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The Complete Secrets Series

Page 30

by LK Shaw

  A soft rustling sounded behind me. I withdrew my gun and waited. When Miles peeked around the corner, I relaxed. Miles had been in my employ since the second year I opened Blacklight Securities. He was, in fact, my second-in-command. I trusted him more than I trusted anyone. Well, besides Bridget now. He’d been a good friend throughout the years.

  Miles came to stand next to me. “Have you seen anything yet?”

  “Nothing. You arrived right behind me so I haven’t had the chance to get closer and scope anything out. All is quiet.”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  “My only plan is to not get Bridget or Alex killed. I need eyes inside that cabin. To see what we’re up against. I’m going to see if I can get around back by heading through these trees. I want you to stay here and wait for my signal.”

  Not waiting for an answer, because I knew Miles would follow my instructions to the letter, I set off through the trees, staying close to the outside to keep the house in view. After dodging branches and other foliage, I finally reached the back of the house. I crept out of the woods, and ducking low, I raced to the house and leaned against it, staying out of view of the windows. I quickly snuck a glance into the nearest one. Inside was a bedroom. The bed was still made, and I could clearly see one door led into a bathroom. The other door appeared to lead out into a hallway.

  I ducked under the window and kept creeping along the wall until I reached the side of the house. Again, I peeked into the window and stopped in my tracks. The window was in the kitchen, but with the open floor plan, I was able to see the living room as well. Malcolm was pacing back and forth, a gun in his hand, and with each pass, I caught a glimpse of Bridget and Alex. What I saw pissed me off. Bridget was sitting on her knees on the floor, her hand on Alex’s leg. A bruise was forming on her face and her lip was split. Again. Her lip had only just recently closed up. Alex was tied to a kitchen chair and had a black eye and who knew what other injuries. Both of them looked terrified with tear tracks running down their faces.

  Bridget sat awkwardly, her side hurting. I saw red at the thought that Malcolm had caused further injury. I needed to formulate a plan. So far, everything appeared calm, but I had no idea if Malcolm would go off at any second. I had to stop myself from charging in. I didn’t want to rush in and put them into further danger. I don’t know if she sensed my eyes on her or not, but at that moment Bridget looked up and our eyes connected. I saw her gasp, and I quickly ducked back and away from the window.

  I heard Malcolm start yelling. “What did you see out there? Is someone here?” And then louder, “Is that you Connor? I have your whore and her bastard in here. You just made my job easier. I don’t have to wait to kill you. I get a two for one here.”

  Miles was still out there, waiting. I signaled to him I was going in and he needed to be ready when the time came. I made my way to the front of the house and stood pressed against the wall next to the front door. I tucked my gun in the waistband of my pants at the small of my back. Then, I called out a warning before I slowly started to open the door.

  “I’m coming in.”

  Through the crack in the door, I slowly stuck my head in, hoping he didn’t blow it off. I kept my eyes on him as I stepped fully inside. Hoping Malcolm didn’t notice, I kept the door cracked open for Miles and attempted to distract him. I put my hands above my head to show him I wasn't a threat.

  “What are you doing, Malcolm? Do you think you’re going to get away with this?”

  “I have no other choice. If it weren’t for the two of you poking your nose in my business, then none of this would have had to happen. I need that money from the trust. Mr. Falcone will kill me otherwise.”

  “What makes you think I won’t kill you first?”

  He swung the gun in Bridget and Alex’s direction and cocked it. “Because those two are my insurance policy.”

  My body froze when he aimed the gun in their direction. I needed to keep him talking, distracted, and away from the door where I knew Miles was making his way to. But first, I needed to check on my woman. Keeping my hands where he could see him and without breaking eye contact, I slowly walked in their direction, making sure I didn’t show him my back. When I reached them, Bridget stood and both of us moved to stand in front of Alex to block him with our bodies.

  “Are you all right, baby?” I wiped the tears that had begun to fall.

  “I knew you’d find me,” she whispered.

  “Always, love. You know that when we get out of here, I’m going to spank your ass raw for not only coming here alone but for not even contacting me first before you set out on this harebrained scheme.” I spoke softly so Alex couldn’t hear.

  She laughed quietly in spite of her tears. “I’d expect nothing less, Sir.”

  I looked down at Alex. “What about you, son? You okay? You’re not hurt anywhere else are you?”

  He shook his head. “No, sir.”

  “I’m going to get us out of here. I promise.” I winked to try and reassure him.

  I turned my head to face Malcolm again. As I did, I saw a shadow pass in front of the door. I knew Miles was in place.

  “Let me untie Alex. He’s just a little boy. You’re the one with the gun. The one in control. But I need to make sure he’s okay. So, let me untie him.”

  “No. He’s fine right where he is. Now, I need you to step away from them.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Just then, Miles burst through the door, gun drawn. “Drop it.”

  Startled, Malcolm swung around, taking his eyes off us. “Stay back. I swear I’ll shoot them.”

  Miles remained collected as he issued his order again. “I said, drop the gun, Shipman.”

  Malcolm’s eyes darted between Miles and me, Bridget, and Alex. A crazed look flashed across his face, and at that moment I knew he then realized he wasn’t going to get his revenge. He turned fully to me and raised his gun, intent on taking at least one of us down.

  Without hesitation, Miles fired. Malcolm screamed out in pain and fell to the floor, clutching his leg as blood poured out of the wound. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was over. Now that Malcolm was down, my focus shifted back to Bridget and Alex. Bridget hadn’t wasted any time; she was already hurriedly untying Alex. Once he was free, she immediately threw her arms around him and crushed him to her. Both of them burst into tears. Bridget glanced over at me and suddenly a look of terror crossed her face.

  “Connor!” Bridget screamed out a warning. I quickly turned to see Malcolm raise the gun from the floor and point it straight at us. Even knowing I’d never reach it in time, I tried grabbing my gun from behind my back at the same time I pushed her and Alex out of the way. A gunshot sounded, and I braced myself for the pain, expecting to feel a bullet explode through me.

  The echo of the gunshot faded, and I remained standing. Opening eyes I hadn’t realized were closed, I saw Malcolm lying on the floor, a large puddle of blood forming under his head. My eyes shot up to Miles who held a still smoking gun in his hands. He stood immobile, face pale, hands shaking, but his stare never left the now dead body on the floor.

  I frantically raced over to Bridget and Alex to make sure neither was hurt.

  “Are either of you hit?”

  Alex was completely dazed, but Bridget was holding her composure better than I expected.

  “We’re both fine, I swear.”

  After I was reassured that they hadn’t been injured, I slowly walked over to Miles and gently pried the gun from his clenched fingers. I put my arm around him and guided him over to a kitchen chair, forcing him to sit. He had a glazed expression; he was clearly in shock knowing he’d just killed a man. We’d seen dead bodies in our line of work, but this was the first time he’d caused the death of another human being.

  I knelt directly in front of him. “Look at me, Miles,” I demanded. He never even blinked. I tried again, my tone sharper this time. “Miles.”

  His head snapped in my direction and his eyes met mi
ne. “It’s over. We’re okay.” He shook himself and then nodded slowly at me. Knowing there was nothing else I could do for him and knowing that Bridget and Alex were safe, I pulled out my phone and dialed Webber’s number.


  When Malcolm had pointed his gun at Connor, I knew he was going to kill him. I’d never been so scared in all my life. And the blood. Oh my god. I refused to let go of Alex and kept his eyes averted from the body on the floor. Connor was speaking to his friend, a man I’d seen that first day at Connor’s office, which seemed like a lifetime ago. The dazed expression on his face surely matched the one on my own.

  I watched as Connor led him into the kitchen. They briefly spoke before Connor was pulling out his phone. Needing to get Alex out of this room, I held his hand and brought him with me into the kitchen.

  “Alex and I are going into the bedroom. He doesn’t need to see — ” I didn’t know what to say. His uncle? The dead body? Regardless of how it was phrased, it couldn’t be easy to reconcile the fact that his uncle had tried to kill us.

  “Hold on.” Connor spoke into the phone. “Do I need to come with you? Webber can wait.”

  “No, we’ll be fine. Talk to Detective Webber.”

  Connor nodded and I heard his “All right, I’m here. We have a problem.” as I guided Alex to the back of the house, continuing to keep him out of direct sight of the living room.

  Once we reached the bedroom, I sat Alex on the bed. He still hadn’t said a word. He wasn’t even crying. I first checked his arms and hands to make sure they weren’t bleeding from the ropes. Then, I knelt down to take off his shoes. I pulled up each leg of his jeans and checked each of his legs as well. There was a little redness around his wrists, but no broken skin.

  “Why don’t you lay down sweetie.” He continued to sit there listlessly. I gently nudged him and when he didn’t fight me, I laid him down myself. When I moved away for a second, he grabbed my hand.

  “Don’t leave me.” My heart ached at his broken tone.

  I squatted down next to him. “I’m not leaving, baby. I was just going to find a blanket.”

  He shook his head and refused to let go of my hand.

  “I’m right here, love. I’m not going anywhere.” Not knowing what else to do, I scooted him over and crawled into the bed next to him. The second I wrapped my arms around him, he burst into gut-wrenching sobs. I hugged him to me tightly, doing my best to comfort him. Eventually, his sobs quieted to soft hiccups. I listened as his breathing evened out and he fell into an exhausted sleep. I waited a little while to make sure he didn’t wake before I quietly slipped out of the bed and made my way back out front. The couch blocked my view of the living room floor. I wasn’t surprised to see Detective Webber had arrived and was standing in the kitchen speaking with Connor. Connor’s friend was nowhere to be found.

  He nodded when I entered the room and came to stand next to Connor. “Bridget.”

  “Detective Webber.”

  Dreading it, but doing it anyway, I quickly glanced into the living room, and saw that Alex’s uncle’s body was still there, but someone had covered it up. I stood there, feeling like I should be doing something. I wasn’t used to being idle. Connor put his arm around me and pulled me close.

  "Connor has filled me in a little on what happened here. I need to know what happened before Connor got here though, Bridget.”

  Thinking back on everything that had happened today, I couldn't believe it had only been this morning that I'd been trying to figure out how to try and get guardianship of Alex. And now his uncle was dead. Holy shit. I gave Daniel the details while he took notes and asked an occasional question.

  “You know what happened next.”

  Webber nodded. “Yes, Connor explained his version of the story from the time he arrived. I’ve called the coroner to come and collect the body, and the sheriff’s office as well as county CSI should be here any minute to go over the crime scene. I recommend that you guys go ahead and stay in the bedroom and out of the way. Also, we have our suspicions about who the corrupt cop was that falsified the report on the Shipman’s death. She’s under investigation. I thought you’d want to know. There isn’t anything more I need from either of you at the moment, but you will need to make sure that you are both available for any further questions I might have.”

  He started to turn, but paused partway as though remembering something. He stared intently into my face. “I’m really glad you’re safe, Bridget.” He turned and quickly walked out of the house to wait for the other officers to arrive.

  Connor’s hand felt warm in mine as he led me back to the bedroom where Alex still slept.

  “Where did your friend go?”

  “Miles? I sent him outside. He should be, if he followed my orders, on the phone with a friend of mine. He needs someone to talk to right now. To take his mind off everything.”

  “I understand. I don’t think I told you this, but thank you for saving us. He was going to kill me and then go after you. He blamed all of us, even Alex, for losing access to the trust. I had no idea what he was even talking about. He was totally insane.”

  Connor looked over at Alex to make sure he was still asleep. He spoke softly.

  “Malcolm was siphoning money out of the trust to pay off his gambling debts. I can’t prove it, but I suspect that Malcolm had Alex’s parents killed. And when Alex contacted you initially, it started a chain of events that put Malcolm under the spotlight. He was investigated, which is how the disappearing money was discovered. He would have had legal troubles regardless of our involvement, especially when the money started to run out. He would have had to kill Alex to claim his insurance money. The death of three family members that close together would have raised a dozen red flags. There was no way he would have gotten away with any of it. His troubles would have happened sooner rather than later anyway.”

  “So, what happens now?”

  “With what?”

  “This. Us. Everything.”

  “Nothing’s changed for me, Bridget. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Isn’t that what you still want?”

  Connor still had one of my hands in his so I grabbed his other one and held tight. “God, yes, Connor. More than anything. I love you too, and nothing would make me happier than spending my life with you. There is just one thing. I hadn’t said anything to you yet, because I wasn’t sure what your thoughts were, but I want to do everything I can to get custody of Alex. Especially now.”

  “Absolutely. I had every intention of contacting Donovan and getting his advice. Alex holds a piece of my heart too. Not only because he’s a great kid, but because he’s a part of you. There is nothing I won’t do for either of you. Nothing.”

  I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips, falling even more in love with this man. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky.

  Suddenly, Alex, in the throes of a nightmare, cried out from the bed. I jerked away and rushed over and crawled into the bed with him and tried my best to soothe him. Connor moved the chair from across the room to place it next to the bed. He took a seat and reached for my hand, lacing our fingers, and forming a connection between the three of us.


  Donovan, Connor, and I sat outside the courtroom waiting for the judge to let us know whether I would be granted guardianship of Alex or not. It had been three weeks since Malcolm’s death, and there was no one else besides his adoptive great-aunt who was willing to take responsibility for him, even though her willingness to accept responsibility only extended so far as to possibly transfer custodial guardianship to me. It would break my heart if the judge refused my petition and, instead, sent Alex into foster care permanently.

  Alex was still having nightmares on occasion, but we talked every day and spent weekends together. He had started seeing a therapist so he had someone he could talk to besides me, and he was slowly starting to heal. He still had a long road ahead of him.

  I hoped it helped my case no
w that Connor and I were engaged. An engaged woman had a better chance than a single woman, right? I prayed like I had never prayed before. The door to the courtroom opened, and I jumped in excitement and nervousness. I sagged against Connor in disappointment when I saw it wasn't Alex’s Guardian ad Litem, Ms. Jackson. I had never been a patient person anyway, so this waiting was driving me insane. I was ready to tear out my hair. Unable to sit still any longer, I quickly stood and began pacing.

  After ten minutes of pacing and still no sign of life exiting the courtroom, Connor finally spoke. “Bridge, walking a hole in the floor isn’t going to make things happen any more quickly.”

  I flashed him a look of irritation. “I know that, but it’s helping me burn off this excess energy. I can’t sit still. Do you not understand that those people in there have control over my future? I know they’re supposed to have Alex’s best interests at heart, but these people know nothing about me. Yet they get to decide if I’m fit to raise my own son. It’s terrifying. So, if I need to pace to keep my sanity, then damn it, I’m going to pace…Sir.” I added, belatedly.

  Connor took pity on me and my terse words and just shook his head. The next time I paced close enough to him, he reached out, grabbed my hand, and pulled me down onto his lap. I struggled for only a second, until his grip tightened, and he stopped me with a single command.


  I narrowed my eyes. “I’m not a dog, Connor.”

  “No, you’re not. But you are my woman, and I told you to sit still. Just put your head on my shoulder and relax. You’re getting yourself all worked up and as your fiancé, it’s my job to make sure you are being taken care of. So, sit on my lap like the nice little sub that I know you can be and just relax. They’ll come out when they’re ready and not a minute sooner. I know you’re anxious and antsy. I completely understand. I want you to know that no matter what their decision is, I love you and we’ll get through this. Together.”


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