Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance Page 8

by Amos, Ashley

  It too was in disrepair, just like most of the property. Now with the trash having been magically cleaned up its desperate appearance was more obvious that ever. The deck probably needed to be replaced but as she was trying to save as much money as possible she was going to do what she could with what she had. As she began to work her arms and the sanding paper along the grain of the wood she began to think of Marcus again. His pale, God-like body with his rock solid everything. What she wouldn’t give to see every inch of him naked and the number of things she wanted to do to him…. Well the list was ever growing to say the least.

  Before she knew it the sun had once again set below the horizon. She was beginning to worry that she wouldn’t see him again. It wouldn’t surprise her, as they say, “if it’s too good to be true” she thought. She looked up at the moon as she prepared to go inside and made a small wish.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Marcus’s deep familiar voice with its sexy southern drawl said quietly behind her, startling her once again. How on earth did someone of such huge size manage to sneak up on her like that? Not once but twice now? Not that it mattered. She was so excited to hear his voice and even more excited when she turned around and saw him. Goosebumps rose up on her skin and she smiled at him and ran to give him a huge hug but then stepped back before she dirtied his outfit.

  He was dressed to the nines in a very fine Italian white suit with a white tie and was wearing and handsome velvet fedora with a simple yet exotic white and black feather stuck into the brim that she had never seen before. Over his arm was draped a zippered hanging bag with a couple of hangers sticking out of the opening in the top.

  ”I was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t come. And I forgot to get your number the other night” she said. “Are those your work clothes?” Sarah asked, a bit bewildered by his get-up.

  Marcus let out a low laugh and smiled, “Oh no Ms. Sarah. I was so lost in our conversation the other night that I completely forgot about a previous social engagement I had tonight. I hope you’ll accept my apologies for not being able to work on your property this evening.” Marcus told her.

  “Oh no, of course not. You don’t ever have to if you have other stuff to do. I mean, it is my property. I haven’t even had a chance to say thank you for the other night yet,” Sarah’s heart sank as she spoke. She had waited with such high hopes and such excitement for his return, only for him to tell her he had a date. She tried not to let the disappointment show in her eyes.

  “I was hoping you would let me make it up to you by being my date to tonight’s social event. I know I didn’t warn you about it and I, as well, forgot to get your number from you. So I went ahead and took the liberties of buying you two dresses for you to choose between for tonight’s event. What do you say?” Marcus asked, smiling widely with his green eyes gleaming in the moon light.

  “Well it doesn’t look like I have much of a choice without being incredibly rude,” Sarah said with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

  There was a moment of awkward pause before Sarah continued on. “Of course I’ll go with you!! Oh my God! You are amazing!! Thank you!!” Sarah exclaimed.

  Marcus handed her the hanging bag and Sarah ran inside to open it up. Inside of the bag lay two beautiful hand beaded full length gowns. A white dress with a Grecian feel and gorgeous red dress with a bustier and thigh high slit. Not being quite the bustier and thigh high girl she opted for the white dress. After slipping into it she turned and looked at herself in the little bathroom mirror.

  The dress made her look absolutely stunning and fit perfectly. Not having much for hair accessories or makeup at the place she dug in her bag until she found some bobby pins and black eyeliner. She pulled her braids back up into a large, loose bun. Letting a few of her braids loosely fall down softly around her neck and allowing the beauty of the neckline of the dress to show. She walked out of the bathroom.

  “Well, what do you think?” she asked Marcus.

  Marcus stayed silent and looked her up and down.

  “Honestly, I had kind of hoped you would pick the red dress,” Marcus started to say.

  Sarah felt a bit disappointed that she hadn’t picked the right dress. Almost as if she had failed some sort of unspoken test.

  “However, now that I see you in the white one I don’t think there could be a more perfect dress for you for this occasion.” Marcus said with a huge grin on his face. “You look absolutely perfect my lady.”

  He stuck his elbow out and she took hold of his pale arm. Wrapping her lithe and dark arms around his large and solid forearm muscle, they walked out to the car together and drove off to the event.

  Chapter 6: The World Of Marcus

  Thirty minutes later they arrived at a huge private property lined with a big privacy fence and perfectly manicured trees. Giant gates blocked access to the long private driveway and automatically opened when the car pulled closely to them. As the car drove through a small grove of trees and rounded a corner a huge castle-like building came into view. The grand building was lit up with party lights and fire pits through the front courtyard and leading to the back. The circular drive was busy with cars arriving and valets letting guests out of their vehicles and whisking the cars away to some out of sight parking lot.

  Sarah’s eyes widened as they approached the valet stand. Now she was really curious about Mister Marcus. Who was this guy really? And if he lived right down the street, what on earth was he doing getting invited to parties like this? Whoever he was she sure as heck wanted to find out now. And she certainly wanted to see inside this party. She had always heard of events of this caliber but had never ever dreamed of going to one herself.

  The car pulled up to the valet and stopped. The valet opened the passenger door.

  “Evening Madame,” he said as he lowered a hand to help her out of the car. “And evening to you Mister Marcus.”

  “Thank you James,” Marcus said, as he tossed him the keys. “Just make sure you put her in the regular spot please.”

  “You got it Mister Marcus,” The valet responded as he stepped into the car and drove it away.

  Sarah took Marcus’s arm once again as they headed up the grand outside staircase to the main entry way doors. Her heart was pounding wildly now and the questions were flying through her head. Mister Marcus? The Regular Spot? What the….?

  Her thoughts were interrupted when they entered into the foyer of the mansion. The main foyer was a rounded room with stairs on both sides that wound both to upper floors and lower floors of the building. The rounded back part of the main foyer looked out over a grand room which had been set up for dancing and feasting. It was already filled full of men and women dressed in their gorgeous gowns and finely tailored 3 piece suits. Each attendant was obviously wearing their best and most lavish finery. Exquisite jewelry and masks adorned the women and their over the top gowns. The men wore equally eccentric accessories like fabulous top hats, pocket watches, cummerbunds, one of a kind tailored vests. She had never seen anything like it.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen if I could have your attention for a moment. I would like to introduce to you all the Host of the Evening, Mister Marcus and his lovely date for the evening, Ms. Sarah Waterman.” said a butler dressed in traditional wear very loudly to the entire crowd as she and Marcus stood in the center of the foyer in front of everyone’s views. The entire crowd turned towards them and began to clap loudly and cheer.

  Sarah, while doing her best to smile at the crowd, thought she was going to pass out or have the mother of all panic attacks or possibly die. She felt herself begin to tremble, her palms grew cold and sweaty and her breathing became quick and shallow. Marcus must have noticed the change in her energy because he quickly swept her off to the side and out of the view of the guests below them enjoying the festivities in the main room.

  “Are you okay? I’m sorry I should have readied you a bit for that. It’s just that I’ve never been very good at…” Marcus began to explain.

hat in the hell?” Sarah cut him off abruptly. “I thought you just moved in down the street? This… all of this is yours? Who are you? How the hell do you know my last name? What is all of this? And why wouldn’t you warn me about any of it?” She demanded to know.

  “Look, I’m sorry. It’s just my life isn’t exactly normal and well… most women.” He paused for a moment as if trying to find the right words to say. “Most women only go after me for... well as you can see... for all of this. And I thought that if you thought I had all of this then it would intimidate you and make you run the other way. I was hoping to have had a few more nights with you before tonight but I ran out of time and for that I apologize.”

  Ran out of time for what Sarah wondered? The questions in her head whirling around. She was starting to feel light headed again and sensing a looming panic attack.

  More guests began to arrive behind them and the announcer continued to announce the arrivals as they showed, made their appearance known and then continued down the staircase to join the festivities. Marcus drew Sarah further into a corner as she glared at him frustrated. Good lord she wanted him but oh, how she was so mad right now. She hated being at the center of attention in social situations like this. She was a wall flower and a much practiced wall flower and she preferred it that way.

  “Do you have somewhere we can go that’s a bit more private? Just for a few moments so I can collect myself before I have a breakdown?” Sarah pleaded quietly to Marcus as more new guests walked past them.

  “Of course my queen, anything for you,” Marcus said and taking her hand he led her down a dimly lit hallway off to the right that had been roped off with a red velvet rope and brass stands. They walked past a couple of large portraits and a large tapestry hanging on the wall until they reached two large and very ornately carved wooden doors. He leaned into one of them and it opened into an expansive and barely lit library.

  “How’s this my lady?” he asked, gently leading her to a sitting couch and settling onto it beside her.

  He took his large white hands and placed them onto her small black face and kissed her softly. She softly kissed him back, letting his calmness cool her before pulling back.

  “I wish you would have told me,” Sarah said. “I’m…I’m not sure I would have agreed honestly.”

  “I would say I’m sorry but I knew it was the only way to get you to come with me. I know this isn’t what you are used to. But please, give me a chance to show you that I’m not so horrible… my money, my status that’s not me. Please look past that at least for one night.” He said softly to her, almost pleading with her.

  There was something about the way he was asking that gave her goosebumps again but how could she tell him no? She couldn’t, she knew she couldn’t. She couldn’t because she wanted to be with him, she wanted to make him happy and if this was what it took so that she could have him then she would do it. For him.

  She took a few deep and slow breathes as she calmed her nerves. She looked down at their hands intertwined together. She loved the white and black contrast between the two of them. They were so different… so opposite and that was exactly why she knew she must try. Not just for him, but for herself and for them as a couple.

  “I think I’m ready now.” Sarah said.

  Marcus’s hand had slid around to the small of her back and had pulled her in even closer.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as he lightly moved his hands so that one gently cupped one of her breasts and the other he placed gently over her pussy, lightly tapping at her sensitive clit through the expensive fabric. She had opted out of underwear as she had none that were clean or wouldn’t show through the thin and expensive fabric of the white dress.

  “Perhaps we should instill just a bit more confidence into you before we head back out,” Marcus suggested sliding one hand down to the floor and pulling up on the hem of her gown. He continued to pull the fabric as his kisses grew deeper. She felt him bite her softly on the lips and she bit him back, pulling at his lower lip. He slid his hand up her smooth, dark leg that was exposed as he continued to pull the fabric of the dress up until her dark, pink pussy lips peeked out. Just barely glistening in the dim light from beneath the bunched up folds of material and her pale black thighs. He began to kiss and lightly bit on her lips, working his way down her throat. Lightly biting and licking her neck while he worked his white fingers at her tiny pink lips in between her legs. The sensation of his teeth nipping at her skin sending shivers up and down her spine.

  Giving her one long, deep kiss on her mouth he pulled back and lowered his head in between her dark black thighs. His smooth, white skin contrasting against her own darkness making it appear as if he was aglow in the moonlit library. He began to lap softly at her lips while he used his hands to keep her thighs spread apart as she began to wiggle and squirm with the sensations of pleasure which were shooting though her body.

  She reached down and rubbed her fingers through his short, blond hair, pulling on them as she moaned more loudly than she had meant to. A stream of white fluid came gushing out of her. In the back of her mind she was worried about her dress but too busy experiencing the pleasure of the orgasm to even speak of it.

  Marcus licked and sucked and lapped at the creamy fluid which was squirting out from her dark pussy, stopping to bite her gently here and there. His teeth feeling a bit more noticeably sharp and the pleasure increasing immeasurably as she built up to a full orgasm. Her dark hands now digging into his pale, broad shoulders as her body rocked with the final, heavy squirt of her cum. Marcus latched onto her lips and sucked every drop of her cum while still teasing and pleasing her clit with the tip of his teeth. Oh God, he was amazing. She hadn’t cum that hard in years, if ever. But how was he able to do that with his teeth and his tongue at the same time? She let the thought wander off as Marcus sat up and spoke to her, rearranging her dress and fixing her hair.

  “As absolutely delicious as I imagined you would be my dear. Are you feeling a bit more confident? Do you think you can handle some light mingling and dancing? Just a little bit for me?” Marcus said, smiling and correcting the last couple braids of her black hair.

  In the dark it almost looked as if his teeth had grown a bit longer. It must be the shadows, she told herself as she thought of the shivers of pleasure which the feel of his teeth on her smooth skin had sent running through her body like an electrical current. There certainly was something so different about this man. Something that made her want to be something more and better and braver.

  “Baby, with moves like that I think you might almost be able to bribe me into public speaking,” she said with a little laugh and a feeble smile. Feeling a bit lighter and happier and much more confident she wasn’t worried about the crowd for the moment. Although she was not sure how long that feeling would last.

  “Oh!” Marcus said with a surprised look, raising his eyebrows.

  “I said almost,” Sarah replied with a wink. “We had better get back out there, your guests are waiting.”

  “And already telling me what to do now,” Marcus teased her as he took her by the arm once more and they headed out into the hallway.

  “Let’s take the back way to the patio and slip back into the party that way. That way the guests inside will think we’ve been out there the whole time and the ones outside will think nothing of it anyway.

  This way my dear,” Marcus instructed as they began down the hallway in the opposite direction from which they came.

  Chapter 7: Party Guests

  They slipped into the courtyard area just between the appetizer tent and the band set up on a terraced patio. Just as Marcus had said, not one soul had noticed. As Sarah looked around at the guests she began to notice that there was something a bit different about them and about this party in general but she couldn’t quite place her finger on it. There was something different though... something very different.

  She excused herself from Marcus for a moment to go to the privy. She was impressed
that he had a home large enough to host a privy with multiple stalls so that the women and men guests didn’t have to wait too long should there be a line. While washing up she heard another stall click open from behind her and a beautiful, pale white brunette in a purple gown walked out. Sarah, not wanting to be caught staring quickly looked away and back at herself in the mirror. Expecting to catch a glimpse of the other woman’s reflection in the mirror as she washed up herself. Only there was none.

  Taken aback, Sarah did a double take only to see the woman in purple exiting the privy. She quickly dried her hands and followed her outside to make sure she was real. Why hadn’t she had any reflection? Or had she made that up? Maybe she was coming down with a fever. She certainly needed to drop the paranoia and social anxiety. She took a deep breath to settle her nerves and thoughts and continued walking until she heard Marcus call for her.

  “Sarah darling, come over here,” Marcus called from next to the outdoor bar he was standing with the beautiful woman in purple from the bathroom.

  “I want you to meet Tessa.” Marcus said. “Tessa is practically family around here. I know we don’t look it,” He paused as he glanced briefly at Tessa then looked to Sarah.

  “Just a brother from another mother,” is what we like to say,” said Tessa, in a haughty voice. It was as if she was trying to make Sarah jealous. It didn’t, it only made her curious.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Tessa,” Sarah said. Trying to hide her curiosity about this woman.

  “How long have you known each other for?” Sarah asked.

  “Sometimes it feels like forever,” laughed Tessa, “I’d say what, nine or ten now?”

  “Years?” asked Sarah.


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