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The Complete Secrets Series

Page 80

by LK Shaw

  “You love my brattiness, and you know it.” She was overly proud of the fact that she was entirely correct. I did love her brattiness. It made the punishments that much sweeter. Thank fuck we were finally pulling into Bridget’s dad’s neighborhood.

  Five minutes later, I parked the car in Robert Carter’s driveway. I grabbed Alex’s backpack from the back of the SUV, while he and Bridget headed into the house. I got along well with Bridge’s dad, but with the way I was feeling right now, I would have been perfectly happy letting Alex out of the car at the curb and running off with my wife. My sex-deprived brain had a one-track mind. Knowing I needed to at least appear like I wanted to see my father-in-law, I traipsed inside only to stop short just inside the front door.

  Holy shit. Not what I expected when I walked in. Bridget had Alex’s eyes covered, and Robert and his lady friend, who also happened to be Penny’s mother, were standing in front of the couch, throwing clothes on faster than I expected most seventy-year-olds to move.

  “Well, this is fucking awkward,” I said to no one in particular.

  “Connor!” Bridget screeched at me as she sent me the evil eye.

  “What? It is fucking awkward. I didn’t need to walk in here and see Robert’s hairy ass. Speaking of which, why am I seeing it? Bridget told you we were dropping Alex off today. Couldn’t you have done this—” I gestured between the two of them— “another time?”

  “Oh my god,” Bridget huffed out in irritation.

  “For your information, son,” Robert said as he finished buttoning his pants. “You weren’t supposed to be here for another hour. Estelle planned to be gone by then.”

  “Hi, Grandpa. Hi, Aunt Estelle.” Alex waved at them now that they were dressed and Bridget had removed her hand from his eyes. He didn’t act weirded out about this whole situation. Almost like he knew something I didn’t. I shuddered at the thought.

  Penny’s mom stepped over to Bridget and Alex, smiling, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. Me, she just glared at. Note to self: Don’t piss off the father-in-law’s girlfriend.

  I knew I wasn’t going to win at this argument so I let it go. “Well, sorry we’re an hour early and interrupted your ‘personal time’ together.”

  Apologies were not my forte, but I tried to make it sound genuine. I’m not sure how well I pulled it off, especially after Bridget rolled her eyes at me, but there wasn’t much more I could do at this point. Knowing I needed to make nice, I tried to make some small talk, even though my gaze kept traveling to the clock on the wall.

  “So, how long have you two been together?” I asked Robert as Bridget and Estelle spoke softly before disappearing, presumably to the kitchen. Alex had already plopped on the couch with his video game. I went and sat next to him while Robert took the chair.

  “About six months, I guess. Bridget invited me to lunch one day. When we showed up at the restaurant, Penny and Estelle were already there. I can only assume they were matchmaking. Either way, we talked all afternoon, and soon we began to meet for coffee every afternoon, just the two of us. And here we are.”

  Bridget and Estelle saved me from having to reply. Estelle handed Robert a cup of coffee and kissed the top of his head. He started to rise from the chair, but she shooed him back down into it, telling him that she’d called a cab and was going to be heading home. Bridget sat on the other side of Alex while Estelle perched on the arm of Robert’s chair. For the next fifteen minutes, they all talked about how excited they were for Christmas this year because Robert and Estelle would be joining us. I sat in silence listening to the tick-tock of the clock.

  A horn honked outside, signaling the arrival of Estelle’s cab. Robert helped her into her coat and walked her outside. A sharp pain on my arm had me jerking back.

  “Connor Black, what is wrong with you?” Bridget hissed.

  “What the hell, woman, what was that for?” I asked, rubbing the spot where she pinched me.

  “For being so inconsiderate, that’s what. We interrupted a private moment between my father and Estelle, and you act like it’s their fault.”

  “Damn it, it is their fault. They should have been done doing whatever it was they were doing before we got here. How was I supposed to know they were going to be bumping uglies? Someone forgot to send me the memo.”

  Bridget gasped and sputtered, but that was it. This was one of those rare moments that my wife had no words. She jumped from the couch, stomped her foot in rage, and retreated back into the kitchen. I could only sit there in silence.

  “I hate to break it to you, Dad, but you’re in so much trouble right now. You know that, right? If I were you, I’d sleep with one eye open. You know how Mom gets,” Alex piped up, his eyes not even leaving the game in front of him.


  I left Alex sitting on the couch as I went in search of my wife. I found her in the kitchen, mumbling about “inconsiderate jerks”, whom I presumed to be me. I stood there for a few minutes, letting her rant and get it out of her system. Because in about five seconds, I was going to spank that ass of hers, and I didn’t care who walked in to see it.

  I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, and at the mental count of five, I cleared my throat to get Bridget’s attention. She spun around and opened her mouth, but just as quickly shut it. I could tell she was weighing whether or not whatever she wanted to say was worth the punishment she knew was coming based on my expression. Apparently, she thought it was because she opened her mouth again.

  “I’m so embarrassed. You were rude.”

  I continued staring, silent, a single eyebrow raised.

  “Don’t give me that look, Connor. You were. It was my fault that we walked in on them. I forgot my dad told me to come at three instead of two. So, if you’re going to be irritated with anyone, be irritated at me.” She punctuated this with her hands on her hips.

  “Are you finished?” I asked slowly, dangerously.

  Bridget didn’t back down. She never did. “What if I’m not?”

  “Trust me, baby, you’re finished.” I stalked toward her, and she held her ground. I swooped down and slung her over my shoulder in a fireman carry, all while she began to beat on my ass with her fists.

  “God damn it, Connor Black, put me down this instant.” Her voice came out muffled.

  I ignored her as I traced my path back out into the living room where Robert had returned from outside.

  “Robert, Alex, we’ll see you guys in two days. We’ll be back to pick up Alex on Christmas morning at nine a.m. Love you, son,” I called out as I threw open the front door, with Bridget still yelling at me to put her down. She yelped, then quieted, when I discreetly pinched her ass, but close enough to her core to truly get her attention.

  “Bye, Dad, Mom. Love you guys. You two have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Alex hollered after us, used to our antics. Unsurprisingly, this wasn’t the first time I’d hauled my wife around on my shoulder.

  Bridget collapsed onto the front seat with a plop before I walked around to my side and slid in behind the wheel. She put on her seat belt and then pouted while I backed out of the driveway. Every muscle in my body was now sizzling. I knew my bratty sub. It wouldn’t take long before she was over her snit and begging me to fuck her. And I couldn’t wait.

  Connor and Bridget

  “Do you remember our first night together?”

  I was still pissed off at Connor and had been pointedly ignoring him as he drove down the freeway toward Patterson Island, so his sudden question startled me. I turned my head to look over at him.

  “You mean the night you royally screwed up and pissed me off by thinking you satisfied me, and I walked out on you? You mean that first night together? I vaguely recall it.” I smirked at him before I turned back around to look out the window again.

  Connor, the ass, just laughed at me. “Yeah, that night. I bet you remember much more of that night. Like how I detailed all the dirty things I wanted to do to you, including watching y
ou fuck yourself with a dildo while I fucked your ass. Is it coming back to you a little more clearly now?”

  I swallowed hard at his description because I actually could recall those exact words. And holy fucking hell, my pussy just got soaked. Son of a bitch. Connor knew every single button to press to turn me on. Even when I was mad at him.

  I paused before answering because I couldn’t not respond. Not with the huskiness in his voice as though he was picturing that exact thing happening. “Um, maybe a little more clear, yes, Sir.” I kicked myself for caving. But that tone had me instantly obeying.

  “Good, because that’s so happening this weekend,” he said with a self-satisfied grin.

  Unconsciously, I whimpered out loud. Not because I was scared, but because fuck if I wasn’t dying for it now that he’d said it. I was a sucker for ass play, and Connor knew it. He only had to rim my asshole, and I was putty in his hard, calloused hands.

  Knowing he had me hot and bothered, Connor didn’t speak again for the rest of the short trip. Of course, I couldn’t get the picture out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t even notice we’d pulled into the bed and breakfast until Connor shut the SUV off.

  “We’re here, baby,” was all he said before exiting the vehicle. Clumsily, I let myself out and stood there for a moment until I knew my now weak knees could hold me. Trying to maintain my composure, I circled to the back of the SUV to help grab a bag, but Connor had beat me to it. Instead, I could only follow him as we entered the front door.

  A lovely elderly couple greeted us. After checking us in, the husband directed us to our tiny cottage at the back of the property. He told us it used to be the pool house before they converted it into a small apartment. He made sure there was nothing else we needed before leaving us alone.

  I looked around the place, taking in the quaintness of it. I froze when I felt Connor move in behind me. He swept the hair off my back and draped it over my shoulder, placing soft kisses along my ear and neck, nuzzling that one tiny spot he knew sent chills down my arms. I tilted my head to give him better access. Slowly, he began removing my clothes, tossing them carelessly to the floor before taking his own off.

  “You can remain pissed off at me. But I’m telling you, right now, I won’t be gentle this first time. I can’t,” Connor said before proceeding to bite my ear. “I’m going to fuck you and fuck you hard.”

  Despite the shiver that coursed through me, I trembled with anticipation. His words filled an aching emptiness inside me. A craving I was dying to have fulfilled. My growing masochist side ached for Connor’s sadistic side. I wanted it hard. Needed it hard. Exactly the way he’d described.

  “Whatever pleases you, Sir. I’m yours to use however you see fit,” I choked out in arousal.

  “On your back on the bed, now.” Connor punctuated his words with a hard smack on my ass.

  I hustled across the room and threw back the covers, positioning myself as he instructed. I watched as he grabbed his toy bag and began to rummage through it. Within moments, he found exactly what he was looking for as he pulled out my favorite dildo and a bottle of lube.

  He stalked over to the bed, his powerful frame more graceful than one would think. My eyes drank in the sight of my husband. His scarred chest still made my heart ache for the abused child he’d been, but it also made me proud of how strong he’d been to have overcome his past. While I couldn’t see it at the moment, I pictured clearly the horrific burn scars down his entire back. The rippled, shiny skin that only further illustrated Connor’s strength.

  He stood at the foot of the bed and handed me the dildo. “Fuck yourself.”

  I’d been wet from the second he brushed my hair over my shoulder, and his fingers stroked my skin. His words and actions since then only served to make me even wetter. Knowing he was watching my every move, I pulled my knees as far up to my chest as I could before reaching between my legs to rub the dildo back and forth between my lower lips, wetting it with my juice.

  Teasingly, I entered just the tip inside my pussy before pulling it back out. I positioned it at my entrance again, this time pushing it in just a little farther. I kept up the teasing, only entering my cunt by inches each time, until at last, the entire length of the dildo was firmly seated inside me. I closed my eyes, and then I started fucking myself with it.

  “You are so fucking hot, baby.” Connor’s voice dropped an octave and sent a shiver down my spine.

  I sent him a cat-ate-the-canary smile because I knew just how turned on he was. A small noise caught my attention. I peeked through one eye and groaned when I saw that Connor was coating his cock in lube. He palmed his shaft and rubbed it up and down, spreading the slick liquid over his velvet-covered steel. Once it was sufficiently lubed up, he reached out his wet finger and massaged circles around my asshole. They say payback is a bitch. It become entirely clear how true that statement was when he began to tease me like I’d teased him.

  Connor dipped just the tip of his digit into my back passage before pulling it out and rubbing along my taint before returning to my unclaimed hole. He circled the entrance again, this time pushing his finger in a little deeper. On and on, he continued the torture until, finally, his entire finger breached my ass. With aching slowness, he fucked me with his finger in tandem to the dildo I hadn’t stopped thrusting inside me.

  When I pushed the silicone in, he’d pull his finger out and vice versa. He coordinated the dance for a few thrusts before, on the next pass, he added two fingers. Then three. He pistoned his digits in and out of me. The dual sensation of being filled in my pussy and ass had me coming in no time.

  “Don’t stop,” Connor commanded as he lined his cock up with my asshole. Before I could even breathe in, he thrust his hard dick all the way to the hilt and gripped my hips hard as he held himself in place. Even still, I continued fucking myself, because he’d commanded it. Just when I thought he’d never start moving, he pulled back and then thrust. Hard. So hard I slid upward in the bed.

  Connor began a punishing, almost painful, rhythm. But the pain was oh so sweet. He braced his hands on my shoulders, and as he thrust upward, he pulled my body downward. He bent down and bit my nipples, pulling them hard in his teeth as I screamed out. He fucked me so roughly that I gave up being able to match his tempo. I couldn’t let go of the dildo though. I could only keep my hand on it, as with each upward thrust, his pelvis would push the dildo deeper inside me at the same time his cock reached farther, so I was filled at the same time with both hard lengths.

  The fullness was so intense, and I needed to orgasm more than I needed air. I moved my hand slightly upward and began to fiercely rub my clit until my climax peaked, and I went flying. Even still, Connor didn’t stop. He fucked and fucked me until I ached from head to toe.

  “No more,” I called out as I bucked and thrashed under his ruthless assault, my head tossing from side to side, fingers clutching the bedcovering.

  “You can take more, Bridget,” was his response. “Just one more, baby.”

  “I can’t. It hurts. Please,” my voice was scratchy from my screams.

  Connor’s command was sharp. “You will take a final one, sub.”

  As though unable to deny my Dom anything, the painful pleasure of another orgasm spread through me. Connor’s roar of satisfaction sounded in my ear as he thrust his cock so deep inside me I couldn’t stop the scream from escaping my throat, and blackness filled my vision.

  I don’t know how long I was out, but when I came to, Connor was in the middle of cleaning me with a warm rag. He took the cloth back into the bathroom before returning and climbing into the bed next to me and pulling me into his hard chest and tossing the sheet over us.

  “I think you broke my dick, baby,” Connor whined as he held me tight.

  I snorted with laughter. “I’ll ask Santa to bring you another one.”

  He pouted before answering. “I’m going to need it before then.”

  I patted his chest in mock sympathy. �
�Maybe he’ll bring it early.”

  He nodded. “Let’s hope. Now, rest for a bit just in case he grants our wish.”

  I cuddled closer to my husband and slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of all the dirty and delicious things Connor had planned over the next day and a half.

  Miles and Josie

  “I’m thinking about getting married.”

  Phebe, Josie’s sister, and I sat in a crowded coffee shop in downtown Pinegrove. The aroma of coffee beans and the hissing sound of the espresso machine filled the air as we sat comfortably in the farthest back corner away from everyone, trying to warm up after an afternoon of Christmas shopping. My back was to the restaurant and Phebe, of course, faced the place so she could see everything going on. She never sat anywhere with her back to people. Even six months after her rescue.

  Phebe paused lifting the cup to her mouth at my statement. She set it back on the table before responding.

  “I hope you mean to my sister,” she said, cautiously.

  I had to laugh at the expression on her face. “Of course, I mean your sister.”

  Her tight shoulders loosened, and she relaxed back into her seat. “Sorry, Miles, my brain was elsewhere.”

  “Care to talk about it?” I asked, hoping she would. Oddly, Phebe and I had grown close over the last six months. While in no way similar, we both suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, and in a way, it bonded us. I’d killed a man who tried to shoot my boss and Phebe had survived two hellish months being held captive by a Russian sex trafficker who’d “trained her” to be his.

  “Maybe. But let’s talk about this marriage thing first.”

  I let her deflect the conversation from herself. For now.

  “Josie and I have been together for almost a year, and I’ve been collared for half that time. I love your sister, but we both know I’m not getting any younger. I can’t explain it, but I’m feeling compelled to get married.” I stopped to take a sip of my coffee.


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