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The Complete Secrets Series

Page 83

by LK Shaw

  I pounded into Phebe from behind, but couldn’t get the leverage I wanted. I reached out and unbuckled the cuffs from her wrists. Once she was unbound, I picked her up, my cock slipping out of her cunt with the movement. I tossed her face down on the bed, and without missing a beat, I unleashed the animal inside. I grabbed her hips and pulled her up onto her knees seconds before I rammed my cock back inside her.

  Sweat covered both our bodies as our skin slid against each other’s. Phebe turned her head so her cheek rested on the bed, the blindfold having slipped upward so it barely covered her eyes anymore. She gripped the sheets in her fists as with each of my forward thrusts she pushed back against me, causing me to go deeper inside her. Flesh smacked together as I continued fucking my sub. I reached between us and fingered her clit. I rubbed the nub only four or five times before her cunt clenched down on my pulsing cock, and her entire body tensed. I continued my relentless assault until suddenly Phebe’s orgasm raced through her, triggering mine. We both cried out and my seed exploded out of me, coating her insides.

  I collapsed against her back, keeping my full weight off her as tiny tremors continued to race through her. My cock was still semi-hard, and I couldn’t help shallowly thrusting until utter exhaustion made me stop. I reluctantly pulled out of Phebe, and her body collapsed on the bed. I crawled in next to her and gathered her in my arms, tucking her small body tightly against mine. Our bodies were sticky with sweat. I reached out and removed the blindfold completely off her face. Phebe’s eyes opened, and she blinked sleepily up at me.

  “Thank you for catching me,” she said softly.

  I looked at her in puzzlement. “What do you mean?”

  Her fingers traced a path down my arm. “Miles told me all I had to do was jump, and you’d catch me. And you did.”

  “Phebe, my love, I will never let you fall.”

  I cupped her face and dropped my lips to hers, putting my entire heart and soul into the kiss. I held her as she fell asleep in my arms, utterly trusting that I would catch her every single time.


  Christmas Day dawned, and I lazily stretched, my body deliciously sore in all the right places. Except for that one, I thought as I winced from a particularly tender bruise on my ass. Two nights in a row of hard, rough sex and I was feeling it today. I certainly wasn’t complaining, but I wasn’t getting any younger. I’d also begun to bruise more easily over the last few months so we’d had to be exceptionally careful in order to not upset Alex if he accidentally saw something.

  Calloused hands dragged me back against the hard, warm body of my husband. Those same hands tweaked and plucked my sensitive nipples, causing a slight flinch at the pleasure pain shooting through them. Not a single inch of my body had been left untouched by Connor. I had been well and truly loved. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  “Merry Christmas to you too, honey. And as much as I’d love to continue, we have to get up and moving. Dad and Alex are waiting on us. And we have a houseful of people coming later today.” My words ended on a moan as Connor raised my leg and slipped into me from behind. I fully admit I hadn’t resisted too much, contrary to my words about not having time for this. Connor thrust gently into my pussy at the same time his hand left my breast and traveled south. I pushed back against him as his finger flicked my clit, eliciting yet another moan, this one louder than the first.

  It didn’t take long for my climax to hit and for Connor’s seed to fill me. I sighed with deep satisfaction, my body heavy and utterly relaxed. I sank back into my husband, enjoying the feel of his strength behind me. I didn’t rest for long, because like I’d said, we really needed to start heading home.

  I turned my head to brush Connor’s mouth with mine before sliding out from beneath his arms. After a quick shower, I came back to all of our stuff packed and sitting by the door.

  “I’ll take everything out to the car when I finish in here. Take your time getting ready, babe.” He swatted my ass as he strolled by, laughing as I let out a tiny squeak when his hand not so coincidentally landed on that particularly sensitive spot. I rubbed the tender area before gently sitting on the chair at the vanity. I brushed my hair before pulling it up in a French twist, my straight bangs left out to brush across the top of my eyebrows. Then, I put on my makeup, humming a Christmas tune under my breath.

  Just as I fastened my garter hose, Connor exited the bathroom. I stared at his reflection in the mirror. Even after two years of marriage, this man still took my breath away. When he bent down to nibble at the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder, I shivered.

  “You smell wonderful. I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too, Connor.”

  Hurriedly, I finished getting ready while he loaded up the SUV. When I was done, I headed out to the car and slid into the passenger seat. Connor checked us out and soon we were headed back into Pinegrove to pick up Alex and get ready for the celebration later.

  “Hello! Santa comes bearing gifts.” Josie called from the front entry-way as she let herself and her family in without knocking. I went out to meet them and after our Merry Christmas greetings and cheek kiss, I took the pan she’d brought and carried it into the kitchen. Every year, each family signed up to bring a dish to share with every one. That way one person wasn’t stuck cooking everything, especially since there were so many of us, and we kept growing.

  They all settled in the den, and I rejoined them, hugging Miles. I was so happy to see Josie’s sister, Casey, had come with. I had no idea what blackmail Josie used to get her here, but I was glad it worked. I’d only met her that one day last year when we’d pulled her from her father’s house. She looked like a completely different young woman.

  “Merry Christmas, Casey. Thank you for coming.” I didn’t invade her personal space, but I sent her my warmest smile, which she shyly returned, with a soft, “Merry Christmas” in return. She settled in a chair in the corner and sat there quietly.

  Just then, the doorbell rang, and it was as if the flood-gates opened because everyone started pouring in. Donovan and Phebe arrived next, followed by Marcus, Penny, and Hailey. The women all took their dishes into the kitchen while the men crowded in the family room and turned on the TV to watch football.

  I poured everyone a glass of wine, but Penny declined. I sent her a questioning glance.

  “I haven’t even told Marcus yet, but I think I’m pregnant.”

  We all squealed, with me being the loudest as each of us hugged her, all of us bombarding her with questions about how long she’d known, when was she due, and when was she going to tell Marcus.

  “I’ve taken three pregnancy tests over the last three days, and they’ve all come out positive. I have no idea when I’m due, and I don’t know when I should tell him.”

  I couldn’t keep the tears from my eyes. “Oh my god, I’m so happy for you! I know how much you’ve wanted a baby. I think you need to tell him during dinner. It will be the best Christmas present. Oh, I can’t wait to throw you a shower and spoil Baby Allen so much.”

  Josie coughed and shifted.

  “Well, if we’re all sharing news, I should tell you guys that Miles proposed to me a couple days ago,” she blurted out as she held out her hand. More screeches of excitement ensued. We were so loud, I’m surprised the guys hadn’t barged in wanted to know what was going on.

  “I’m so happy for both of you. This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had, you guys,” Phebe spoke up, her face lit up with glee. “I’m finally part of an amazing family, and I’m just so happy.”

  With that exclamation, her expression shifted, and she burst into tears. Penny, the mother hen of the group, hugged her tight, because we all knew they were tears of joy. Now that everyone had shared their exciting news, we took our wine glasses, Penny’s with apple cider, and headed back to hang out with our men.

  We’d all gathered together and socialized while Alex and Casey entertained Hailey. I had no idea what game they played, but they all seemed to be having
a good time. I kept glancing at my watch wondering when my dad was going to show up when the doorbell rang again.

  Leaving everyone, I went to answer it. On the other side was my father and Estelle. I ushered them inside and was just closing the door when a knock stopped me. Surprised, I gawked for a second at the latest arrival. I shook it off and opened the door to let the man in.

  “Philip, I didn’t know you were coming. Come on in, join the party. Oh, let me take that.” I slid the pie from his hand and reached out to hug him.

  “I take it Josie didn’t tell you I was coming?” He laughed, nervously, fidgeting a little. His impressive build and serious demeanor at the club was meant to intimidate, but in real life, Philip was actually extremely socially awkward and utterly vanilla. It was adorable, but I never teased him about it.

  I pulled him inside with my free hand and led him into the family room where everyone was parked. “It doesn’t matter if she told me or not, you’re always welcome here, Philip.”

  Once we entered the room, everyone turned to see who’d arrived. “Look who decided to join us.”

  Philip gave a little wave to everyone, even though he knew all of us, except the kids and the parents, of course, from the club. If I hadn’t been looking in that direction, I never would have seen the look of longing cross Casey Bishop’s face when she spotted Philip. Interesting. I needed to have a little chat with Josie about the young couple. I knew what had happened to Casey when she was a child, and I found it intriguing that she seemed to be smitten with the giant ex-military veteran. I kept my eye on Philip, and from the darting glances he was sending Casey’s way, the feeling was mutual.

  Now that everyone was here, we all gathered in the dining room and spilled into the kitchen where we had another table set up and soon laughter and conversation filled the rooms. It was only ever at Christmas that we were all together in one place, and it was such a joyous feeling to see this family unit we’d created over the years. Family wasn’t always blood. Happy tears threatened, and I reached over to grip Connor’s hand. Unspoken words passed between us. We were so in tune we could often communicate without them.

  A tinging sound was soon heard over the din of conversation as my father struck his fork on his glass to get everyone’s attention.

  “I just wanted to take a moment to give thanks to our blended family that is here today. I know I’m only kin to Bridget and Alex, but I think of each and every one of you as my kid, or grandkid,” he looked over at the table where Hailey sat. “You have been the best friends to my daughter, and I’m so thankful for you all. Christmas is a time to celebrate with our families, and I’ve never been more grateful to be where I am today. Merry Christmas everyone!”

  Of course, my dad would choose now to get all sappy, and all the women were choked up. Even the guys seemed emotional. My dad had just taken his seat when Penny stood nervously. Marcus looked at her in confusion.

  She began a little timidly. “That was absolutely beautiful, Robert. Thank you. Um, as most of you here know, I’ve wanted a baby for as long as I can remember. It’s been a dream of mine to become a mother. My dream came true three years ago when I became the mother to the sweetest, most adorable two-year old to ever walk the earth. Hailey is just as much my daughter as if I’d given birth to her, and I only hope I’m as great of a mother as I know Grace was. Now, I’ve been doubly blessed, because God has decided to give me a baby to call my own.”

  Penny looked down at Marcus, who sat there completely dumbfounded. Hailey jumped up and ran to hug Penny. The news must have sunk in because Marcus finally reacted. He stood and held Penny’s face in his hands as his eyes darted back and forth across her face.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered in awe.

  With a watery smile, she nodded. “I’m pretty sure. I’ve suspected for a while now, but was too scared to take a test in case it said no. But, I’ve taken three of them in the past few days, and all of them were positive.”

  “Oh, Sweetness, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I love you so much, Penny Allen.”

  After everyone offered their congratulations, we all took our seats again and continued with our meal, the atmosphere even more cheerful than before. When I looked over at Josie in question, she gave a slight shake of her head. I smiled in understanding. She didn’t want to take away from Penny’s exciting news. There would be plenty of time to tell the gang about the engagement later.

  As I looked around at my home, full of friends and family, I was completely overwhelmed with feelings. Christmas was truly the time for miracles. And I’d never been so blessed.



  Secrets of Submission

  Secrets of Desire

  Secrets of Redemption

  Secrets of Betrayal

  His To Protect

  A Secret Christmas


  The Navy SEAL’s Secret Baby

  A Second Chance at Love

  Say Yes

  About the Author

  LK Shaw is a physical therapist assistant by day and writer/social media addict by night. She resides in South Carolina with her high maintenance beagle mix dog, Miss P, who should probably just have her own Instagram account. An avid reader since childhood, she became hooked on historical romance novels in high school. She now reads, and loves, all romance sub-genres, with erotic romance and romantic suspense being her favorite. LK enjoys traveling and chocolate. Her books feature hot alpha heroes and the strong women they love.

  LK loves to interact with readers. You can follow her on any of her social media. Don’t forget to sign up for her monthly newsletter!

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