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First Steps (Founding of the Federation)

Page 13

by Hechtl, Chris

  "Someone get paramedics here now!" She looked up and yelled. He groaned softly. His eyes were almost swollen shut. His face hurt, he knew he hit the pavement hard. He felt droplets on his cheek and face. He cracked an eye open to see the open sky and sun above. Betsy leaned forward shielding him with her body. "It's going to be okay," she murmured voice shaking.

  He felt a droplet touch his lip and trickle into his mouth. It was salty. It must have been her tears. "Senator, you need to get out of here now, you may be endanger," an agent said off to one side.

  "Like hell I will, do you know who that is? That's Luigi Irons, get some help for him. God this is a mess," the Senator said clearly furious and concerned.

  Luigi chuckled. "Sorry Senator, I guess I have a knack for giving politicians headaches," he mumbled.

  "What did he say?" The senator asked moving into his field of view. Betsy gave a watery chuckle.

  "He said he's sorry he gives politicians such headaches." She looked up into the eyes of the Senator who snorted.

  "Like hell he is," he laughed. "He's always causing mischief."

  A paramedic moved into view. "Sir, we're here to help, lie perfectly still," the paramedic ordered. Luigi sighed as he felt them set a C collar around his neck. "Possible spinal injuries, vehicle impact, lower leg injuries to both fibulae and tibia of both legs..." One paramedic started to list his injuries. He groaned.

  "Okay, you’re in good hands Luigi, I'll check in with you later." The Senator waved as an aid latched onto his arm. Luigi sighed.


  "Who the hell were they?" Zubrin asked the FBI agent who shook his head.

  "Greens, that's all I can tell you without compromising our investigation. It's a mess. They are real whack jobs," the agent replied.

  Zubrin sighed. "Did you catch them all?" he demanded.

  The Fed shook his head. "I can't tell you that...”

  Bob snarled. "Damn it I need to know! I have personnel scattered over four continents and a rocket about to launch in three days!" He smacked his fist into the wall.

  "I'll check with my supervisor. I would suggest you lay on additional security," the agent suggested then moved off down the hall.

  "Damn," Zubrin sighed pacing. "Damn." He looked in on Luigi in the hospital bed enshrouded with tubes and machines. "Stupid fools," he sighed sitting down.

  Betsy came up behind him. "Bob, everything all right?" He looked up and sighed.

  "The FBI won’t let us know anything. I need to make some calls," he growled. She nodded. He hugged her briefly and then left.

  Betsy entered the room quietly and sat in the chair watching the readouts. "Live," she murmured. "Live," she sighed stroking his hand with her fingers.


  "He's lucky." The Doctor looked over to Mario and Wanda. "He has a broken seventh vertebra, crushed ribs, broken right arm, broken fingers, both tibia and fibulae in both legs are shattered..." The Doctor shook his head. "Bruised kidneys, ruptured disk vertebra, punctured lung, broken cheek, cracked skull..." She grimaced. "He has some of my best work in him. Twenty hours of surgical repair and counting."

  Wanda nodded. "Thanks doc. Why don't you get some rest, putting up with an Irons takes it out of anyone," Wanda smiled.

  "Yeah that's certainly true," The Doctor smiled weakly. Mario wasn't in a joking mood.

  "Can we see him?" Mario asked looking forlorn.

  "He's out now; I believe his partner is in with him now. You can take a peek, but he won’t wake for a couple hours," the Doctor replied. Mario nodded.

  At the door Betsy noticed them and got up and came out. "He's not fully awake." He's in and out," she said softly. She looked over to the Doctor who nodded.

  "We should put him in a medical coma, but the possible injuries to his brain are just too much of a risk, I don't want to chance putting him under and have him go under for life." She shook her head. "Injuries this extensive will take years to fully recover from."

  Wanda nodded. "But he will recover right?"

  The Doctor nodded. "Without anymore unforeseen problems, yes. He's got a long road ahead of him," she cautioned and then sighed. Mario grimaced.

  "Why don't we go get a cup of coffee and something to eat Betsy while Mario checks in?" Wanda gripped her husband's hand briefly then caught Betsy's. She looked torn, turning back to Luigi.

  "He'll be okay, trust me." The Doctor urged pushing her on. After the girls had left the Doctor sighed. "She's been here from the beginning. I had to give her that top; hers was spattered with his blood. She won't leave his side."

  Mario looked down the corridor. "Well, will wonders never cease?" he said with a slight smile. "Thanks doc." He reached for the door handle.


  “We're taking you live to the press room of the White house where word of Dr. Iron's condition will hopefully be released...” The anchor raised his hand to his earwig and turned to a monitor.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Press Secretary Gibbs.” The aide nodded politely to her boss as she stepped away from the podium. He stepped up and nodded.

  “Ladies and gentlemen at one PM eastern standard time Dr. Luigi Irons was hit by a vehicle while walking back to work after his lunch break.” The clicks and flashbulbs came fast and furious. “After being struck he was catapulted to the ground. The vehicle stopped and the occupants got out and proceeded to beat the astronaut with fists, feet, and lengths of pipe.” The press secretary scowled as the room became utterly quiet. “A group of Secret Service and FBI agents on their own lunch breaks, as well as Senator Branth's security team apprehended the assailants in the act,” the Secretary paused.

  “Ladies and gentlemen this is one of the most heinous acts I have ever seen. Dr. Irons is in critical condition...” He didn't get to finish as the reporters began to clamor for attention with questions.

  “And there you have it, the White House alleging that the four men and one woman deliberately attacked Dr. Irons three days prior to the launch of Mars Hab one.” The anchor looked up into the camera then over to the side. The screen split between two people. “Joining us now are Dr. Anthony Drisco renowned activist and author of My life My world, how to take back the planet, and Republican Senator Friday. Nice to speak with you once more.” The anchor nodded politely as they both murmured assurances that it was nice to be on the show.

  “Doctor, is there any truth to this statement from the White House that Dr. Irons was attacked?” the anchor asked turning to her guests and smiling politely. The Senator's face was a polite poker face.

  “Not at all, and I deeply resent the implication that a green would harm anyone! Despite the damage Dr. Irons and the space program has done to our pristine solar system, we of the Green Earth party do not condone violence!” He shook his head, doing his best to look pious.

  “These allegations that they attacked him are ludicrous! They must have been helping him and the interfering Federal agents misinterpreted their actions!” He threw his hands apart.

  “Senator, do you agree?” The anchor turned to the Senator.

  “Well, first off, I was not there, so I cannot say what happened. Now, I would think that five Federal agents, and my distinguished college, as well as astronaut Betsy Lawless must have seen something to take such drastic action as to draw their weapons and arrest the four men and women,” she replied and then shrugged. “Until more information is released I cannot tell you one way or another if their actions were justified or the result of hysterical over reaction.” She shrugged.

  Drisco seemed to immediately take offense. “That is preposterous! Outrageous! There is no way anyone would harm the good Doctor no matter what he could have done!” Drisco snarled.

  “Apparently the Federal agents and the Justice Department disagree with you on that. After all, they were arrested were they not?” the Senator asked mildly.

  “A miscarriage of justice!” Drisco bleated.

  The anchor raised his hand to h
is earwig. “We have breaking news, it seems that someone witnessed part of the altercation and managed to record it with their cell phone. Another network has released the footage, we will try to get it to you shortly.” He looked down at his monitor.


  “And here we have footage of Dr. Iron's alleged attackers being arrested by the authorities. Mr. Ziar, can you tell us in your own words what happened?” The reporter held a microphone up to the face of the witness.

  “Well, I was coming around the corner and I heard tires screeching then a thud. Then people yelling and screaming. I managed to get around to see the four men and woman there,” he said. He pointed to the intersection.

  “The alleged attackers?” The reporter asked, and then brought the microphone back to the witness.

  “Yes, they had their hands up. I saw men with guns so I took out my phone and started filming I wanted to make sure another Rodney King didn't happen.” He bobbed his head up and down. “One of the men got into the car and drove off. The agents were very agitated. They arrested the others and secured the area.” The witness shrugged.

  “And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, an eye witness to the alleged crime... Back to you in the studio...”

  “This just in, another set of witnesses, a tourist family from Ireland here on a working holiday were filming nearby and managed to record the event.” Footage of the attack played out. The reporter stopped it just before the car hit. “As you can see, there can be no mistake. This was a deliberate, calculated attack on someone. This was a murder attempt ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake about that. No matter what the people at Fox try to do to spin this, and yes they will try this proves without a shadow of a doubt that they were trying to kill him.”

  The reporter grimaced. “Ladies and gentlemen the footage is considerably graphic, you may not want to have your children or those with weak stomachs continue watching,” She paused for a moment and then continued. “We are playing this in slow motion. Now as you can see, Dr. Irons heroically pushes his college out of the way taking the full force of the impact.” She winced as his body was flung up over the hood and flung off.

  “Now the real proof of intent is right here folks, right here...” The car stopped and the occupants got out holding pipes and chains. “As you can see, they are armed.” She looked into the camera. “Fox may try to spin it anyway they can, but you can't tell me they aren't.” She shook her head. The screen cut back to the video. “We see here the beating and arrest.” She shook her head. “We have a rumor that this was also caught on the traffic cameras in the intersection but we cannot confirm this,” she said, eyes angrily challenging her audience.


  "Damn." Mario stood in the doorway of the hospital room. His brother was in the center bed, covered in cables, hoses and wiring. His head was in a halo device, a set of padded restraints that were literately screwed into his head to keep it from moving. Machinery surrounded him. "Damn, what did you get yourself into this time squirt?" he sighed as he sat down.

  "So I hear your going to Mars." Luigi said weakly.

  "Yeah, they gave me your spot I guess," Mario replied. He put his head in his hands and sighed. Tears dripped on the floor. "It's not fair, you deserved it!" He looked up ashamed. He had to leave soon; he and Wanda had to be in Russia in less than a day.

  Luigi stared back through blackened eyes. "Don't worry about it big brother, just make sure you keep up the family tradition."

  Mario smiled weakly. "Yeah sure, you betcha," Mario joked weakly. Luigi smiled back. His was a crooked smile since a tube ran into one side of his mouth.

  "Remember, if you see any tubes, don't go down them, and squash any goomba's you find."

  Mario chuckled sitting back. "Damn. You’re a stitch you know that?"

  Luigi rolled his eyes. "Oh bad pun. No points for you. Next time jump higher."

  Mario chuckled. A voice cleared its throat behind him. He turned to see a nurse tapping her foot. "Visiting hours were over an hour ago," she said pointedly. He nodded and got up.

  "Get going, you have a flight to catch," Luigi said and tapped his fingers. Mario lightly tapped the back of Luigi's IV covered hand with his. "Mario wait for me there, they say when I get this halo off I will be as good as ever."

  Mario nodded. "No problem, I'll save you a beer."

  He went to the door. "Make it a case! Or better yet a keg!" Luigi called after him.

  Mario chuckled. "Now that's what I'ma talkin about." His fake Italian accent made his brother chuckle.

  "Oh don't make me laugh, evil," he sighed weakly, trying to clutch at his abdomen. "Good luck big bro, you’re going to need it." He closed his eyes and wept. "Damn, I wanted to be the first."

  The nurse patted his forehead, and then wiped the tears away. "You'll get your shot Doctor, just have patience," she said softly.

  Luigi smiled. "I thought I was the patient."

  She grimaced. "Oh ha ha. Guess I walked into that one. Get some rest now." She put the buzzer near his hand. "Call if you need anything."

  He smiled. "Even if it is a beer?"

  She chuckled. "Good night doctor..." The lights dimmed.

  "Damn this sucks," he murmured closing his eyes.


  The nurse came in with a tray of materials. "Ah doc, I already had my physical, and they brought me up to date with shots...” Mario said, hands up. He started to get up alarmed at all the needles. Sure his ass was numb from the twenty hour long plane ride but not that numb!

  "Oh sit down you big baby," Wanda teased.

  "Take it like a man you mean?" He turned to her. "You first," he growled.

  "Ah, but I'm not a man..." she fired right back.

  "I hadn't noticed. Besides ladies first remember?"

  She blushed. "All right you wuss..." She rolled up her sleeve.

  "These are the latest vaccines for the Rhino virus, Swine flu, and general flu," the nurse replied as she readied a shot. She turned to see Wanda bearing her arm. She cleared her throat. "Well, actually most of these go in the other way," The nurse replied. Wanda's eyes went wide.

  Mario chuckled. "And you were saying?"

  She turned a glare on him and he ducked laughing. "Oh shut up," she sighed. "All right, let's get this over with." She stood and started to pull down her pants.


  "We're filling this out for our mail right? And IRS. Will, voting, crap that's a lot of paperwork," Mario grumbled. He rubbed his rear, it still hurt. Did they have to jab him all over? Damn!

  Wanda chuckled. "Oh, it's not all that bad. Just be glad we're going to be gone and they will filter our mail, imagine all the junk mail."

  Mario shivered. "No thank you. I'm just glad they are holding it."

  Joyce rolled her eyes. "What did you think they were going to do with it throw it away?" she said exasperated.

  "I was hoping," Mario answered with a growl. "Nothin but bills anyway," he muttered.

  · Chapter 6

  Getting there:

  Luigi sat in the bed, eyes tearing as the news channel showed a tight shot of the Uragan rocket. His brother and sister in law, dressed in orange flight suits waved to the cameras as the crew and attendants passed the gantry cameras. “Damn.”

  “And we see the brave astronauts climbing into their vehicle. Not since the Apollo era has the hopes and dreams of an entire world been riding on a single push of a button...”

  The reporter droned on and on over and over until he hit the mute. He knew it would be that way, the media building up the suspense and filling in the time before the launch with talking heads. Still, he flipped through the channels finding similar on all the major networks. Amused he stopped to watch MSNBC as they talked with a panel of astronauts. Some were retired Mission specialists from the shuttle program. Sitting with them was a whack job claiming the space program is a vast conspiracy. He chuckled as Lenny put him down hard.

bsp; “He's in here room two oh nine,” a voice in the hall said. He looked at the open doorway to see a reporter and camera crew come in. A nurse down the hall screeched in indignation, and then tried to chase them out. “And here we are with famed Mars assistant program director Luigi at his bedside. Sir Do you have a few words for the public?” the reporter demanded, thrusting a microphone in his face. The scowling nurse had contacted security and a guard was coming in.

  “Sure,” Luigi waved the guard off weakly. He stopped and backed up scowling at the intruders. “I am here because someone with as little vision as spirit put me here.” He feebly waved to his halo and broken body. “But out there the future is happening. Men and women from many nations are holding their breath as their brothers, sister's, wives, daughters, husbands, sons, mothers, and fathers, ride into the stars.” He looked directly into the camera. “Now, where do you think you should be?”

  The nurse smothered a chuckle. The crew panned around. He clicked the remote to the CBS feed. “The countdown clock has begun. Thirty seconds to lift off.” The reporter started backing out. The sound man was the last to leave. As the craft rumbled into the sky only the equipment caught Luigi mutter. “Go baby go. Good luck big brother.”


  Mario lunged and grunted as the sword dug in to the hilt. "Crap, caught," he growled. He pulled back but the sword was stuck.

  "Gotcha," the commander grinned as he swooped in for the kill.

  Mario groaned as he fell to his knees and dropped the remote. "Darn."

  The commander chuckled wiping his brow. "Good match." He pulled his goggles up and looked around. "Isn't it nice that we have these? Nintendo is going to make a fortune with them."

  He examined the remote. "Yeah. Especially with us doing the commercials for them," Mario grumped as knelt.

  "Oh get up," the commander said in mock disgust. The commander held out a hand and helped Mario to his feet. "Nice job but next time not so hard."

  Mario nodded. "Yeah. I can't believe the sword stuck in a tree," he sighed then turned to see Wanda and Mrs. Han in the doorway.


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