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The Complete Secrets Series

Page 21

by LK Shaw

  Well, that was unexpected.


  Saturday mornings were usually spent meeting Penny for brunch and then running errands. I had spent most of last night replaying my visit from Detective Daniel Webber. His touch had sent the tiniest spark through me. Nothing like the inferno I felt at Connor’s touch, but enough to intrigue me. I didn’t know if Daniel was into kink, and I hadn’t had vanilla sex since my senior year of high school. I had no idea why I was even thinking about him anyway. He offered to help with Alex; that was it. I was reading too much into his caress.

  I finished tidying up the house and headed out the door. I loved living this close to downtown, because I could walk everywhere. Today was the perfect fall day with the leaves only just starting to turn. It was my favorite time of year. I leisurely strolled down the sidewalk, taking in the birds chirping and smelling the scent of fresh-cut grass in the air. I turned the corner and headed into Miller’s Cafe.

  Miller’s is a quaint little diner owned by Joe and Betty Miller, and has been open for over sixty years. Their food is plentiful and inexpensive. I headed toward our usual table mid-way to the back of the restaurant where Penny was already waiting for me. I slid into the chair across from her with my back to the door.

  “You’ll never guess what happened last night.” I teased her.

  She bounced a little excitedly in her chair waiting for the juicy gossip. “Did you and Connor finally boink?” She whispered the last word.

  “Boink? Good lord, woman. Have I taught you nothing? I don’t boink; I fuck. And no, Connor and I didn’t ‘boink’.” I laughed. The elderly couple two tables away sent a dirty glare our way at my word choice. I didn’t care. I cussed like a sailor; sue me. There weren’t any children around so they needed to get over it.

  “Apparently, Connor went to an acquaintance of his at the police with some concerns he had about Alex. This acquaintance, one deliciously gorgeous officer named Daniel Webber, came by my house last night. He left his card with his personal cell phone number, and I am not kidding when I tell you he totally eye-fucked me. I have to be honest and say I definitely wasn’t upset about it, either. He’s hot and I didn’t see a ring on his finger. Not that that means anything nowadays.”

  I could tell she deflated a little at my words. I knew her heart was set on Connor and me getting together. I hated to keep dashing her hopes. I doubted anything would come from a mild flirtation with the sexy detective, but it didn’t hurt anything. We were both single, or at least I assumed the detective was single since I hadn’t spotted a ring, and I wasn’t dead yet. I could certainly appreciate a handsome man.

  “Why does Connor have concerns about Alex?” she asked in puzzlement.

  “He found a bruise on Alex, and even though Alex gave a reasonable excuse, Connor wasn’t taking any chances. He at least wanted the police to know in case it turns into something more. God, I pray it doesn’t. Alex being abused would be another thing that’s my fault.”

  Penny reached across the table and laid her hand over mine. “Bridget, you need to stop with the guilt. You did what was right for Alex at the time. You have no control over the universe. Sometimes bad things happen. They’re no one’s fault. They just are. Stop beating yourself up.”

  Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. I tried to stop the guilt, but it never went away. I didn’t need to bring our day down with my depression, so I broke the silence by asking about her adopted daughter, Hailey. Instantly, the atmosphere changed as a look of joy spread across Penny’s face.

  We chatted for a while about Hailey and how she was still adjusting to the change of having a new stepmom. Penny also talked about wanting another baby. She loved and treated Hailey as though she’d given birth to her, but she also wanted a baby that was hers and Marcus’.

  Our food came, and conversation slowed as we focused on our meal. I noticed, though, that Penny was continuously distracted by something at the front of the restaurant. As I was about to turn around to see what had her attention she discreetly pointed.

  “I can’t be sure, but there’s a young boy who appears to be watching us. Brace yourself before you turn around, Bridget, because he looks just like you.”

  My heart rate accelerated at her words and my head whipped around. Joy filled my heart at the sight of him. In both shock and awe, I could only whisper, “Alex.”

  He appeared startled for a moment before another expression, one I couldn’t determine, flashed across his face. Without warning, he jumped up from his chair so quickly it toppled over behind him. Then he took off running out of the cafe. Confused and worried, I leapt out of my own chair and gave chase, screaming his name.

  I had never been athletic, but I ran as fast as I could, yelling Alex’s name as I followed him for several blocks, until fatigue and a stitch in my side started slowing me down. Damn, that kid was fast. I ran until I exhausted myself without getting any closer to catching up with him. Tears poured down my face. I had been so close. Why was he running from me? It didn't make any sense. Finally, I had to force myself to stop, and he disappeared out of my sight.

  I collapsed in exhaustion against the side of the building. My legs were so weak I slid down to my butt, bringing my knees to my chest, and laid my head on my knees and cried. When I finally got myself under control, I trudged back to the restaurant where a worried Penny waited. I slid back in to my vacated seat. I’m sure I looked a mess with a flushed face and tear tracks down my cheeks, but I didn’t care.

  With concern in her voice Penny apologized that she might have spooked him. I waved off her concern and listlessly returned to my meal. Not able to eat anymore, I pushed my food around on my plate. The remainder of our morning was spent in heavy silence. Finally, I gave up any pretense of enjoying myself any longer.

  “I’m sorry, Penny, but I need to get out of here. I hate that I’m ruining our brunch, but I’m just not in the mood for socializing anymore.”

  I rose from my seat with Penny following suit. She moved around the table until she stood next to me then reached out to grasp my hand

  “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry. Is there anything I can do, Bridge? I feel like this is all my fault.” Penny asked, concern evident in her voice.

  I only shook my head. “No, I’m sorry I wasn’t good company today.”

  “I understand. So, what are you going to do now?” she asked.

  I shrugged in indecision. “I need to call Connor. Or maybe Daniel. Someone needs to check on Alex. I have no idea why he ran. God, this is killing me.”

  We hugged our goodbyes, and I skipped running my errands. Instead, I walked home and sat, staring into space, debating who I should call. Connor or Daniel? It didn’t take me long to figure it out. My heart knew long before my brain did. I reached for my phone and dialed the number.


  My entire day yesterday had been spent combing through all the paperwork I’d dug up on the Shipmans, and I’d found something intriguing. Because of Bridget’s concerns for Alex, all my focus had been on Malcolm Shipman and the boy. I hadn’t paid close enough attention to his parents. Based on what I could find, the Shipmans had a hefty bank account and an even heftier insurance policy in place before their deaths. Their primary beneficiary, of course, was Alex, but as he was a minor, a trustee had been assigned as a secondary beneficiary. A trustee who just happened to be Alex Shipman’s uncle. That could explain the luxury car that the average Joe wouldn’t be able to afford under normal circumstances.

  I understood that a leap from child abuse to murder was a giant one, but I didn’t plan on leaving any stone unturned when it came to this case. I needed to know everything. I left everything at the office yesterday in order to give my eyes a rest. I would start fresh looking over it all on Monday. Tonight I needed Eden. I also needed to see Bridget. It had been a few days since I left her standing in her store with my promise, and I’d forced myself to stay away.

  My phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID. My brow f
urrowed when I saw Bridget’s name flash across the screen. It was a weird coincidence since I was just thinking about her. Then I started to worry and wonder why she would be calling me on a Saturday afternoon, especially since she still wasn’t totally pleased with me.

  “Hello, Bridget.” I greeted her.

  “Connor, I just saw Alex,” she responded, a tone of worry sounding in my ear. “He was at the cafe where Penny and I were eating brunch. She saw him sitting there watching us, but when I turned and called out his name, he took off. I tried to chase after him, yelling for him to stop, but I lost him. Why would he run? Connor, please, I need you to find him for me.” By the time she finished speaking, she had become slightly distressed sounding.

  “Bridget, calm down. It’s okay. He was probably just curious about you.” I tried to placate her.

  “But why would he run? Like he was afraid of something? It doesn’t make sense.”

  No, it didn’t, but I didn’t want to make her more frantic than she already sounded. I did my best to calm her down. “I don’t know. Maybe he got nervous and panicked when you tried to talk to him. He freaked, not knowing what to say to you. Look, I’ll go check on him if it makes you feel better.”

  Her tremulous voice made my heart ache. “Please, Connor. I need to know he’s okay.”

  I rushed to reassure her, “I’ll head over to the house now, okay?”

  She sighed softly. “Thank you, Connor.”

  There was nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman. “You’re welcome. I’ll let you know if I find anything out. I promise.”

  After I hung up, I drove over to Alex’s house. All was quiet. I hung around for a while, waiting for I don’t know what. I don’t really know what I expected to find coming over here, but I needed to do it to reassure Bridget. I knew her nerves were shot. Mine were too. Because even though no sign of life came from the house, I had a bad feeling. I’d learned over the years not to ignore my gut. Knowing I wasn’t going to learn anything, I left and would check on Alex on Monday. I’d let Bridget know that all was clear when I saw her tonight.

  I entered the club and felt the pulsing of the beats reverberate through my skin. I inhaled deeply the smell of sex and sweat. I scanned the room for any sign of luscious red hair. When I didn’t spot her immediately, I sauntered over to the bar and ordered a scotch on the rocks. I pondered what I was going to say when I saw her next. I didn’t have long to think about it, because on my next sweep, I spotted her entering the doorway across the room.

  My cock hardened at the sight of her dressed in an underbust Kelly green corset with black piping around the edges and peek-a-boo lace covering her breasts. I could barely see the outline of her dark brown areolas and nipples. She also had on sheer black cheeky boy shorts that only enhanced her toned ass cheeks. Her long, gorgeous legs glowed in the dimmed lights, and her calf muscles were defined as she stood in black shoes I’d heard women call “fuck me pumps”.

  She proceeded into the common room and stepped over to a group of women that included Gina. The women began chatting, but Bridget’s face looked wan, and I could see the slight tension lines around her mouth and eyes. I knew she was worried and trying her best to be social.

  I quickly finished my scotch and was about to draw her away from the ladies to, hopefully, ease her burden about Alex a little. As I began to head over there, I stopped and frowned when a new face appeared in my vision. What the fuck was he doing here? Webber strolled in looking extremely uncomfortable as he took in his surroundings. I also noticed people staring at him in his out-of-place navy pinstriped suit. Clothing was optional in Eden so it wasn't typical to see a man fully dressed.

  I observed him as he ambled further into the club. His gaze bounced back and forth between the St. Andrew’s Cross on the stage and the rope rigging apparatus on the perpendicular wall.

  His eyes widened in shock when the Dom on stage snapped the bullwhip toward the waiting sub strapped to the cross. He took a quick step forward like we wanted to intervene, but stopped himself. I almost took pity on him and was about to come to his rescue when his gaze honed in on Bridget. He began walking toward her, a sudden confidence in his stride. When he reached the group of women, stopping just behind Bridget, they all stopped talking except her. When she realized every one was silent and staring at something behind her, she turned to see who or what had their attention.

  Her eyes bugged out and her mouth dropped in shock when she spied Webber behind her. I had to give her credit for recovering quickly. I could tell introductions were being made, although I had no idea how they knew each other. Webber, I knew, was definitely not a member of the club. The question was, who invited him? It couldn’t have been Bridget since she was as shocked as I was that he was here. I couldn’t take not knowing what was going on and seeing him continue to stare at her with this intense expression on his face I refused to name.

  I moved from my semi-leaning position against the bar and attempted, without success, to nonchalantly wander over in their direction. Several people tried to stop me to say hi, but with what I knew was a thunderous expression on my face, they changed their minds and judged it best to get out of my way. I reached the group and forced a smile.

  “Ladies.” I turned and glared at the interloper and ground out, “Webber.”

  He nodded in response with a smirk I wanted to wipe off with my fist. “Black, always a pleasure. Ms. Carter was just introducing me to the rest of these lovely women.” He had the gall to place his hand on the small of her back.

  I immediately saw red and glanced at Bridget, who was looking anywhere but at me. I also noticed she didn’t move away from his touch. “I didn’t realize you knew Ms. Carter. And what are you doing here? You’re definitely not a member. I never pictured you as a Dominant. A submissive, on the other hand? That I could see.” I knew I was being a jealous asshole, but this fucker, with his hands all over Bridget, was pissing me off.

  He shrugged, unfazed by my barbs. “No, I’m not a member. Yet. I was invited by the friend of a friend actually. So I could check the place out. See what this kinky lifestyle is all about. Maybe find someone who could teach me a thing or two.” He moved an infinitesimal degree closer to Bridget. Oh, hell no.

  I wasn’t sure, but I think I growled then. “Well, I’m sure Gina here would be happy to teach you a thing or two. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to speak with Ms. Carter alone for a moment.”

  Bridget’s head snapped in my direction at this, and finally, she met my eyes. I don’t know what she saw in them, but she must have thought it was in her best interest to agree. “Daniel, it was a, um, pleasure to see you again. Maybe we can talk before you leave.”

  “She’ll be busy until then,” I ground out. When she opened her mouth to rebut my statement, I instructed a little sharper than I intended, “With me. Now, Bridget.”


  I bristled at his tone, but excused myself and started walking to one of the couches in the common area. Connor snatched my hand in his and pulled me along with him toward the rooms in the back. I attempted to tug my hand out of his, but he refused to loosen his grip so I gave up resisting. I didn’t want to make a scene in public, but when we got to our destination, he would be getting an earful. His macho man attitude pissed me off. Besides, I needed to know what he’d found out about Alex.

  A sense of déjà vu ran through me as I followed Connor into the second room on the right. I wondered if he’d chosen this room specifically, or if it was purely coincidental. Either way, I stood in the middle of the room like before.

  “Strip,” came the same command from behind me.

  Unlike last time, I turned to face him, ignoring the command. “What the hell is wrong with you tonight? You were rude to Daniel.”

  “Daniel?” he asked in a low tone. “When the fuck did you meet Daniel?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my head showing him how unaffected I was by his question. “I met him last night when he came by my ho
use. He wanted to ask me some questions about Alex and the phone calls I received from him. He said you spoke to him about the case.”

  He huffed in disgust. “I told him everything in confidence. He had no business coming to you about this. I told you I would take care of everything.”

  I stared at him in irritation. “He’s with the police, Connor. He has every business coming to me if it involves helping my son. Jesus, you sound jealous or some—”

  I stopped mid-sentence when I saw his cheeks flush at the word jealous. I gasped. “You are, aren’t you? You’re jealous of Daniel. Oh, this is rich. The big, bad Dom is jealous of the cop.”

  “I’m not jealous,” he argued. “You’re a sub, Bridget. It’s who you are. You need dominance. I highly doubt Webber knows the first thing about the kink lifestyle.”

  “Who said anything about him dominating me? I just met him last night, for God’s sake. And what does that have to do with anything? He wants to help me with Alex, not get in my pants.”

  Now, it was his turn to laugh. “You have to be kidding me, right? Of course he wants to get in your pants. He’s a guy. Het guys want to get in a woman’s pants. It’s how we’re wired.”

  I glared at him. “So, what you’re telling me is that the only reason a man would be interested in me is to get in my pants? He might not want to actually have a conversation and get to know me? You know what, never mind. We’re getting off topic here. Look, he offered to help. I’m taking all the help I can get. I don’t care who offers it. I only care about Alex. And you still haven’t told me what you found out. He should be your first priority, not this irrational jealousy about Daniel. He is willing to help me. I think I’ll go talk to him about seeing Alex. Go beat your chest somewhere else. I’m out of here.”


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