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The Complete Secrets Series

Page 46

by LK Shaw

  I knew the two agents in the room were going to kill me, but I took a giant leap. Just because I hadn’t recognized the name, didn’t mean my father wouldn’t.

  “Vladimir Dragomirov. Name ring a bell?”

  I winced when Agent Morgan quickly stood and started pacing as he ran his hands through his hair in obvious frustration.

  “You little bitch. You have no idea what hell you’ve just committed yourself to.”

  “You’ve known since I was thirteen that I can do anything on computers. Korol'. Could the Russians get any more conceited by using a code name that means ‘King’? And just because Dragomirov’s name wasn’t in any emails, did you really think I wouldn’t be able to trace you to him? Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out? You know I’m smarter than that.”

  The sudden silence was deafening. My father had no idea the amount of patience I possessed. Hell, I’d waited six years for Miles. I could wait two minutes for him to come up with a response to my threat. Finally, my patience was rewarded.

  “What do you want?” I would swear I could hear my father’s teeth grinding to a nub in the background.

  “I told you. I’m tired of you holding your so-called evidence against me. I want you to call off your assassins and leave me alone. I want to exchange information. You give me the evidence you have, and I’ll give you mine. I don’t want to keep looking over my shoulder waiting for the day you succeed in killing me. I just want this to end.”

  “So, you’re telling me that you’ve suddenly given up making me pay for what happened to your sister? After all these years, you’re just going to let it go?”

  I let out a huff of air. “If it means staying alive… then, yes.”

  I’d given up in believing in God the day I discovered what was being done to my sister. But now, I prayed with every fiber of my being that he believed me. He had to. Or all of this was for nothing.

  “And what if I don’t agree?”

  “Then I turn everything I have over to the FBI and deal with the consequences of my actions later.”

  Silence reigned while I held my breath waiting for my father to decide.

  “Fine, then meet me at midnight in the old warehouse district by the pier. Just off Division Street.”

  “No,” I responded, succinctly. “We will meet in two days. Your house at 3:00 pm. You don’t have a choice. There will be no other options on the table but that. Take it or leave it.”

  I refused to play this game any longer. My stomach churned at my father’s callous words. No, not my father. Charles Santiago. Criminal. Monster. But not my father.

  “Fine. I will see you then. And you better come alone.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  No longer able to bear speaking to him any longer, I disconnected the call. My eyes closed, and my whole body slumped into my chair, mentally and physically exhausted over the verbal confrontation. My heart ached at the pain my baby sister had gone, and continued to go, through.


  “You could have mentioned that you were going to drop Vladimir’s name in the conversation. Your little plan could have backfired and had serious consequences.”

  One of Josie’s eyes opened as she peered over at Agent Morgan.

  “You seem to underestimate how much I know about Charles Santiago. I lived in the same house with that man for eighteen years. I’ve been following everything about this man’s habits for years. Just because I hadn’t seen your Russian’s name in my father’s things doesn’t mean that my father wasn’t completely aware of who he was. The chances of him doing business with Dragomirov were high. I took a calculated risk, which paid off. You’re welcome.”

  Both agents shook their heads in frustration.

  Webber broke in. “Look, it’s over and done. Regardless of how it was done, we got the information you needed. So, Thursday, Ms. Bishop will confront Santiago in order to coordinate an exchange of information. She will then attempt to get her father to talk about the sex trafficking. We need more information than what she was able to retrieve in order to rescue the girls. We need to find this Dragomirov and shut down his operation. She’ll go in wired, and we’ll be there every step of the way.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  If she were going in alone to confront her father, then I would insist on being there. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to let her go without me being there to protect her. I had no problem with Webber. I though he was a good guy who got a bad rap. But I knew nothing about these two other gentlemen,. It didn’t matter to me if Connor recommended them. They weren’t as vested in making sure Josie wasn’t harmed as I was. If shit was gonna go badly, I planned on being there to make sure things were okay.

  “I don’t think —”

  “He can come,” Josie interrupted Agent Morgan. “In fact, I insist he be there.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  Although she was much shorter than either of the agents, Josephine slowly rose to her feet. Her face transformed to an expression I had seen more than once. I called it her “Domme look”. The imperious look had subs, including me, dropping to our knees. I knew who was in charge when Josie pulled out that look.

  “I don’t give a shit what you don’t like. You need me. Without the evidence I have, you both would still be scratching your heads trying to get a lead on your Russian guy. With me, you’re already one step closer. Miles comes or I don’t go. Are we clear?”

  Both men stared her down, none of them giving an inch. Josephine wouldn’t be intimidated.

  With a resigned sigh, they both gave a succinct nod. I could tell neither were happy with her ultimatum, but they were fighting a losing battle and knew it.

  “In two days you’ll have the information you want. In the meantime, I have my own plans I need to take care of. So, unless there is anything else you gentlemen need, I’m going home for the day.”

  When no one had anything further to add, Josie stood. As she moved past me, she paused and held out her hand. Without hesitation, I rose from my seat and slipped my hand in hers. Together, we exited the office and drove back to her house. Neither of us spoke, but no words needed to be said right now. I helped Josie undress, and I drew my shirt over my head and threw it onto the chair in her room. We climbed into bed, and her warmth seeped into my skin as she pulled herself closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in her citrus smell.

  Her chest rested against me, and I could feel her heart beating in time with mine. We drew comfort from each other. I didn’t push her to talk to me. We had time to talk once she rested. Soon, her breathing softened and became shallow. I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and closed my eyes as well, drifting off into oblivion.

  My body jerked awake some time later. The room had darkened with the setting sun, but the faintest of light shone through the blinds. Josie remained cemented to my side. She must have sensed I was awake, because she began to stir. Her eyelashes fluttered a time or two before, finally, her brown eyes opened fully and she stared up at me.

  “Are you feeling better?”

  She covered up a yawn with her fist and stretched slightly. I kept my arousal under control as her breasts arched toward me, the nipples peeking through the sheet. Now wasn’t the time. We needed to talk about what was going to happen over the next couple of days.

  “A little. Thank you for letting me sleep.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I have to get Casey away from him. I don’t want her in the house when we’re there. She’s my Achilles heel, and my father knows this. He’ll use her to get to me.”

  “What do we need to do, then?”

  She drew random designs on my chest while I watched her mind work.

  “There’s a cottage. I bought it three years ago. The deed belongs to a consortium that can’t be traced to me. But, it’s my house. I’ve always planned on using it as a safe house for Casey when I was finally able to get her away from my father. We need to get
her there where she’ll be safe. And it has to happen tomorrow.”

  “How are you thinking of getting her out of your father’s house. You said she was agoraphobic. She’s not going to go willingly.”

  That’s the part of Josie’s plan that I knew would hurt her the most. She knew Casey was going to resist, but, in the end, it would be futile. She was leaving that house. It was for her own good.

  “I’m going to need to call in a favor.”

  “From who?”



  Once Miles and I rose from bed, I called Connor explaining what I needed. He agreed it was probably the only way. While I sat at my desk in my home office, I hacked into my father’s security system, blocked the signal, and then set up a running loop. That way, if my father checked in on things, nothing would seem amiss. Connor and another member of the company were going to break into my father’s house and get Casey. I wanted desperately to go, because I knew how terrified she would be of strange men practically kidnapping her, but I needed to stay at my computer.

  Instead, Bridget, Connor’s fiancée, would be waiting for Casey. It was the best we could do on such short notice. As soon as Casey was out of my father’s house and in a safe place, Bridget was going to call me so I could speak to Casey over the phone. To at least try and assure her that everything was going to be okay.

  An hour later, my phone rang. Thank God, it was Bridget’s number.

  “Hello.” I was breathless with excitement and anxiousness.

  “We have her. Here, you need to speak to her.”

  A rustling noise sounded as though the phone were being jostled. Then, the sweetest sound graced my ears. It was Casey’s voice, no matter how soft and scared she sounded. I hated that I’d done that to her.


  “God, Casey, it’s okay. I promise. Don’t be scared sweetie. Connor and Bridget are my friends. They’re there to help you. To protect you. Please don't be scared.”


  The hesitancy in her voice gutted me. She had been such an outgoing, loquacious kid. She’d been a practical joker, always making me laugh. To hear her now almost destroyed me. It only cemented my determination to see Charles Santiago brought down.

  “I need you to listen to me. Connor and Bridget are going to take you to a house I bought for you. No one else knows where it is. Dad will never be able to find you. He’ll never be able to hurt you again. I’ll be there soon. I swear.”

  As I spoke, I could hear Casey begin to softly sob in the background. Bridget was trying to comfort her. She was breaking my heart.

  “Thank you.” Her words were spoken so softly with only the barest hitch. But, she sounded more calm and confident, which was all I cared about. We said our goodbyes with my promise I would see her soon.

  Suddenly, the prospect of confronting my father didn’t seem so scary anymore. I removed the looped feed from the security cameras. My father was going to shit a brick when he got home and discovered Casey missing. A small, satisfied, and maybe even devious, smile tipped up my lips.

  “What’s that look for?” Miles moved behind me and wrapped me in his warm embrace. I leaned into his hard body and covered his hands with mine.

  “Oh, just a little fun thought picturing the look on my father’s face when he realizes he doesn’t have Casey to use against me anymore. He’s going to go ballistic when he can’t find her.”

  “You terrify me with your evilness, woman. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

  I pinched his arm, hard, in response.

  “Sadist.” Although, Miles laughed when he said it.

  “I love you, Miles.”

  His kiss brushed the top of my head.

  “I love you too, Josephine Bishop. When this is all over, I hope you plan on making an honest man of me.”

  Turning in my chair so quickly, I would have toppled over if Miles hadn’t steadied me.

  “Are you proposing to me?”

  He just shrugged as though the most important conversation in the world wasn’t happening right now. I launched myself into his arms and wrapped my arms and legs around him, peppering kisses all over his face.

  “Damn straight I’ll make an honest man of you.”

  Like little kids, we raced each other into the bedroom, laughing and giggling the whole way.

  After a long night of lovemaking, I woke with a sudden feeling of dread in my stomach. Today was the day. I quietly made my way to the kitchen, careful not to wake Miles. Soon, breakfast sizzled on the stove and the smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee permeated the air. Fifteen minutes later, Miles came stumbling out of the bedroom wearing only his boxer briefs.

  “I’m sorry I woke you. I woke up and needed something to keep my mind occupied for a little bit.”

  His warm arms wrapped around me, and he kissed me softly.

  “I couldn’t resist the smells coming out of here.” His stomach growled as if to prove it. He gently pushed me over to my barstool at the island and made me sit while he plated our food and brought it to me.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  A bark of laughter escaped, and I coughed on my bite of food. “Not even close to ready. There are so many things that could go wrong today. I’m scared out of my damn mind. I’m used to being in control. Everything about today is completely out of my control, and it’s nerve-wracking. I’m trying to quiet my mind and find my center, but it’s so hard to do.”

  “What do you need from me, Mistress? I’m here to serve you.”

  I looked at Miles with stunned surprise. This was the first time outside of the bedroom he’d ever called me Mistress. It was something he’d only used when we’d played.

  “Oh, Miles, thank you. I love you. You know that, right? No matter what happens today, I’ll always love you. I have from that first moment I met you. There’s never been anyone for me but you.”

  He set down his fork and circled the island to kneel at my feet. His arms circled me and his head rested on my lap.

  “I love you too, Mistress. Whatever you need, I’ll provide it. I’m yours to command.”

  “You, Miles. I only need you.”

  We remained seated together as I absorbed strength and energy from him. There was no doubt I was going to need it to get through today. Reluctantly, I pulled out of his embrace, and we headed into the bedroom to get ready for the confrontation with my father. Miles walked into the ensuite bathroom and began running the water. Once he’d checked the temperature was right, he pulled me into the shower with him and began washing me.

  At first, Miles’ touch was methodical. He directed me under the showerhead to wet my hair. The smell of my citrus shampoo wafted around the steam-filled bathroom as he began lathering my hair. He ran his hands through my hair with my complementary smelling conditioner, massaging my scalp as he went. Once my hair was rinsed, he grabbed the shower gel and sponge and gently began running it up and down my arms. He washed my back next, and when he turned me around to face him, I couldn’t help but notice his cock bobbing at attention.

  What had been a comforting feeling, now turned into a needful urgency. I needed Miles’ hands on me, to feel him inside me.

  “I need you, Miles.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  He quickly finished washing me and wrapped me in a towel. His hand enfolded mine as he guided me into the bedroom and gently laid me on the bed. He followed immediately behind me to cover my body with his, keeping his weight on his elbows and he stared down into my eyes.

  “What do you need from me, Mistress?”

  I reached out for his cock and guided it to my center. He gently pushed inside, neither of us breaking eye contact.

  “Fuck me, Miles.”

  “Anything for you.”

  His gentle thrusts deepened, but he maintained a slow and steady rhythm. With each forward motion, he hit that spot inside me. I needed more though. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed my hips
up to meet his downward thrust, an unspoken command for him to go faster. He understood what I was demanding, and his hips quickened their motion until soon he was pounding into me with a ferocity that had me gasping.

  “Yes.” My back arched and the friction of his pelvis moving against my clit had my orgasm building until suddenly, my body tightened like a bowstring and pleasure poured out of me as my climax hit. I shuddered beneath Miles as my body came down from its high.

  I leaned up and pulled Miles’ head down for a kiss. I was so utterly in love with this man, it terrified me.

  He must have heard the echo of my thoughts as he caressed my face. “I love you.”

  He rolled to his side, pulling me with him. I cuddled up against him, slowing my breathing down until I knew no more.


  Miles paced back and forth across Connor’s office as Crocker concealed the microphone in a button on my blouse. There was no video feed, but the audio was coming in loud and clear according to Morgan, who was outside in their rental car listening to our discussion.

  Crocker began a recitation of instructions. “We’re going to do recon at your father’s house before you arrive. Monitor any activity surrounding the house and make sure that there are no unexpected surprises. Once you’re inside, try to get your father talking. See if he’ll give up any information about the auction.”

  I nodded my understanding.

  “Try to get him to reveal anything at all possible. We need to track down Dragomirov.”

  “I get it,” I snapped back. They’d been harping all afternoon about trying to get my father to talk. I understood.

  Once the wire was in place, we did another sound check to make sure Morgan could still hear everything. After he gave the all clear, Crocker left and they headed to my father’s. While I took a seat on the loveseat, Miles paced. I tried not to fidget as we waited for the call that we were ready to go. An hour later, Connor’s cell rang. He answered it and spoke only briefly, his eyes never leaving mine. He ended the call and said the words I’d been both waiting for and dreading.


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