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Summer's Landing (A Loving Summer Standalone Novel Series): Loving Summer Spinoff (Loving Summer Series Book 9)

Page 6

by Kailin Gow

  “I did?” Drew asked, looking confused. “I guess it makes sense since it is closer to where you work. It’s Donovan Dynamics after all, and I have the only private residential floor of that building. It was Nat’s place before so I guess it’s okay.”

  “I’ll pick up my stuff, Drew,” I said. “I don’t think I’d stay over there anytime soon.” I looked over at Nat, who looked at Drew angrily, but at me with a concerned look.

  “What’s going on?” Rachel asked, coming over.

  “Drew found my things at his place,” I said.

  “Really?” Rachel asked. “That’s because my dear brother Drew, you see, Summer and you…”

  “Had an agreement,” I said quickly, trying to stop Rachel from making an awkward dinner even more awkward. “I get to stay at his place at Donovan Dynamics since it’s big enough when I’m on call at the hospital. But now that I see I won’t be there for a while, I’ll go over and pack my things.”

  Rachel shot Drew a mean look. “If you want Summer out of your place, I’d be happy to have her stay with me in Beverly Hills.”

  “Won’t be necessary,” Nat said gruffly. “Summer’s staying with me, in my quarters. If have to, I’d have her driven to the hospital when she gets a call to be there.”

  “Look,” Drew said, running his hand through his hair. “Summer’s welcome to keep her stuff there. I just thought she ought to know she had her things there.”

  “No, Drew,” I said. “Since Nat offered, and…”

  “Summer’s my girl,” Nat said, “She should be with me at my place. From now on. I don’t want here anywhere else except with me.” He looked into my eyes, and I could see he meant it.

  “Okay then,” Drew said. “Summer, you can come over anytime to pick up your things. But I should let you know, I’m having some friends come over to my place, and it would be awkward for them to see I have women’s things over at my place. I didn’t want them to get the wrong idea, you know.”

  “The wrong idea, huh?” Rachel asked angrily. “Will maybe you should. What kind of friends are these?”

  Drew grinned sheepishly. “Well, Rach. You know, since I’m not married, and only 28…women throw themselves at me all the time. Give me their numbers and stuff like that…”

  “The Drew Effect?” Rachel asked. “Don’t tell me suddenly, it’s back after all these years?”

  “What do you mean, Rach?” Drew asked. “I never lost it.”

  Rachel looked at me and said, “When do you want me to strangle him?”

  “What are you talking about?” Drew asked. “Just because you’re with Luis, and Nat is with Summer…I’m not about to swear off women. I’m still a single guy, whom…” he pulled out his phone and punched in a few words, “according to People, is one of the Top 100 Beautiful People. Nat and Rach, by-the-way, you’re on there too.”

  “Never cared for those lists,” Nat said.

  “Really?” Rachel reached for Drew’s phone. “Why didn’t my publicist tell me. I’ve got to post about it to thank everyone.”

  “Drew…” I bit back my hurt and looked down. He didn’t remember anything about us. If he did, he would never talk about the Drew Effect in front of me. Not since we got engaged. He would never have said anything about having other women, any women over at his place. The last time was back in college at USC when we weren’t together.

  “Oh, Astor Fairway is on that list, too?” Rachel said, scrolling through the article.

  Nat laughed. “Well, he deserved it. When Summer was dating him, I hated his guts. I thought he was some kind of pretty boy who just wanted to get into Summer’s pants, but he had proven to be a good guy. He really admired and cared for Aunt Sookie.”

  I added, “And he stepped up to help keep her legacy alive by naming a theater after her and becoming a partner at her Academy. He’s a true friend.”

  “Astor Fairway?” Drew asked. “The fair-headed boy who always hung around us at Aunt Sookie’s?”

  “Yes,” Nat said. “The guy you didn’t like, either.”

  “Because he was better-looking than me?” Drew asked grinning.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “No, Drew, because of Summer.”

  Drew looked at me and blinked his eyes. “Did he do something to Summer that Nat didn’t like?”

  Rachel sighed and said, “Astor Fairway was Summer’s first boyfriend. They were pretty serious too. She went away with him for a while after Aunt Sookie’s death, and…”

  Drew’s eyes widen and he looked like he was hit by a flashback. “I remember how Nat blew up at Summer one time because she was going over to his house. Summer was just a teen then, and Nat cared about her…We thought he was up to no good…”

  Nat pursed his lips and said, “At least some memory of Summer is coming back.”

  “Summer was really hot that summer,” Drew said. “No wonder a teen heartthrob like Astor Fairway wanted to date her. She wasn’t as pretty before but that summer, she really blossomed.”

  I looked over at Drew the same time Nat and Rachel did. Maybe now he would remember his feelings.

  Drew was quiet for a moment. Then he looked up, grabbed his phone out of Rachel’s hands and said, “I better clean up my place if I want to make a good impression on the ladies. If you’ll excuse me, I have to run.”

  Rachel looked over at me as Drew began running, and she came over to hug me. “Go after him, Summer,” she said. “He’s coming around, and well, go pick up your things before anyone else does.”

  “Sir,” Luis said, stepping up to Nat, “there are some last minute details about the mission Hector and I need to go over with you. Some logistics we have to cover tonight.”

  Nat looked over at me and said, “Go over to Drew’s and do what you need to do. Playtime’s over. I need to go with Luis back to the compound. A man’s safety and life may be at risk, along with ours if we don’t plan things right.”

  “Go ahead, Luis,” Rachel said. “And thanks for a great time.” She stood up on tiptoes to kiss him on the lips.

  Luis grabbed her and gave her a deep kiss before letting her go. “I had fun, too, girl,” he said. “Until next time!”

  Nat laughed and slapped Luis on the back as they left together.

  I turned to Rachel, and she pushed me forward. “Maybe you can still catch Drew before he leaves.” She pulled out her phone and started calling. “I’ll stall him and tell him you’ll meet him in the lobby downstairs to go with him to pick up your things.”

  “Okay,” I said, rushing down the hallway to the elevators.

  When I reached the lobby to the Century Building, Drew was standing by the plush leather sofas in the lobby. He still took my breath away when I saw him glance up at me.

  “Summer,” he said smiling widely. He walked over to me in long strides. “I thought you weren’t coming, and Rachel had lied, trying to get back at me for whatever cruel deed I had done to her when we were little.”

  I smiled back. For a while, I had forgotten about his memory lapse. For a while, I was back to being the Summer that Drew loved and wanted to spend forever with. “Drew!” I reached up my arms toward his neck and embraced him. Was he really back?

  “Wow, Summer,” Drew said. “You’re so friendly. I’m happy to see you again, too, although it’s only been about 10 minutes since we last saw each other.”

  “Oh, sorry, Drew,” I said. “I am pretty friendly with everyone. And we’re practically family. I’ve always felt that way with all of you Donovans.”

  “I know,” Drew said. “That’s why I can’t wait for you and Nat to tie the knot. It’ll be a race between Rachel and Luis, but you and Nat…you’ve been together so long, I can’t wait to become an uncle. No pressure, of course.”

  My heart fell again. This time, tears welled up in my eyes. It was so hard not to feel anything for Drew, being this close to him.

  “Summer, what’s wrong?” Drew asked. “You look like you’re about to cry.”

  “Just old memo
ries,” I said. “And even some regrets.”

  Drew nodded. “Want to change the past?”

  “No, not at all,” I said, wiping away my tears. “Whatever happened, happened for a reason. I’ve learned to accept that a long time ago when Nat left. I learned to accept a lot of things.”

  Drew put his arms around me and hugged me close. “If it’s any consolation, Summer, I struggle with my memories and past, too. I can’t for the life of me, remember everything. I know I have been taking medication for the same kind of illness my mother has, but I think I’m becoming more forgetful too.” He steered me towards the parking garage where his sleek silver Maserati was parked.

  “You are?” I asked, alarmed. This was new development for me. Drew never told me he was experiencing side effects with his regular medication.

  “You’re a doctor, Summer. What does it mean when you black out sometimes and wake up somewhere else? I’ve been doing so lately, but I can’t remember if I’ve done that before or if something is new. I’ve seen that happened to my mother once or twice before.”

  We got into his car, and I sat there, trying to make sense of it all. Could it be related to his coma? To the coma medicine?

  Drew started his car and said, “This morning, for instance, I woke up and got ready for work. I came down to the lobby of Donovan Dynamics, and everyone was looking at me funny. I looked down and saw that I was only wearing my boxers. I had forgotten to get dressed.”

  I looked at Drew and wished I could kiss him. Poor Drew...what he was going through. He was literally losing him mind and memories.

  “Drew,” I said, “give me your keys. I’ll drive, not that I don’t trust you, but under the circumstances of what you just told me, I think it’s best if you just rest for now.”

  He gave me his keys, and we switched places in his car.

  “I also think we need to get you to my hospital to get examined.”

  “So my get together tonight with the girls is off?” Drew asked.

  “I think it’s best for you to cancel,” I said, gritting my teeth.

  “Okay, Doc,” Drew said. He pulled out his phone and made a few phone calls. “Hello, Trixi, can’t have that drink with you tonight. Something came up. No, you’re not being rejected. You’re one hot woman. Why would I do that? You can tell the girlfriend you were bringing it’s canceled, could you? I like that idea. A threesome in the tub sounds relaxing. Oh, baby, there’s enough of me to go around. Don’t sound like that. You can invite another friend to join us for next time. Okay, talk to you soon.”

  I almost gagged. I guessed I did.

  “Are you alright, Summer?” Drew asked. “It seemed like you were choking.”

  “Something went down the wrong pipe,” I said, coughing.

  Drew opened his glove compartment and took out a water bottle. “Here,” he said handing it to me.

  “Thanks,” I said, opening it up and swallowing. I shook my head. “I have forgotten how you used to be such an unbelievable son of a biotch when it came to women.”

  “Excuse me?” Drew asked as I made my way onto the freeway towards the hospital I worked at.

  “So 1980s,” I said. “Calling women, ‘babes’ and thinking you are just God’s gift to women. Oh please.”

  “Well, they fell for it, didn’t they?” Drew asked. “If they didn’t like it, why would they respond so well to it? Who’s the smart one now?”

  I glanced over at Drew and rolled my eyes. Was Drew always this dense?

  “Believe me, only women with the IQ of a bunny would fall for that. Any women with any sense of dignity would never fall for that. At least, not twice.” I never fell for Drew’s ‘hey ladies look at me, I’m so hot’ line, didn’t I? Instead I fell for the sweet sensitive and passionate man that was always there to hold me and be there for me. That was the Drew I fell for, not this guy, whoever he was.

  “Boy, Nat sure got himself a feisty one, didn’t he?” Drew said under his breath.

  “I may be feisty and smart, but I can still please any man of mine in bed like a girl from the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,” I said.

  Drew laughed. “I’d like to see that!”

  You have. When I used to get dressed up in nothing but lace and garter belts, and tie you up in silk stockings while I made you whimper in need for me with just one touch of my feather wand.

  “You got more to you than you seem, Summer,” Drew said.

  “You betcha,” I said. “I also happen to know there is something my man truly can’t resist and it gets to him all the time…”

  “What?” Drew asked, his eyes now taking me in from head to toe.

  “Two words,” I said looking into his eyes.

  He licked his lips. “What?”

  “One…Feather. And two…Wand.”

  Drew visibly shuddered. “God, that seemed so naughty.”

  “It is,” I said. “Especially when I stick the wand in a place where it hasn’t seen sun.”

  “No kidding,” Drew said.

  “I bet,” I said. “You would love it. It would drive you crazy.”

  “Sounds like something I would love to try, Summer,” Drew said.

  “Haven’t you?” I asked boldly. It’s time he remembered something of me. At least that we had great and unbelievable sex.

  “I have memories of having sex using feathers,” Drew said. “I must’ve had so many partners, I can’t remember which one, but yes, I believe I’ve experienced it.”

  “I bet you have,” I said. “Too bad you can’t remember the exact details. When you’ve experienced it, you’d want to remember it for the rest of your life.”

  So many partners he can’t remember which one. Ha! As far as I know, it was only me for the last decade. Or did Drew lived a separate life outside of the one I knew?

  Having him forget we were engaged was becoming more interesting.

  “So, Drew, you’ve had many partners? When?” I asked.

  “Whenever I could,” Drew said. “I’ve never just had one. It’s not like me. I’m not Nat. I could never have settled for just one girl, especially for over 10 years.”

  “Oh really?” I said between clenched teeth. “You’ve always been a player? When was the last time you were with a girl, Drew? The way you talked on the phone just now, it seemed you were way out of practice. Any woman could tell.”

  “The way I talked on the phone? That was customized to fit Trixi’s language,” Drew said.

  “Customized? Ha! It sounded like the worst type of cliché one-liners player types have been throwing around since our great grandfather’s days. It sounds like a bad plaid coat.”

  Drew shifted in his seat. “Tell me then, Ms. Been Around the Block A Few Times, what would you know about dating? You’ve only dated Astor Fairway and then my brother who wasn’t exactly very experienced back then.”

  “I know a lot more about dating the kind of guy you are than you know,” I said. “In fact, there was one time when Nat and I had broken up, and I began seeing a guy who was a lot like you, Drew. He always put on a front like he was such a ladies’ man, but deep down, he only really wanted one girl. At least it seemed that way. He did everything he could to win this girl’s heart over. Even risking his life a few times, which proved to her his true love for her. But then again, she would do the same because she had fallen in love with him too.”

  “Boy that must’ve been a bummer for you, Summer,” Drew said. “When he got together with his true love, it must’ve ended your relationship with him. Was that why you seem so bitter against guys like us?”

  “Bitter against guys like you?” I shook my head. “If you only knew.”

  And remember. The egg would be on your face, jerk.

  We arrived at my hospital faster than I anticipated, especially in Los Angeles traffic. I had been driving faster than the speed limit, almost gunning it, fueled by my anger at this new Drew.

  “Hey hey Ms. Two Left Feet,” Drew said as I swung into a narrow parking
space, nearly sideswiping the car next to it. “Watch the anger issue. I can’t have my new baby car damaged already, can I?”

  Better the car than your smug face.

  How did I ever managed to be with a man this infuriating for so long? What did I see in him?

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Calm down. Calm down. Maybe this was the medicine talking instead of Drew.

  Drew was already out of the car and stretching his arms. “So you had me cancel my get together with the girls tonight. Hope you can entertain me while we’re here. I hate hospitals. All that white gowns and clean smell.”

  “We’re here because you asked me about your blackouts,” I said. “It’s a serious matter that should be checked out.”

  “I want to keep everything private and confidential,” Drew said. “If I check into this hospital, can you guarantee that? I don’t even want Nat and Rach to know.”

  I thought about Drew having been in a coma, having been taken care of at Nat’s medical facility instead of a public hospital. Maybe I should have brought him to a private facility.

  “Good point,” I said. “I’ll say you’re hanging out with me as I check up on some things. Technically, I’m on leave so I’m not even supposed to be here.”

  “Then how are you going to check me out?” Drew asked.

  “I need some equipment, but I could check you out myself,” I said. “Don’t worry. No one else will be there. It’ll be private and confidential. I won’t put it on record.”

  “Alright, Doctor,” Drew said. “I guess I’m in good hands.”

  “Yes you are,” I said, leading him through the private staff entrance.

  I was hoping no one would see me so I didn’t have to answer any questions, but as I made my way to my office, the Head Nurse Sarah May pass me by and said, “Dr. Jones? What are you doing here? Aren’t you on leave?”


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