Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance Page 7

by Amos, Ashley

  Her previous novel release had been somewhat of a flop. While it got some attention and she made a bit of money it wasn’t nearly what she knew she was capable of and it wasn’t bringing her any real money. What she needed was time, relaxing time so she could write without being bothered or stressed. Which was at the moment impossible with the current situation she was in and the disaster of the place.

  “Keep working or go inside like a normal person and go to bed?” She thought out loud to herself.

  “I’d say keep on working,” said a deep southern accent – scaring the hell out of her so badly that it made her jump. She whirled around to look at the voice.

  Chapter 2: A Stranger Named Marcus

  “What the… Who are you? And why would you say that?” Sarah said as she whirled around to face the deep, booming voice behind her.

  Her eyes grew wide and she tried to maintain her composure upon seeing one of the largest and most handsome men she had ever seen in her life. His height seemingly proportionate to his incredibly low and deep voice, with skin white, lightly tanned and smooth. She wanted to eat him up on sight. His bicep muscles looked as though they might burst the seams of his short-sleeved black t shirt. His jeans hugging his ass and hips loosely falling down into a relaxed fit which complimented his body perfectly. As her eyes wandered down his body briefly she couldn’t help but notice that every bit of him was bulked and built. He had to have a body fat count of like .05 she thought. Goodness gracious he was hot, like smoking hot.

  She caught his eyes watching her look him over and felt her cheeks redden as a huge blush came across her face. She hoped he wouldn’t notice her blushing through her dark skin and quickly tried to figure out a recovery so she would look a little smoother.

  “It’s not like you were going to help me anyway,” she said to him a bit sharply but with a coy smile. She might be an introvert but she wasn’t dumb when it came to men. Being abnormally beautiful for her tiny town, she was constantly hit on by the local guys. High school had been a series of turning down guys and dates mostly because of her social anxiety or the fact that she just plain wasn’t attracted to them.

  She just wasn’t attracted to the average skinny and loud-mouthed black boys that seemed to be overly abundant around this tiny town and wondered where he had come from. He certainly wasn’t a local. This big, no, giant and pale and sexy beast was so different from the other men in this quiet town. This was quite a treat and she wanted more than just a little taste so she was willing to play along for a bit while she deciphered how safe he was. Not that she would care one bit if he made advances on her - in fact she was doing her best to entice him to do just that. Leaning forward just a bit so her dirt speckled cleavage was more apparent in the moonlight.

  A smile grew over his face slowly as if he were taking in her very essence with the words she had spoken. And though it was dark out she wasn’t scared of his presence. Not one bit. She was simply and incredibly attracted to this man - this gorgeous, white being in front of her. She prayed he was just as attracted to her.

  “And if that’s exactly what I am standing here preparing to offer to you….?” The stranger left the question hanging in the hot muggy nighttime air. His light green eyes stared into hers through dark of the night.

  “Well, is it?” Sarah asked him sternly but with a smile in her dark brown eyes. Praying, even harder, that somehow this gorgeous creature was actually here to help her. Maybe and even better yet fuck her six ways from Sunday. It had been about 2 years since she had been laid and she would definitely take this if she could get it.

  “It is,” he said to her softly and sincerely. Almost so softly she couldn’t hear him.

  His green eyes which had seemed to be piercing right through her a moment ago softened up. There was something about this man that she couldn’t quite place her finger on. Something that made him very different. Was this a joke? Was he for real? Seriously, where did this magnificent man come from? Maybe she was so tired she was hallucinating.

  Screw it, she thought. I’ll take any help I can get right now. Hopefully, if I’m lucky, I’ll at least walk away with a good one night stand. It had been forever since she had bothered to waste her time on any of the local small town boys. She wanted so much more and perhaps this was it standing right in front of her…. And towering above her. He really was so handsome, almost statuesque.

  “In that case, my name is Sarah,” she said as she stuck her hand out for a firm hand shake.

  The large man lowered himself before her and took her hand and pulled it toward his mouth. He gently kissed her on the top of her hand. A little surprised and at the same time kind of impressed, her face couldn’t hide her attraction to him any longer.

  “The pleasure is mine Lady Sarah. My name is Marcus.” he said as he stood back up. “I’ve been watching you for quite some time now…not in a creepy manner or anything,” he said catching himself almost as if he realized he was admitting to his creeping, peeping or stalking of some form or another. He recovered from that quickly enough for it not to bother Sarah at the moment and kept talking.

  “But I feel it is wrong for a woman to have to do such hard work, especially by herself. So I wanted to offer you my assistance.” He spoke to her in a low voice as he looked deeply into her eyes.

  Sarah stood there shell-shocked for a moment. This had to be a joke or a dream? And why was he offering his help? And why did the hell did he have to be so damn sexy? Every bit of logic within her told her to say no. No but thank you. However her heart and her lust was wildly screaming, “Yes! Go for it!” This was a strange man approaching her in the middle of the night to offer help. Surely it was very possible he had some sort of mal intentions. Perhaps killing her or possibly even worse but her heart told her differently so she stood there watching him with her big brown eyes and allowed him to continue.

  “I just moved in down the street,” he said. Almost as if he could tell that she was questioning him. He must have noticed the look on her face. “And every night on my way home for the past couple of nights I noticed you’d been out here by yourself cleaning up this junk. How did a little girl like yourself wind up getting stuck with this mess? And what are you doing out so late at night working? It’s not the best neighborhood you know. I’m more than happy to lend you my services. The only thing is my only availability is at nights due to my work schedule.” Marcus said in his deep southern drawl.

  “Oh, wow. I...I really don’t know what to say. Thank you so much for offering to help but,” Sarah started.

  “No, I’m insisting,” He interrupted her firmly but kindly. “Why don’t you go clean up real quick and we can go have a drink and make a plan for getting this place back in order?”

  “Wow, okay, um sure. That’s... that’s great. Nowhere fancy though...” she said looking down at her clothes. What on earth was she doing? And could she possibly sound like any more of a loser? She was certain she was certifiable at this point. Going out with a stranger only an hour after she met him. In front of her house. Late at night. Completely legit, not. But what the hell, what could go wrong?

  “Don’t worry, I know the perfect place. Actually I think it’s the only place. Be back in an hour to pick you up?” Marcus asked with a laugh and a smile.

  “That’d be great,” Sarah said, as she looked deep into his eyes trying to search out some form of ill will or determine if he was actually real. Nobody did stuff like this anymore. Much less someone this hot, to her. Chivalry had been dead for decades now. But what the hell, she was tired and hungry and at the very least a couple of drinks and dinner were needed at this point in the day, sorry, night. And who knew, maybe he would wind up actually helping.

  She watched his pale form as Marcus walked off down the street into the night. Sarah went inside of the unit to shower quickly and change into a spare shirt and pair of jeans she had in the trunk of her car. Thirty minutes later Marcus pulled up in front of the property in a sleek white Bel Air. She wasn’t
an expert on cars but believed it to be from the late 50’s or early 60’s and it was in perfect condition, the chrome sparkling in the street light. It certainly was much nicer than most of the neighborhood rides. He pulled up next to the curb and rolled down a window.

  “Your chariot, Madame,” he said as he smiled through the window at her. He reached across the car and pulled the handle on the door and pushed it open for her.

  Chapter 3: Lusting for Marcus

  He took her to the tiny place in town, the only place in town that was open after 8pm for food. The locals had stared at her as they walked in but for once in her life Sarah didn’t care about all of those people. She ignored them and they shared a burger, cooked rare, with some fries. They chatted about simple things like the weather and then made a solid plan to fix up the property. Marcus avoided or quickly changed the topic when she tried to ask him what he did and did it with such efficiency that at the time she didn’t even notice.

  They finished dinner and a few drinks and Marcus paid the tab while Sarah went out in front of the restaurant to smoke a cigarette. A bit light headed from the couple of drinks she had during dinner she looked up at the stars. What an amazing dinner she thought. Casual, comfortable and so perfect. She couldn’t believe the way that Marcus had so simply and quickly made a plan to help her get the property under control as well as the tenants.

  What was no longer under control was her lust for him. The entire dinner she had been growing moist with excitement between her smooth, dark thighs. Being so close to his amazing, built body, piercing green eyes and captivating energy only made her desire stronger. She could think of nothing but wanting him. All of him and all inside of her.

  All of a sudden she felt his strong arms coming around her from behind and pulling her back into his broad stomach and chest. There was something about him, his energy that made her feel both scared and safe at the same time. She decided to relax back into his body. This was, after all, what she had wanted when she first saw him.

  “That’s a girl,” he said softly to her in her ear as the valet pulled the car around. The valet opened the passenger door and Marcus helped her into the car and then walked around to the driver’s door. He tipped the valet and sat down pulling the door shut behind him.

  “To your castle Madame,” he said with a twinkling sparkle in his eye.

  “Oh, let’s just go to your place. I’m so over that place right now,” she said, with a slight slur of her words. The alcohol was certainly getting the best of her at this moment.

  “I’m sorry Sarah but we will have to do that another night. I’m currently undergoing a huge remodel at my place and I’m afraid it’s not quite safe at the moment”, he said a bit too quickly and with a bit of nervousness. Sarah hardly noticed and at this point didn’t even care, all that she wanted was him.

  “Well if that’s the case then I insist you stay with me until your remodel is done,” she said, slurring her words a bit more. Oh how she wanted him. She didn’t care if it was there or here or anywhere. All she longed for at that moment was him, more of him.

  “We shall see beautiful. Remember we still have our plan that we made. I was serious about starting on that tonight and I sleep so much better during the day at my house. Plus, I still have work to do tonight. Remember?” Marcus replied. He kissed her gently on the forehead. “Let’s get you home.”

  After a very fuzzy and blurred ride home, Marcus helped Sarah into the unit she had been working on and laid her on the futon. He went in to the kitchen and made her a glass of water. He returned and set it next to her when Sarah surprised even herself. Unable to resist him anymore, she grabbed him and pulled herself close enough to his face to plant her dark, luscious lips onto his firm light pink ones. A bit more forcefully than she intended to but he was receptive nonetheless and pulled her in close to his large body.

  She separated his pink, soft, plump lips so her tongue could slip inside of his mouth. Her smooth black skin felt so perfect against his paleness. She let her tongue play around in his mouth as his danced in hers and she felt herself become more aroused. Her tiny, dark frame silhouetted against his enormous white body with their arms wrapped around each other. She began to playfully run her tongue along his teeth as she moved her hand close to the bulge in his pants when he suddenly pulled back.

  Shocked at never having had a man resist her advances before she looked at him with wide and questioning eyes.

  “It is time for me to get a bit of work done beautiful Sarah,” Marcus said. “But I will be back the evening after next and we can continue this a bit further if you still wish.”

  Before Sarah could protest Marcus was gone. She didn’t even hear the door click shut. She thought about getting up to go after him but was so tired and buzzed. She didn’t even know what time it was. Groping around in the dark of the empty room she found her purse on the floor next to the futon and pulled out her cell phone to check the time. Only eight minutes after midnight. Not as late as she thought. Good lord she drank way too much… That was her last thought before she shut her eyes for the night.

  Chapter 4: It Was Not Just A Dream

  Sarah awoke the next morning, the bright light from the sun pounding into her head like a jack hammer. She couldn’t believe how terrible she felt. How much had she drank last night?

  She wandered into the little kitchen of the unit she was fixing up and plugged in her electric teapot. As the water started to boil she pulled out a tea bag and threw it into her “I h8 Mondays” mug. It was one of her favorite mugs. Especially when it wasn’t Monday.

  She started to think back to the previous night. Had it really happened or had it all been just a dream? It seemed so foggy and hazy, her recollection of the night. She was wishing they had sex but then remembered the disappointment. No, she thought disappointedly, there was no sex. She sure wished she had though. She certainly remembered wanting it desperately and kissing him. She remembered him pulling away and how it hurt in a manner she had never felt before. She thought that all men were down for a quick, no strings attached kind of fun. Feeling confused and really hungover she pulled the curtains aside to let some light into the room and looked out of the kitchen window and gasped out loud.

  “Oh my….” She trailed off. “He actually….” And she trailed off once again.

  Sarah couldn’t believe what she saw. The huge yard she had been struggling with for the past few days had been completely put back into order. The yard that had been filled with trash and junked toys and so much over grown weeds and bramble was now free and clear of all of the debris, trash and broken children’s toys. Every single piece of trash in the yard seemed to have been picked up and placed into the dumpster. Even the weeds and bramble had been pulled and cut back. The grass or what little of what could be called grass had been mowed down. How in the heck had she slept through that?

  It was everything Sarah could do not to cry tears of joy. She hadn’t really believed Marcus when he sat down and made a plan with her the night before about helping her fix up the property and the rental units. Honestly, she had thought it was just a ploy so that he could get her into the sack easily. And, quite frankly, had been incredibly disappointed last night when he didn’t fuck her.

  Who was this Marcus? Who does things this incredible and amazing for someone they barely even know? How had he done all of that while she was sleeping? For the first time in more than a week she was actually able to spend the first part of her day doing what she wanted to do, work on her novel.

  Sarah wrote away happily on her story until the hottest part of the day had passed and then changed into her grungy work clothes and headed outside to check off the next item on the bucket list, painting. She hated painting. Painting houses and fences. That was mundane painting. Every now and then she could get into painting pretty pictures but this was just terrible and boring. She wished she had been smart enough to get Marcus’s number from him last night. Now she would probably never see him again.

p; Their plan had been for him to come and help her out every other evening. So now she had to wait a whole other day before maybe seeing him again. If he even actually showed up. Why hadn’t she been more aggressive? She never had been the aggressive type and prayed that he would keep his word. She wanted to see him again so badly. Just being around him was addicting, his energy, and his smile, his everything. She spent the evening painting and decided to retire with the sun this time. She was still worn from drinking too much the previous night and could not wait for the next evening to come.

  There was something about Marcus that drew her to him. Some mysterious magnetism she had never experienced before. She lay in bed thinking of all the things she wished for him to do to her. Gently rubbing her hands over her dark nipples and her damp pussy as she thought of his pale hands and mouth caressing and covering her dark, chocolatey body. It was only a few moments into this that exhaustion took her over and she lost consciousness for the night, lightly dreaming of Marcus in a variety of delicious ways as she tossed and turned in her sleep.

  Chapter 5: Dressed to Kill

  She awoke the next day feeling happier and more excited for the day than she had in a while. She knew it was because Marcus would be coming by later in the evening or at least she hoped he would. Time could barely pass by fast enough. The more she tried to not pay attention to the time, the slower it seemed to go. Eventually, the sun began it’s descent into the western sky and she decided to busy herself with sanding the back deck.


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