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Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1)

Page 12

by E. P. Wyck

  “You’re impossible,” Bruce said.

  “No. I am easy. Especially when I get what I want,” Kali said.

  “One condition, you officially become little bird, and the crew can call you that at will without you getting all…” Bruce searched for the word.

  “Murderous?” Kali said.

  “Not the word I was looking for, but yeah that’ll do,” Bruce said.

  “I can’t make any promises,” Kali said.

  “No deal then,” Bruce said.

  “Come on, Bruce, let the lady in.”

  “Who’s side are you on anyway?” Bruce asked the other security guard.

  “The Dawnbreaker’s and our people are in there too. I’d like to know they’re safe.”

  “The man has a point, Bruce,” Kali said.

  “Fine, you can go, but if you get caught, I’ll disavow any knowledge of ever letting you in,” Bruce said.

  “Deal, thanks. You’re the best!” Kali said and dashed off to the storage room.

  Chapter 20

  “Come on!” Attor said, “I can’t believe you’re still mad about that. That happened months ago. I’ve barely seen you outside of an official capacity.”

  “And you’re not going to,” Kyneska said.

  “But Kyneska, you know I love you. I am sorry. I don’t even know why you’re upset.”

  “That’s exactly the problem!”

  “So tell me what I did wrong.”


  “Oh, I know better than that. That’s woman-speak for everything is wrong.”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “See, there you go again. I know fine means exactly the opposite.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “So help me. I am standing here, trying to fix my wrongs. I want you. Only you. You’re the whole reason,” Attor stopped talking.

  “Whole reason for?” Kyneska asked.

  “Nothing. I mean…”

  She cut him off, “Nope, you know what nothing means, and it doesn’t mean nothing so if you want this conversation to keep going you better come out with it.”

  “I meant that you’re why I am here. I am here because I am yours and I want you to be mine. I don’t want anyone else to have you. That’s the truth.”

  She studied his medium brown eyes. She looked for anything that’d give away a lie. “OK, I believe you. But you ever do that again, we’re over. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, perfectly!” Attor wrapped his massive arms around her and picked her up.

  “I am not ready for that just yet,” Kyneska protested. “I still need some time.”

  Disappointed he set her down and let go. He kissed her on the forehead and said, “I understand. I’ll be waiting for you.” He turned to walk away.

  “Attor wait,” Kyneska said. He stopped and looked at her, “I don’t want you to think I don’t love you. I just refuse to be treated like that. I deserve better, and I know you are better.”

  “I will treat you better. I promise,” Attor said, and he walked out of the room.

  Chapter 21

  Kali paced in the stasis pod storage room. Each minute that passed felt like a lifetime. Minutes became hours, and she kept pacing. Occasionally stopping to rest, Kali thought of the broken hearts that would never mend if these people died.

  She thought of her father. Laying lifeless beneath her as she sobbed over him. Her mother came to his side and tried to comfort her, but she would have none of it.

  Why did she blame her? What did her mother do to contribute to his death? Why did she spend so much time running from the only parent she had left?

  In those hours painstakingly waiting her for a stranger to come out of stasis, she reconciled her feelings about her mother and couldn’t wait to see her again. Hope filled her for the first time, for as long as she could remember.

  An alarm sounded warning the battery had depleted to a critical level. Kali rushed to the door, “Hey, tell Aleksandra it is opening.”

  “You shouldn’t be in there,” Bruce said.

  “Just tell her I rushed by you when the alarm sounded. She should understand and won’t blame you,” Kali said.

  “Fine,” Bruce said, calling Aleksandra. Kali returned to the pod and watched.

  She could see the revival process happening and searched for anything to cover the occupant. She ran back out to the cargo hold. “Do we have any blankets or clothes?”

  “No, I’ll have someone bring some,” Bruce said.

  “Ok, I’ll go watch,” Kali said over her shoulder running back in. She arrived at the pod, and the door chime sounded. She stood back and watched as the door opened.

  Nothing happened. They didn’t breathe, they didn’t blink, they didn’t move at all. Terrible thoughts flooded in her mind she feared the worst. Suddenly the occupant gasped awake and started to look around.

  “It’s ok, you’re going to be fine. I have somebody getting you some clothes and a blanket. Don’t worry,” Kali reassured.

  “Where is this?”

  “You’re still in the stasis pod storage area. There is a mechanical problem with the stasis lift. Don’t worry, we’ll get everybody out,” Kali promised, hoping it wouldn’t become a lie.

  “She said we were all going to die. Was that a dream?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I heard it clear as a day. I thought I was dead. A female voice said every sick and lustful male would die and not take another breath. I am sure it is as real as we are standing here.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I am sure we can get you some help to figure it out,” Kali said.

  “I don’t need help figuring that out. I know what I heard.”

  “Ok, I believe you,” Kali said trying to calm him down.

  Bruce and Aleksandra walked in. “Here, put this on,” Bruce said handing him some clothes worn by the prisoners in the brig.

  “I don’t understand, am I going to the brig? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Of course not,” Aleksandra reassured, “These were the quickest clothes available. You’re not under arrest. I am sure you’re cold, by the look of it, so please get dressed. We have much to talk about.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Kali, a word?” Aleksandra said, motioning for Kali to follow her. The two walked several meters away before talking.

  “Commander,” Kali whispered, “I think something happened while they were in stasis. I think somehow whoever did this communicated with those who were and still are in stasis.”

  Aleksandra whispered back, “How do you know this?”

  “He told me. I tried to see if he maybe dreamt it or something but he started getting agitated,” Kali whispered.

  “So, what did he say was communicated to them?” Aleksandra whispered.

  “He said somebody, a female, said all the lustful males would never take another breath and would die here,” Kali whispered.

  “Oh?” Aleksandra said at above normal volume.

  “Yes,” Kali said whispering a little lower, “I think we have a gendercide fanatic among us. I don’t trust anyone onboard right now that’s been out of stasis.”

  “You have to trust me,” Aleksandra whispered again, “I am the Commander of this ship, and I am sworn to protect all of the lives on this ship, female and male.”

  “It is nothing personal but I’d think you have the best access to everything as the Commander and you fit the profile of a gendercide fanatic,” Kali whispered.

  “Fit the profile?” Aleksandra whispered, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re Seraphim, Razian, and I get the feeling you’re not looking to go back to war again,” Kali whispered.

  “All of those things are true,” Aleksandra admitted in a whisper.

  “So, you admit it, you fit the profile. You know my reputation precedes me. Let me find who did this. You can trust I want the best for your crew as well as mine.”
r />   “It’s not that I don’t believe you want that,” Aleksandra whispered, “it’s what will my crew think about you conducting that investigation?”

  “You spin it off my reputation. They know, they just don’t talk about it because they don’t want to end up on my bad side. I am a big girl, I can handle it,” Kali whispered.

  “I wouldn’t go that far, little bird,” Aleksandra whispered, “but I believe you can handle yourself. You’re going to have to follow my lead while I sell this to them. I may say some things, don’t take it personally.”

  “I’ll try,” Kali whispered. She looked over to check the man getting dressed. “He’s done and heading over. We should go.”

  “So, how’s that? Feeling better with some clothes?” Aleksandra asked.

  “Actually, yes. Coming out of stasis is jarring on the core temperature,” he said.

  “So I am going to have the medical team check you out, and we’re going to get the rest of these pods open,” Aleksandra said.

  “Sounds like a plan. Any way I can get something to eat?” he said.

  “We’ll see what the medics say,” Kali said while the three of them exited the room into the cargo bay.

  “We’ll take you up to medical, come with us,” a medic said, guiding him out of the cargo bay.

  “Bruce, I need you to get the crew together. I only want one person on the bridge. Everybody else gets together wherever you designate,” Aleksandra ordered.

  “Yes, Commander,” Bruce said.

  “I need all of those pods opened, Royce. I expect you to hurry but don’t rush it and mess up. Lives are stake,” Aleksandra told him.

  “Yes, Commander,” Royce responded. “Come on, let’s get to it.” He instructed the other people on the electrical team. They entered the stasis storage room.

  “What about them?” Bruce asked.

  “They’re all male,” Aleksandra said.

  “I don’t see what that has to do with it, Commander,” Bruce asked.

  “It means they’re probably not gendercide fanatics,” Kali said.

  “I didn’t think you could get on a ship if you were a gendercide,” Bruce said.

  “You know it’s pretty popular these days. Chance are maybe someone changed their minds or didn’t get screened properly,” Aleksandra said. “Mistakes happen. They shouldn’t, but they do.”

  Aleksandra walked out of the cargo bay and Kali followed. They headed to the bridge. They walked together in silence. Kali wondered if Aleksandra could kill her own crew.

  _ _ _

  Kali and Aleksandra arrived on the bridge. “Everyone, go take a break. I’ll watch for a while. Also, the security team is gathering everyone. Make sure you report to the gathering location when the time comes,” Aleksandra said.

  They all acknowledged her instructions and once they’d all left Kali said, “So, what now?”

  “You have to take command of the Dawnbreaker,” Aleksandra said.

  “I can’t do that. I am not a ship commander,” Kali said.

  “You’ve proven you’re up to the task. At almost every turn you’re thinking two or three steps ahead of me. You’ve qualified on every one of the bridge stations and the crew respects you,” Aleksandra said.

  “You mean they’re terrified of me,” Kali said.

  “No, they respect you. They’ve come to see you, not what your reputation says you are.”

  “I don’t know Aleksandra, I mean, Commander.”

  “Aleks is fine for now.”

  “Aleks. I like it. It’s nice.”


  “You’re welcome. I just still don’t know how you can give up command. You clearly love what you do.”

  “You’re right, though, I don’t want to go to war again. I’ve lost too many friends. I can’t stand to lose more.”

  “I don’t know what to say about that, Aleks.”

  “You don’t have to say anything, except you’ll do it.”

  “I am willing to do this investigation, but the command of the Dawnbreaker belongs to you. I am not Razian.”

  “You’re half Razian. Your father commanded me ages ago. I know what he was capable of. If you’re half the Razian he was; and I know you are, that’s good enough for me.”

  “What was my father like then?”

  “He always did things by example. He never told somebody to do something he wouldn’t do himself. He made sure everybody had what they needed before he took for himself.”

  Aleksandra continued, “He inspired us to keep going when we didn’t want to. I never knew where he got his strength from, but I think all of those years he drew on the relationship he hid with your mother. I believe it is true that they were together eons before the treaty.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I do.”

  “I never really asked before his death. My mother won’t really talk about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, I haven’t exactly been a model child,” Kali said

  “I suppose I see what you mean.”

  “While I was waiting for that man to wake up, I spent hours reflecting about my father’s death. I treated my mother terribly. We’ve been on bad terms ever since.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard about that.”

  “I think I need to apologize to her. I can’t wait until we’re subluminal so I can tell her.”

  “I am sure that is going to be a call she will want to take.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Mothers always like hearing from their children.”

  “You’re a mother?”

  “Yes. Two boys.” Aleksandra said.

  “Oh, really? I had no idea.”


  “I can see why despite fitting the profile, you’re not going to be a gendercide fanatic.”

  “Not unless I was willing to kill my children, Kali. And I can tell you I am not willing to do that.”

  “I believe you. See, you should keep command. It’ll make this whole thing easier. I don’t know that everybody would co-operate with me taking over. Especially those coming out of stasis.”

  “I know what you’re saying, I see the logic, but I need you to so they realize how serious the situation is. It isn’t like you’re not without authority. You were sent here by the TriMax.”

  “That’s right, I was,” Kali said.

  “So you’ll do it?”

  “Yes,” Kali said.

  Chapter 22

  Triumvir Genevieve sat in the office reviewing various reports. She prepared to go home for the day after she finished the day's report. The tedium of office often bored her beyond words.

  “Triumvir,” her assistant said.

  “Yes?” she responded.

  “There is a Dominion here who wishes to speak with you in private, Triumvir.”

  “I am about to leave for the day. Tell him to make an appointment.”

  “Your next private appointment is in three months, Triumvir.”

  “Ok, then he can come back in three months.”

  “I think you’ll want to hear what he has to say. I also think it is time sensitive, Triumvir.”

  “What is it regarding?”

  “The gendercide and how it may be connected to someone in our government, Triumvir.”

  “Send him in.”

  “Right away, Triumvir,” the assistant said before leaving. A few minutes later she returned with the man and said, “Triumvir, this is Lawrence.”

  “Close the door. Hello, Lawrence. This better be worth my time,” Triumvir Genevieve said.

  “Triumvir, thank you for seeing me. I believe I have determined who is behind the gendercide.”


  “Triumvirs Kyneska and Attor.”

  “Preposterous,” Genevieve said. “Do you want to be forcibly removed and thrown in jail for treason?”

  “No, Triumvir, but I believe you would like to know they’re together. The Treaty forbids it.”
br />   “Together, they’re mating?” Eve asked.

  “Yes, and they’re conspiring to destroy all of the males in order to rule.”

  “Rule. We don’t rule, we govern, Lawrence. You’d be smart to remember the distinction.”

  “But, Triumvir, that’s what they said. I heard it with my own ears. I work in one of the hotels downtown, and I heard a couple talking through a wall. Their conversation sounded treasonous.”

  “So you spied on them?”

  “In a manner of speaking, Triumvir, I listened, and when the male went to leave, I saw it was Triumvir Attor.”

  “How do you know it was Triumvir Kyneska he was with?” asked Eve.

  “Because I waited and waited, 45 minutes I waited, then finally she emerged. I know it was her, Triumvir,” Lawrence said.

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “Because I wouldn’t risk my life to tell you this. I know false accusations like this would mean my life, Triumvir. I don’t want to die. I want to stop the gendercide, and I think they’re the driving force of it.”

  Eve switched on her intercom, “Get security in here.”

  “Wait, no! Triumvir. Please, I am begging you,” he pleaded.

  Security rushed into the room, and she said, “Take him into custody.”

  “I trusted you!” Lawrence screamed while they dragged him from the room.

  Eve looked him in the eyes. She peered deep into him, looking for anything that may show her his true intentions. She discerned that he genuinely panicked. Still, she didn’t know if she could believe him.

  This information, true or not, could alter the course of history. It may even destroy the treaty she worked so hard for. Her own husband sacrificed his career and reputation to unite with her and form a new nation.

  She slumped into her chair. Pensive, and determined to figure out if the accusations held merit.

  Chapter 23

  The crew of the Dawnbreaker gathered by order of their commander, Aleksandra. Who stood before them scanning across the crew.

  Most of them had no idea what she would say. They did not know about the explosives rigged to the stasis pod controls, and they did not know that every person in stasis may not get out of stasis.


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