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Keeping You Forever (A Harbor Love Series)

Page 10

by Marulanda, Jaclyn

  “No Grayson is the only one. Are you sure you want to go on a date with Grayson, Paige?”

  Paige put her hands on her hips and looked at her sister “What are you trying to say that I am the bad girl from the city and he is the good ole boy from the small town and I am going to ruin him?” she asked

  “You know that is not what I meant Paige. You were born here in Bar Harbor; most people do not see you as the big bad girl from the city. Grayson is just different from the other guys you have been dating, being that he is not Italian and a romantic tour guide.”

  “I told you I needed a change so I came back home to make that change. Maybe romantic Italian tour guides are not the best kind of men for me. I need something different and I think Grayson is the perfect way to start. Besides, we did have a good time the other night when Tyler took you home.”

  Grace shook her head and sighed. Paige was always the wild one, the one who would date a new guy every week. Grace worried about her and wanted her to be happy. Everything that Paige had gone through in the past couple of months would drive anyone out of their mind. But Paige was different. She never let anything or anyone bring her down and it made Grace happy to know her sister would always know how to take care of herself. “Just be easy with Grayson. Everyone knows he is a sweetheart and I don’t want people to start saying that you took advantage of him,” Grace said.

  “I don’t think Grayson will have any problem with me ‘taking advantage of him.’ He did practically jump me on the sofa the other night…. Oh shit did I just say that out loud?”

  “Ok, ok, this is too much information. And….. Ewww, my poor sofa,” Grace said covering her eyes. “I think we should leave now Tyler, before I lose my appetite.”

  Paige laughed and crossed her arms in front of her “Just saying. Maybe you all don’t know the side of Grayson that I do. That man has no problem at all with a woman taking advantage of him.”

  “Are you going to kick him in his balls or is it just mine you particularly want to hurt,” Tyler asking as Grace pulled him toward the front door.

  “Your balls were in danger because you hurt my sister. Grayson’s balls on the other hand will be getting––”

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence Paige!” Grace said, pushing Tyler out of the front door and slammed it before Paige could finish. “Please excuse my sister. I told you she has a hard time thinking before she speaks.”

  “Ah yes, that symptom. If I remember correctly it’s a family trait. Do I need to remind you of the first night we met and then the next morning?” he said nudging her hip and smiled.

  “Wow all the sudden I am starving,”

  “You can change the subject all you want Grace, but if I remember correctly, you said, and I quote… I was the grumpy neighbor you should not borrow sugar from.”

  “I take it back. You are not a grumpy neighbor and I would borrow sugar from you any day.”

  The morning was one that Grace was sure to never forget. She woke up next to a gorgeous man who wanted her and no one else. Her sister was home and excited about starting her life over and it was almost time for Thanksgiving and Christmas two of her favorite holidays. Now that she had Tyler and both of her sisters at home she couldn’t wait to spend it with them.

  As Tyler sat across from Grace in the booth at the diner he could not help but get lost in her. Everything about her pulled him in and he had no intentions of ever letting her go. He wasn’t sure how it happened, but from the first moment he laid eyes on her, he was done. She took his heart and ran away with it.

  “What are you looking at,” Grace asked. “You are staring at me like you want to jump across this table and do something,” she whispered with a grin so no one else could hear her.

  “If you knew what I was thinking right now you would not be sitting there so calmly,” he leaned forward reaching across the table for her hands. “You are making me think of all the things I just did to you hours ago and I want to do them again,” he said before pulling her forward and giving her a quick kiss.

  It was a little after eight when Tyler and Grace made it to Geddys. It was Autumn’s birthday and she wanted everyone with her at her favorite place.

  “You are here almost every day could you have not picked another place to celebrate your birthday?” Paige asked as she sat down next to her sister at the bar.

  “You’re one to talk. You have been in here every night since you got back. I do believe you met a certain someone here and then had your tongue in his mouth the rest of the night,” Autumn grinned and took a sip of her beer just as Paige gave her a little slap on the head.

  “Thank you big mouth, Grace was not supposed to know about that.”

  “Know about what?” Grace said, pulling off her jacket and finding a seat next to her sisters at the bar.

  “That your very promiscuous sister over here had her tongue down Grayson’s throat,” Autumn said.

  “Hey! I am not promiscuous, I am a very happy loving person. Hot guys just can’t stay away from me.”

  Grace glanced at her sisters and shook her head. “That’s too much information for only one beer, at least wait until I have had two please. You have only been back in town for a few days and you’re already corrupting the good boys that are left in this town,” she said with a smile.

  Grace always thought Paige would drive the boys wild when she was older. She always had a way with charming them and leaving them senseless when she was around them. A part of her hoped that Paige would outgrow this heart breaking phase but it always seemed to follow her around and sometimes left her with the broken heart. Especially after the Italian tour guide who left her without a proper goodbye.

  “Speaking of corrupting the good boys in town Grace, you seem to have done just that with our hot neighbor,” Paige said with a smirk. “You guys did just spend the entire afternoon corrupting each other at his place, am I right?”

  “I agree with your sister Grace, you are corrupting me,” Tyler said trying to maintain his serious face.

  She laughed and finished her beer and turned toward Tyler, pulling him to her by his shirt and said “I will show you corruption. I didn’t see you complaining about my corruption a few hours ago,” she smiled and kissed him, wrapping her hands around his neck and got lost in his kiss again.

  “Get a room. You two are worse than Paige,” Autumn said.

  “You know if you weren’t my baby sister I would so give you the middle finger right now and it’s your birthday so I will be nice, just for today,” Paige said. “Now, get me another beer. Isn’t it your job to keep the customers happy?”

  “Again, my birthday… remember? I’m not working tonight so go get me another beer and make me happy.

  The night could not have been going better. Grace was with both of her sisters who she loved more than anything. They were both happy and content with being at home in Bar Harbor and she was finally able to let herself be happy and forget about the heartache of Denny. Tyler never took his eyes off of her and with the looks he was giving her, she knew that she wasn’t going to be getting much sleep later. She smiled when she saw Tyler at the end of the bar talking to some of the other locals and caught him stealing glances at her. He winked at her and continued stealing glances in between his conversation.

  “Are you serious about Gracie Carter?” asked a man sitting at the bar. “Gracie is like one of my own, her sisters too. She has had a tough life with her mom leaving her and having that dick head Denny mess with her heart. She deserves happiness and if you aren’t serious I would keep on moving.”

  Tyler looked over at Grace again, his heart jumped and he felt his legs go weak at the thought of hurting her. “I am very serious about her. I just don’t know if she is going to let me in. But I am going to try like hell and if I get her, I am keeping her forever.”

  It had been three days since Autumn’s birthday and it was almost time for Thanksgiving. Monday morning came quickly for Grace as she slammed the snooze button on
her alarm clock and rolled out of bed. “I don’t know why people say the early bird gets the worm. I don’t even like worms. I should just go back to bed,” she said as she made her way to the bathroom.

  She blinked and took a closer look in the mirror. Her cheeks were red and her hair was its usually crazy mess. “Sleep deprivation does not agree with me,” she said as she pulled her wild hair into a pony tail. It was still dark outside and she didn’t want to wake Tyler who was asleep in her beg, sprawled out with the covers hanging low on his hips. She stood at the foot of the bed watching him sleep. She ran a finger across her lips remembering the many ways he kissed her that night. It was a thought she could see herself waking up to for the rest of her life. Shaking the thoughts out of her mind she turned quietly looking for her running clothes and pulling them on, while trying not to wake up Tyler.

  “Are you sneaking out on me again?” Tyler asked in a sleepy raspy voice. He lifted his head, watching her pull her clothes on and smiled.

  “I am not sneaking out of you I am going running. I do this every morning. It helps get through the day without feeling tried. Go back to sleep.”

  “I can think of something else besides running that will leave you feeling great and energized for the rest of the day.” He sat up in bed and reached for her and yanked her down onto his lap. His hands came around her neck and pulled her closer to him. He kissed her lips and leaned back looking into her eyes. “Get back in bed it’s too early and too damn cold to be running.” He kissed her again, slowly taking his time as his tongue parted her lips and slid into her mouth. His fingers wound themselves into her hair and pulled gently, tilting her head up so his lips could kiss down her jawline to her neck and to the soft skin behind her ear. She gasped when his teeth bit down on her gently and his tongue slid across her skin.

  “Are you trying to make me change my mind about running?” she asked, as her breathing became uneven.

  “Mmmmhmm,” he said nodding his head and continuing his trail of kisses while he used his hands to take off her shoes. “You don’t need these in bed,” he said and tossed them to the floor.

  “I guess I could find another way to take my mind off of things.”

  She was falling back onto the bed and his body was over hers before she could complain. He was quick and pinned her arms above her head so she couldn’t move. “What I want to do is better than running.” He bit down on her bottom lip as his hands worked on removing her pants, sliding them down her legs and feeling every inch of her. “Oh fuck, you aren’t wearing any panties. The things you do to me, I swear you drive me out of my fucking mind, but in a good way.” His hands were warm he let them roam up her thigh and over her in between her legs.


  “I’m right here baby and I am not going anywhere and either are you,” he whispered before nibbling on her ear. His finger slid inside of her and his thumb rubbed over her most sensitive area, sending shivers down her body. She moaned and arched her back, pushing herself onto his hand.

  “We’re going to wake up my sisters,” she said and gasped when he bit down on her neck.

  “Then be quiet and you won’t wake anyone up. You are the one who is has a hard time keeping quiet. You almost broke the noise ordnance the other night. It’s a good thing I keep my windows closed or you might have woken up the neighbors,” he said grinning as he kissed his way down her body and slid down in between her legs.

  “I’m not that loud. Besides, it’s your fault you know, if you wouldn’t do those things with your...”

  His tongue slid inside of her before she could finish her sentence and she moaned again, biting down on her lip to keep from making too much noise.

  “Is this what you are talking about,” he said and flicked his tongue making her moan. Her hips moved with every flick and thrust of his finger. He took his time pushing her closer and used his other hand to still her hips, holding them in place.

  “Tyler…” her voice was filled with need and something more that she wasn’t sure about yet. Deep down she knew what it was. She knew that he made her way into her heart and it felt like it was about to explode out of her chest. He kissed her soft wet skin and his tongue ran up her thigh and back inside of her making small quick circles that drove her crazy. It was like a wave that started out slow and moved over her body. Tyler took his time making his way up her body, kissing and licking every inch of her skin until he was looking into her eyes. His body supported by his hands by her face. Something was different this time when he looked into her eyes, she could see it. It was more than desire or want. He moved shifting his weight to his one side as his hand slid up her arm and up to her cheek. Lost in her eyes and the way she made him feel he was stuck in the moment of taking in the site of her under him and he never wanted it to end. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes for another second before he rolled them both over, pulling the covers with them. Grace was on top of him now, her hair was falling down around her face and he sat up, pushing her back a little while his hands came around her back, and unhooking her bra and sliding the straps down her arm and tossed to the side of the bed.

  “You are so beautiful Grace,” he said before his lips found hers. “What did you do to me? I never thought I could feel this way again. I can’t stop thinking about you or wanting you.”

  The words were like a jolt to her heart. A flood of emotions came over her and she could no longer hold back the way she was feeling for Tyler. Her heart squeezed and she felt butterflies in her stomach as he kissed her. She shifted on his lap, lowering herself onto him and pushing him deep inside of her. His arms tightened around her body, holding her close as she moved her hips pushing him deeper. A groan vibrated deep in his chest and he deepened the kiss when she moved her hips again, slowly.

  “Oh fuck, don’t move like that you are going to make me lose it in a second and I don’t want it to be over yet,” he said in a rough voice and grasped her hips to hold her in place. “Slow. I want to take my time you feel so fucking good like this.”

  “Slow like this?” she whispered in his ear and bit down on his shoulder gently as her hips rocked slowly with his, pushing him deeper with each thrust.

  “Just like that.” He pushed deeper inside of her, their bodies almost as one. Her insides clenched around him and he groaned again and fell back taking her with him as they rolled and he was on top of her again. “So fucking good every time.” he said with one last thrust, his body tensed and he pushed harder one last time as she came around him as he found his own release, his face pressed against her neck leaving kisses down the side of her neck to the front of her throat.

  They both laid there trying to calm their rapidly beating hearts and breathing as Tyler softly kissed the skin at the base of her throat. “Grace you get me every time. Every time I am with you I am falling all over again.”

  The sun was barely up when they both drifted off to sleep. In his arms Grace forgot about every worry she had in the world. It wasn’t until the sun shining bright in her eyes did she notice she was already late for work. Jumping out of bed and throwing on her clothes in a hurry she did not see Tyler was watching her with a big smug grin on his face.

  “I don’t know what is hotter, you running around naked looking for clothes, or knowing you are late because I just gave you the two best orgasms of your life,” he said, grabbing a pillow and putting it behind his head and laid back to watch her.

  “Are you going to just lay there and watch me?” she asked

  “Well I don’t have to go to work, so yeah I am going to just lay here and watch.” He put his hands behind his head and adjusted himself into the pillow, grinning from ear to ear watching her pull on her clothes.

  “I am late. I am sure you can find your way home, or do you still need me to walk you home and show you the way,” she said in a playful tone before giving him a quick kiss.

  “Funny little thing aren’t you. I think it was me who walked you home the first night. I can find my way home j
ust fine,” he said and grabbed her wrist pulling her back down to the bed. “When you get home come over. I want to take you out to dinner.”

  She smiled and gave him another quick kiss before getting up. “I will be home after five and would love to have dinner with you later.”

  It was another busy Monday at work for Grace. Customers came in all morning and never stopped until lunch time. She was looking forward to having the next four days off and spending time with her sisters and Tyler. It was going to be the first Thanksgiving in years that both of her sisters would be home and it would be her first Thanksgiving with Tyler. It sounded a whole hell of a lot better than the last three years of lonely holidays. She was exhausted from such a long morning that she decided to skip lunch and went to her car to clear her mind in the silence. Taking a deep breath she leaned her head back and closed her eyes trying to focus on relaxing her mind even if it was just for a few minutes. The peace and quiet always helped her clear her mind and take away some of her stress, but it was cut short when a knock on the window pulled her out of her relaxation. Grace opened her eyes and looked out the window and could feel all the tension coming right back. Out of all the people in Bar Harbor this was one person she could do without running into, especially when she was trying to relax.

  She sighed and rolled down her window and gave Denny a look that could kill. “What do you want now Denny?”

  “Is it true what everyone is saying? You and this new guy Reese are a thing?” He asked with a mocking tone. “People have seen you two at Geddys looking pretty cozy together.”

  “That is none of your fucking business Denny. You left me, remember? You have no say in my life anymore.” She was pissed now. How dare him question her about who she was seeing and what she was doing, especially when he was the one who cheated on her with a tourist and wasn’t even sorry about it when he got caught.

  “It is my business when you are parading all over the damn street with surfer boy and making me look like an idiot.”


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