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All's Fair in Love and War: A story of love and betrayal

Page 9

by J Theron

  “Tell me what’s going on?” he asked more forcefully.

  She pushed him away and stood back. He could see that she was anxious and she took a deep breath before she said, “The only other time I’ve ever felt like this, he betrayed me. He cheated on me and then had the gall to tell me his cheating was my fault. The worst part is, I never felt for him what I feel when I’m with you. That’s why I can’t do this.”

  Ryan stared at her, trying to comprehend what she was saying. “What do you mean, the only other time you felt like this? What do you feel for me? I need to know.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Why are you doing this? Why won’t you leave me alone?”

  He stepped closer and placed his hand behind her neck. Her skin was warm and her braid was tickling the back of his hand. He pulled her closer until she was so close, he could feel her breath on his face.

  “Because I’m crazy about you,” he whispered. “It’s physically impossible for me to leave you alone. It would be like defying the laws of gravity.”

  She closed her eyes momentarily and could not hide the look of turmoil on her face. “Are you sure this isn’t just a passing infatuation? How can I be sure that the novelty won’t wear off once you have me?”

  He kissed her tenderly and then pulled back. “I’m sure. For the first time in my life I’ve met a woman who is unforgettable and irreplaceable. And it’s killing me. I’m terrified as well, but I’m more terrified by the thought of never being with you.”

  She stared at him, her amber eyes searching his. “Please don’t make me regret this,” she murmured. “I can’t deal with another betrayal.”

  He frowned. “Please tell me what happened with this other man? I want to know.”

  She hesitated. “I don’t really want to talk about it. I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to forget. Talking about it will only remind me.”

  “I won’t force you, but I want to understand why you’re pushing me away.”

  She stepped away, put her hands on her hips and dropped her head to look at the floor. “I’m very bad at dealing with betrayal. Please understand that it’s not about you.”

  He took her hand and pulled her closer. “I do understand. You can tell me when you’re ready.”

  She linked her fingers with his and looked at their joined hands. She traced her finger over the back of his hand and then lifted his hand to kiss his knuckles. When she looked up he could see she was struggling with the idea of confiding in him, indecision etched in her beautiful face. She closed her eyes momentarily and then a look of determination replaced the indecision.

  “I was in a serious relationship for about two years. I met him when I was still in medical school at Columbia in New York. We were living together and we were talking about getting married. I came home early one night, my shift ended early, and I caught him in bed with my best friend. They were in our bed, going at it like rabbits. I stood there for about five minutes before they realized I was in the bedroom. I was frozen because it seemed so surreal.”

  “What happened?”

  “He simply got out of the bed and told me I deserved it because I worked such crazy hours and was never home. He said I didn’t give him what he needed and that it was over. My so-called friend just sat on the bed, not showing any reaction. I told him to take his things and get the hell out of my apartment and I haven’t seen him or her since. I found out they broke up six months later when he started calling me, begging me to forgive him. I did consider it for a fleeting second, because we had a history together, but in the end I said no. I changed my number and when I joined the military I moved around so much, he stopped trying to reach me. It was irrelevant anyway, because the moment he betrayed me, it was over for ever. I know myself. I can try to forgive someone if they betray me, but I’m incapable of forgetting. It always comes back and I just can’t get past it, no matter how hard I try.”

  Ryan was utterly perplexed. The idea that any man could allow Gabrielle to slip through his fingers was unthinkable. “I’m sorry that happened to you, but he must be one huge fucking idiot to mess things up with you. In fact I’m sure he fell on his head and suffered brain damage right before he stuck his cock in another woman.”

  Gabrielle could not help but smile. “I did feel like smashing his skull, fortunately I have excellent impulse control.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I know and it sucks!”

  She laughed. “I suspect my impulse control is going to take a serious knock where you’re concerned.”

  He stared at her laughing face. “Damn, you’re beautiful. You take my breath away, do you know that?”

  “I didn’t, but it’s good to know!” She leaned forward and kissed him gently. “I’ve had a really rough day and having you here makes up for all the horrible things I had to deal with today. I’m bone tired, but I don’t want you to leave. Will you stay with me for a little bit?”

  “I would do anything for you,” he murmured.

  He sat on the bed and pulled her into his arms. He held her tight and he knew he was in trouble. He was in real danger of falling in love for the first time in his life.

  “Will you come back tomorrow night?” she asked just before falling asleep.

  “I will come back every night,” he whispered.

  He could feel the moment she fell asleep. He held her for another hour before carefully extricating himself from her embrace. It took enormous willpower to make himself leave and for a moment he didn’t think he would be able to leave her bed. He watched her sleeping form for a few minutes and his chest had a strange constricted feeling as he studied her face in the dim light of the tent. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips before turning around reluctantly to exit her tent.

  Ryan was deep in thought as he walked back to his sleeping quarters when he almost collided with Idiot Smith just outside Gabrielle’s tent.

  “Good evening, Captain Smith,” Ryan said, unable to keep the disdain from his voice.

  “Captain Evans,” he replied in a sickeningly subservient manner.

  “What are you doing here?” Ryan asked.

  “I’ve come to ask Captain Durand something about a patient in her care. What are you doing here?” Smith asked with a suspicious look on his face.

  “I’ve come to ask Captain Durand something about the care of my leg injury,” Ryan replied with a defiant look on his face.

  Smith studied him with narrowed eyes. “Very well, Captain. Don’t forget you have an appointment with me tomorrow to discuss the further care of your leg injury.”

  “I won’t, don’t worry. Oh and by the way, Captain Durand is sleeping. Don’t wake her.”

  Ryan had to concentrate not to laugh as he watched the various emotions flit over Smith’s face. The man was an idiot, but he wasn’t stupid and he probably knew what was going on.

  “Okay then. I’ll come back tomorrow,” Smith replied. His tone was even but his eyes narrowed and Ryan could see the fleeting look of hatred in his gaze.

  “Good night, Captain Smith,” Ryan said and did not look back as he walked away. He dismissed Smith from his mind as he thought about Gabrielle. For the first time in a long time he had a reason to get up in the morning and he was not going to waste time brooding over jealous idiots with an inferiority complex.


  Colombia, present day.

  Gabrielle was exhausted. The packs were heavy and Ryan was setting a relentless pace. She did not know how he was able to move so fast with the dead weight of Carlos on his shoulder. She stumbled over a boulder in her path and toppled over, the weight of the packs pulling her forward. She could not break her fall and landed in the mud, bruising the palms of her hands. Ryan must have heard her fall because he stopped moving and turned around. When he saw her on all fours in the mud, he lowered Carlos to the ground and rushed to her side.

  “Are you okay? We’re almost there,” he said while lifting her out of the mud. “I know you’re tired, but we can’t rest n
ow.” He took her hands and gently wiped the mud from her scrapes with the end of his shirt.

  She looked at his bent head while he concentrated on cleaning her hands. His grip was firm and his hands were warm despite the cold mountain air. His sudden gentleness disarmed her and she pulled her hands from his grasp.

  “I’m okay. Thanks.”

  He looked up and his green eyes searched hers. The gentleness disappeared and his eyes became cold. “Fine. Try to keep up.”

  Gabrielle was near to tears when the airfield came into view. They stumbled over the rocks and boulders and she collapsed at the side of the strip, letting the backpacks fall to the ground. Ryan lowered Carlos, clearly not trying to be particularly gentle about it. Carlos sagged to the ground in a dead weight and Gabrielle was becoming concerned that Ryan did some serious damage to Carlos with the blow to his head.

  Ryan squatted in front of her. “I’m going to see if we were followed. There’s a high point a quarter mile back. I found it earlier when I was scouting the area. If I climb it, I’ll be able to see down the mountain. Stay here. I’ll be back in five minutes. Try not to do anything stupid.”

  “What exactly constitutes stupid, Ryan?” she asked.

  He watched her for a few seconds before standing. “Stay.”

  “I’m not a dog!”

  He ignored her and jogged down the path on which they came.

  I’m going to strangle him, she thought. She got up slowly and sat down next to Carlos. She removed the flashlight from her pack and opened Carlos’s eyes to check his pupils which were equal and reactive. She lifted his head to check for neck stiffness and then turned his head gently to check if his vestibulo-ocular reflex was intact, indicating an intact brainstem. She could feel the lump on the back of his head where Ryan hit him and prayed that Carlos did not have a fractured skull or a subdural haematoma. At least there were no obvious signs of raised intracranial pressure, but she was becoming increasingly worried because he had not shown any signs of regaining consciousness.

  Gabrielle was still sitting with Carlos’s head in her lap when he groaned and opened his eyes. He seemed to take a few seconds to focus on her face. “Where’s Maria?” he asked in a strained voice.

  Gabrielle had to swallow back the tears as she smoothed the hair from his forehead. “We had to leave her behind.”

  Carlos sat up abruptly and moaned in agony as he gripped his head between his hands. “You left her? You left my sister?”

  “I’m sorry. I had no choice. Ryan carried you and I carried the backpacks.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” Carlos said. He lay back down in her lap and closed his eyes. Gabrielle watched him wearily, fearing the looming confrontation between Carlos and Ryan. Things could go badly wrong if they ended up enemies. She was momentarily distracted by the sound of a light aircraft. She looked at the sky and could see the aircraft approaching. She prayed that the airfield was clear enough to land. She turned her gaze to the path and wondered why Ryan was taking so long.

  The plane made a wide turn and then lined up to land on the landing strip. She did not know light aircraft well but it looked like a Cessna 172 Skyhawk. She knew it had only four seats and understood why Ryan was so adamant about leaving Maria behind apart from the other obvious problems of travelling with a dead body for an extended period of time.

  Gabrielle held her breath as the aircraft came in for the landing and she expelled a lung full of air when it touched down without incident. The plane slowed and gradually came to a stop a hundred yards from where she and Carlos were sitting on the ground. She gently lifted Carlos’s head and placed her pack underneath his head to make him more comfortable. A quick glance to the path worried her because Ryan was still nowhere in sight. She jogged over to the plane and stopped next to it just as the pilot opened the door.

  Gabrielle was taken aback when a woman stepped down. She was somewhere in her early thirties and she had a petite, but voluptuous figure. She wasn’t conventionally beautiful but her darker complexion and thick dark hair created a very attractive combination. She smiled when she saw Gabrielle and she had a dazzling smile.

  She held out her hand in greeting. “Hola. Soy Valentina Rojas.”

  Gabrielle shook her hand briefly. “Hola. Mi nombre es Gabrielle Durand. Encantado de conocerte.”

  Valentina scanned the airfield, looked at Carlos, then turned back to Gabrielle with an anxious look on her face. “No veo Ryan. ¿Donde esta el?”

  Gabrielle immediately understood that Valentina was more than just a friend to Ryan. The force of the jealousy that gripped her stunned her. She steeled herself and crushed it. “Do you speak English, Valentina?”

  “I do, of course,” she replied in a heavily accented voice which made her husky voice even sexier.

  “He wanted to see if we were followed. He should be back very soon.”

  Valentina seemed to relax slightly and the anxious expression faded. “I was worried when I did not see him.”

  “I think we should try to get our friend on the plane. He has a head injury and I don’t know if I’ll be able to wake him.”

  Valentina nodded. “I’m sure we will manage if we both work together.”

  They walked towards Carlos and Gabrielle crouched next to his very still form. She touched his shoulder and gave him a gentle shake. “Carlos, can you hear me? We have to get on the plane.”

  Carlos opened his eyes and sat up slowly. “Where’s Maria?”

  Gabrielle sighed. He had a concussion and did not remember their earlier conversation.

  “Let me help you up and then I’ll tell you.”

  Gabrielle and Valentina lifted him with difficulty because he was at least two hundred pounds of solid muscle. He stumbled but was able to remain on his feet, something Gabrielle was grateful for, because she doubted her and Valentina’s ability to lift him if he was unconscious.

  They stumbled to the plane and managed to get him into the front passenger seat. Gabrielle was breathing heavily from the exertion and she could see Valentina was just as short of breath. Carlos sagged into the seat and Gabrielle leaned over him to fasten the seat belt. His eyes were closed and his head was lolling against the back of the seat.

  It was at that moment that she heard the gun shots. She left the door open and jumped down to run for the backpacks. “Get the plane ready for take-off, Valentina,” she shouted over her shoulder.

  Gabrielle heard the plane’s engines just as she grabbed the backpacks and turned to sprint back to the plane. The packs were heavy and she struggled to run over the uneven terrain. She almost expired in fright when a bullet hit the ground inches from her feet. She looked over her shoulder and saw Ryan running towards them and two men maybe two hundred yards behind him.

  “Get in the plane and start take off!” he shouted.

  Gabrielle scrambled through the open passenger door and chucked the backpacks behind the seats. Valentina waited until Gabrielle was in before she turned the plane for take-off. Ryan was still a hundred yards away when the plane started to roll forward. Gabrielle watched in horror as one of the cartel members lifted his gun to take aim at Ryan’s back.

  “Ryan! Drop!”

  He ducked and the bullet hit his shoulder, the force of the bullet propelling him forward. He faltered slightly and then regained his speed. He reached the open door of the plane and Gabrielle held out her hand to help him into the extremely confined space in the back of the plane. She pulled him in by his uninjured arm and both fell in a haphazard manner over the two back seats of the aircraft just as the wheels lifted off the ground. Gabrielle had to scramble over Ryan and the packs under their feet to reach the door. She pulled it shut and sagged back into one of the seats.

  Gabrielle could hear Valentina swearing loudly as the bullets started hitting the plane. She expelled her indrawn breath as they cleared the mountains and moved out of reach from the gunfire below.

  Gabrielle turned her body to look at Ryan, who was still lying in an aw
kward position, half in, and half out of the seat. “Ryan, your shoulder!” She could see the blood soaking his jacket where the bullet hit him.

  He stepped on the packs, pushed himself upright and fastened his seatbelt. He turned his head and fixed his green eyes on her face. “I think the bullet only grazed the skin. Thank you for the warning.”

  Gabrielle opened her mouth to reply when Valentina turned in her seat. “Ryan, you scared me to death.”

  “Hello, Valentina. I can’t remember the last time I was so happy to see someone,” Ryan replied.

  Valentina smiled her gorgeous smile before focussing on the controls in front of her. Gabrielle looked away and out of the window. She could not bear to see the interaction between the two of them.

  “You’ve been gone too long. I missed you,” Valentina said in a husky voice.

  Gabrielle closed her eyes and clenched her teeth.

  Ryan was silent for a few seconds before saying, “I was busy.”

  “Too busy to see me? It’s been weeks since your last visit to Colombia. Guess that doctor you’ve been watching is safe now.”

  Gabrielle spun around to look at Ryan. His face was expressionless as he replied, “That doctor is an important asset to the CIA. I have to watch him carefully.”

  “She knows you’re an agent for the CIA?” Gabrielle asked.

  Valentina snorted. “How do you think we met? I used to work for DAS and when it dissolved I was recruited to work for ANIC. I was part of the narcotics division in DAS and we were working closely with the DEA and CIA at that time. In fact, the CIA Crime and Narcotics Centre has been bugging us for years. Can’t get rid of them.”

  “What do you do now?” Gabrielle asked.

  Valentina fiddled with the controls of the plane and made a sharp turn to the left. “Today I’m helping Ryan. The rest is my secret, Doctor.”


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