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Crazy About Curves: 10 Luscious Reads

Page 61

by Adriana Hunter

  Penny drew back, inordinately stung by the answer. “Vince and Nolan...they’ve made this arrangement with someone else?”


  “Oh,” she said, crushed. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Did they say you were their first?”

  “No,” she admitted, feeling stupid. “I just assumed.”

  “Dangerous to assume anything in this life,” he advised, topping off her glass and pouring himself another. “But that’s part of your charm: how willing to trust you are.”

  “So where is Isabel now? Do they still see her?”

  Dillon laughed but the sound had nothing in common with happiness. “My little dove...Isabel is dead.”

  Dead? She drew a shocked breath. She hadn’t seen that one coming. Suddenly, she felt ashamed for the flare of jealousy that had arisen at the mention of the woman before her. “What happened?”

  Instead of answering, he countered, his eyes glittering. “I think it’s time for that kiss.”

  “How did she die?” Penny said, stubbornly refusing to be distracted by the prospect of feeling Dillon Buchanan’s lips on hers. He placed his glass on the coffee table and moved toward her like a cat stalking its prey. Penny wet her lips, her heart hammering hard enough to leave a bruise, but she even as she was pressed against the cushions with Dillon inches away from her face she tried to stay the course. “Tell me, Dillon. I need to know.”

  He shocked her by softly nuzzling the sensitive skin at her neck, murmuring, “Again with the wrong questions, sweet girl,” he said. “The question you should be asking is...what did Nolan and Vince have to do with her death?”

  Penny gasped. “What do you mean?”

  Dillon pulled away, his eyes hot with sensuality and things best left unsaid. Penny felt as if she were sinking in that gaze, drowning in a dizzying whirlpool of need and want. She swallowed, barely able to breathe. “Time to pay up,” he said softly and descended upon her mouth. His lips moved over hers, teasing, taking, and demanding; his tongue tangled with hers and his hand snaked behind her head to hold her tightly. The feel of his grip at the back of her skull, cradling and yet possessive, thrilled her silly. Wild, heady desire whipped through her, chasing away good judgment like a woman with a broom shooing away a feral cat. The minute his lips touched hers, her soul sang in brilliant tones with wild abandon. She clutched at his back, cleaving to him, pressing her breasts against the granite of his chest, desperate to feel more than his tongue sliding against hers. The banked embers of her inappropriate attraction sparked to life, raging with the force of creation until all sense of reason and propriety were burnt to cinders.

  His hand left her head and traveled to her breast, cupping and squeezing, causing her to moan against his lips. She wanted to feel him moving inside her, thrusting so deep until she lost all sense of where he began and she ended. This was the sweetest insanity she’d ever experienced and it was ludicrous and all kinds of wrong but even so, she couldn’t make herself push him away. Good God, no. Being out of his arms would’ve been the cruelest torture at that moment. Her fingers itched to feel his skin, her mouth yearned for the feel of his cock, she wanted to bury her nose against the skin of his thigh and groin, inhaling the masculine scent that was unique to him and him alone.

  “Dillon,” she groaned, lost to all sense of right or wrong. His hands, strong and sure, were creating wellsprings of lust and desire everywhere they wandered. Her liquid core was hot, sweat beaded her brow as she twisted beneath Dillon, impatient for more. She made a small sound of dismay when Dillon broke the kiss, his eyes heavy-lidded with need, and somewhat bewildered by what they’d shared. His breathing was as labored as hers and there was a fever to his cheeks that made his eyes burn like twin coals. “What are we doing?” she whispered. “I can’t do this.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, staring into her eyes, searching. “Say the word and I’ll stop. But if you don’t, I’m going to take you into the bedroom and fuck you within an inch of your life. Do you understand? This is your chance to push me away and I’ll go. If’re mine.”

  Say no. Say the words. Do the right thing. Do not go into that bedroom with him. But Penny did no such thing. And in fact her silence was as much an answer than as if she’d shouted the words. Dillon climbed to his feet and held out his hand. “Come.”

  Penny closed her eyes and slipped her hand into his, knowing she was about to step from a steep ledge without checking if she were going to land safely or flat on her face. But one thing she knew for sure...

  Nothing was going to keep her from that bedroom. Not Vince. Not Nolan. Hell, not even the faint whisper of her conscience reminding her of her promise.

  Tonight...she would belong to the bad boy Buchanan.

  Heaven help her — she couldn’t wait.


  The road to hell wasn’t paved with good intentions — it was paved with the promise of unparalleled pleasure.

  Darkness bathed the room with the illusion of anonymity but Dillon chased away the pitch black with the soft light of the Tiffany bedside lamp. His gaze never left hers, giving her no opportunity to bail or back down. Desire and carnal hunger shone in his gorgeous eyes, beckoning to her like a siren’s call that she was helpless to ignore.

  The saliva dried in her mouth as Dillon peeled his sweater from his body revealing a landscape of perfect male flesh that made her want to kneel before him and worship every inch. “Your turn,” he said, his voice faintly challenging as she continued to stand and tremble like a virgin on prom night.

  “I don't know if I should do this,” she said, her voice trembling. If she was with Dillon there would be no turning back, no pretending that she wasn't aroused by the Buchanan bad boy. “This will change everything.” Was she ready for that? Could she handle the fall-out?

  “Of course it will,” he acknowledged in a deep rumble. “But deep down in your heart you always knew it would.” His voice traveled along her nerve endings like a caress, teasing, inviting. “Give me a chance to show you who I am. Who I want to be for you.” He didn't wait for her answer, but simply took her mouth with his and showed her with the talent of his tongue the promise of the night. Penny clung to him as if he were a life raft, as if he were the only thing standing between her and utter destruction. Her heart thrilled and chased away the doubt that threatened to interfere with the momentous cataclysm heading their way. “That's it, baby girl. Give in to me. I will never hurt you.”

  Penny heard Dillon's words and lost herself to the promise even though she knew she was probably heading for a fall. But that was the thing, being in Dillon's arms was worth the danger, and intensified the thrill. She was likely going to regret going this far but she didn't care. It was wild and reckless but as she fell into a dizzying spiral she was happy to cling to Dillon and lose herself in the moment.

  She pushed away the image of Nolan and Vince, her mind refusing to allow anything that would disrupt the moment between she and Dillon. She suffered no illusions that when the twins realized what she'd done that they would invite her back into their bed but she would just have to cross that bridge when she came to it. Dillon's mouth, hot and fevered, traveled along the column of her neck nibbling along the skin leaving a trail of unmitigated desire in its wake until Penny was gasping and clutching at his solid body, eager to feel him inside her. “From the moment I saw you I knew I had to have you. I'll never forget the sight of you in that blue dress, as the fabric hugged every delicious curve, accentuating your full breasts, and making me yearn for the first time in my life for something that didn't belong to me. The fact that my brothers had the right to your body was more than I could stand.”

  Penny closed her eyes. She didn't like to think about the fact that she'd sold herself to the twins even as much as she loved being with them. Their arrangement went against everything she’d ever believed in, everything she'd ever been taught. Her morals, values, the internal compass her papa had given her to navigate the world �
�� she’d traded it all for the security of money in the bank. She often wondered what that said about her, that she'd been so easily persuaded by the twins. A sudden wash of moisture pricked at her eyes and she squeezed her eyelids shut refusing to let any tears fall. She would not cry, not when she was so close to getting what she’d wanted for so long. She didn't want to acknowledge that deep down her arrangement with the twins bothered her deeply because then she'd have to admit her own hypocrisy. She was slave to the pleasure even if her conscience screamed otherwise. “Just make love to me,” she whispered, not wanting to think or talk. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  In a swift move, Dillon swept Penny off her feet, shocking her with the sudden movement. His muscles strained but she’d never felt so safe nestled in his arms as he carried her to the bed. He laid her down gently, taking time to allow his gaze to savor every inch of her exposed flesh, causing her to blush at his bold perusal. “Strip for me, Penny.” Dillon's gaze burned with need. She shuddered at the pure desire she saw in his eyes. Not even with the twins had she ever felt so needed, so wanted. It was her choice to be with Dillon; he hadn't paid for her body nor would he. Somehow Penny couldn't imagine Dillon ever offering a woman this type of arrangement. She could tell by the subtle derision in his tone when he referenced her agreement with the twins that he felt nothing but contempt for the terms. Penny slowly reached behind to release her bra, trembling as the hooks unfastened to allow her breasts to spring free. Her breath caught as Dillon's gaze widened with open appreciation at what he saw. His voice is rough as he said, “now the panties.” Penny felt exposed with all of her curves on display; her soft belly, her rounded hips, her full breasts — everything that had always given her fits, every aspect of her body that had always made her feel inferior to other women — nothing escaped his gaze. With trembling fingers she slid her panties free from her hips and lifted them free but before she dropped them to the floor Dillon snagged them from her fingertips and brought them to his nose to inhale deeply. At her gasp, he simply smiled, a subtle twist with a wolfish bent of his lips and murmured with complete satisfaction, “The smell of your pussy is better than any French perfume.”

  She stared, still shocked by his bold words yet secretly flattered silly by his blunt honesty. Penny blushed but he gave her little time for protests as he pressed a hot trail of lingering kisses down her belly, pausing at the bowl of her navel before settling between her thighs. He made a sound of deep satisfaction that she felt in her bones then parted her slick feminine folds with deft fingers before plunging his tongue deep into the recesses of her liquid heat, searching and finding that hot, aching pleasure button. His tongue danced and demanding, coaxing waves upon waves of intense sensation from the swollen bud until she was clenching the sheets in her fisted palms, crying out as her entire body rode the crest that his marauding tongue created with expert flicks and sucks. “Oh God, Dillon,” she cried, her head thrashing from side to side, as if trying to escape the building crescendo that threatened to swamp her into oblivion. “I can’t take it. Oh God. Ohhhh God!” Her cries spurred him on, driving her to that final point until there was no option but to tumble helplessly into endless pleasure. “Dillon!”

  And then it happened — clenching, spasming, beautiful agony of the first rate as she came so hard that her toes threatened to cramp. She crashed back to earth, wrung out and exhausted, her chest heaving from the exertion as the waves continued to buffet her body with pleasurable sensations and she was limp as a wet dishcloth. But Dillon was anything but limp and Penny whimpered with equal parts anticipation and trepidation as he palmed his thick, hard cock, his gaze leaving no room for confusion as to what he wanted to do to her next. She shivered and her breath hitched as he said, “On your hands and knees. I want to see that gorgeous ass of yours as I fuck you within an inch of your life.”

  She rolled to her hands and knees and complied even as she trembled. Would Dillon want her rosebud like Vince always did? Penny squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the feel of Dillon’s cock pushing at her tightly closed sphincter but when his touch on her ass cheek was soft and surprisingly gentle as he rubbed her juices along her slit, she realized how different Dillon was from his brothers. He’d sensed her reluctance in the tension in her body and immediately made a move to soothe her fears. She glanced back shyly at him, her hair falling around her. “If you want...”

  “Not this time, sweetness,” he said, a protective tone to his voice that warmed her to her bones. However, he added, “By the end of the night, I’ll know every inch of your perfect body. Including here.” He ran his finger lightly down the seam of her behind, causing her breath to catch. “I promise that by the time I take your ass, you will beg for it.”

  Penny suppressed a shudder. She had no doubt that he had the power to make her beg. Even now, she ached for the feel of him inside her and she’d take him anyway he demanded. But even as he wasn’t pushing her around in a domineering fashion, she felt he was firmly in control of their lovemaking and that awareness caused her to squirm with readiness, desperate to feel him stretching her, owning her tight channel as if she were made for him. She arched her back and leaned forward, giving him the best possible access to her most sacred place, ready for whatever he wanted to give her. “Do it now, Dillon,” she pleaded. “I need you. God, I need you!”

  He chuckled with approval, but even as his finger trailed along the seam of her behind, he bypassed her rosebud and instead, pushed his finger deep inside her hot wet folds. She groaned as he penetrated her with his finger, testing her readiness. She pushed against his invading digit, frustrated when he withdrew just as he began stroking that elusive pleasure spot deep inside her. “So impatient,” he teased, but she could hear the tension in his voice as he strained to hold himself in check. The knowledge that he wanted to fuck her as badly as she wanted him, was a heady thrill that she savored. The small sliver of control tasted like ambrosia. The idea that she had the power to bring Dillon Buchanan to a shaking, trembling mess, bolstered her courage and lowered her inhibitions, unleashing the wanton inside her. “Are you going to fuck me, Dillon? Or are you all talk and no action?”

  “Careful, little girl,” he cautioned in a silky tone. “You might get more than you bargained for.”

  “I can take whatever you can dish out, darling,” she said with a boldly challenging smile.

  “We’ll see about that,” he said, quickly jerking her legs out from under her so that she landed flat on her stomach with an oompf. “Change of plan,” he said when she reacted with confusion. He rolled her over so that he towered over her. His face was achingly handsome, almost brutally so, and for a long moment she forget that she was supposed to be coy and witty and sensual all at once. Staring into those mesmerizing eyes, she forgot all about that. “There she is,” he murmured with approval. “There’s the girl I can’t seem to get out of my mind, day or night.”

  “What do you mean?” Penny asked. Vince and Nolan had always liked when she’d acted all wild and crazy. She blinked in wounded confusion, the fact that she wasn’t as sexually experienced poking at her confidence. Had she missed some sexual cue? One minute they’d been hot and heavy and the next everything had stopped. “Is there something wrong?” she asked, biting her lip. “I thought...”

  He answered by sealing his mouth to hers, positioning his body on top of hers so that his weight pressed down on her, his cock nudging at her opening. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She reveled in the feel of his tongue sliding against hers in a slow, sensual dance that immediately sparked the coals of desire back to life. Within moments, she was writhing beneath him, anxious for that moment when she felt him stretching her open, pounding his hard length deep inside her, pummeling her body with carnal intent. As if reading her mind, he reached down and guided his cock to her heat and slowly pushed himself inside. She froze, clutching at him, as the stretch of her walls accommodated his length and girth, loving how completely filled
she felt by him. He was bigger than either of the twins, which had seemed an impossibility, but in fact, he was so big, she muzzily wondered how he’d managed to hide such a big package behind the cover of his jeans. When he was finally seated to the hilt inside her, he paused, sweat beading his brow as he fought to control his urge to simply pound into her, to ask, “Am I hurting you?”

  “No,” she answered breathlessly, feeling completely stuffed from head to toe with the baddest Buchanan in the family tree. “You’re so big,” she added unnecessarily with a soft squeak as he adjusted for better leverage.

  He laughed at her unexpected comment and she smiled shyly. He kissed her softly, still buried inside her, to murmur, “You’re damn adorable, you know that?”

  “I’ve heard rumors,” she answered, drawing him back to her mouth. Penny loved their banter but right now...she wanted more than his wit and she wasn’t afraid to ask for it. “Now, please fuck me, Buchanan before I go insane.”

  “My pleasure,” he growled, flexing his hips in a sweet, yet demanding motion that hit all the right spots almost immediately. Within moments, they were moving in tandem, working together as sweat beaded their bodies and the musk of their lovemaking filled the air around them. It smelled of sex and hot, dirty love — a combination that was insanely arousing as Penny found herself teetering on the edge of another monster orgasm. “Dillon,” she panted, unable to stop herself. “I’m cumming!”

  Penny stiffened as every muscle responded, contracting in perfect unison as she succumbed to the orgasm that took no prisoners as it barreled down her nerve endings. Her feminine core squeezed Dillon’s cock until he could no longer hold back and flooded her with his cream. She felt bathed in his essence from head to toe, inside and out — and the feeling was unlike anything she’d ever imagined.


  Dillon’s heart pounded in his chest as he slowly recovered from his orgasm. He rolled to his back and closed his eyes, still trying to catch his breath. That was...holy hell, he didn’t have words. One minute he was in control and the next, he wasn’t. She stirred beside him and he realized something had to be said but words failed him. That in itself was troubling. He had to be in control of the situation or else his time investment would be lost. The plan hadn’t called for having true feelings for Penny. And yet...


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