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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

Page 9

by Amos, Ashley

  “Try hundreds of years,” Tessa said a bit haughtily and swiftly turned away and waltzed off to join another group of party goers.

  “She’s a treat?” Sarah said sarcastically, as she looked at Marcus.

  “Don’t let her bother you. She’s an odd one and just jealous. She likes to be the center of attention and with you here this evening, unfortunately, she is not. Would you care to dance my queen?” Marcus asked as he extended his hand outward.

  Sarah took it and began to mindlessly follow the steps to the waltz that she knew so well. Her grandmother had taught her the traditional waltz and many other traditional ballroom dances when she was a young child. She had loved it then and she would have loved it now had she not been preoccupied with what she saw in the bathroom.

  Sarah wondered who this woman was and thought back to what she saw or rather what she didn’t see back in the women’s restroom. She was trying to pinpoint what exactly it was about this party and its patrons that was amiss. Something was different but what? She couldn’t have actually seen a woman with no reflection. That was the sort of thing that was only for fairy tales. The dark Grimm brother sort of tales. Sure, she had written a few fiction novels with vampires and werewolves and whatnot but that was FICTION. Made up and nothing that actually occurred in real life. But if that’s not what she saw then what did she see? The more she thought about it, the more she knew exactly what she had seen. There was definitely something about that woman that wasn’t normal.

  As she and Marcus whirled around the ballroom floor the band changed the music to a slower paced tune. He pulled her in close to his body, looking her deep in the eyes. She gazed back up at his sparkling dark eyes and forgot for a moment about the woman in the purple dress. Sarah laid her head on Marcus’ shoulder as they gently swayed and rocked to the music on the dance floor. As they slowly circled the dance floor she began to hone in on details, just as though she would if she were writing a book. Perhaps if she paid close enough attention to the little things she could figure out what was causing her to feel as though this party was something out of the ordinary. Beyond the obvious lavishness of the affair.

  She slowly realized that aside from Marcus and a couple of other attendees, that the majority of the guests were pale, very pale. Paler than Tessa even. Almost a ghostly sort of pale. Some looked as young and fresh as a young adult at their first legal night out at the bar and there were others who looked as worn and withered as though they had lived a million years. But perhaps that was simply because it was dark out and once again she was a bit buzzed. She watched as they danced with each other and talked to each other over their glasses of expensive wine. Smiling at each other some with very dominate and almost protruding incisor teeth glistening in the light of the party. She had to be seeing things.

  And the couple, the odd couple she had seen walk off into a pathway in the garden only to stop on a bench just far enough into the shadows to not be seen by the party. It looked like he was sucking on her neck as she grew more and more limp. Was she just making stuff up now? Her heart skipped a beat for a moment just as Marcus swirled her around and she lost sight of them. By the time she caught sight of them again and they were held closely together in a tight embrace.

  It was hard for her to keep her eyes on them as she moved with Marcus’s body to the music but every time she was angle in the couple’s direction she tried to get a better feel for what they were doing. It almost looked as if they were brazenly making love, right there on the bench. Almost, the only difference being the larger figure’s constant attention to the small, woman figure’s neck. It was as if he had been latched onto her right there every time she caught a quick glimpse of them.

  They had begun sitting on the bench upright and intertwined. Only to have moved to a more horizontal positon. The larger figure, she assumed was the man, had mounted the woman on the bench. Another swirl around the dance floor and another glimpse of the figure on top of the woman, his face now buried into her neck and it looked as if the woman’s arm was dangling now so limp to the side of the bench it almost seemed as if she were dead. But it was so dark and so far away there was no way for her to really tell without making some sort of scene. And obviously that moment was meant to have been a secret moment between the two lovers. She was simply being overly suspicious and letting her imagination get the best of her, she thought to herself.

  The situation on the bench was making her a bit uncomfortable and she couldn’t really see that far off anyway so she focused on the closer things and closer guests as they continued to dance. The heaps of appetizers on the tables, the silver chalices and candelabras glistening and reflecting the light of the fire into the night. But no reflections. Not one reflection in any of it, save her own. She watched as she caught a glimpse of herself in a goblet her dark hair contrasting against her white dress and her arms wrapped around… No one?!?!?

  Sarah started to feel sick to her stomach. As she glanced from guest to guest she noticed as they smiled and their lips pulled back a very noticeable set of fangs became apparent that she had not seen on them when they had smiled at her before. Not on just one or two of the guests but on each one whom she noticed opened their mouth to grin or laugh with their compadres. Was this some sort of dream? Or nightmare? It all had to be. Or she was going insane. This was impossible. She began to feel lightheaded and the next thing she knew everything went black.

  Chapter 8: A New Life for Sarah

  The next time she awoke she was no longer in the middle of the dance floor. She was in a large and lavishly decorated bedroom and laying on an enormous, four-poster cherry wood bed. The bed had ornately carved posts with a beautiful shimmery gossamer grey and silver fabric draped from post to post. She looked to her right and saw Marcus standing by the unlit fireplace in the bedroom, his large, pale frame almost disappearing into the shadows.

  “What happened? And where am I?” She asked quietly.

  Marcus turned around and smiled at her. She tried to notice his teeth but he keep a closed lipped smile.

  “First tell me if you are feeling okay, please?” Marcus almost demanded of her. “Is there anything you need, water, food, sweatpants. I’m going to ring one of the staff for whatever you want.

  “Well, I-I-I, sweatpants?” Sarah asked a bit thrown off and didn’t even know what to say. Though the thought of sweatpants on demand did make her smile a bit. “I think I feel okay and I supposed some water and just maybe a light snack would do. I didn’t really eat very much today. Maybe that’s why I passed out?” She said. Trying to mask the uncertainty of what she had seen or hallucinated while they had been on the dance floor.

  “I’ll have it brought right up.” Marcus said and began to text the orders to one of his staff. Once he was done he looked up at her and walked over to the bed and sat down next to her, taking one of her small dark hands into his own massive pale paws. She loved the contrast of his beautiful white skin with her own chocolate skin. She had been attracted to his gorgeous physique at first, add to that his mysterious quality and after what he did to her in the library earlier, now she was wanting him more than ever. But she was also wanted to know the truth.

  “I want you to tell me the truth Sarah. I want to know your true feelings about tonight. More importantly, I need to know that you really are okay?” Marcus said as he looked into her eyes reassuringly.

  “You’re going to think I’m crazy.” Sarah began.

  “Try me,” Marcus said.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this out loud. That woman, Tessa, when I saw her in the bathroom….” She trailed off. “Well, she had no reflection. And then while we were dancing I saw a man and a woman on the bench in the corner of the garden and well... I don’t know. I can’t even on that. Then the goblets and the silver wear and the candle holders…. There were no reflections of anyone. No one, except for me,” Sarah blurted out.

  She couldn’t believe she had actually said that out loud. She was surely crazy and now was
probably the time where she was going to be politely sent away or maybe better yet to the hospital or a mental institution. But instead Marcus just smiled at her with soft and understanding eyes, letting her vent. Eventually he responded.

  “I should have known you were smart enough to figure it out. I should have told you everything earlier in the library,” Marcus said apologetically. “I should have told it to you from the very beginning but who would believe a story like this? Much less want to date them and be with them forever? I’ll understand if you hate me. If you want I can make it so you don’t remember any of this. But please know that I love you. More than I have ever loved another soul and I don’t know why or how but my attraction to you is more than I have ever felt for anyone before and I never want to see you hurt or scared or lie to you ever again.”

  Sarah was confused, what was he talking about? This was certainly not the answer which she had been expecting. She loved him so much already in the short time they had known and been together. And she didn’t know why but she felt as if in a way she had always known him. Her heart was ecstatic that he loved her so passionately because she felt the same way about him. She moved her other hand over on top of his that was holding her other one still and looked him as deeply into his eyes as she could.

  “I feel the same way about you. You make me feel like nothing ever has before in my life. But I don’t understand what secret you could be keeping that would make me want to go away. Much less want to forget about you.” Sarah said in a bewildered voice.

  “Well, now it’s my turn to look crazy. Here goes nothing.” He paused. “Are you ready for the truth?” Marcus asked, for the time since she had met him showing uncertainty and little bit of vulnerability.

  Marcus smiled at her and Sarah watched in amazement as his incisor teeth began to grow and extend and stopped once they protruded out of his mouth by about 3 inches. Sarah let out a small gasp and felt a rush of adrenaline flow through her and was instantly aroused. She gently pulled him close down to her face. Quickly inspecting his brilliantly white and pointed teeth before gently placing her lips on his own.

  “So that’s how come you are so good at eating me out.” She said teasingly.

  “It’s hard for me to restrain them when I’m hungry or aroused. It’s especially hard to keep them hidden from you. Impossibly hard since the moment I laid eyes on you. So you’re not scared of me then?” Marcus asked.

  “You make me feel the safest I’ve ever felt. I don’t think I could be scared of you... well maybe if you tried to eat me then I would be. But I don’t quite get those vibes from you.” Sarah said.

  “Well I’m glad about that. Unfortunately I was hoping to have had a bit more time with you before you figured out or rather I was hoping to tell you when the timing was right. But now that you know, well….” Marcus paused and trailed off, his eyes looking sad.

  “What? What is it?” Sarah asked. All of a sudden feeling a bit of fear that had not been there a moment ago.

  “Well, we have a code. My clan does anyway. A certain set of rules, as you would say. Especially, when it comes to human contact. In order to keep us safe from the mortals. Rules pertaining to human interactions are very specific. We are allowed to interact for feeding first and foremost. However, the human must not be left alive after a feed. We are also allowed to choose for ourselves one human to have at a time as our own for sexual pleasure but they must not know our true identity. Should they discover the truth, one of two things must be done. The first choice is to erase your memory completely of all interactions related to the relationship. The other is turn them into your forever partner but they must be willing and understanding of what happens once you go through the change. It isn’t a process which can be reversed.” Marcus said.

  “So now I have to make a choice between forgetting all about you or becoming just like you? And you are… A vampire?” Sarah asked. Her eyes growing wide at the thought and the reality of the situation. She closed them while she thought about the weight of the decision she was now faced with.

  “Have you ever done this with another?” Sarah asked, opening her eyes and looking straight at him.

  “I have had many human lovers, but I have never given one the choice before to join me for forever,” Marcus replied seriously.

  The answer made Sarah want to jump for joy but instead she pulled him close and kissed him once more, gently and playfully biting at his lip in between his fangs. She knew exactly what she wanted. She had never fit in or belonged anywhere really. She had never found anyone who had excited her the way that Marcus did. Her life in her small town would always be the same if she stayed there. There was no way she was going to give up this once in a lifetime chance to have the life of her dreams. Marcus pulled back a bit and looked down at her seriously.

  “It does have its dark moments and it’s not as glamorous as you read in the vampire novels you humans write.” Marcus said again in a very serious tone.

  “I don’t care. I want to be with you. I want to share this life with you. Every relationship has its ups and downs and the good ones are supposed to be for forever anyway. I know as long as I have you that everything will be more than good and whatever bad happens we can deal with it together.” Sarah said insistently. She knew in her heart this was true and was not afraid to say it out loud.

  Marcus smiled down at her and reached one hand sliding it up the back of her dress until he reached her neck. Grabbing it gently but firmly from behind, his large white hand almost wrapped all the way around her petite, black throat and pulled her closely into him. Being very careful not to mar her with his fangs he kissed her deeply, their tongues intertwining. Sarah began to run her hand up his firm stomach and solid chest muscles until she got to the top of his shirt where his tie was neatly knotted and began to loosen it. She pulled it off and began working at the buttons on his shirt the whole time him kissing her gently, his smooth, cold fangs gently pressing against her lips as his tongue danced with hers.

  Marcus moved his hands slowly over the fabric of her delicate dress, feeling the round curves of her hips and the small indentations in her waist, curving back out again at her ample bosom. His hands paused over breasts, massaging them, one in each hand. He fleshed out her nipples through the fabric and squeezed them while he continued kissing her. Gently at first, then harder and harder, until she squealed a bit though the kiss and tried to instinctively back away from the pleasurable pain he was causing. He moved one of his hands to the small of her back and pulled her in closely again, letting up a bit on the pressure of the nipple which he still had caught. He stopped kissing her and pulled back.

  “Too much?” he asked.

  “Not enough,” Sarah replied teasingly and Marcus pinched her dark nipple hard and quickly as he kissed her. He placed his fangs ever so gently biting on her lower lip so as not to draw blood but to keep her from squirming away with pleasure. He moved his other hand back so now he was working both nipples as she wiggled and moaned from the pleasure. He leaned down and gently bit and nipped at them through her dress. Then he slid aside the fabric which had been hiding her large round breasts and allowed them to dangle free and naked in the moonlight.

  He placed his large pink lips over her dark nipple. Both of her nipples hardened simultaneously as she felt the cool hardness of his fangs pressing into the skin on both side of her nipple as he flicked his tongue back and forth over the hardened dark button.

  As Sarah laid her head back and moaned in pleasure he laid her back into the pillows and then slid the shoulders of the dress off, over her arms so the fabric of her dress was now gathered around her waist. His hand moved quickly to release the back of her bra and he tossed it on the floor. He followed that by quickly pulling off his unbuttoned shirt and tossing it on the floor next to it. Taking one of her dark wrists into each of his pale hands he pulled them above her head and began to kiss her starting at her forehead and working his way to her mouth. Holding both of her wrists in one hand he ki
ssed her softly once more on the mouth before returning to her breasts.

  As he sucked and worked at her hard nipples Sarah could feel the area between her legs growing wetter and wetter. Her little black and pink pussy lips craved his large white cock. Oh how she wanted to see him slide his huge shaft into her wetness. How she wanted to be with him for forever. How she was starting to crave the feeling of his fangs biting through her flesh. She pulled his shirt off as he sucked at her large, black tits. He moved his hand down to her waist and in one swift movement pulled the dress all the way off of her and throwing it on the floor next to her bra.

  She laid there on the bed, her dark black form contrasting on the white sheets of the bed as the moonlight highlighted her curvy hips and shapely breasts. Marcus’s large white form contrasting with hers as they intertwined their bodies together.

  Marcus moved again down to her sweet pussy lips, lapping at her moisture and making her wetter for him. Once she was dripping with her own wetness he straddled her and slid his large hard cock deep into her tight, dark pussy. She screamed out in pleasure as he began to thrust himself in and out of her. So hard she would have been smashed into the headboard of the bed if he weren’t pulling her hair back with one hand while the other hand held her halfway around the waist. He pounded her over and over again as she moaned wildly with pleasure. Her legs shaking as she began to cum all over his pounding shaft. Upon feeling her cum onto him Marcus allowed himself to release as well so they came together. Their warm cum mixing together as he continued to slide in and out of her.

  Once they had finished Marcus walked to the bathroom to grab a towel to clean up the extra mess. He gathered that and the clothes off of the floor and placed them into hamper in his master bathroom. He came back into the bedroom and slid the curtains open allowing the full light of the moon to shine in on them. Below was the courtyard still full of the revelers and partiers.

  He went to the dresser which was central to the window which over looked the courtyard and lit 2 of three candles which had been ceremoniously placed on top, leaving the candle in the middle unlit. Then he walked back over to Sarah and took her hand.


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