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First Steps (Founding of the Federation)

Page 10

by Hechtl, Chris

  She nodded. "Why? I mean, if the plasma drives are so important, why not wait until the technology matures?"

  He smiled. "Because it may have a flaw. I doubt it will, I myself have built one but it is a tricky thing. We want to test it a few times to make sure there aren't any problems. That could take years, so we are going to run the missions now, while we test," he replied. He didn't like it, he wanted to go with the plasma drive right off but he had been overruled so had to support the party line.

  She nodded. "Multitasking?"

  He smiled. "Yes, NASA is starting to learn how to walk and chew gum at the same time. The gas giant project could go a long way to pay for this program, and all future space travel."

  She nodded. "But that's a long way off and there are still a lot of hurdles we have to overcome," she replied.

  "A few I admit, but we've modeled it extensively, we've built and tested prototypes, and we've moved on to actually building the mission hardware," he replied. The reporter looked a little flabbergasted. "We don't fill a rocket full of money and shoot it off into space you know. The money is spent buying the materials, buying the tools to shape the materials..." he explained patiently. Luigi waved. "Research, learning, production, all of it is spread out over thirty states and twenty countries."

  She nodded. "So you’re really helping areas in your eyes?"

  He smiled. "Back in the cold war we saw the aerospace industry thrive in the United States. The industries built air and space craft employing thousands of people who put that money into the local economy. But that was based on war; our model is based on peace and exploration."

  The reporter nodded. “Fascinating. That's all the time we have for today folks, back to you in the studio Brent..."

  Nick handed Luigi a cup of coffee as he got to the edge of the set. "That went well," he commented.

  Luigi sighed. "No vision, not one of them has any vision." He shook his head wearily.

  "We're working on it Luigi, give it time," Nick replied. Luigi nodded as they walked out.


  "Nick about this article...” Luigi began.

  “Honest it isn't me or any of my people," Benny nervously waved the article. Nick sat at his desk looking Benny over. He had a copy of the article in front of him. It had made the morning news and obviously more than one person was uncomfortable with it.

  "Anonymous sources Benny that means it could be anyone," Nick sighed.

  Luigi nodded. He was standing in the corner, arms crossed chin on his chest. "Do we have any suspects?"

  Benny shook his head. "With my crew no, I don't think any would tell their own mothers if we told them not too. Many like Julia and myself are ex military."

  Luigi sighed and rubbed at his temple. "That doesn't help us much then. I know about a dozen people knew about the cloning experiments outside of the medical group," he said.

  "Can we go through the records? See if we can turn up something?" Nick asked.

  "No, that wouldn't help much. Besides we can't discriminate because someone is religious," Luigi sighed running his hand through his hair. "What I am really worried about is starting a witch hunt." He shook his head. "We don't need this crap."

  He looked over to Benny. "Have a chat with people about clearing all discussions with outside personnel with the public relations desk before they talk to anyone. And send a memo out backing that chat up so we they know we mean business."

  Benny nodded and looked at the wall clock. "Crap, I have a sim in two, later." He turned and left.

  "Think it will help?" Luigi asked softly.

  "I doubt it. It could be anyone, a spouse using pillow talk with a grudge, or a plant," Nick responded balling the paper up and tossing it into his waste basket.

  Luigi shook his head. "Yeah. But a lot of what they are giving is pretty detailed, some look like first hand." He looked at Nick. "We could try feeding false information, maybe narrow it down?" Luigi suggested.

  "No, we start doing that then we are proving we don't trust our people and we start having all sorts of issues," Nick replied and shook his head. "It could be anyone from a tech to a janitor. I'll keep my eyes and ears open," he said. Luigi nodded.


  "Stem cells? Did I hear right? You want to bring unborn fetuses to Mars? Why sir that's outrageous!" Luigi sighed as the Congress woman ranted.

  When she wound down he raised his hand. "If I may ma'am, they aren't human stem cells," he replied patiently.

  "Now see here, stem cells of aborted fetuses are gods children and must be protected as such," another congressman dug in.

  Luigi sighed noisily this time. The congressman bridled. "No, I am trying to explain, the cells are not human at all they are animal cells." He felt like throttling Nick for this idea.

  "From animals you say?" the congressman asked as he sat back adjusting his glasses. "That's a different kettle of fish all togetha," he drawled in his southern twang.

  "Right, the cells are an experiment in food growth. It was recently brought to my attention that a food subsidiary mined the idea of stem cells and coupled it with an idea from science fiction. They are using these cells to grow animal parts for food consumption," Luigi explained, trying hard not to grit his teeth.

  One of the congress women gasped. "I say, is that legal? Does the FDA know about this?" the congress woman asked.

  He nodded. "Yes ma'am, the initial licensing went through a week ago."

  She shook her head. "Y'all say that, but it is against the law of god to mess with his creations."

  Another congressman sighed. "Beth, can we continue?" he demanded patiently. He nodded to Luigi.

  "Thank you congressman. Now as I was saying, this equipment will allow us to grow animal parts for study or consumption. We grow them on a plastic substrate so there is no need for bone or other unused product. The cultures have no brain tissue, so there is no problem with harvest," he explained. Several people nodded at this. “The idea is in its infancy. It is also currently being explored for human tissue replacement as well, I must admit. But it is just an idea; it isn't currently on our launch list.”

  "Okay, I think that is a bit much to digest, why don’t we take a recess and discuss this. Say till tomorrow folks? Good? Okay then. Nine am folks," the congressman acting as chairman clacked the gavel before any could object. Nick and Luigi managed to get up before the reporters swarmed.

  "Hard sell Nick, you better not be selling me a canoe without a paddle," Luigi said after they had made their escape. He wasn't happy at all that someone had leaked this.

  "Don't worry, it will be worth it. The tech is an outgrowth of cloning, but it is viable. I even had a piece," Nick admitted. Luigi turned.

  Nick smiled. "Lemon pepper chicken breast. Gorgeous with just the right flavor. You'll love it," he smiled.

  "Only you Nick," Luigi smiled then chuckled. "Medical science is a bit above my pay grade, I stuck to the hard engineering and astrophysics stuff," he sighed and shook his head. "Your brief said chicken and beef... can it do pork and other things?"

  Nick grimaced. "Actually, pork yeah, but there is some sort of hitch in the flavor. Turkey too. They haven't gone beyond the basics though; I bet the greens will be all over it. Religious nuts too," he said and then chuckled.

  "Vegetarians too I bet. Vegans will be torn between a fit and a field day," Luigi observed. "It doesn't take a life, but it is flesh, right."

  Nick chuckled. "Talk about your can of worms!" he sighed suddenly. "I didn't think about the fall out this is going to cause. Sorry I dropped the ball Luigi."

  Luigi gave him a look. "Oh, all is not lost; I just can't promise it will fly. If we have to compromise..."

  Nick sighed. "Yeah, I get yah, if you have to horse trade, do it." He looked out the window. "Damn politics." He looked over to Luigi. "You sure there isn't enough room for one more? Maybe a stow away?" he asked plaintively. Luigi laughed.


o did they go for it?" Luigi smiled. "You bet, Hudson will be the first outfitted with a magsail," he replied and then grimaced. "It better work too, I had to sign in blood for this one." He'd wanted Columbus to have the full treatment but no such luck.

  Mario chuckled. "It'll work, hell, if it doesn't you can get out and push little brother while I drive."

  Luigi frowned then punched his brother on the arm. "Hey, why do I have to push, you’re the big one! I built it!" Mario chuckled.

  Nick came into the control room and looked things over. "Looks like mission control from the Apollo days."

  Luigi grimaced. "Hardly." He waved to the bank of computers behind Nick.

  "No tape beyond red tape,” Nick snorted, looking as well. The control room was fully modernized. "Probably cost a mint."

  Luigi smiled. "Not really. I got it off e-bay for a song."

  Nick stared at him. "You didn't." Luigi's grin widened. "Oh god you did." Nick shook his head, but he smiled. "You’re going to have to teach me that, I am going to need it. The women are trying to bankrupt me again."

  Luigi chuckled. "Aren't they always? Daughter or mother?"

  Nick sighed as he sat down. "Both. Ever since that one reporter ambushed me the two of them are going out to get a facial, nails and their hair done every week." He shook his head as Luigi chuckled. "How the hell can a hair cut cost three hundred dollars each?" Luigi's chuckles turned into guffaws. "A quarter inch! Three hundred bucks!" Nick grumbled, sitting back and glaring. "Oh sure, your no help," he sighed. "Everyone's a comedian," he growled. Luigi slapped his thigh. "Yuck it up bud, your turns coming eventually," Nick warned ominously. Luigi smiled as he got his laughter under control.


  "So, they are named after the video game characters?" Julia asked. Benny nodded. "Must have been tough in school."

  Benny chuckled. "From what I heard they wore it as a badge of honor, adopted the fist bump, and even wore the costumes at Halloween parties."

  She chuckled. "Good to know."

  “Catch comedy central last night?” Nick shook his head, still engrossed in his display. Benny chuckled. “I did. That Mario skit Gabriel Iglesias did was a riot; he even did the theme song!”

  Julia giggled. “Do du do du dodedo be be beba...”

  Luigi came in and snickered. “No, it's Do do do, duwhap a be do do de do de data tedo de do...” Julia gaped at him then giggled.

  Benny sighed. “And here we go, he'll never stop now.”

  “I liked Dunham's better. The whole astronaut thing,” Nick commented and looked up to see his boss still humming his theme song. “All right, who got him going on that?” he sighed scowling. Julia ducked then slowly raised her hand when Benny pointed to her. She was biting her lip trying not to laugh or meet Nick's accusing glare.

  Benny chuckled. “You’re in the dog house now...”


  Luigi grimaced as he adjusted the suit. “I feel like I have a wedgie,” he complained.

  Betsy snorted. “Yeah, the diaper is a pain,” she sighed. Another test fitting of the skin suit. Hopefully they'd get it sorted out. She wasn't looking forward to wearing the thing for three years.

  “Better get used to it,” Wanda teased. Mario grimaced.

  “No fair, you've had years of practice with pads.” He shook his head as he held his helmet up to the light. The clear visor began to darken.

  “Nice, self polarizing?” Wanda asked.

  “Yeah, just like sunglasses and it even has a hud built in that projects data on the inside.”

  Wanda smiled. “Good to know. Glad we finally get to try out the real thing.”

  She buckled the safety harness around her waist then raised her arms to let the suit technician check her connections. “You're good,” he said then moved on.

  “So these are the final suits?” Betsy asked.

  “Yeah, we'll have a pressure suit for each astronaut as well as backups,” Luigi replied as he put his helmet on with practiced ease. “All set.” He locked the seals down and then jumped up and down in place. He held his gloved hands up in front of his helmet and wiggled his fingers then made fists. “Gotta love it. Try doing this sort of articulation with a pressure suit!” he smiled.

  “Yeah, but they are a pain to get into,” Commander Bower grumped. “I thought the pressure suit was a work out.” He put a sweat band on, then his snoopy cap. He seated the earphone and mike then put his helmet on.

  “Bitch bitch. It'll all be worth it on Mars,” Mario replied.

  “Okay let's do this,” Luigi waved to the airlock door. The tech nearby opened it and stepped aside.

  “Once more unto the breech, or at least into the testing chamber,” Betsy joked.


  "Santa Maria power up test complete," the voice over the communication channel confirmed the readouts in front of Benny.

  "I think we're about ready to light this baby's candle and see what she can do if that's okay with you mission control?" He smiled as he looked over to Julia and rolled his eyes.

  "Light her Benny; let’s get this show on the road." The voice had been replaced by the recognizable Doctor Luigi Irons.

  "Sure thing boss." He looked at the cylindrical craft then away and put on his shades. "Everyone ready?" The craft floated up and away from the window, out of sight.

  "Why the glasses?" Julia asked.

  "You'll see. ignition." A bright light shined through the porthole. Julia cried out in surprise and covered her arm with her outstretched arm. "Damn." She went into a tumble.

  Benny caught her instinctively, while still looking out the porthole. "Ignition confirmed. All boards are normal."

  "Go baby go," he murmured.

  "Amen. Santa Maria is flying hot straight and true, next stop Saturn," Mission control returned.

  "Roger that. Next up... let’s see, clean the head. Great." Benny looked over to Julia who was wiping her eyes. "You okay?" He took the glasses off. The light had faded to normal as the craft accelerated away.

  "You could have warned me!" she snarled.

  He chuckled. "I did, twice. The glasses should have been a giveaway," he teased. She grimaced.


  Luigi rolled his shoulders, glad to be back stateside. He didn't mind Houston but he did mind being stuck here now. It was far too hot and muggy now that it was summer.

  “You're wallet or your life!” a voice snarled behind Luigi.

  He paused and started to turn. “Bro if that is you it isn't funny...” Something hit him from behind dropping him to his knees.

  “I said the wallet smart ass, NOW!” the unfamiliar voice snarled. He felt someone kick him.

  “Look here it is...” Luigi started to reach for his wallet as he felt the first trickle of fear.

  “Man we should plug him right now man, we ain't got time for this...” another voice came out of the darkness behind him.

  “Shut up man, they said make it look like a mugging!” the first snarled. Luigi heard footfalls then saw a police officer round the corner weapon drawn.

  “Police officer drop the weapon!” Footfalls sounded behind him. Luigi curled up into a ball and rolled away. The police officer ran past him.


  "We have ERV signal, clean signal. ERV is in orbit," Benny nodded. He had spent his six months in orbit and now was doing a rotation on the ground in mission control. "Receiving data now. Looks five by five." He gave Luigi a thumbs up. Luigi nodded. "Cargo lander on final, we should be receiving in" A hush washed over mission control.

  Julia held her hand to her ear piece. "Got it. I am getting a faint signal. Hab one is down."

  Mario smiled. "So that leaves the MAV right? Tomorrow?" He looked over to Luigi who nodded.

  "Good. Glad everything worked. Get me a hot wash on my desk by close of day folks then you can pop the champagne." Mission control was oblivio
us, people were cheering loudly. Luigi smiled tightly as he left.

  "Talk about your wet blanket." Benny sighed. "What's eating him?" He motioned to Luigi.

  Mario sighed. "I think all the politics and shenanigans are getting to him. He was mugged the other day too."

  Benny's eyes widened. "You don't say! Someone mugged him?"

  Julia came over and propped herself up on the edge of the desk. "I heard about that, a nearby off duty cop managed to save him," she sighed. "Houston is getting as bad as New York." She shook her head. "We're going to celebrate at Chili's tonight are you coming Mario?"

  Mario shook his head. "Not tonight, I have to catch the red eye, training in Georgia tomorrow, and then I am off to Canada for some real life sim time."

  Benny grimaced. "Luigi coming?"

  Mario shook his head. "No the whiz kid did his bit a while ago; he will meet me in Canada Friday night. Spend the weekend and then back to DC for more backsides to smooch Monday."

  Julia laughed. "No wonder he has that puckered look. I thought it was his jeans!"

  Benny laughed along with Mario. "No, he wants to be here for the landing tomorrow, then off back to jet setting. I gotta pack good work." Mario got up and walked out with a wave.

  "Well, looks like we get to herd this rowdy lot into writing the report." Benny looked around to the group celebrating.

  "Oy vey," Julia groaned.

  ·Chapter 5


  "We have clear signal on MAV two it is picking up a faint signal two hundred kilometers off the shuttle's landing zone. Looks like it had a problem." Benny looked up and sighed. "This can't be right, it... Flight are the inertials squirrelly? It says it is on its side?"

  Luigi sighed. "Most likely because it is. I just checked the computer log, look at line three ninety nine, landing leg two didn't fully extend."

  Benny groaned. "Damn! You mean it fell over? Can we get anything out of it?" Julia looked up. "She will never fly again, that kind of impact on the tanks and electronics?"

  She shook her head wearily. "No way. Not even if they winched it upright, I wouldn't try," Luigi replied. "Right the bird is too banged up to fly. Ah well." An engineer waved. He clicked over to a side channel, murmured for a few moments, checked an e-mail then looked up as he clicked off.


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