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Quarantine and Chill (AMBW standalone Romance)

Page 19

by Kenya Wright

“It’s been crazy since I saw the results. Corey and I found a doctor on the island to confirm.”

  “Congratulations. I can’t wait to see if I’ll get a niece or nephew.”

  “Or both. Maybe I have twins.”


  “How’s everything in New York?” Zora asked. “Are you being nice to my friend?”

  I smirked. “Definitely.”

  “You’re not bothering her at all?”

  “Not one bit. If anything. . .I’m giving her a pleasurable time.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Never mind that. I need advice on Amber.”

  “Ah. That’s the only bad side of my being pregnant. I can’t punch her in the face when I return.”

  “She won’t be here when you get back anyway.”

  “Good. What do you need to know?”

  I explained the situation with Amber, leaving out Jade and my newly budding relationship.

  “Love it. You did the right thing.”

  “Are you sure, Zora? She kept crying.”

  “Good. You were nice. She didn’t deserve it. What the hell was she doing outside of my apartment? Stalker much?”

  “Okay. I think she’s done with all that—”

  “She better be. If I see her, then I’m going to throw something at her.”


  “Wait. Why was she worried about Jade walking Ganesha?”

  “So. . .about Jade?”

  “I don’t like how your voice sounds when you say my friend’s name.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It sounds like your singing her name.”

  The cashier brought over my pizza. I left him a big bill and whispered, “Keep the change.”

  He gestured for me to place the money on the table, instead of in his hand.

  I nodded, took the pizza, and left.

  “Kamal, why are you singing her name?”

  “Okay. Jade and I—”

  “Oh no. You did not sleep with her!”

  “Will you let me finish?”

  “That’s why you’re singing her name. Ewww. You always do that when you’re head over heels for someone.”

  “Zora.” I stepped outside the joint. “I really like her.”

  “You better like her because Jade is not someone you’re just going to get your rocks off with.”

  “That’s not me.”

  “You slept with my friend, buddy. So, guess what?”

  I chuckled. “What?”

  “You better put a ring on her finger.”

  I quirked my brows. “Calm down, Zora.”

  “If you slept with my friend, you have to marry her in a year. I’m not playing with you. Jade is a hot catch and doesn’t have time to waste—”

  “Zora, can I take one day at a time.”

  “I’m so mad with you. Of course you two would be great together, but not right now. . .and not all over my apartment. Ewww.”

  “I’m going to have someone clean up.”


  “Relax. Every time Corey and you come to Los Angeles, Mom complains about you both moaning all through the house.”

  “Oh no. She can hear us?”

  “Yes. So, this is karma.”

  “Whatever, Kamal. Either way, I’ll help you pick out a ring when I return.”

  “I’m not rushing this, Zora.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have slept with my friend. I can’t believe you! Corey, he violated my bestie. I’m hanging up and calling her now. And poor Ganesha had to witness all of that?” She hung up before I could say anything else.

  I rolled my eyes and headed back. “My sister is bat shit crazy.”

  When I stepped inside the apartment, Jade stood in the center of the living room on the phone with her hand covering her face. “Zora, yes. If we do, you can be my maid of honor, but that’s a conversation for another time.”

  Chuckling, I set the pizza on the counter.

  “Yes. I understand. No. What? Three days for a wedding.” She moved her hand and shook her head. “I don’t know about having a traditional Indian wedding. Yes. I know Mommy would want one, but I’m not. Wait. Zora, I don’t even know, if. . .”

  I laughed, knowing Zora was interrupting. I yanked off the gloves and slung them in the trash. Next, I took off my mask.

  “Zora, I have to go. Yes. He’s back. No. It wasn’t on your balcony. Why would we have sex on your balcony? I’m not answering that, either.”

  I walked over to Jade, grabbed the phone, and spoke, “Goodbye, baby sis. She has to go and by the way, we are most definitely going to have sex on your balcony.”

  Zora screamed, “Kamal!”

  I hung up and put her phone on the table.

  Stunned, Jade shook her head. “Why did you tell her that we were going to have sex on her balcony?”

  “Because it’s true.” I reached for her.

  She backed up. “Nope. It’s a pandemic. Change your clothes and everything.”


  “New York death toll hit over 1000 daily deaths this weekend.”

  My heart ached. “Damn.”

  “The news was saying that it’s probably wise for New Yorkers to dump all outside clothes in the washer when we get home and take a shower.”

  I studied her. “That’s why you’re wearing that cute little white top and new set of shorts?”

  “Yep. I took a shower.” She gestured at the balcony. “And you should leave your shoes out there. Apparently, direct sunlight burns the virus in minutes.”

  “No way.”

  “I know it sounds weird, but I looked it up in several places.”

  “Should we leave the pizza box out there too?”

  “I’m pretty scared to get it. Better safe than sorry.” She went to the kitchen, took a paper towel, and then carried the box out to the balcony. “This is our new normal.”

  “It is.” I drank in her ass jiggling in those shorts. “After the shower, we’ll eat and discuss—”

  “Your conversation with Amber.” She returned from the balcony but left the door open. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. And you and I,” I gestured to her. “We’re exactly the same. Nothing has changed. I want you in my place.”

  “We’ll see after this conversation.”

  “We sure will see.” I took off my shoes, carried them over to the balcony, and left them outside. “You just focus on our wedding.”

  “Dear God. Zora and you are tripping today.”

  Chapter 17


  Hot Spot

  In the bedroom, I attempted to finish my phone call with Zora’s mother. “Yes, Mommy.”

  A cherry tone laced Mrs. Patel’s voice. “I think you will be a new experience for him, darling.”

  I covered my face. “I just. . .I can’t believe Zora told you.”

  “She knew that I would be happy about it.”

  “How are you feeling, by the way?”

  “I’m doing great. This virus hasn’t taken me like others. I’m breathing fine. No more fever.” She coughed. “I want to talk more about you and my son.”

  “Okay, but we’re still figuring this out, Mommy.”

  “Oh no. This is a full commitment. You’re not Amber.” Her voice went stern. “You are a lovely woman. Kamal will act accordingly. I raised him well.”

  I grinned. “You did.”

  The bedroom door opened.

  Kamal ducked his head inside. “Is she still on the phone?”

  I nodded.

  He walked over and gently took the phone from me. “Mom, can I spend some time with Jade this evening? Yes. I know. I am taking this serious.”

  Laughing, I covered my mouth and drank him in. He had his shirt off and jeans hanging low, showing off his muscular arms and six-pack.

  “No.” Kamal ran his fingers through his hair. “Of course we haven’t. Mom, I’m a virgin. I’m sorry. You’re correct. That isn’t funny. I lo
ve you and will talk to you later.”

  He hung up and handed me the phone. “Are you hungry?”


  “I made some salads, put the pizza in the oven, and opened a bottle of wine.” He grabbed my hand and guided me inside the living room.

  I took in the space. He had darkened the room and placed lit candles on the table next to two plates of pizza and glasses of wine.


  “You like?”


  “But first, let’s go over to the couch.” He led me over there.

  I sat down.

  He lowered and placed my legs over his. “My sister and mother know.”

  “Yes.” I laughed. “That’s an understatement.”

  “So, your mother will hear soon too.”

  “I bet your mother is talking to mine right now.”

  “I guarantee it.” He slipped his hand along my jeans. “Where are your shorts?”

  “Washing machine.”

  “These jeans are coming off soon.”

  “Hmmm.” I kept a stern expression. “And how was your conversation with Amber?”

  “Straight to the point.”

  I nodded. “Her standing outside of the apartment freaked me out. I didn’t think she would be back.”

  “We won’t see her anymore. We had the conversation.”

  “Why did she want to talk?” I asked.

  “She wanted to explain the reason why she cheated.”

  “That’s it?”

  He let out a long breath. “And she asked for another chance.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I’m here, so I said no.”

  “And she accepted that?”

  “She did.”

  An unease still sat with me. “How did she leave?”

  “In tears, but. . .that’s how things end sometimes.”

  I frowned. “This is sad.”

  “It can’t be helped, Jade.”

  “I kind of feel bad for her.”

  “I understand.” He touched my chin. “That’s why I like you so much. You’re caring and loving.”

  “What we are doing right now,” I sighed. “We have to take our time.”

  “And if I don’t want to take my time?”


  He studied me. “I want you in my life.”

  “I will be.”

  “And I want you in my place.”

  I chuckled. “But. . .”

  “Say yes.”

  I reached my hand to his head. “You promise that we’re not taking this too fast?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “So. . .we should have some rules.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “You said you have a three-bedroom. Are there beds in each one?”

  “Yes, and I plan on fucking you in all of them.”

  I swallowed. “Kamal, focus.”

  “What about the bedrooms?”

  “I should move into one of the bedrooms for the times we need space or—”

  “Fine. Choose one. It’s your personal space. You can keep your stuff there. I also have a sort of sky room that’s on the second level. You can sculpt in there, while I’m in the office on the first level. It will give you your time for privacy.”

  I blinked. “O-kay.”

  “I barely use the second level. Now with this quarantine, I’ll be able to make more use of my condo. And you’ll be helping me make it a home.”

  I parted my lips, stunned with how welcoming he was, and how much he yearned to make me comfortable. My eyes glazed with full devotion to make sure I deserved all of his praise.

  Amber, you fucked up, when you cheated on him. Now, I’ll never leave him alone. He’s mine.

  He smirked. “I love the way you’re looking at me.”

  “I can’t help it. You make me feel so good.”

  “I’m glad, but you still haven’t given me an answer.”

  I bit my bottom lip.

  “Just say yes, Jade. I wouldn’t take no for an answer anyway. Apparently, neither will my mother or sister.”

  I gazed into his eyes. This man had already seized my heart in such a short time. “Yes, Kamal. I’ll stay with you.”

  “Yes?” Leaning my way, he captured my mouth. He dipped his tongue in my mouth and swirled it around mine.

  I groaned.

  He moved away. “This is going to work. Trust me.”

  “I do.”

  “This world is crazy right now, but I’m grateful that I quarantined with you.”

  “Me too. Without you, Kamal, I would have been sitting in this apartment, scared and alone.”

  “And we’ll sit this out together, fucking and surviving.”

  I giggled. “Fucking and surviving?”

  “Is there any other way to quarantine?”

  “I guess not.”

  “Let’s eat.”

  Getting a little chilly, Kamal put on his shirt. I needed that because I might not have been able to finish the meal.

  That night, we sat by candlelight, nibbling on pizza and catching each other up on the news of the day.

  Kamal shook his head. “Hot spot is not a public health term.”

  “Okay, but it describes areas with a large cluster of Covid-19 cases.”

  “No. The coronavirus will not take hot spot from me. It’s too sexy of a term.”

  I giggled. “Okay. So, we’ll stick with the epicenter.”

  “Yes. You’re in New York right in America’s epicenter.”

  “Yep.” I took a sip of my wine. “What a time to come visit. Right?”

  “Correct.” He tossed a slice to Ganesha.

  “Ooo.” I shook my head. “I’m telling Zora.”

  “That’s how you’re going to start our relationship off?”

  “That’s against his diet.”

  “Dogs like pizza.”

  I laughed. “You’re so naughty.”

  He nipped at my mouth. “So. . .make a list of your supplies for sculpting. I’ll have them sent to my place.”

  My nerves frazzled a little. Never had I been treated like this before. Already, Kamal liked taking care of me. I was slowly forcing myself to get used to it. “Okay.”

  “Thanks for not countering me on that.”

  “Well. . .I can afford to pay for my own stuff, but—”

  “You know I want to take care of that.”


  “And I would love to watch you do what you do.”

  I grinned. “That would be fun.”

  “With this series of art pieces are you going to work with metal again?”

  “Actually, this time I want to play with clay.”

  “What’s your inspiration right now?”

  “This virus. Artists are always affected by the world around them. I think that we will find more and more writers, singers, and all other artists around the world tapping into their creativity to help find new ways to deal with the global pandemic.”

  He nodded. “While waiting for my mother to get off of the phone with you, I saw news coverage on artists recreating classic paintings to fit the pandemic.”

  “Like what?”

  “The Mona Lisa with a mask on.”

  “No way.”

  “Yes. You know American Gothic? The two old white people standing next to each other with the pitchfork?”


  “Now they’re six feet apart with masks on.”


  “There’s been several murals popping up too around New York.”

  Excitement filled me. “Oh yes. There’s some in Italy. I saw one online. It was a doctor cradling the globe in his arms like a baby.”

  “There’s a Paris one showing a nurse with the Superman uniform on. The graffiti and mural artists are making some incredible coronavirus-inspired works on walls and buildings across the globe.”

  “It’s an interesting time to live in.”

p; “And now musicians are performing online as well as DJs.”

  “In some ways, we’re lucky to have the internet. If we didn’t have it, the world would be losing their minds even more.”


  He studied me. “Damn.”


  “This is so fucking refreshing.”

  “What is?”

  “Calm and enjoyable conversation.” He let out a long breath. “A peaceful evening. Your gorgeous face in the candlelight.”

  I gestured to the floor. “And Ganesha whimpering for more pizza?”

  Kamal tossed another one to him.

  “Oooo. I’m telling Zora.”

  “He deserves it. Ganesha guards us well.” He slipped his fingers down my arm. “I’ll clean up. You want to find a good movie? Or do you want me to show off some more of my dance skills?”

  “Hmmm.” I gave him a wicked smile.

  “You look devilish.”

  “After you’re done, you should come into the bedroom and get naked.”

  He touched his chest. “Princess, are you suggesting that I fornicate with you this evening?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He groaned. “Get your sexy ass in that bedroom. Give me a few minutes. I’ll be in there with you.”

  Excitement filled me. My skin heated. I rose from my seat.

  He stood too with lust blazing in his eyes. “In fact, get nude and go out on the balcony.”


  “We’re fucking on the balcony. My sister had a great idea. We must go with it.”

  “I think she was asking you not to.”

  “It’s a cool night. The lights will be off. I want you naked over the city, moaning into the darkness.”

  And that was how he finished the evening. He had me against the wall, tenderly pumping that big cock into me. Every few thrusts, he landed a soft kiss on my back. And all I could do was moan, look back at him, and marvel in pure lust.

  This man is everything.

  Chapter 18



  Days passed.

  I worked in the mornings, dealing with zoom conference calls, and placing electronic signatures on contracts. Jade continued to take care of Ganesha and me. She kept the apartment cleaned, cooked fabulous meals, and took my furry nephew to all his daily meetups. In between that time, she pulled out her sketchbook and drew up concepts for her new art show that I hoped would be in New York.


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