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Hunters' Game

Page 3

by Denysé Bridger

  He released her hands and they immediately slid down the length of his back and covered his ass. She pulled him harder against her writhing body. Long legs encircled his waist until he drew back, disentangled her hold and slid his arms under her knees. He leaned forward again and her spine curved to accommodate his shift. The palms of his hands rested flat against the chilled asphalt they were oblivious to, and her fingernails dug into his wrists as he fucked her like the whore she was this night.

  Blood smeared her breasts—his blood—and Demetri's smile was triumphant when her head fell back and she choked back a strangled scream. Her body twisted in his grasp and her shudders pulled him over the edge into his own maddened release.

  He stilled, and allowed the frenzy in his mind to ease before he slipped his arms from under her legs. Rocking back on his heels, he pulled her up into his embrace.

  Tears streamed from Cliantha's eyes as she nestled into the curve of his neck. Her abused body was sated for the moment. He could have punished her for the attack she'd made, and might yet indulge himself in that task. Some part of her understood already, and she whispered her devotion while he soothed the shudders that still wracked her.

  They each felt the approach of the young mortals long before they were in sight. Cliantha eased away from him, and the sticky stream of their pleasure glistened against the pale ivory of her thighs. She ran a finger through the moisture, slipped the wet tip between her lips and smiled at him.

  Demetri took her hand and sucked her finger deep into his mouth—he felt her hunger stir to new life. She was still aroused and her mood unpredictable. He found this new side of her nature tremendously enjoyable. She withdrew and looked past his shoulder.

  "Felix, I'd forgotten about you," she whispered.

  "I noticed." The clipped sharpness of his voice made her grin.

  Despite Demetri's mental hold on him, he spoke with free will, and his mood vacillated between terror and lust.

  Beyond the alley, the deserted sidewalk was once again coming to life with the presence of people leaving the local clubs. A small group of men was nearing, and while they boasted about the night's conquests, they could be heard kicking walls and parked cars. A nearby pole, topped by a streetlight shuddered when a couple of the men decided to show off their martial arts moves, and the latent light sputtered to life.

  Shouted goodbyes and laughter rang out, then two young men approached them, the pair as visible to the vampires as if the sun shone on them. Perhaps most interesting, they could see Demetri, his lover, and their unwitting Felix.

  Cliantha tossed her hair and stood. Demetri rose as well, pulled his jeans over his hips, and zipped them. She slid her skirt down and fastened a few of the buttons on her blouse. The entire time, she held the transfixed stare of the nearing boy who watched every tiny action she made. The heat of the newcomer's lust for Clia burned like a torch even with several feet between them. Demetri loosened some of his mental control of the situation, curious and intrigued by the emerging possibilities.

  "You must like it rough, baby." The new arrival flexed his hips, fucking the air as he laughed with his buddy. "Does the sight of blood turn you on?"


  A sneer of contempt spread over the second boy's face as he stepped in. "Maybe we should cut up your boyfriend and see how much you get off on that?"

  She didn't acknowledge the words. Her eyes remained locked with the first of the two youths. She eased the buttons loose on her blouse again.

  Demetri's eyebrow rose. She'd never let the boy touch her. He listened to the flow of her erratic thoughts, he'd never before seen her incite anyone in quite this manner. She was a deliciously amoral creature tonight, and the truth of it filled him with perverse satisfaction. He kept Felix silent, erasing awareness of him from the mortal minds, his hypnotic control of the newcomers so subtle they didn't sense the other presence in the alley with them.

  "You want me, don't you?" Cliantha's taunting, sing-song voice lured them. "You want to fuck me in front of him?"

  The first boy had already taken a step closer to her, his gaze locked on the bloodstained beauty of her breasts framed by the gaping neckline of her blouse. Demetri's enjoyment of the night was changing to boredom. He'd enjoyed the boy's lusting thoughts. The kid was eager to close his mouth over the erect points that tipped Cliantha's rounded curves. The boy's cock strained the front of his jeans when her slender fingers teased him by flicking over her nipples and cupping her breasts as she fondled herself.

  Demetri laughed whole-heartedly when the boy made a lunge for her, the sound acting as a catalyst for motion.

  Cliantha caught the young man's wrist and spun him into the wall. The distinct, crack of bones was loud, followed by a choked scream that she silenced when she jerked her victim's head back and buried fangs in his neck. She pressed herself to the hapless boy's back and gorged on his blood. His horrified friend shouted in terror.

  The second boy bolted like his ass was being singed by fire. Demetri gave him a few seconds, then he sprang forward, and descended on the kid's back. As they fell to the ground, Demetri twisted the boy's neck in the instant before he tore his throat open and drank until his victim's blood was cooling. He released his hold on the dead body, and went back to Cliantha.

  "Come to me." He gestured her forward. "I've never seen you like this, pet," Demetri whispered as she stepped over the boy's body and into his arms.

  Cliantha all but collapsed against her lover. In a rare moment of unguarded openness, Demetri was able to read every thought and emotion that shuddered through her. She was fighting to control the bloodlust that continued to dominate her mood, he could feel the battle raging within her. She hadn't killed since the first night she'd awakened to her new life. Stavros had tried hard to change that, but he'd failed where Demetri had succeeded. She'd sworn often she would not kill. Tonight, still frenzied by the madness of his possession, she hadn't stopped until there was nothing left to take from the boy. Even now, her body craved his touch, his domination.

  "We have to do something with them."

  Demetri's laughter was cold and mocking.

  "We already have, Cliantha." He kissed her bared shoulder and continued upward until his mouth closed over hers and she twisted fully into his embrace. Her soft body molded to his and she returned the sensuous kiss with the first sign of her usual gentleness.

  "I think this time we will enjoy ourselves at home." Demetri drew back and stared into her wide, dark eyes. "Take our guest. I'll join you very soon. He won't remember what he's seen here."

  Chapter 5


  "Your home is beautiful." Felix strolled around the antiques and leather-covered furniture that filled the room.

  Cliantha tossed her jacket onto a large sofa, following him into the study.

  "How many rooms are there?" He sat in a comfortable chair, then asked the question she'd heard in his thoughts since they'd arrived. "Is Demetri here somewhere?"

  "This room is one of my favorite places." The dancing flames of a fire cast macabre shadows over the cozy warmth of the library. She went to the bar and poured a drink for Felix, then rejoined him. Her skin was so sensitized, her clothes felt like they were made of burlap, not silk, and she was wet again, her pussy clenching and throbbing with reawakened longing.

  "Why this room?" Felix accepted a drink from her. "You're not having one?"

  "I prefer to drink the memories this place holds," she murmured. Knowing he watched every movement she made, Cliantha sauntered to the fireplace, hips swaying with provocative sensuality. In the flickering light, she began to peel away the stained, bedraggled layers of her clothing. She feigned apathy to the ravenous gaze of the young man who stared at her.

  She tossed the last piece of her outfit onto the sofa and turned to smile at Felix. Her hands smoothed over her hips and glided upward to cup her breasts. She toyed with the erect and sensitive points of her nipples as she dropped to her knees. She wanted to fu
ck again; her pussy ached for Demetri. This eager boy would be a nice distraction, though.

  "I thought you wanted me, Felix," she said with a breathless sigh.

  "You're doing fine without me." His voice was hoarse, his breath rasping as he forced his voice to work. He turned so he was looking directly at her, his drink clutched in hands that trembled.

  Cliantha spread her thighs, the light of the flames insuring he could see every tiny motion she made. She shook her head, tossing back her waist-length mane. Her hands moved between her parted thighs and she shivered as she probed her already aroused body.

  "Why don't you do this for me, Felix?" She closed her eyes as the vampire within her awoke, her fingers moved with sure strokes and she screamed Demetri's name silently. The fury of her roused thirst pounded in her veins, and Felix tore at his clothes as he tried to remove them too fast.

  Two pairs of hands touched her at once. Cliantha's eyes snapped open and she grinned down at Felix as she slammed him to the floor. She straddled his thighs and looked at him. He was fully aroused, the lust burning in his eyes unmistakable. Beneath it, equally clear, his terror shone. The familiar rush of euphoric power engulfed her.

  The soft warmth of her hair flowing over her shoulders disappeared. The heavy fall of soft tresses being lifted made her shiver as Demetri's lips touched her neck in a light caress. He hugged her waist and she snuggled back against him.

  "Do you want to fuck him, darling?"

  "I want to fuck you," she whispered. "And I want our guest, too."

  Felix blinked, and his gaze flicked from Cliantha to Demetri. The tangy scent of his fear-induced sweat tinged the air, almost tangible. Beneath it, layered into the shallow breaths his palpable excitement warred with rising terror. Neither outweighed his bravado.

  "I want you to suck my cock, bitch." Anger added an edge to this voice, and the challenge was blatant.

  Cliantha laughed and glided off his hips. She bent to run her tongue along the rigid length of his straining cock. She licked at the weeping tip before drawing him deep into her throat. A rumbling growl slipped from Demetri as he watched, and she sucked hard on Felix.

  The boy's gasped breath mutated into a groan and his hips rose. She pulled hard on him, her head bobbing up and down as she wrapped her tongue around him and stroked, sucking intensely one moment, softly the next. Felix's hands tangled in her hair and he started fucking her mouth, the thrust of his hips getting faster with his desperate need for release.

  Cliantha tapped into his thoughts, drew them into her mind and shivered. He was terrified, his heart-rate pounded with the onslaught of warring sensations. His lust raged, accented by fear. Her fangs brushed over his eager cock, and his thoughts screamed inside her mind. She licked a droplet of blood from the tiny scratch she'd made, and he groaned loudly. He'd already decided his death was inevitable, he was determined to have what he wanted before he died.

  "I think our young friend likes you, darling." Demetri's words were like a roughened caress of sound stroking her spine.

  Cliantha lifted her head and looked at Felix as he struggled to breathe past his lust. Dark eyes were rimmed with too much white, the reflection of his fright. His trembling rippled through her veins, his emotion laced the taste of his blood. She tilted her head to one side, staring down at him as she absorbed the waves of horror that radiated from him and battered her senses. "What would you like to do right now, Felix?"

  His eyes narrowed, and he smiled, though there was only mockery in the expression. A surge of anger blunted his foreboding, and he lunged for her.

  "I'd like to bury my cock so deep in your cunt that you forget all about your boyfriend," he said, reaching up, his hand circling her neck, fingers digging into her tender flesh. "I don't think he'd like that very much, baby."

  She grinned, her pussy gushing more wet heat between her thighs as his words made her quiver. She jerked free of his hold, inched back, and sat on the warmed carpet in front of the fireplace. The orange and gold flames brought shadows to life. She spread her legs wide and opened herself further with her hands, ensnaring him with the view of her dripping pussy.

  "First I want your tongue, Felix."

  Felix sprang toward her. She shuddered as his mouth fastened greedily on her and he lapped up the cream that continued to come from her in rushes of pleasure. He licked from her weeping entrance to her clit, toying with the pulsating nub, then he sucked and her body writhed against him.

  Demetri moved, she was dimly aware of the shifting shadows, then he was behind her, preventing her from falling on her back. He cupped her breasts, squeezing and caressing, tugging on her distended nipples until they hurt. The pain made her spasm and she pulled him into a savage kiss. Felix bit down on her trapped clit while Demetri pinched hard on her nipples. Explosive pleasure rocketed through her and she bucked against the young man between her legs even as Demetri released her from the kiss and she screamed.

  The fury of her orgasm pulsed through her in thrashing waves, and before she was fully aware of what was happening, Demetri had pulled Felix away from her, and yanked him up so she was staring into his eyes.

  "Take what you really need from him," Demetri ordered. "Quench your thirst, Cliantha, while I sate your hunger." Demetri's will imprisoned the terrified boy and he wrenched Felix closer.

  Cliantha leaned into the exposed curve of Felix's neck and she licked the pulse of life pounding near the surface of his skin. She nipped at his vein, drew another sweet drop of blood from him before she sealed the wound with a slow glide of her tongue.

  Demetri was still at her back, and Felix's eyes were wide as he fought to control his terror, the smell of his fear increasing with each breath he took. She smiled and pushed him. He fell on his ass and tried to back away. She caught his ankle and stopped him, then crawled over him, settling astride his hips. His cock, still hard, pressed against her. She moved again, her fingers curling around his hot shaft, guiding him into her pussy. She gasped as she impaled herself on his impressive length and started to move.

  The sound of Demetri laughter affected her like rich velvet stroking across her skin, then he stepped in front of her. While she rode Felix, Demetri offered his cock to her. She opened her mouth and took him in, her hands cupping his ass as she began to suck. Felix gripped her hips, bruising her skin, and she angled her hips so he was buried deep as her cunt gripped him tight and held him locked inside her. The loud moan of intense pleasure that tore from him was echoed by Demetri seconds later as both men found their release. Swallowing the rush of Demetri's orgasm, Cliantha continued to suck, slowing her rhythm. Beneath her, the spurts of Felix's climax flooded her pussy, and he loosened his hold on her hips.

  Demetri stepped clear of her and she smiled down at Felix. "I like you, young Felix. I don't want you to die here tonight."

  Felix looked past her to Demetri, seeming to know his life was in the hands of the odd-eyed master Cliantha adored.

  "I'm not interested in keeping a pet. I've permitted you to fuck him, but you cannot keep him."

  Cliantha stared at Felix.

  Demetri's hold on her was not what he believed it to be, but tonight she had become his creature. Now wasn't the time to give him reason to suspect she was not the adoring whore he wanted.

  For a few heartbeats, Cliantha contemplated. Whatever her feelings were, she had no choice.

  Grabbing Felix and yanking him forward, Cliantha's fangs sank into his throat, cutting off his scream. As he died, she heard a louder scream filtered through his blood as it coursed into her veins. It took a heartbeat to recognize it for the sound of her own ecstasy as Demetri took possession of her again...



  Consciousness returned slowly...

  Some distant part of his mind understood it should not have been this way. Still, the effort had to be expended if he expected to emerge from the darkness that held him prisoner. Pain hovered too near, and a tiny twitch of fear stirred when he
realized how much agony he'd suffered. It seemed the only clear memory he possessed. Anguish and hatred dominated and defined his existence—two feelings he had experienced too much.


  There had been fire that night. Flames everywhere. There had been no escape. Terror forced movement. His hand rose and came to rest over his heart. The small shift of motion woke a million sensors of pain. He hadn't known anything like this in a thousand years. Longer. Smoke again filled his lungs, the memory so vivid he believed for several disoriented seconds that he remained in the inferno.


  Searing, lethal flame that stripped the flesh from his bones. Sweat beaded on his brow, and the reaction reassured him of his continued survival. As if to prove him wrong, the blackness seized him another time. The talons of Morpheus curled around him and drew him deep into the abyss of darkness.

  In silence, he screamed...

  * * * * *

  Time had long since lost any meaning to him...

  The falls into nothingness had become one of the few constants in his pseudo-existence, he'd learned to appreciate them. Each time he felt the mental whisper of awareness, he discovered he had grown stronger. He could move without the tremendous, encompassing agony that had met each of his tentative motions a short time ago. He could not stand or sit, but he could feel life returning to atrophied limbs.

  His voice still refused to function...

  Not that there appeared to be anyone near to hear if he had called out. Memories tweaked at his mind, teased and taunted him with the knowledge that his demise had been more a cause for celebration than mourning. He had been hated and feared. He was not loved by any who knew him.

  "That's not true, Stavros," a soft, feminine voice murmured. "I love you, and I have kept you safe."

  The gentle warmth of her voice caressed his senses...

  He could not recall her name, but her happiness seemed to swathe him in a cloak of security.


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