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Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  The right thing at the moment seemed to be to remain silent and still while his Supreme Excellency Krumf made his way onto the raised dais and reclined—with the help of two male attendants—on the golden couch. He had no less than three female slaves attending him and from the bright red color of their exposed nipples, Elaina guessed they all had the Need.

  Once Krumf was settled comfortably, propped up by numerous plump golden cushions, he clapped his hands and said loudly, “Let the banquet begin!”

  “Well…” Elaina turned towards Terex, who was lying on the couch, propped on one elbow on his right side. “What would you like to eat, Master? It looks like we have, uh…pinkish things and some orange pecan pie looking stuff or…ew.” She made a face at one of the “delicacies” piled on the platter. “Maybe some dead green worms in black slime sauce is more to your liking?”

  “Elaina…” He looked at her, the muscle clenching in his jaw again.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” She picked up a small pink globe that looked kind of like a cross between a grape and a cherry tomato and tried to put it in his mouth but Terex refused.

  “Are you all right?” he asked softly. “How do you feel?”

  “How do I feel?” Elaina wasn’t sure what he meant until he nodded down at her nipples, poking through the black and white fringes of her outfit. “Oh, um…”

  “Did I hurt you?” he murmured in a low voice.

  “No, I…” Elaina could feel her cheeks getting hot. “I mean yes but you…you didn’t pinch me too hard. Not any harder than I, um, wanted you to.” She couldn't believe she was admitting this but she couldn't seem to help what she was saying.

  “Actually I was talking about the jewelry,” Terex murmured. “Did I put it on too tightly? Your peaks seem much redder than they were—are the rings pinching you?”

  “No-no—I’m fine,” Elaina hastened to assure him. “I think…they’re just still red from, uh…”

  “From the way I pinched you.” He frowned. “I shouldn’t have done that. I…don’t know what came over me.”

  “It’s all right. I mean…you were just…just doing what you had to do, right? To…to get the jewelry to fit.” She bit her lip and held up the small pink fruit again. “Come on and eat something now. I have something to tell you—a new way we can communicate, even when we’re not supposed to.”

  Terex opened his mouth and allowed her to pop the small grape-tomato thing inside. As he did, she couldn’t help noticing how long and sharp the double set of fangs on either side of his mouth looked. Does that mean something? Does he want to bite me?

  She tried not to think about it. Instead, she explained about learning the market hand slang from Jessa and even taught him a few words as she fed him.

  “That was good thinking,” Terex murmured, as he took in the way her hands moved. “It’s good to have a way to communicate silently if we need to.” He sighed. “That’s one of the things I miss about my mate, Solange—our ability to speak without words.”

  “Your wife, you mean?” Elaina asked.

  He nodded. “Yes. When a Kindred bonds his mate to him, they form a mental connection that allows them to speak mind-to-mind.”

  “That sounds beautiful…very intimate,” Elaina murmured. “You must miss her terribly.”

  “The pain isn’t as bad as it was.” He looked away. “It’s just this place…it makes me think of her.”

  “Oh? Why is that?” Elaina raised one eyebrow at him curiously but Terex shook his head.

  “Never mind—it doesn’t matter.” He frowned. “Why aren’t you eating as well? Aren’t you hungry?”

  “Yes, but I’m not supposed to eat. Well, not unless you feed me. But that’s only if I give you a ‘favor,’ whatever that is,” Elaina said.

  “A favor? What kind of favor?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Jessa never told me. She…”

  The words died on her lips because of something that had caught her eye. On the pleasure couch to the right of theirs, a lovely slave girl with long, curly black hair was feeding her Master. Or rather—he was feeding her. He was holding up one of the little pink fruits and teasing her with it, placing it near her lips and then snatching it away at the last instant when she tried to bite.

  “Uh-uh, my little darling,” Elaina heard him tell her. “You don’t get a taste until I do.”

  “All right, Master,” the girl pouted. “Here you are.” She was wearing a silver mesh bikini-type top which clearly showed her nipples. As Elaina watched, she leaned forward and pressed one ripe peak to her Master’s lips. He sucked it deeply into his mouth, humming in pleasure as he nursed at the stiff, pale pink tip.

  “Ah! Oh, Master!” His slave girl writhed erotically and pressed herself against him. Either she was really enjoying this or she was putting on a very good show. When her Master finally withdrew, allowing her tight nipple to slide from between his lips, Elaina saw that it was a much darker pink than it had been—almost red, in fact.

  The slave girl apparently saw it too.

  “Master!” she complained, looking down at herself. “You shouldn’t have sucked so hard! You took off all my make-up—every one here is going to know I have the Need if we’re not careful.”

  “Don’t worry about that, precious one,” he murmured. “Most of the females at this banquet have it. In fact, most of the females on the planet have it. They’re just hiding it, like you.” Then he popped the little fruit into her mouth. “Enjoy that and then give me another ‘favor’ so I can suck your other little bud.”

  “Gods!” The low exclamation came from Terex and Elaina realized he’d been watching the little exchange to the right of them as well.

  “Do you think that’s true?” she asked softly. “Do most of the females on this planet have the Need?”

  “I don’t know.” Terex looked frustrated. “But I do know you shouldn’t have to worry about me exploiting you just to get something to eat.”

  “I don’t…don’t think it would be exploitation,” Elaina argued. “I mean, we’re both playing parts. We have to do what we have to do.”

  “Still—it’s not right. Not the Kindred way.” The muscle in his jaw was clenched again and he didn’t look happy.

  Watching him, Elaina suddenly had the strange idea that he was much more upset by their current state of affairs than she was herself. But that was crazy, wasn’t it? Why would treating her like a slave upset him more than having to act like a slave upset her?

  I still don’t understand him, she thought. Is it just that he dislikes not treating females as equals or did something else happen to him? And how could this place remind him of his wife?

  She had so many questions she almost didn’t hear the Supreme Leader calling Terex’s name.

  “Master Valdor,” he said, raising his voice to be heard over the chatter of the banquet hall. At once everyone became quiet so that when Terex answered, his deep voice seemed to fill the echoing space.

  “Yes, your Majesty?” he said, propping himself higher on his elbow and looking up to the dais where the Supreme Leader reclined.

  “I said, how are you enjoying your first banquet on our fair planet in over one hundred cycles?” Krumf said.

  “Oh—very well. Very well indeed.” Terex nodded solemnly. “Your Majesty was kind to invite me.”

  “You’re very welcome but I can’t help noticing your poor little slave isn’t enjoying the banquet nearly as much as you are.” He nodded at Elaina who could feel herself blushing from head to toe. “She looks lovely tonight, by the way. But you haven’t fed her so much as a crumb.”

  “I…” Terex didn’t seem to know what to say and Elaina was stumped for a moment too.

  Lecherous old bastard, she thought. He just wants to see us getting kinky like the rest of the people here!

  But it was clear from the way Krumf was watching them that he wasn’t going to give up.

  Elaina knew what she needed to do. Turning to the gol
den couch on the dais, she bowed deeply and looked up, making a little motion to her mouth.

  Krumf nodded. “Yes, my dear—you may speak.”

  “Please, your Supreme Exaltedness,” Elaina murmured. “It’s my fault my Master hasn’t given me anything to eat. Because I…well, I haven’t offered him any favors.”

  “And why not, my dear?” His little eyes sparkled greedily. “Is it that you fear those long, Blood-Kindred fangs of his? They do look quite sharp.”

  Actually, that wasn’t the reason at all, although Elaina could imagine that being bitten in such a sensitive area would indeed be uncomfortable. But she didn’t want to give Krumf an excuse to single Terex out because of his Kindred bloodline.

  “No, your Supreme Excellency,” she said, hanging her head. “I just…didn’t wish to ruin the lovely jewelry you were so kind as to bestow upon me. But my Master is well able to take my, uh, breasts into his mouth without biting me. He has, um, excellent control.”

  She didn’t know what had made her add that last part. But she should have left it off because it unfortunately seemed to peak Krumf’s interest.

  “Is that right?” His tiny eyes narrowed even more with interest. “Is your little slave telling the truth, Master Valdor? Are you able to suckle her without injuring her?”

  “She speaks only the truth, your Majesty,” Terex said flatly. “I am perfectly able to taste any part of her without piercing her flesh, even with my fangs fully extended.”

  “Would you care to lay a wager?” Krumf demanded. “I’d like to see this amazing ‘control’ first hand.”

  This was what Elaina had been afraid of but she didn’t see a way out of it. She exchanged a look with Terex and made a small hand sign—one of the few she had taught him. “Go ahead.”

  “No!” Terex signed back.

  “Yes—you must!” She waved her fingers stiffly, indicating the imperative while keeping her hand shielded from the Supreme Leader.

  “If you’re worried about hurting the breast jewelry, don’t be, my dear,” Krumf called to her. “I give your Master permission to take it off you at least long enough to enter into our little wager.”

  “You haven’t said what’s at stake,” Terex said, clearly playing for time. “What are we wagering, your Majesty?”

  “A seat at my council table if you win, my dear Master Valdor.” Krumf grinned nastily. “It’s the best way to have the ear of he who rules, or haven’t you heard?”

  That sounded good to Elaina but Terex was still frowning.

  “And if I lose?”

  “Oh, that…” Krumf made a negligent motion with one hand. “Nothing important, I assure you. I’ll ask only a token of your loyalty.”

  “You have to,” Elaina signed to him again. Thrusting her breasts out, she offered her ripe nipples to him.

  Terex still looked troubled but there was clearly no getting out of this “friendly wager.” Raising up a little more, he unfastened the gold and ruby jewelry dangling from her right nipple and looked at her.

  “Are you ready, Elaina?” he murmured in a low voice.

  “Y-yes.” She nodded, feeling her stomach flutter for some reason. “Yes, Master. Do…do what you want with me.” She didn’t know why she’d said that but somehow it felt right. And she couldn’t deny the rush of pleasure it gave her to submit to him in such a public way.

  What’s wrong with me? Why does it turn me on so much to submit to him? She had no idea but the next moment, all questions and thoughts were wiped from her mind as Terex took her ripe peak between his lips and sucked it deep into his mouth.

  Elaina tried not to make a noise but a soft moan of pleasure escaped her anyway. Had she thought the feeling of him pinching her nipples was amazing? Well, this was much better. The feeling of his hot, wet mouth drawing on her nipple was enough to make her pussy wet and hot under the fringed skirt she wore and she was beginning to get that nipple-orgasm feeling again, like she was going to come just from letting him touch and taste her breasts. God, she’d never been this sensitive before—never! What was happening to her?

  She could feel his fangs—their sharp points bracketing her nipples—but he didn’t break the skin. At this point, she wouldn’t have cared if he had. She just wanted the intense sensation of his mouth on her breast to go on forever.

  Elaina wanted to close her eyes in pleasure but somehow she couldn’t—couldn’t tear her gaze away from Terex’s. He was holding her eyes with his own as he sucked her, giving her a look as intimate as a kiss.

  “All right—that’s long enough. Now let’s see if she’s been hurt by those wicked fangs of yours, Master Valdor,” Elaina heard The Supreme Leader command.”

  Without saying a word, Terex released her right nipple, letting it slip from between his lips.

  “Turn and face me now,” Krumf commanded. Elaina did as he said, keeping her gaze down on the marble floor. She didn’t want to see the greedy light in the dictator’s piggy eyes when he looked her over.

  “I see,” Krumf said at last. “Not a scratch on you.” He didn’t sound very happy about it.

  “As I said, your Majesty—I know how to be careful of my fangs,” Terex replied neutrally.

  “Ah—but you’re not done yet, Master Valdor,” Krumf declared. “Suck the other one.”

  Without comment, Terex unfastened the jewelry from her left nipple. Elaina felt that familiar flutter in her stomach as she pressed forward, eager to feel his hot mouth again.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered, for his ears alone. “Suck me, please.”

  “Suck harder this time,” she heard Krumf demanding as Terex first circled her tight nipple with his tongue and then took it between his lips. “Make your little slave moan, Master Valdor!”

  In response, Terex increased the suction, pulling hard against her tender bud as though he wanted to get as much of her bare breast in his mouth as he could at one time.

  Elaina couldn’t help it—she moaned aloud this time. God, it felt so good. And still, though she felt his razor sharp fangs against her sensitive flesh, he didn’t break the skin—didn’t so much as scratch her. She squeezed her thighs together tightly, feeling like her pussy was going to overflow she was so hot and wet.

  God, I can’t help myself—I’m going to come! Going to come so hard…

  But just as she was thinking so, she caught a motion from the corner of her eye. Turning her head slightly, she saw Jessa motioning to her as discretely as she could.

  She’s using the hand slang! What is she saying?

  Elaina frowned, trying to make it out, trying to remember everything her friend had taught her. Finally, she realized what Jessa was signing.

  It was: “Be careful!” over and over again. And when, at last, Jessa saw that she had caught Elaina’s eye, she signed something else. “He doesn’t like to lose!”

  Elaina knew well enough who “he” was. Her friend was trying to tell her if Terex won this little “wager” there would be hell to pay. But what could she do? Though his fangs were fully extended and razor sharp, he still hadn’t scratched her with them.

  Maybe I can scratch myself on them, though.

  She didn’t expect it to feel good—it would probably be like poking herself in the nipple with a large-gauge needle. But what else could she do?

  Taking a deep breath to nerve herself up, she shifted sharply to one side, causing one of his long, sharp fangs to scratch along her breast and then pierce deep into her areola.

  The effect on her body was immediate and electric. Pleasure shot through her, as bright and hot as lightening and suddenly she found herself coming—coming so hard all the strength ran from her legs and she felt like she might fall over.

  “Oh! Oh, Master!” she heard herself moaning and then Terex was pulling away—ripping his mouth from her nipple to examine her anxiously. Clearly he had felt his fang pierce her and was concerned.

  “Elaina? What happened? Why did you—?”

  “Ah-ha!” Krumf’s exc
lamation was a triumphant shout. “Let me see! Let me see,” he demanded.

  Slowly, Elaina turned to face him again, showing the tiny droplet of blood shimmering on her left nipple.

  “Well, well—not as good with your fangs as you’d have us believe, are you, Master Valdor?” he crowed.

  “I…suppose not, your Majesty.” Terex looked both worried and irritated. “It appears you have won our wager,” he told the dictator. “Tell me—what is my payment to be?”

  “That I shall have to think on,” Krumf said musingly but Elaina didn’t like the way he was looking at her—not one damn bit. “For now, let us go back to the banquet.”

  “As you wish,” Terex muttered.

  “Here, Master,” Elaina tried to feed him another small fruit but he stopped her and put one to her lips instead.

  “Here—open up,” he said harshly. “You’ve certainly earned it.”

  “Forgive me, Master,” she said and then whispered, “I had to—I’ll tell you why later.”

  “You’d better have a damn good explanation,” Terex growled, popping another pink fruit—which tasted bland and sweet at the same time—into her mouth. “So help me Goddess, Elaina—you don’t know what you’ve done to yourself.”

  Apprehension squeezed her throat tightly but she sensed now wasn’t the time to ask what he meant. The hand slang she’d learned notwithstanding, they needed a private place to discuss what had happened and what was happening between them.

  Feeding him another fruit, she tried not to notice how hot and achy the nipple he’d bitten had become. Was this feeling a byproduct of his kiss and if so, was there any cure for it?

  She didn’t know and without asking Terex, which she didn’t want to do while he was still so upset with her, there was no way to find out.

  * ** * *

  Terex let her feed him, feeling both frustrated and worried. He was almost certain her sudden movement had caused him to inject her with some of his essence—the pale blue liquid produced by the fangs of all Blood Kindred which helped bond their mates to them.


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