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Skrymers Glove

Page 28

by Per Holbo


  ”There!” Baldur pointed towards the cascades of fire that stood out from what previously had been a hangar door. Thor reacted immediately and started up Miolner. He looked up and saw a Yetten fighter with at least twenty other Farbauters right on its tail. They practically bombarded the first fighter and Thor had no doubt that it had to be the work of Loki. He set the time distortion to -75% and waited. Miolner could in principle be used for smaller vessels, but with such a degree of displacement, it had to replenish after each shot.

  Baldur, however, fired his guns repeatedly and with great skill. The whole area around Loki was covered in fire and fragments from broken Yetten fighters and for a short while they couldn´t even see Loki´s Farbauter in the cloud of metal and battle dust. Then, out of the clouds came first two fighters and then Loki. The two fighters flew in ​​a huge arc and although Loki tried turning downwards, both fighters were able to follow him and sent a sea of ​​radiation away in the direction of the lone Farbauter, which even seemed to have engine problems.

  The guns of Loki´s Farbauter sent beams wildly around it and struck one fighter. The pilot first tried to return home, but then he seemed to change his mind and instead he headed straight towards Loki´s Farbauter.

  Thor reacted quickly and fired Miolner. An almost invisible pocket whooshed away like a stray balloon. The pocket threw itself on the lone Farbauter embracing it and making it stop abruptly resulting in the burning torch rushing past. It lasted for only a short moment. Then the Farbauter jolted forward again and held its previous speed.

  ”Yes! Alright, Thor,” Baldur cried out. Then he turned back his attention to the guns and soon they roared peeling down 8 Yetten fighters before it dawned on them that they had lost the battle and they all scattered to the winds.

  Now it was important to keep the big cruiser at bay so that their friends could get close enough for them to be transported to the Alfheim. Baldur stayed with the guns, while Thor grabbed the console and stormed out the door. He had to prepare the transporter room and compensate for the various time lags in and around Skrymers Glove, if Sif, Freya, Loki, Tjalfe and Roeskva were not to end their days as a dollop of organic material on the floor inside an enemy vessel.

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