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Defenders of Kron - The Black Dragon

Page 10

by Ritu Ghosh

  “Not really. He didn’t know much about my Family. My mother left the house when she was only twelve years old.” Aaron continued to check his sword. Flynn joined him and they admired the sword for some time.

  “You should go home Flynn” Aaron said suddenly.

  Flynn was not expecting this “I am not going anywhere; I will come with you wherever you are going. This is the time you need me the most. Do you think I will leave you at this hour?” Flynn was stern.

  “But it is very dangerous Flynn, I can’t put your life in such danger, you heard what Alfadon said, even skilled warriors can’t stand against the Evil Force” said Aaron, trying to convince Flynn.

  “I don’t care Aaron, remember we promised to be together no matter what happens? I will keep up that promise.” said Flynn.

  Aaron didn’t argue much, he knew that Flynn was a person who will do whatever he decides once he had made up his mind.

  “What really happened at the forest?” Aaron changed the subject “How did you get out of there?”

  Flynn’s face grew white as if he has seen a ghost. He hesitated for a moment and then spoke “ He.. He came to save me”



  “Your father? When?” Aaron was surprised.

  “You saw him too, before you passed out” Flynn said.

  Aaron tried hard to remember seeing Zack but he couldn’t remember anything “But, I don’t remember seeing him at all”

  Flynn gulped and looked straight at Aaron.

  “My father was the werewolf that saved us that day.” Flynn said hesitantly.

  “What?! What does that even mean?” Aaron was shocked.

  “Do you remember that my father was bitten by the wolf in the market?” Flynn asked.

  “Yes, I do and you two went missing after that night”

  “That night something strange happened Aaron, my father.. He changed into something...”

  “Changed? Into what?”

  “Into a werewolf. It’s an old myth that if you are bitten by a weather wolf you are cursed to become a half human and half wolf creature called werewolf”

  “Did you know about the curse of the weather wolves? Why didn’t you tell me back then?” asked Aaron.

  “I didn’t know. Dan told me about the curse.”

  “When did this happen to Mr.Zack?”

  “That night when I brought him back from the market. Something weird was happening to him. I tried to give him some medicines and soup but he knocked it off my hands and then his nails started to turn into claws. He went crazy and started to claw the curtains and throwing things around. Then he finally leapt out of the house and ran towards the jungle. I followed him to the jungle. Then I saw him change into something horrible. I got scared and ran away from him. I didn’t know where I was, but finally Ony found me that day” The pain of losing his father was visible on Flynn’s face.

  “You are all I have left Aaron, don’t ask me to leave you” Flynn said. He was very sad.

  Aaron consoled Flynn. He had no idea that Flynn had gone though such a horrifying experience. “He saved you Flynn. You haven’t lost him. There is still good in him and I am sure that he will always be there for you.”

  Flynn got some hope back after listening to Aaron. They didn’t talk much after that. The night was falling and they knew that they have to get enough rest if they had to leave in the morning.

  After an early dinner, the men quickly scrambled to their rooms.

  Jane sat next to Aaron during dinner. Having Jane next to him was comforting. Her golden locks and pretty face glowed in the candle light. Aaron felt that he had always known her.

  There were a lot of questions building in his mind. He knew one part of the story, but he still didn’t know anything about his parents. He decided to talk to the wizard in private.

  When everybody left Aaron spoke to Jane in a low voice “Jane, can you please guide me to Alfadon’s room?”

  Jane gave him the directions and Aaron thanked her. Jane wondered what Aaron was up to.

  Aaron followed Jane’s directions and reached at Alfadon’s door. He gathered his guts to knock on the door. He knocked three times but nobody answered. As he was leaving, suddenly the door opened on its own and he walked inside the room. The room was huge and had many colorful decorations unlike the other rooms in the house.

  The wizard was not inside the room anywhere. He saw a huge collection of portraits that were displayed on the front wall. The portraits were of Alfadon when he was younger. He was posing with many others. One particular portrait caught Aaron’s attention. There was a lady with dark brown flowing hair. She was smiling. Aaron felt that he had seen that smile and that face somewhere.

  “So you found her my boy?” Alfadon’s voice came from behind.

  Aaron stepped back from the portraits feeling guilty for entering the wizard’s room without his permission.

  “Do you recognize her?” Alfadon asked, as he moved closer to Aaron.

  Aaron didn’t say anything. He was not sure.

  “That is your mother Aaron. Don’t you remember?” Alfadon said. “She was my most favorite student and the nicest person I knew“

  Aaron remembered vaguely, the face of his mother that he had seen many years ago. “Its mother!” He said in whispers.

  “My mother was your student? She learnt magic?” Aaron asked in surprise.

  “Yes dear, she was one of the best witches.” Alfadon paused and looked at the portrait of Aaron’s mother. “What happened to Bella was heart breaking. She had so much potential” Alfadon looked away from Aaron to hide the pain that memory had brought him.

  Aaron instantly knew that Alfadon was the old man who came to take his mother when she was young. He was also the one who brought the news of her death to Sentas.

  “You took her when she was young?” Aaron had to confirm.

  “Yes, she was a little girl, but she learnt so quickly. Then, she used to make things with her own magic. She could also see the future as well. Some said she could see beyond, but I guess this gift didn’t help her to see her own death” There was much sadness in Alfadon’s voice.

  Alfadon walked towards a cupboard slowly, Aaron remained where he stood. Alfadon came back with a bright white gem in the shape of a tear drop. It was as large as a finger and bound by shiny silver. The gem was made into a pendent and was attached to a silver chain. Alfadon gave the pendent to Aaron “This is something your mother has left you. Be careful, this is not any ordinary gem, it’s a Sicil stone. A stone made of pure magic”

  Aaron looked at the gem closely. The light broke into a thousand colorful pieces as it came through the stone. The stone was white in appearance but was very transparent when held closer. It was warm, it felt like his mother’s embrace, just the way he remembered from his childhood.

  “Can this stone do something too? Like some magic?” Aaron asked.

  “A Sicil stone can do many things. But only the person who made it knows how to use it. Nobody else will ever know what powers it holds. The more knowledgeable the creator of the Sicil, the more powers he or she can put in the stone. Your mother said this stone will protect you. Keep it near at all times”

  Aaron put the silver chain around his neck and hung the pendent on his chest. It was very light, as if it was nothing at all. He felt an energy flowing around him.

  “Do you know about my father too?” Aaron asked still looking at the pendent.

  “Do I?” Alfadon laughed, “Yes I do. Your father and mother were like my own children. After your mother married your father, they lived here for many years.”

  “What was my father like?” Aaron was filled with excitement.

  “Come, see for yourself.” Alfadon pointed him to one of the portraits. He saw a broad chested man with wide shoulders and dark hair standing with a group of warriors. His fair face was joyous and familiar. He wore a steel armor and looked very happy.

  “His name was William. He was
a good man Aaron. Very brave, but humble. He loved your mother a lot, more than his own life” Alfadon was wiping his eyes now.

  “Why did they abandon me?” Aaron asked in a low voice.

  “They never abandoned you Aaron. They had to keep you safe.” said Alfadon.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We were fighting Zorath’s monsters. Your father was leading us. None of us knew what was coming. Every day, we encountered new evil creatures that Zorath had created. Zorath had turned into the Evil Force. He was able to control anything and anybody at will. He was also aware of the Defenders and our plan to stop him. Zorath’s creatures stared to attack the families of the Defenders. They were targeting the first borns, but when they couldn’t find out who the first born was, they killed the whole family and their relatives. When your father’s relatives were attacked, your parents knew that they would come for you next. So, William and Bella decided that they will keep you and your brother in a safe place. Nobody knew anything about your mother’s village. That’s why she left you and your brother there.”

  Aaron thought for some time and said “What was she running from and why didn’t my father come with us that day?”

  “The Lurgs had already found you playing outside your house. William had to fight them, so your mother could take you two away. After she escaped to Brinsar to keep you at her brother’s place, she returned to the house. Your father had fought many Lurgs and wolves, but there were too many of them. When your mother saw him dead, she broke down completely. She gave up on all the magic she knew. Knowing her plight, a dark wizard named Mordok approached her and asked her to join the dark side if she wanted to bring her husband back from the dead. But she refused. She knew better than to join hands with the devil. Mordok lost his temper and in anger he killed her so that she cannot fight against the Dark Lord ever again.” Alfadon couldn’t say any further, his voice was getting heavier.

  Aaron’s eyes burnt with fury “I will avenge her, I will not let Mordok get away with this”

  “I know you will son, but don’t be so hasty. You should first control your energy and learn to channelize it” Alfadon put his hands on Aaron’s shoulder.

  “You are the son of a warrior and a witch. You have much more potential than you know. Train yourself to face all kinds of situations. Do not take quick action that will make you regret for the rest of your life. Learn patience and keep yourself calm. Your actions have to be judgmental and not random. Only then, you can defeat you enemies tactfully.”

  Aaron listened in silence and shook his head. As he was about to leave, he remembered something else.

  “I heard of the prophecy” Aaron said.

  Alfadon was taken aback as Aaron mentioned the prophecy. “Yes, there is an age old prophecy. How do you know about it?” Alfadon narrowed his eyes but Aaron didn’t say anything. “Well, this prophecy was born in Aaskan, the legendary city of Shador. When Zorath first began his attacks on the north east kingdoms, the high priest of Aaskan found a riddle engraved in the temple of God Orim inside the King’s palace. The riddle was accompanied by a prophecy that foretold the arrival of the Dark Lord and his fall by a young boy. The prophecy says that one orphan boy will solve the ‘Riddle of Orim’ and will destroy the one Evil Force in its human form.

  Nobody knew who wrote the prophecy, but people of the Aaskan began to speak about the young boy who will come soon and kill the Dark Lord. When this prophecy reached Zorath’s ears he killed many orphan boys to prove that no mere boy can kill him. He finally conquered the armies of Shador and destroyed the city of Aaskan. He took over the palace of Aaskan and the riddle was lost forever. But a part of it remained alive in the folklore told by people of the Northern Kingdoms.

  I know your mother believed that you are the boy. But that is not necessary. Besides, Zorath can never take human form again, it’s impossible. He is dead and gone from this world.”

  “What was the riddle?” Aaron asked

  Alfadon handed him a small stone tablet “Your mother engraved these words here, she would lock herself in her room for days and would try to solve it.”

  The tablet read:

  ‘Sword of the Giants

  Grace of the Lights

  Blood of Man

  And Magic so Bright’

  “What does this even mean?” Aaron asked.

  “Nobody really knows, I think it points to an object that can be made using one thing from each of the four races. But nobody knows what these objects are. And it’s impossible to find. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack.” said Alfadon.

  The riddle left Aaron even more puzzled.

  Suddenly, a screeching sound came from the corridor, it sounded like that of a bat. Alfadon got up and said “Now, if you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to.” He left quickly and Aaron followed him, but Alfadon had vanished behind a door. All doors were so identical that Aaron had difficulty finding his own room.

  Back in his room, he found his bag kept in the corner. He packed everything he needed for the next day’s journey. He never found Matt’s sword anywhere. He knew he had lost it in the forest, but now he had a much powerful sword that belonged to his great grandfather. He looked at the sword and was filled with pride.

  He slept peacefully that night. He finally knew about his mother and father and why he was here in the Blue Mountains. He held onto the Sicil pendent as he slept. He felt protected in a very long time.

  Chapter 11

  The Ghost Town

  The next morning came much quicker than Aaron had expected. The wizard’s all white house had brought a very different comfort to Aaron. He opened his eyes. The morning was cold, it made him wish that he could stay in the bed a little longer, but he stepped out of the bed and got ready.

  When he came outside, everyone was prepared to leave. Jane didn’t look anything like she did the day before. She had her golden locks tied into a braid, tightly secured with small metal clips. She wore cloths of a warrior. Most of her clothes were white, she also wore many dark leather belts on her. Aaron saw something glint on her belt, like a thin sword. Dan and Ony were back in their old attire and had already mounted their horses. Flynn was happy to see Aaron, he came forward trotting.

  “Let’s see what awaits us ahead” Flynn said.

  Even though Aaron was not in favor of Flynn coming with them, he just smiled and tied his bag to the saddle.

  Jane came to speak to Aaron “You look terrific!” she said.

  Jane was talking about his health, but that didn’t stop Aaron from blushing. He resisted the urge to feel shy and asked her “Are you coming with us too? I .. I thought it was dangerous.”

  “I know it’s dangerous. You think I cannot handle it?” Jane’s soft features turned stern.

  Aaron was taken aback by Jane’s confidence.

  Jane smiled suddenly breaking the tension between them. “Don’t worry, I have been training for a long time. I’ve taken an oath to protect my people and I shall fulfill it.”

  Aaron saw a burning rage in her eyes. He was not sure if he wanted to ask her any more questions.

  “Besides, my father was a warrior too and so was my brother” she said checking her horse.

  “Brother!” Aaron thought. That would mean that the first born of Jane’s family was already dead. He felt sad for her.

  “I understand” he said slowly.

  The gentleness returned on Jane’s face as she mounted her horse.

  Ony’s horse made a loud neighing sound.

  “Time to go boy!” Ony said striding off.

  “Where is Alfadon? Isn’t he coming with us?” Aaron asked Jane.

  “He will join us soon, but not now. He has already left for some important work” Jane replied.

  “Left? Where to?” Aaron was surprised.

  “He had some very important work at the Fairyland. He took the Dragon eggs and a few Nomes with him too.” Jane said getting on her white horse gracefully.

“Dragon eggs?!” Aaron said, also getting on his horse.

  “Yes!, Mordok is becoming very powerful by the day. If we do not do something soon, he will take over Kron. Mordok has stolen the magic of the Dragons. Alfadon went to the Fairyland to also learn about the secret magic of the Dragons.” said Jane looking at Aaron.

  Jane continued as Aaron looked lost. “Thousands of years ago the Dragons were the protectors of the world. The White Dragon was their leader. He was very powerful and knew many forms of magic. As time passed Zorath filled the hearts of the Dragons with greed and evil intentions. Then came the Great War of the Dragons. Most of the Dragons perished in the war. But their magic is still alive with the Fairies who nurture Dragon babies even now.”

  Then she smiled at Aaron and sped away to compete with Ony. Her smile was still pure as an angel and sent a tingle all over Aaron. Flynn who was coming right behind Aaron gave him a strange smirk.

  The spring was now ending. Aaron knew that he had missed the grand Harvest festival in the village. He missed the feast and the good people of the village. But for the first time, he knew about his father and his mother and how brave they were. He knew he had a much higher purpose in life. He thought of Jane who had lost her family too and Flynn who also had lost his father. He started to worry about Brandon, but he shook the thought off as he had bigger things to worry about now.

  The early winter sun was still bright and warm. They rode through the mountains and came down the olive green valley. Aaron had never seen a valley so beautiful. It had the most amazing flowers that smelled wonderful. The trees were loaded with fruits of red and orange. The road was clear ahead, the shadows of the trees fell on their path. No one except Flynn showed signs of any tiredness.

  “Can’t we stop for a little while? We have been riding for so long” Flynn asked finally.

  “I told you the boy will slow us down” Ony grumbled.

  “It’s ok Ony. Since he is one of us, we should respect him and treat him like our own. Didn’t you hear what Alfadon said?” Dan told Ony in a hushed voice. Then he spoke up, “Yes, we can stop for a while and rest.”


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