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First Steps (Founding of the Federation)

Page 32

by Hechtl, Chris


  "Mario, what the hell is going on there? The Waldecker’s were a disaster! They laid the entire crisis at your door and mine and now I have everyone including ESA breathing down my necks and sharpening knives to carve me into little pieces! The President just spent twenty minutes chewing my ass into little itty bitty pieces Betsy is going to take weeks gluing them back together!" Luigi sighed.

  "Find out what the hell is going on. If they can't cooperate, find a way to muzzle them. We'll deal with the problem when they get back here," Luigi sighed and signed off.

  "I bet Mario is pissed too." Betsy said from behind him, and then rubbed his shoulders. "So he chewed your ass did he?" Betsy asked in a teasing tone. Luigi squirmed. "Want me to kiss it and make it better?" Betsy asked syrupy sweet.

  He had to chuckle at that. "Later dear, when we're home alone." He turned and gave her a leer.

  She chuckled. "You’re on." He laughed, good humor in the universe restored.


  "What the hell gives you the right to do everything in your power to sabotage this mission and the team?" Mario snarled. The team was arrayed in Hab three looking at the errant couple. "You put us all on the spot with your crap. First with that little stunt with the thermostat, now this!" Mario threw his hands up in the air. Mrs. Waldecker clutched at her husband’s arm.

  He glared openly hostile to Mario. "We did nothing wrong, we told the truth," the German snarled.

  "Oh did you now?" Mario asked softly. "Did you bother to mention your wife's hand in that mess?"

  Mr. Waldecker looked away. "You can't prove she had anything to do with that...." He began.

  "Oh yes we can," Joyce replied. "We've sent the data to mission control. They can plug it into a sim and see what happens. I bet you will both have egg on your face." Both Waldecker’s were now looking uneasy.

  "I embarrassed you and now you’re what? Getting back at me is that it?" Mario asked tiredly. Doc seemed to pout. "Oh grow up both of you. You’re both professionals in your fields, start acting like it," he snarled. "You wanted to play politics and now the mission and the program will suffer," he sighed and rubbed his brow.

  "We don't have to listen to this." Mr. Waldecker grabbed his wife’s hand and led her out.

  "Do they have any idea what they are putting us through? What they will go through on Earth? Hell if they are going to stay!" Mario started waving his hands apart cross wise. "Hell NO! I'll go back if they even think of it. Or I'll personally drop kick both of them into orbit myself!" he snarled.

  "I'd love to see that," Latisha chuckled tiredly.

  "Me too." Joyce and Wanda said together. Sergei and Toshi both nodded.

  "So what do we do?" Wanda asked.

  "Well, after going over the video record of their interview, we're going to muzzle them. They want to play games..." Mario shrugged.

  Joyce smiled. "Both of them will lose all communications privileges. I've already had Toshi lock them out. They are also loosing computer mainframe privileges." She nodded to Toshi who grimaced.

  "That could backfire too. Censoring them and punishing them...” Toshi shrugged.

  "My call too," Mario shrugged. “Since Mr. Waldecker is going out again he shouldn't be an issue.”

  "In for a penny, in for a pound," Latisha sighed.


  "Is the Mars program censoring the Waldecker’s?" the reporter asked. Mario sighed. Of course they were, they just couldn't come right out and say that. He hit the record button.

  "Doctor Waldecker is out on another geology mission. The science of Mars is one of our primary mandates as you know." He paused for a moment in thought. "As to Mrs. Waldecker, as far as I know she is in her lab working on her backlog of material testing. We lost a great deal of time due to the accident. I believe she is attempting to make that time up." He shrugged helplessly.

  "I can't help you there. In fact, I should be out in the field as well, we need to expand the base and institute preventive measures so such an accident can be marginalized," he sighed softly and hit the transmit key.

  The next question was a bit more complicated. "In your report you stated that the actions of Mrs. Waldecker were the root cause of the accident. That appears to be shifting blame away from yourself. Care to comment?" the reporter asked. Mario grimaced then hit the record button.

  "Well, I believe I stated that there were a number of possible contributing factors, but the highest culprit to me was the heating. Leaving the doors open in the tunnels was also a problem. In fact, although leaving the doors open allowed for the habs to depressurize, leaving them open prevented a much more serious catastrophe, a blow out. Had the doors been sealed with the weakened seals, they could have blown out totally, and we would have been in a much direr situation. So in a way, negligence on our part in procedures saved us." He frowned, trying to think of a better way to spin that. When nothing came to mind he shrugged and hit send.

  "Mr. Irons, isn't it true that you are responsible for the day to day maintenance of the habitats?"

  He smiled and hit record. "Yes, I, Tess, Toshi, and each of the others who live here are responsible for the habitats and their upkeep. We each must keep an eye on our duty sectors, as outlined in our individual mission plan. Mine happens to be the overall health and welfare of the base. Unfortunately the seal damage was not picked up when we checked them the day before. I am not sure why this happened, either because we were so used to checking them daily that we overlooked something, or possibly that they lurking under the surface where we could not see them." He shrugged.

  "Either way, it is done now. We undertook a check prior to the accident, and are more thorough now. We will continue in our vigilance." He paused in thought. "I believe one of America's founders stated that the price of freedom is ever vigilance. Now I am not sure if I have the correct and full quotation, but for those of us living in space, that means that the price for life is ever vigilance," he smiled politely and spread his hands.

  "Thank you for your interest in Mars, have a good evening." He nodded and hit the stop and send buttons. "There glad that's over with." He looked over to see his wife leaning against the door jam with her arms crossed. "I feel like I put my foot in my mouth, and I'm just digging it in deeper and deeper," he sighed as he unclipped the body mike.

  "Liar liar, you know that Doc Waldecker is foaming at the mouth to get at the camera again, to detail how you assaulted her," Wanda said.

  He shook his head. "Don't remind me. She can do it all she wants on her own time...that is on Earth," he said firmly and then grimaced.

  She smiled and nodded. "My sentiments exactly." He chuckled.

  "No one messes with your man but you?" he teased.

  "You better believe it," she growled as they left.


  Wanda pulled the load of laundry out and then tossed it onto the couch.

  Joyce came in. “I heard your having your monthly. You have my sympathy.” She shook her head and picked up a coverall.

  "That's not it exactly," Wanda said, sounding worried. She folded a towel and bit her lip.

  Joyce folded a coverall and looked at her. "What is the problem?"

  Wanda sighed. "Well you know they gave us a five year implant right?"

  Joyce nodded then her eyes widened as it hit home. "And you've been here over five years! I'm surprised you haven't popped up pregnant by now!"

  Wanda looked down biting her lip. Joyce looked at her. Her shoulders shook a little. "Do you want to have a baby Wanda?" she finally softly asked.

  Wanda began to sob, hand over her face. "Yes, no, I don't know," she sighed, clearly upset and unsure. Joyce went over and held her. "It's just that, ever since that radiation scare, I'm not so sure. Mario hasn't said anything, but he must be worried," she frowned and then sighed. "We aren't trying honest, but something must have affected him. It has been over a year and nothing has happened," she said.

>   "Do you think he is shooting blanks?" Joyce asked as she separated from Wanda. She held her forearms and looked into the woman's eyes.

  Wanda looked away and bit her lip. Mario had a lot more exposure to radiation after the two incidents. "Maybe. God I hope not. Not that a little Mario wouldn't be a total disaster here!" Wanda sniffled and used the towel she had just folded to wipe her eyes.

  "Yeah, I could just see the little tyke tearing apart everything in sight," Joyce joked with a laugh.

  Wanda chuckled. "Yeah. I want to have Mario's baby, I really do. I just don't know anymore," she sighed.

  Joyce patted her arm. "Give it time. We can look into it if you two want too, or we can look into preventive measures." She smiled. "Think his machine can make rubbers?"

  Wanda laughed. "Oh god. That's all we need to get back to Earth. Martians use machine to make sex objects."

  Joyce laughed. "I guess asking for a vibrator is out then," she teased. Wanda dissolved into a hysterical laughing fit.


  Mario grimaced as he tossed the latest plastic piece into the recycle bin. “Warping again?” Tess asked.

  Mario nodded. “Yeah. You're zip ties are here.” He handed her a bundle.

  “Thanks. With these we can clean up some of the wiring and seal more bags. The machine Luigi sent is godsend.” She sat down on a stool.

  “Something on your mind?” Mario looked up from the computer screen to her.

  “Da. I was wondering... could you marry Sergei and I?” she asked blushing furiously. He googled at her until she giggled. “Should close mouth,” she teased.

  He recovered and shook his head. “Um, shouldn't that be Joyce's thing?” he asked.

  Joyce stuck her head in. “What's my thing? Mario I was wondering if you could do me and Toshi a favor...” she started and then blushed.

  Mario threw his hands up. “You two too?” He looked over to the two women who looked at each other.

  “Wanna do it all in one go?” Joyce asked Tess softly. “I know we all want the spotlight in our wedding...” She shrugged.

  Tess smiled. “Double wedding is good,” she replied with a nod. She grinned at Mario. “As long as men don't pass out...” Mario chuckled.


  "As the remaining commander of Hab two and this Mars Base do you Toshi take this woman Joyce as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" he asked, looking directly at Toshi.

  Toshi smiled. "I do."

  Mario smiled and looked over to Joyce who was in her coverall, but holding a bouquet of greenhouse flowers. “And do you Joyce take Toshi...."

  Mario walked through the steps of the marriage contract on automatic. He was a bit dazed. When it was over and the others were celebrating Wanda latched onto him and kissed him. "Want to renew our vows here?" he teased.

  Her eyebrows flew up. Slowly she smiled. "Maybe later. I think the newlyweds need their spotlight," she said, looking over her shoulder to them. Mario chuckled. The cameras had been set up to catch the double wedding from all angles. From what Luigi reported the major news agencies were having a meltdown. Lifetime channel and Ion certainly were. The first wedding on another world was turning every female, especially teenage females into swooning messes of goo. He sighed.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" she murmured.

  "If you can find a penny around here," he chuckled. "Besides it would be a waste of money dear, you already own me lock stock and barrel head."

  She looked up into his eyes dimpling. "Yeah that's right I do," she said with a grin in her voice. She smiled up at him possessively.

  He chuckled. "And now you don't have to be jealous of Tess anymore."

  She rested her face against his shoulder. "Was I that obvious?"

  He chuckled. "A little, not that I wasn't flattered at all the attention," he joked. She growled. "Now now..." He stroked her hair and rocked her.

  "You’re a horrible dancer you know that?" she giggled.

  "You should know, I believe you told me that at our wedding remember?" he said. He smiled as he looked over to Sergei and Tess slow dancing. There wasn't a lot of room to do it in the Hab but they were doing it anyway. They should have held this in the vaults. "Well, it is going to be interesting," he sighed.


  “You didn't!” Wanda waved as the two couples drove off. Behind each rover strings of cans were bouncing around. A just married sign was taped to the rear. She laughed. The Waldecker's looked on and then sniffed in disdain. She shook her head and then sighed. They were apparently upset about being upstaged.

  “Some people just have to steal the spotlight,” she heard Doctor Waldecker comment acidly. She turned but the two were already re-entering the airlock.

  “Two nights out. Not much of a honeymoon, but the best we can do,” Mario said as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Better than we got. A week at Devon Island in a smelly hab is for the birds,” she sighed.

  He smiled. “Well, we don't have many beach resorts, but I think we can do something eventually...”

  She smiled and patted his arm. “Maybe someday dear,” she answered as she moved off to the airlock.

  "That is so cool. Honey, I didn't think you had it in you," Wanda watched the waterfall. Sergei had insisted and he was glad now he'd gone along with it.

  "It was Sergei's idea, he looked up the Reprap and found out someone had made a water pump for an aquarium. Works really well too." He nodded to the water. "Aerates the water and keeps it moving nicely."

  She ran her hand through the water. The fish came to inspect her fingers then moved off. "I love it. I just wish the fish were more colorful!" she said.

  He chuckled. "I'll see if we can get you a goldfish of your very own."

  She smiled at him. "I had one as a kid, Goldie," she said. He chuckled. "I am not sure about eating them though," she said. She looked down and shook her hand off. Droplets plopped back into the water. Fish came to the surface to investigate. "They think I am feeding them?" she asked looking over to the expert.

  Sergei came over and nodded. "Yes, always hungry they are. Is good they eat waste." Most of their waste was now dehydrated, microwaved to kill bacteria, then formed into pellets and then cut up into fish food flakes.

  Mario grimaced. "You didn't have to tell us that," he sighed.

  "Still it is good to finally get rid of the poop patties we've been collecting," Wanda smiled. They had been running out of room. Some of course had been used for the greenhouses but not all. "The greenhouse couldn't keep up with it all." She nodded. "And I don't care how much they want it; I am not going to analyze another stool sample for the medico's back on Earth," she growled and then shuddered. Technically it wasn't her job anymore it was the good French Doctor's job. "I only analyze poop if it is fossilized," she said firmly. Mario and Sergei chuckled.


  "The vault has the highest protection against radiation?" Tess asked. Mario nodded. "Is good right?" she asked with a hint of anxiety and concern in her voice. She looked over to Sergei who nodded.

  "What's up?" Joyce asked.

  "We wish to move in vault," Tess said. She cradled her abdomen looking down. Sergei smiled lovingly at her. The girls were the first to get it, they gaped at her.

  "You’re kidding?" Rising excitement and concern was in their voices.

  "What?" Toshi and Mario asked looking back and forth between girls.

  "Men, they can't figure out anything even if you draw them a map," Joyce sighed in exasperation.

  "She's pregnant you dope!" Wanda told Mario before he could object.

  His jaw dropped. "Oh." All sorts of things started to run through his head, none of them good.

  Wanda giggled. "Well that's a new pose, I wonder if he will freeze like that?" she teased.

  His mouth closed slowly. He stared at Tess. "You’re sure?"

  She nodded
. "I know is scary for child on another planet, is big risk, and can never go back, but is done," Tess said. She smiled up at Sergei. "I wouldn't have it any other way anyway." She patted his cheek. He chuckled.

  "Da, me too," he answered softly eyes shining.

  "Well, this calls for a celebration." Mario shook his head.

  "So what's with you wanting to know about the vault?" Joyce asked.

  "We're moving in there," Sergei answered.

  "Must for baby. Safest place," Tess said firmly. She gave Wanda a look. "Is safest, once warm will stay warm. Is no problem with radiation." She nodded to Mario who nodded back. "We make sure, put three meters of soil on top. Will protect." She smiled.

  "You realize Tess your grounded until the baby is born right?" Mario asked gently.

  Tess scowled. "I can do work, is no big deal."

  Mario sighed shaking his head. "It's not that Tess, Yes radiation is a concern."

  He looked over to Joyce. "It's your suit," the commander said gently, catching on. Tess blinked at her. "You're going to get fat remember? Too fat to wear your suit." Tess frowned then her eyes went wide as she finally caught on.

  "Boyshamoy! I totally forgot!" She slapped her forehead then looked around.

  "See, we're not being chauvinistic," Mario murmured.

  She gave him a look then sighed. "What about later? After baby comes?" Tess demanded. Joyce nodded.

  "We're concerned about your hips and breast changes, but if they aren't too far away from your current form, then you should be okay. Worse case you will be stuck in the pressure suits."

  Tess frowned. "Is not good, they..." She waved helplessly.

  "They suck we know," Joyce sighed. "Best we can do. We can't exactly whistle one up, and we don't dare modify your old suit, and Yung Li's old one...” she shook her head. “We might permanently damage it." Joyce held up her hands. "Let's worry about making sure you stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy. Let the future sort itself out." Joyce got up and left.

  Sergei hugged his wife. "Will be okay," he murmured softly to her, nuzzling her hair.


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