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The Complete Secrets Series

Page 25

by LK Shaw

  I raced into the emergency department and spied Webber sprawled in one of the chairs at the back of the waiting room. I rushed over to him, needing to find out about Bridget. He must have heard my approach because he turned his head in my direction and sat up when I reached him.

  “Where is she?” I snapped, impatient to see her and make sure she was okay.

  “She’s still in one of the exam rooms. They’re stitching up the cut on both her cheek and above her eye. Then they’re going to get an x-ray and CT scan to see about the ribs and concussion. That’s all I can tell you.” Webber replied, in a calm voice. I assumed he was trying to reassure me that she was going to be fine. I still needed to see her for myself.

  Three excruciating hours later, a doctor entered the waiting room, and I leapt from my chair, ready to begin the interrogation. Webber had passed irritated about two hours ago. Every person wearing scrubs that came through the door received the third degree about Bridget whether they knew anything or not. After I interrogated the fourth nurse, Webber gave up trying to stop me. He’d fallen asleep an hour ago.

  “How’s Bridget Carter doing? They brought her in about three hours ago.”

  “Are you Connor Black?”

  “Yes, now tell me how she is.”

  “Ms. Carter is in stable condition. She has been asking for you and knew you would be waiting to hear how she was. Her x-rays came back negative for cracked ribs, but they are bruised, and the CT scan showed no skull fracture, but she does have a minor concussion. She’ll need to be on bed rest for another day and she’ll have a whopper of a headache for a few more days with the possibility of some dizziness and double vision. She won’t be able to drive for at least a week or until she follows up with her primary care physician. Overall, she is an extremely lucky woman. She was severely beaten, and it definitely could have been worse. Does she live with anyone or is there someone she can stay with for a few days?”

  Without any hesitation and before thinking it all the way through I said, “Bridget will be staying with me. Now, can I please see her?”

  With a nod, he led me through the doors, past exam rooms and curtained off areas and stopped before a slightly opened door. He indicated for me to enter. I lightly knocked, slowly opened the door, and,careful to not wake her if she’d fallen asleep. I spied her lying on the gurney, eyes closed, and bruises on the entire right side of her face, which only highlighted the stitches in her cheek and above her eye. Fury raged through me, and I had to quash the urge to punch a hole in the wall.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  She blinked a couple times before her gaze focused in on me. She attempted to smile, but winced in pain and reached up to touch her face to assess her injury. Bridget groaned in pain when she tried to shift positions.

  “You didn’t wake me. I was just resting. And trying not to move. Fuck, my whole body feels like I’ve been run over by a train. My head is killing me, too.”

  Even with the bruises marring her face, Bridget was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I intended to do everything I could to find the bastard who did this and fuck up his entire existence. No one hurt my woman. And yes, she was my woman. When I got that phone call from Webber telling me Bridget had been injured, my heart stopped. I was madly in love with this woman and I needed to stop pushing her away. Like she once said, she needed a man with the balls to go after what he wanted. It was time for me to grow a pair and fight for her. Even if it was my inner demons I had to fight.

  Bridget was unlike any woman I’d ever known. I had to have faith that she wouldn’t reject me based on my superficial looks, unlike other women. I still needed to keep that other side of me, the darker side, reined in, but I needed to claim this woman before someone else did. The question was, was I strong enough? Looking at her lying there, I knew I had to be.

  “I’m sorry you’re hurting, baby. Where the hell is the nurse with some pain medicine?”

  “Connor, it’s fine. I took something not that long ago. It just needs to kick in. I’ll be all right in a little bit. Really.”

  I could sense she was puzzling something out inside that gorgeous head of hers when she barely cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “Did you just call me ‘baby’?”

  Oddly, heat rose to my cheeks. I don’t know that I’d ever blushed before in my life. I had to clear my throat before answering. “Is there a problem with me calling you baby?”

  She hesitated only briefly, but enough to make my heart stop. “Not necessarily, but I’m a little confused. You’ve pushed me away more than once, and now you’re calling me pet names. The mixed signals you’ve been sending are enough to drive a person to drink. I’m not sure what your angle is.”

  I reached out to clasp her hand in mine. “There is no angle. I could have lost you tonight, and it made me realize how short life is and that we don’t always get second chances. I want a second chance. I care about you, Bridget. I don’t know where this could lead, but I’m ready to find out. No more pushing you away. It ends now, especially because I know you want me too. I’m done fucking around. It’s time to claim what’s mine.”

  “Yours, huh? Just like that, you’re going to claim me like I’m a piece of property? You seem awfully sure of yourself.”

  She was toeing the line of bratty with her words, and it was time to put her in check. “Damn right you’re mine, Bridget. You and I both know it. Now, stop arguing with me. Just know we’ll be discussing how things are going to be between us soon. Understand?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” She almost purred at the praise. “You’ll be staying with me until I find out who did this to you.” Her mouth opened, about to argue. “This is not up for discussion, Bridget. You will stay with me. I need to be able to protect you. I refuse to lose you. Once you’re discharged, we’ll stop by your place so you can pick up things you might need. Then, for the duration, you’ll be with me. Now, get some sleep. I need to talk to Webber, but I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Even through her yawn she fought me. “You’re awfully bossy, even for a Dom. But I’ll sleep because I’m tired.”

  I had to stifle a smile, because I secretly enjoyed her bratty side on occasion. It would give me an excuse to warm up that ass. She kept me on my toes and was never predictable. I would never be bored with her around. Our living arrangement was going to take some getting used to, but I was looking forward to keeping Bridget in line. My hand tingled in anticipation of all the spankings I knew she was going to earn. I watched as her heavy-lidded eyes finally closed and a soft sigh escaped her lips. I knew she was out for the count. I quietly left the room and headed out to where I figured Webber still waited.


  The first thing I noticed upon waking was that everything hurt. I wasn’t in total agony anymore, but shit still hurt. I opened my eyes and blinked, trying to bring the tiled ceiling into focus. I lay there for a minute gathering my bearings. Then I remembered where I was and what had happened. I didn’t know how long I’d been asleep, but if the pain I was in was any indication, it hadn’t been long enough. Damn, I hated hospitals. The last time I had been here was when I’d given birth to Alex. Based on how I currently felt, I had a feeling I wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. Damn.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  I slowly turned my head, wincing slightly, and spotted Connor sitting in the darkened corner. I drank in the sight of him looking cramped and uncomfortable in the too small chair. He was wearing the same clothes he’d been in when he was here before, and he had a crease in his cheek where it looked like he’d been sleeping on it. Even still, he was the most handsome man I’d ever met.

  “How long have I been asleep?” I asked, groggily, my voice scratchy.

  Connor moved the chair closer to the bed and reached for my hand. I’m not sure if he was trying to comfort me or himself. “About ten hours. It’s 4:00 in the afternoon now. You needed the sleep so
I didn’t want to disturb you. Are you feeling any better?”

  I took inventory of my aches and pains and realized that, while sore, I wasn’t in the agonizing pain I’d been in when I first arrived at the hospital or even when Connor first came in.

  “Let’s just say I won’t be doing any jumping jacks anytime soon.” I laughed. “But, seriously, I don’t feel like crying anymore, so I’ll take it. I have a small headache and my side hurts, but I could be dead so I guess in the grand scheme of things, that’s not so bad.”

  Fury unlike any I’d ever seen before flashed across Connor’s face. “I’ll kill whoever did this to you, Bridget. I promise you.”

  Shock had me immobilized. I could see by the look on his face that he was entirely serious. I was both horrified and yet strangely filled with awe that someone would go to such extreme lengths for me. I wasn’t even sure how to respond. I was saved from saying anything by a knock on the door. A young nurse poked her head in.

  “Oh,” she smiled brightly, “you’re awake. I hate to bother you, but there is a detective here who would like to speak with you, Ms. Carter.”

  I exchanged a glance with Connor and hoped he behaved himself.

  “Please show him in.”

  She opened the door wider and, with a wave of her hand, ushered Daniel in. He looked a little haggard, like sleep eluded him. He was still an extremely good-looking man, but my body didn’t come alive like it did with Connor.

  “Bridget. Black.” He inclined his head. “I needed to ask you some questions about what happened last night. I might have a lead from an eyewitness who saw someone run out of the building about the same time as your assault, but I still want to hear what went down in your words.”

  He pulled out his notepad and pen that always seemed to be with him. “What time did you arrive home last night?”

  “I can’t remember the exact time, but I finished up at the store around 8:30. I took my time walking home so I probably got there around 9:00.”

  He scribbled in his notebook. “And what happened when you got to your house?”

  I told my story, and Daniel took numerous notes. Connor cursed occasionally in the background, but I kept my eyes on Daniel, not wanting to see the expression on Connor’s face. A churning began in my belly as nausea hit me when I remembered the terror I felt not knowing if I was about to be raped. I took deep calming breaths, trying not to have a panic attack.

  “He ran out of the house, and the two officers arrived shortly afterward. You know what happened after that.”

  Daniel had briefly stopped writing in his notebook during my retelling, especially when I got to the part where the intruder had been carrying me back to my room. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Connor's fists clenching and unclenching.

  “Do you remember seeing anything or noticing anything about the intruder? Any fragrances like cologne? Could you tell how tall he was? What about his voice? Did he say anything? Don’t think any detail is too small.”

  I didn’t want to remember what had happened or what could have happened. I just wanted it all to go away. But I knew that wouldn’t help anyone, so I thought back to last night and tried to remember any possible detail. “I didn’t notice any special smells, and I can only tell you he was taller than me, but not by much I don’t think. He didn’t say anything until I head-butted him and possibly broke his nose. He started swearing. Other than that, there’s nothing I can remember. I was too focused on not puking from the pain that I didn’t pay attention as he ran out the door. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.”

  Daniel put his notebook and rose. “You’ve been very helpful. I’m going to follow up on the possible lead and see if it goes anywhere. I’d like to talk with you more a little later. Can I stop by your house in a few days and speak with you?”

  Before I could even speak, Connor butted in. “She won’t be returning home any time soon.”

  “Oh, and where will she be?”

  “With me.”

  My gaze bounced back and forth between the two men who continued to stare each other down. It was almost comical to watch the non-verbal communication between the two. Connor’s chest was puffed out and his arms were crossed over it. As though something specific passed between the men, Daniel’s expression changed slightly. He broke eye contact with Connor, and if I hadn’t been looking at him I would have missed the small nod. He then turned back to look at me.

  “Well then, I know where I can reach you when I need to speak with you next. I’ll be in touch sometime in the next few days.”

  He moved to the door and opened it to leave. He paused, and turned his head toward me again before speaking softly. “I’m really glad you’re safe, Bridget.”

  Before I could thank him, he quickly walked out the door, closing it behind him, leaving me feeling like I’d just lost a friend.


  I learned something about Bridget at the hospital. She was a terrible patient, and had no idea how to lie still. She was constantly getting up and moving even though the doctor told her she needed to rest. I understood that moving around a little was good for her, but she was always in motion. She suffered from occasional dizziness due to the concussion and needed to take a quick break from what she was doing until it went away. Other than that, she didn’t stop. She was constantly walking around the room, flashes of her ass driving me insane.

  They kept Bridget overnight Sunday for observation, and early Monday morning, she was released from the hospital. We had picked up a few things from her house that she needed and then I got her settled in at my place. Gina had taken over running the store while Bridget was recovering. And even though it probably wasn’t my place, I told Gina that she would remain in charge for a few more days. I planned on making sure Bridget stayed off her feet for a while until she recovered. Plus, the fact that she was finally in my house and my bed was something I didn’t want to change any time soon. I planned on keeping her here as long as I could. Forever, if possible. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I didn’t know how long I could resist her now that she was finally in my grasp. Seeing her day in and day out was going to drive me mad. I wanted to touch her all the time. To reassure myself that she was really here. I had no idea how I was going to sleep next to her tonight and not reach out for her.

  I showed her around the house when we first got there, and I caught her wincing once because of the bruised ribs when she turned a certain way. It was then that a fury unlike any I’d felt before came over me. Instinct was pointing a finger at Malcolm Shipman.

  For the last few days, my entire focus had been on Bridget. But now I needed to get back to the reason why she came to me in the first place—to help Alex. Knowing she was safe with me, I could relax a little and shift my attention to Alex and getting him out of the hands of that bastard.

  “I need to leave for a few hours. Are you going to behave yourself and rest while I’m gone?”

  “Of course. What kind of trouble do you expect me to get into?”

  “With you, I have no idea. But I need you to stay put and get some rest. We still don’t know who did this to you, Bridget. And until he’s caught, I want to know you’re safe. Which means you stay here and behave.”

  Bridget’s playfulness faded a little with my words. “I understand, Sir. I’ll be a good sub and follow your orders. Today.”

  I could only shake my head. I knew I had my hands full with this one. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I fucking loved this woman, brattiness and all. I was going to enjoy attempting to tame her. I certainly didn’t want to change anything about her, but I loved having some fun and pushing her to her limits. Which was something we needed to discuss. It was time to begin more fully communicating with each other. We certainly had not been practicing safe BDSM. And I took full responsibility for that.

  She had been correct when she said she didn’t know what was expected of her. And that was no way to treat a sub, especially my sub. Subs needed rules and boundar
ies. They want to please their Dom, but they can’t do that if they’ve not been given the tools to do it. Without that foundation, resentment would be the result. I felt I had failed my responsibility as a Dom to guide her and direct her. That was about to change.

  “Before I leave, though, there are some things we need to discuss.”

  She made a face. “Well, that sounds ominous.”

  “Not really. Come here.”

  When she was within arm’s length, I pulled her against me so she rested in the cradle of my hips. Unconsciously, she leaned into me and wrapped her arms around the back of my neck.

  “We need to talk limits. It’s my fault we’ve been remiss in this. But I’m trying to be more open and communicate enough to meet your needs. So, this is me communicating. You are now in my home. The rules are much different here than they are at your house. Here, I am Master of all things. I am the one in control. I’m not expecting you to be my slave. I have a housekeeper who cleans, and we can share meal prep. I don’t expect you to wait on me hand and foot. However, when we are in the bedroom, you belong to me. I need to know what your soft and hard limits are. Are you on birth control, because I want to feel you skin to skin? Do you have any triggers? Most importantly, what is your safe word?”

  My spine tingled and my cock became semi-hard as she played with my hair. I didn’t realize my head was such an erogenous zone. Not many women had the opportunity to touch me like this. I was realizing how much I enjoyed it.

  “Well, Sir, I only have a few hard limits. I’m not into blood, golden showers, or scat. I don’t do needles or knives. I’m also not into age play. I don’t have any triggers that I’ve discovered in any of my play. I’m on the pill. so I’m okay with forgoing condoms. Also, my safe word is unicorn.”

  “Unicorn?” I couldn’t help but smirk a little at this.

  She pulled my hair. “What’s wrong with unicorn?”


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