t worry, Budds, I’m gonna’ make Daddy take you out nice and early tomorrow so I can sleep.”

  She pushed open the heavy door and ascended the five steps from the basement door on the side of the building. Dogs weren’t allowed to walk through the lobby. Buddy pulled hard on his leash. He lifted his leg before reaching the first tire.

  “Poor Budds,” she cooed.

  Jennifer took in a deep breath of the cold air and pulled her hat down to cover her ears. Son of a bitch, he knew it would be cold out. Didn’t even get to take my coat off.

  She turned onto Gramercy Park East and walked to 3 Avenue, then down to East 19 St. It was 1:20 am; her shift ended later than normal, and the streets were empty. Not even other dog walkers. She continued on her usual route, Buddy stopping to leave his mark at the scent of every dog before him.

  Jennifer turned onto Gramercy Park South and continued down the sidewalk. She’d be home soon, although it would be helpful if Buddy did his business. Buddy’s collar jingled constantly as he walked but suddenly stopped, and Jennifer looked down. Thank God, he’s finally going. I’m freezing.

  She heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned her head, hoping to see one of her neighbors, but no one was there. Buddy growled low in his chest but as soon as Jennifer started to walk again, Buddy’s attention shifted onto where to pee next.

  Spooked, Jennifer walked faster, Buddy’s jingling collar the only noise.

  He walked up behind her and she sensed his presence before she saw him. A thousand pins and needles shot through her body from the shock of seeing the blade raised in his hand.

  Oh my God.

  Jennifer turned her body quickly. The blade caught her on the neck. She instinctively lifted her leg and using every bit of strength she had, she kicked at him, catching the man in the knee. He bent over in pain. Buddy, small as he was, had the courage of a lion and he dug his teeth into the man’s ankle. She kicked at him again and caught air. She was getting dizzy, the blood flowing freely from the deep gash in her throat. Adrenaline spiked through her veins. She started to run, more of a stumbling trot, as fast as she could.

  She tried screaming but the only noise that came out were gurgling sounds. She started choking, spitting blood out of her mouth. Her body sl
owed, the blood loss taking its toll. Too afraid to look back. She reached a brownstone...someone lived here.

  Help me. God please help me, her brain screamed.

  She just needed to climb a few steps, then she could pound with all her strength on the door. She reached the steps, grabbing the railing with her bloodied hand, Buddy’s leash still around her wrist. He was barking now but no one looked out their window.

  Oh God, please. Doesn’t anyone hear him? Oh God, help me, please someone help me. He’s going to kill me. Oh my God. Oh my God.

  The pulsing beat in her head pounded in perfect tempo with the blood spurting through her fingers.

  She had climbed the first two steps when he reached her and easily pulled her to him. He stepped behind a large bush and raised his blade again. She put her arms up in an attempt to cover herself, but he swiped at her throat with great force, his eyes glowing. Her head fell back. Her arms fell limply to her sides. She was floating now, weightless. Pins and needles replaced by a slowing beat…her heart.

  Her body slid down the side of the man, landing in a heap between the bush and the steps. Buddy barked and barked.

  Oh, God, Buddy...

  The man quickly walked away, tucking his razor into his pocket. He lowered the hat he wore until it sat over his eyebrows. He looked all around, up and down. Not even one light on. Fucking cunt kicked me.

  He felt the familiar tightening in his jeans. His erection grew quickly. He needed to relieve himself of the pain. He walked until the pressure was unbearable, then tucked into an empty alleyway, three blocks from the girl’s body, and jerked himself off. Moaning in agonized pleasure, he wiped his hands with a wad of napkins he took from his pocket and pulling his zipper up, he stepped out of the alleyway, no one the wiser. He placed the napkin into the trashcan, pushing it down, down, deeper inside, mixing with the other trash.

  That one was really good. He liked when they were good. Must be the chase that makes me harder. He liked that one.

  Back on the side of the brownstone, the blood flowed over the sidewalk, spreading quickly. Buddy sat by her side whimpering, tentatively licking at the gaping wound on her neck.

  Detectives Dean Hansen and Carrie Verdi arrived at the scene. Several patrol cars blocked the flow of traffic, their lights flashing red and blue, lighting up the sky and bouncing off the surrounding buildings. The neighbors looked out their windows and slowly gathered on the street, craning their necks trying to see what happened.

  The Medical Examiner arrived just before they did and was kneeling down examining the body. He shook his head; he’d seen more of these cases then he cared to remember. Animal control arrived, and the two ASPCA men stood to the side, behind the police tape.

  “Jesus Christ. This fucker…I want this motherfucker, Carrie. I want him bad.” Dean turned his head to his partner, his fists clenched.

  “You,” Dean called to the closest patrol officer. “Get statements from everyone. Everyone. Got it?” Anger and tension strained his voice.

  “Yes, got it,” the patrol officer called over his shoulder.

  “Dan.” He nodded to the Medical Examiner. “Our boy again?”

  “Looks like it, Dean; also looks like he’s getting angrier. He damn near decapitated her. She died quickly.”

  “Not quick enough for her. Find me something I can use.”

  “I’m doing my best.” He turned his attention back to the body.

  Dean waited for Dan’s assistant to remove the leash from the victim’s wrist before calling softly to the dog. Don’t need this mutt fucking up my crime scene.

  “Come here, guy...come here.” Dean lowered himself to his knees.

  Buddy, first hesitant, timidly walked toward the soothing voice, his head low, leaving small bloodied paw prints. Blood covered his face. Dean scooped him up and walked over to where Dan was.

  “Dan, before we search the database for this guy’s owner, did you need to get any blood samples?”

  “Got ‘em. He was sitting in front of the body when I got here. Little bastard tried to bite me…”

  “You blame him? He’s scared shitless. With a little luck he tore a chunk out of the fucker’s leg.”

  “We took a full swab of his teeth for DNA, also clipped his hair to test.”

  “Okay, I’m going to give him over to the ASPCA. They can pull his tags…find out who owns this guy. Fuck, man,” Dean looked down, “he did nearly take her head off.” Dean lowered his head and walked with the dog over to the waiting ASPCA.

  Dean heard a shout, then loud mumbling building in the surrounding crowd. A man pushed his way through.

  “Hey, man, that’s my dog, man. Hey. That’s my dog,” the man yelled out, pointing to the dog being placed in the cage inside the ASPCA van.

  Dean walked over to where the man stood, visibly shaking, on the edge of the crowd. He was trying to lift the police tape over his head when Dean yelled, “Hey, stay there. I’ll come to you.” Fucking idiot.

  “Where’s Jen?” the man called out to him, looking around, searching the crowd. “Where the fuck is Jen?” His voice was shaking.


  “Yeah, my girlfriend, she took Buddy out for a walk. Where is she?”

  Dean pulled the man to the side and proceeded to ask him a string of questions, then informed him what had happened. During the brief interrogation, the man who said his name was Todd paled and his legs went weak. He crumbled to the sidewalk and sat on the curb, shaking.

  This is not the fucker I want. No fucking way.

  Turning away from Todd, he waived his partner over, instructing her to get all of Todd’s information. Todd was checked by an EMT and released. Dean signaled the ASPCA, who brought Buddy over to Todd. Todd picked Buddy up and when he saw Buddy’s face covered in blood, he vomited. He was instructed to come to the station in the morning to give a full report.

  Walking away from Todd, Dean said aloud, “Fucking asshole. Who lets their girlfriend go out alone this fucking late when that fucker is out here?” He shook his head. “Who fucking does that?”

  The victim’s body, summarily combed for evidence, was transported to the morgue, autopsy pending, cause of death evident, to await her next of kin for identification.

  “We need to work harder, Carrie, find something we can use. We need to get this mother fucker off the streets.”

  “I know, Dean, I know. Five women.” Carrie shook her head, her face grim.

  “We just need one fucking break. He didn’t get to play footsie. He was rushed, she’d fucked him up, almost got away.” Dean paused. “Look at all these fucking people.” He pointed up toward the dozens of front-facing windows overlooking the park. “You seriously telling me none of these fucking citizens heard anything? The dog had to have been barking with his owner being attacked. This guy’s a fucking ghost.”

  He lowered his head and walked to the bloody sidewalk, tracing the victim’s path back to where he first attacked her.

  “This is where he first cut her.” Dean looked at Carrie. “Arterial spray.” He pointed to the sidewalk and continued to search the ground for anything the perp may have dropped. Nothing. He stood and slowly turned in a complete circle, again noticing all the facing windows. “No one heard or saw anything? Goddamn this fucker.”

  They both walked back to where the body was found. “You.” Dean pointed to where he just came from to two patrol officers, “You two, stay here. Nobody touches ANYTHING till the clean-up crew gets here.” He looked up the street. “Got it?”

  Both nodded in reply.

  Chapter 30

  The next several days were both mentally and physically exhausting. I was convinced I was losing my mind. Everywhere I looked, everywhere I turned I saw a black BMW SUV. I’m intelligent enough to know there were thousands like it in the City, but when I saw each one, a chill ran up my spine, and my instincts told me each time it was Cole. If that were true, I was definitely going crazy. The sleek black SUVs appeared whenever I left my apart
ment, work, the gym, even when I walked home.

  Michelle heard me come home Friday evening. I suspected she’d been waiting for me. When the elevator door opened, she unlocked her door and took one look at me.

  “Ah shit, Grace.” She turned, grabbing my key off of her key holder.

  “Fucking men.” She mumbled as she inserted her key and punched in her code, seeing me in. “Go take a shower and get your PJ’s on. I’ll be right over with some ice cream for us, sound good?”

  I nodded. I was emotionally raw.

  “Yeah…didn’t eat...” I took one look at my empty apartment, and depression weighed down on me. “Don’t take too long.”

  That was Michelle’s way; she didn’t pry, never tried to drag details out, never gossiped. She knew when I hurt and she knew when I needed to talk. A few minutes later, she walked into my apartment wearing pajama pants and a white tee, carrying Chocolate Chip Mint for me and Pralines and Cream for her.

  I ended up eating my whole pint and half of hers. We watched TV, me with my head on her lap as she played with my hair. Whatever happened with me and Cole, I was so lucky to have Michelle in my life. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up the next morning the sun was streaming through sheers and the spare blanket was draped over me.

  Michelle tapped lightly on the door, announcing her return. “Just me,” she called out, letting herself in. She was dressed in gray sweats and black tee, holding a steaming pot of coffee in her hand. She put the pot down on the counter and took two mugs from the cabinet, fixing us both a cup coffee, and brought it over to where I sat rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She sat cross-legged on the couch next to me.

  “What do you want to do today? Stay in, rent some pay per views, lounge like two bums all day?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Good. We’ll order in Chinese or Italian later, whatever you want.”



  “I love you, you know that, right?”


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