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Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1)

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by E. P. Wyck

  Could she do this to another Cherubim? Would she do this to another Cherubim? Why? Thoughts raced through his head. A Seraphim grabbed his leg and held it up. Another grabbed a metal bar from nearby and hit his knee.

  His leg buckled. He heard strange noises. Then he realized the panicked screams came from his lungs. He thought of Lia. He loved her. He knew it in his core.

  The Seraphim with the metal bar hit his leg again. The pain caused his vision to blur. He blinked through the tears, picturing the face of Lia. Her faint smiles, straight shoulder length red hair, and the clearest blue eyes.

  She struck his ribs with the metal bar. Air rushed from his lungs. He couldn’t breathe. The pain stabbed deep into his chest. With his final moments upon him, he clung to Lia’s face.

  A rush of air finally returned to his lungs. He coughed out blood. Every breath felt shorter. Another attacker stomped on his head smashing it off the roof. The world spun.

  Pain fleeted from him. ‘No, don’t leave me!’ he thought. His breathing slowed further. The metal bar slammed his head off the roof again. He didn’t feel it. The blow sunk the bar into his skull and killed him.

  The pictures repeating through his mind stopped. Keon died.

  Chapter 11

  Ryn stood on his balcony watching the sun rise over the Olympus Mountain Range. “Sure do enjoy this view,” he whispered to Aurora.

  “It is nice. I enjoy watching it with you,” she leaned up and kiss him.

  “Ahem,” Kali cleared her throat, “hope I am not interrupting, but I think someone is on holo for you, Ryn.”

  The two lovers smiled and broke their embrace. “I’ll get it,” he said walking inside.

  When he entered his home office he brought up the holocall. “Lia, what’s wrong? You look upset.”

  “Keon is dead, Ryn. They killed him! Those gendercide fanatics.” Hysterics began to grip her.

  “Slow down, Lia. What happened?”

  She sniffed a few times and wiped her eyes before saying, “He was coming in early to meet up so we could finalize things for our presentation to the TriMax today. Except he’s dead…” her voice trailed off into more crying.

  “Were you with him?”

  “No, I was running a few minutes late this morning. I didn’t think he’d mind. If only I’d been there!”

  “This isn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself.”

  “It is my fault. I said we should come in early so we could make everything perfect. I just wanted him to shine. I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “Lia, I know you’re struggling right now, but now isn’t the time to take on that burden. I’ll come right in. Don’t go anywhere alone, ok?”

  “Ok. I am sorry, Ryn. I know you didn’t need this. Not today.”

  “Why would you be sorry? It’s not like you did anything wrong. We will talk soon.” Ryn ended the call before Lia could go on. He gripped the edge of the desk tight. Before he lost his temper, he let go and walked back out to the balcony.

  “Who was on the holo?” his wife asked.

  “Keon’s dead. I have to go,” Ryn said holding his emotions in.

  “Oh, Ryn I am so sorry,” his wife said. She rushed over to him, but he held up his hand.

  “Not right now. I have to go. Come on Kali, we’re flying today.” Ryn dove off the balcony and flapped as hard as he could. Kali leapt after him, flying as fast as she could.

  “Ryn, slow down!” she yelled.

  Her request caused Ryn to fly faster. He blinked his emotions away. Trying not to lose his cool. He flew higher than usual. Kali continued to shorten the gap. She’d eventually be able to see his face. He needed to get control of himself.

  Kali caught up and looked at him asking, “You ok, Ryn?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know how close you and Keon are, were.”

  “I was grooming him to take over my position. I expected him to lead the advance party for our experiment. You could say we are close. Were. Were close.”

  “I am sorry, Ryn. I know it hurts.”

  “Thanks, but sorry doesn’t fix it.”

  “Kinda starting to see things like me, huh?”

  “It didn’t occur to me until just now. You’re kind of right. People say things expecting it’ll put something together that’s been broken irreparably.”

  “Exactly. What do you do about that?”

  “Well, I know what you’ve done about it. I don’t think I could do it like you, though,” Ryn told Kali.

  “You don’t have to be like me. You have me, if you get my drift.”

  “I don’t. Care to explain?”

  “My mother said you’re my alibi. Just because we aren’t in view of each other doesn’t mean you can’t still be my alibi…” after a short pause she continued, “you could still vouch for me. I can get those who killed Keon. I know I can.”

  “What makes you think that is what I want?”

  “You’re hurt. It’s what I want for my father.”

  “Did you learn anything from our conversations?” Ryn asked her.

  “Which one? There have been so many I tried to ignore.”

  “You’re so stubborn. When will you learn that there is more going on than what you feel?”

  “What do my feelings have to do with this?”

  “You’re hurt because somebody killed your father so according to Kali that makes it ok to be mean to people, kill people, do whatever you want ‘cause you’re broken and hurt. Well, that’s not ok, that’s not right!”

  “I don’t act like that!” Kali said defending herself.

  “Yes, you do!” Ryn shouted back, “How many people have you killed? Three, ten, a hundred? Who knows right? Because they don’t matter as long as you’re getting revenge for the death of your father.”

  “That’s not true!”

  Ryn cut her off, “I am not done yet. You’ve been rude to me, and I’ve done nothing but offer my home to you. I’ve tried to be open to talking with you and come to terms with how you act. I am not trying to change you, but maybe you should get a grip and do it yourself.”

  Kali’s wings flapped slower, and Ryn slowed to match. “I am sorry Ryn. I didn’t even think about how I made other people feel.”

  Ryn sighed, calming down before saying, “You need to think about it. It is what makes us different than the animals, Kali. We have the ability to act on instinct, sure. But what makes us different is we can choose logic instead. We can act on feeling instead of just pure survival.”

  “You’re right. I need to re-evaluate myself and my actions. You mentioned something that got me thinking. There is more at stake than just revenge. The coverage of the gendercide favors the fanatics. I didn’t look at it that way before. I just saw hate and revenge.”

  “It is disturbing how biased it is. Especially as a male Seraphim. Now they’re going after Cherubim too. I don’t think Keon saw this coming,” Ryn said.

  The din of the city caused their conversation to become difficult, “Let’s finish this inside,” Kali shouted. Ryn nodded in agreement.

  Ryn and Kali flew the rest of way taking in the city. An ancient Ascendant city which became the new Capitol of the alliance after the signing of the treaty. New construction overshadowed old stone buildings. They landed at the entrance of the Capitol building, a gigantic obelisk that dwarfed every other building on the planet. They walked in and took the lift up to SPEAR.

  “Sorry about Keon, Dominus,” one of the guards said.

  “Thank you,” Ryn said without looking at him. They walked in, and saw Lia crying at a table just inside of the office.

  “What’s she doing here?” Lia shouted, pointing at Kali.

  “She’s with me.”

  “She’s why this happened! It’s her fault. They probably wanted to kill her but settled for Keon!”

  “Lia, calm down,” Ryn said. “This had nothing to do with Kali.”

  “Nothing happened before she
started following you around a few months ago.”

  “She is here because I asked the Triumvirate Maximus for protection. I was attacked one day on my way to work. I know the importance of our research, and I knew they wouldn’t be happy if I…”

  Lia cut in, “What? Ended up like Keon? Is that why you have a little murderer running in and out of our workplace?”

  Kali started to talk, but Ryn held up his hand and said, “Those are just rumors. She defended her family. An honorable thing to do. Beyond the deaths of those who directly attacked her father, Kali has no blood on her hands.”

  “Is that what she told you?” Lia scoffed.

  “No, she didn’t have to. I’ve spent plenty of time with her. Despite her standoffishness, she is a great person. Her father would be proud. She is still adjusting to having one parent.”

  “I don’t buy it. Anyway, what are we doing about Keon?”

  “I’d like to help,” Kali said.

  “By killing them all?” Lia asked. “‘Because if that’s what you have in mind, be my guest.”

  “That’s not going to solve our problem,” Ryn said.

  “Then what?” asked Lia.

  “We bait them,” Kali said.

  “How?” Lia wondered.

  “By giving them someone they can’t refuse,” Kali said looking at Ryn.

  Ryn shook his head, “Uh uh, not happening. You may be good, but like you said, I am worthless in a fight.”

  “It won’t come to that. You fly into the city alone. I’ll fly above in my craft, and I can watch. Before they have a chance to move I can call it in. Then I can fly down and follow you in. They won’t move on you, but the guards at the Capitol building can get them.”

  “It might work. It is still early enough for me to ‘be on my way in.' Maybe we should do it,” Ryn said.

  “I don’t know, though. They usually only strike one target and then leave the area for a while. Trying not to get caught. However, with the attacks in my apartment building, they’re getting desperate,” Kali said.

  “I don’t think it is desperation,” Lia said, “I heard on the news there’s a movement of Cherubim women killing the spouses of Seraphim. The Seraphim women in return kill the spouses of the Cherubim who killed their spouse.”

  “It is worse than I thought,” Ryn said.

  “You still want to do this Ryn?” Kali asked.

  “I don’t think your plan would work. We are trying to draw out the more militant fanatics. It is likely that whoever attacked Keon did so out of impulse,” Ryn said.

  “Who would do that? Keon was the nicest, sweetest…” Lia said before Ryn interrupted.

  “I know, but I am saying someone probably had a bad day, or night and snapped. They took it out on our Keon and blamed it on gendercide.”

  “Pathetic!” Kali spat.

  “Keon was not pathetic!” Lia shouted.

  “I don’t think that is what she meant Lia,” Ryn said.

  “Oh, you mean whoever killed him,” Lia corrected.

  “Yes. They’re pathetic. I think this is getting out of hand. I’d say this experiment of yours is the perfect excuse to get out of here before we have war in the streets,” Kali told Ryn.

  “You’re right. I need to find a way to hire my son without ‘showing favoritism’.” Ryn said.

  “What he is trained in?” asked Lia.

  “Nothing related to what we’re working on,” Ryn said.

  “I mean he could be a transportation coordinator, mechanic, engineer, gunner? Whatever. You get my drift?” Lia asked.

  “Oh, I see,” Ryn said.

  “I think I can come up with something he can do. We need to start getting ready for the brief we have with the TriMax,” Ryn said.

  “May I help?” Kali asked.

  “I don’t see why not. We’ll need an extra set of hands without Keon. I know you don’t know his duties, but you will be able to assume some responsibility,” Ryn said.

  “No offense Kali, but other people have been on this team longer and I think would be more deserving of Keon’s place,” Lia said.

  “Oh, I agree with her,” Kali said.

  “I am not trying to put you into his position but instead use you today to do some of the things he planned to do,” Ryn explained.

  “That sounds better,” Lia said.

  _ _ _

  “Ok, that should cover all of our preparation,” Ryn said. The entire team, now at work and aware of Keon’s death, wished Lia, Kali, and Ryn luck as they headed to the Receiving Hall of the Triumvirate Maximus.

  The trio made their way out of the office and over to the Hall. Once there Ryn said, “Ryn from house Chronos with associates from SPEAR.”

  The guard reviewed the list and told Ryn, “They’re waiting; you may enter.”

  Ryn looked at Kali and said, “Remember what this is about. Put your past aside for a few minutes and focus on the task at hand.”

  “Easier said than done,” Kali said following Ryn into the Hall.

  “Triumvirs, thank you for seeing us. I am here to present my team's proposal to conduct an experiment off world. I would like to introduce Sholia. She is here in place of Keon who unfortunately was killed early this morning,” Ryn said.

  Triumvir Genevieve spoke first, “I am sorry for your loss. I am sure this devastated your team Ryn. Will this set back any plans?”

  “I appreciate your condolences, Triumvir,” Ryn said. “If anything, it has accelerated our timeline. We believe that due to the tumultuous nature of the gendercide movement and how polarizing it is becoming, we need to act before things turn for the worst.”

  “Why do you think things would, as you say, turn for the worst?” Asked Triumvir Attor.

  “I have nothing to support my thoughts on that, Triumvir. I would rather be off world conducting the research necessary for me to meet your goals than not be able to get off the planet if something went awry.” Ryn explained.

  “Fair enough, let’s hear what you propose,” Triumvir Attor said.

  “We have discovered that black holes over time will devolve from a singularity and become harvestable if they are starved of matter. Keon devised a plan to use gravitational projectors to redirect the gravitational force of the black hole and push matter away from the black hole. Thus, starving it and causing it to devolve,” Ryn explained.

  “What will this do?” Triumvir Kyneska asked.

  “It will allow us to harvest the densest object we’ve ever discovered, Triumvir,” Ryn said.

  “Why do you need that?” Triumvir Kyneska asked.

  “I believe that despite not being in singularity it will still possess a significant gravitational force which we can use to manipulate time as requested by you, Triumvir,” Ryn explained.

  “I approve your requests. How soon are you able to leave?” Triumvir Attor said.

  “Wait,” Triumvir Genevieve ordered, “This requires a unanimous vote, and I have not been heard.”

  “Then, by all means, be heard.” Triumvir Attor said.

  “What do you expect to do while you’re out there?” Triumvir Genevieve asked.

  “We plan to send an early team with the gravitational projectors and most of our supplies. We will join shortly after with the rest of our people and supplies,” Ryn explained.

  “Why take two trips?” Triumvir Genevieve asked.

  “We could go in a single convoy, but a movement that large may attract the attention of some unsavory types,” Ryn said.

  “I think it would be best if everyone left together. What is the least number of ships you would need?” Triumvir Genevieve asked.

  “We can chain the projectors together and haul them with a single hauler. I’d like to take a few other haulers with us to move things within our area of operations,” Ryn said.

  “I understand. You still haven’t answered my questions,” Triumvir Genevieve said.

  “I would like five haulers, three destroyer class ships for protection, and ou
r crew stays aboard the destroyers for a total of eight ships,” Ryn said.

  “Two transport ships and one destroyer. Who is going to bother you out there?” Triumvir Genevieve asked.

  “I understand your point, but I would request three haulers and two destroyers. I believe this would still provide us with ample living space and personnel to conduct our experiment,” Ryn said.

  “Agreed. Five ships. When do you leave?” Triumvir Genevieve asked.

  “We have to order the gravitational projectors and get them into orbit and then move them in line before connecting them to the hauler. I am sure the destroyers would be ready on your command. So, it hinges on how long it takes a private corporation to make our gravitational projectors,” Ryn explained.

  “Besides that, would anything delay you?” Triumvir Kyneska asked.

  “No, Triumvir,” Ryn answered.

  “I have some connections in the corps. Send me what you need. I’ll reach out,” Triumvir Kyneska said.

  “That’s very kind of you, Triumvir. I’ll get you the list,” Ryn said.

  “Anything else?” Triumvir Attor asked.

  “Proposal approved,” Triumvir Kyneska said.

  “Approved,” Triumvir Attor said. “Eve, how do you vote?”

  “Approved on one condition. Kali goes on the expedition,” Triumvir Genevieve said.

  “Agreed,” Triumvir Kyneska and Attor said in unison.

  “Congratulations, Ryn you will have your funding. Get the list to me, and I will get your projectors,” Triumvir Kyneska said.

  “You’re dismissed,” Triumvir Attor said to them.

  “Thank you very much, Triumvirs,” Ryn said before he left the hall.

  After they had walked out, Lia said, “I don’t know how you do that. That was nerve-wracking!”

  “That went better than expected,“ Ryn said.

  “I have to agree with Lia,” Kali said.

  “I didn’t think about the tension between your mother and you. I am sorry,” Ryn said.

  “It’s not that. I mean yes, that was tough,” Kali said.

  Ryn noticed the discrepancy and asked, “What do you mean?”


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