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Bear Seeking Bride: Luke: (BBW Mail Order Bride Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Bear Canyon Brides Book 4)

Page 2

by Ruby Shae

  Seconds turned into minutes as they ogled each other. She briefly wondered if she was being an idiot until a short blond woman with similar features elbowed him in the side. At the same time, someone behind her cleared his throat.

  Mr. Sexy’s beautiful gaze shifted into a glare directed at whoever stood behind her, and she was glad not to be on the receiving end of his displeasure. She hoped it wasn’t one of her friend’s husbands, but a glance at their table insured she didn’t know the man. She did notice six pairs of eyes looking in her direction with rapt attention, and Bree and Dawn seemed ready to jump out of their seats with excitement.

  “Sorry, what can I get you?” the guy behind the counter said.

  You with a side of several orgasms!

  She felt her cheeks heat, but she placed her order, paid, and sat down without making a fool of herself, so she considered the whole thing a win.

  “Oh my god,” Bree said. “Did you see the way he looked at you?”

  “I’ve never seen him completely stunned like that. He always works diligently to get orders out as soon as possible,” said Dawn.

  The three brothers, along with Olive, stared at her with big goofy grins and she shook her head. People in love always wanted to see other people in love. She was flattered by their seemingly mutual attraction, but that’s all it was.

  “Okay, what did everyone order?” she asked in an effort to change the subject. “I couldn’t decide between the turkey and the pastrami, but at the last minute I chose the turkey.”

  “I’ve tried every sandwich on the menu at least once and they are all good,” Trent said. “My favorite is the roast beef.”

  Everyone chimed in with their favorites and by the time their numbers were called, they’d all agreed to another visit before her vacation was over. She had to try the pastrami as well as the Well’s Special which everyone claimed was unlike anything she’d ever tasted.

  Her number had been called at the same time as Bree’s, so Travis picked up her tray for her and she silently cursed his good manners. She was the only one at the table with her back facing the counter, and though she desperately wanted to turn around, she didn’t dare. One look and her friends would get those dreamy looks in their eyes again.

  On the plus side, it was easier to put Mr. Sexy out of her mind because she couldn’t see him.

  The place was crowded and loud, and she fit right in with the other patrons trying to talk over each other. If she’d been facing him, she would have had a nice view, but not as much fun.

  Besides the noise filling the building, the sandwiches were huge and messy. It was impossible to eat one and still look like a lady, but luckily she didn’t have to worry about it.

  She ate with gusto, and laughed, and talked, and enjoyed her friends, knowing she would probably never see him again anyway. If she didn’t look back, she’d miss his censure, and she could keep their original meeting untarnished in her mind.

  Deep down, she could admit the look was something she’d always dreamed of, but in reality she knew it would never happen for her.

  If love at first sight existed, then hate at first listen trumped it for her every time.


  Luke worked on autopilot as he prepared the orders. Even though she sat with her back to him, he’d memorized her beautiful face. He could still see her staring back at him.

  Long, wavy black hair fell over her shoulders and he absently wondered if the slight curl was natural or part of her beauty routine. Dark eyes stared at him from a make-up free face, and the dark red of her slightly parted lips made him want to lean across the counter and lick them.

  Did they taste as sweet as they looked? He had to know.

  He was six foot, one and she was tall, too. If he had to guess, he’d bet she was four inches shorter than him. She’d towered over her girlfriends, and Lily, though most people did, and she was gorgeous. She had ample curves, large full breasts, and a big round ass filled out her jean shorts as she walked away. He wanted to hold her soft body against his hard one and feel her softness around his cock.

  His dick started to harden, but he thought of the one thing that would make it deflate.

  His past.

  He glanced at the woman again, and wondered if she’d be strong enough to accept his past and move forward with a future. Suddenly, her laugh rang out over the din and his cock hardened with no warning.

  What the fuck?

  Again he willed the untimely erection away, but he realized he couldn’t let her get away.

  For the first time in…ever, he’d found a woman both he and his bear wanted with a force he almost couldn’t control. His bear screamed at him to mate with her, but the man needed time to be sure. His baggage wasn’t for the faint of heart, and he was afraid to get his hopes up.

  “We had a deal, Romeo,” Lily sidled up beside him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he tried to play it cool.

  “Liar. I’ve never seen you look at anyone like that, and I have about a hundred witnesses. You have to talk to her. She definitely seems worthy, and you promised.”

  “I know, I’m just kidding. I’m deciding what to say. Doesn’t she have a lovely voice?”

  “Lovely? Oh lord. You’ve got it bad,” Lily laughed. “It’s a very nice voice, brother. She seems really fun, now go say something to her right now because they’re leaving.”


  He wiped his hands on a towel and caught up to her the moment she followed her entire group out the door.

  “Excuse me,” he said. Seven people turned to look at him, but her smile made it all worth it. “Hi again.”

  “Hi again to you.”

  “Hey Luke,” Travis said. “This is one of Bree’s best friends, Caroline Madison. She’s visiting us for a couple of weeks. Caroline, this is Luke Wellington. We’re going to walk ahead a bit.”

  Thank you!

  Travis pointed down the street and the three couples slowly walked away.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Luke,” Caroline said with her hand outstretched.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  When his hand slid into hers, warmth raced up his arm, down his back and straight to his cock. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to strip her bare and fuck her until she screamed his name. He wanted to hold her in his arms all night and wake up with her every morning.

  God damn! I’m going insane!

  He let go of her hand and cleared his throat.

  Caroline watched him with rapt attention and he wished he had the ability to read minds. She probably thought he was a lunatic.

  Might as well get it over with.

  “I know you’re only here for a short time, but would you like to go out with me sometime? Or tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Tomorrow night we’re having a pool party at Trent’s house for dinner. Would you like to join us?”

  A pool party, of course.

  “I don’t swim, but if that’s okay, I’d love to come.”

  “Great! It starts at six. Do you need the address?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  She pulled out her cell-phone and called her friend, and then jotted down the address on a little notepad she pulled out of her purse. When she hung up the phone, she handed him the tiny sheet of paper.

  “Here you go.”

  “Thank you. Do I need to bring anything?”

  “No, just yourself.”

  “Okay. I’d better get back. I’ll see you tomorrow, Caroline.”

  “See you tomorrow,” she said, and then turned and walked toward her friends.

  He looked down at the paper in his hand and noticed she’d dotted the “I” with a tiny heart. Her swirly penmanship made him smile and he shook his head. Lily hadn’t been kidding, he did have it bad.

  He folded the paper neatly and slid it into the front pocket of his jeans before walking back into the shop. He had a feeling his sister and many of the patrons had been watching the exchange, b
ut he ignored their stares when he went back inside and resumed his place behind the counter.

  “So?” Lily bounced on the balls of her feet. “What happened?”

  “Travis introduced us, and then I asked her out.”


  “There’s a pool party tomorrow night at Trent Mallory’s. I’ll be her date.”

  “A pool party?” Lily frowned. “That sucks.”

  “Yeah. I told her I can’t swim, though, and she said she didn’t mind.”

  “Well, hopefully she was telling the truth.”

  “She seemed sincere, so I’m not going to worry about it. If it sucks, I can always leave.”

  “You’re right about that,” Lily smiled again. “I’m proud of you brother. Now let’s get these orders made. We’re a bit behind.”

  Luke welcomed the work. It kept him busy and he didn’t have time to think about Caroline, or the pool party with her friends. He didn’t know the Mallorys that well, but he hoped they weren’t the type to nag or force people into the water when they didn’t want to be there.

  If his shirt got wet, it would ruin any chance he had with Caroline.

  Chapter Three

  Caroline only half listened to her friends as they chatted in the kitchen while Olive finished putting the cooled appetizers on the serving plate. Bree and Dawn hadn’t been kidding when they’d said the woman had talent. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had finger food that tasted so good, and she couldn’t wait to try one of Olive’s famous grilled burgers.

  The second hand on the wall clock made another pass by the twelve and she bit her lip. It was two minutes after six and Luke hadn’t arrived yet. She knew watching the clock was basically self-imposed torture, but she couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Something about him called to her, and she had a feeling it had something to do with his bear. She wanted to ask Dawn and Bree if they’d felt something similar when they’d met their husbands, but she kept her mouth shut. Maybe being in a town full of shifters was just messing with her mind.

  “Stop biting your lip,” Bree admonished, “and stop watching the clock. He’ll be here soon.”

  “He’s late,” Caroline said, deadpan.

  “He’s three minutes late,” Bree said. “Cut the guy some slack.”

  Caroline smiled while the other women laughed at Bree’s reality check. Her behavior was borderline certifiable and she needed to get a grip. She picked up an appetizer, and as soon as she shoved the whole thing in her mouth, the doorbell rang.

  Her eyes widened and her jaw worked to quickly rid her mouth of the offensive bite.

  “Relax,” Dawn said, holding up her hands as if she were trying to placate a scared animal. “Chew. I’ll get the door.”

  Seconds later, she swallowed the food, took a huge gulp of water and looked up in time to see Luke fill the doorway of the kitchen.

  Suddenly, she forgot to breathe.

  He wore a dark blue polo shirt, and a pair of khaki cargo shorts. Black flip-flops covered his perfect feet. His short, platinum blond hair looked like it had been cut since she saw him the day before, and his blue eyes held her captive.

  “Hi,” he said, still looking at her.

  “Hi,” she responded.

  He smiled and she smiled back. They might have stood there all night, but Bree broke the spell.

  “Hi, I’m Bree, and this is Dawn and Olive,” she said, pointing to each girl respectively.

  “It’s nice to meet you all,” Luke said.

  “Caroline, why don’t you and Luke set the table?” Bree asked, handing her a stack of plates.

  Luke carried the handled silverware and napkin basket, and followed her onto the patio. Seeing the three men in the water snapped her out of her trance.

  “Hey guys,” Caroline said. “Do you all know Luke?”

  “Hey Luke,” Travis said.

  “Welcome,” Trent said. “Make yourself at home.”

  “Hey, man, you coming in?” Tyler asked.

  “Oh, Luke doesn’t swim,” Caroline said, answering for him.

  Shit! Why did I do that?

  “That sucks,” Travis said. “If you get too hot, and you feel up to it, the shallow end will only come up to your waist.”

  “Thanks,” Luke said. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “We’d better get the table set,” said Caroline.

  She turned toward the table and Luke followed and placed a napkin and fork next to every plate she sat down. When they were finished, she sat down in one of the chairs and he joined her.

  “Would you like something to drink or some appetizers? Olive’s food is divine,” she said.

  “Nah, I’m good for now.”

  “I loved the sandwich I had in your shop yesterday. In fact, they’ve convinced me I have to go back at least two more times before I leave,” she laughed. “What made you decide to go into that line of work?”

  “Well…,” he paused, and she almost changed the subject when he began to speak again. “When Lily and I were growing up, Lily’s my sister, she works in the shop, too. Anyway, when we were growing up, we had very little, and tons of rules. Especially about food. Our portions were limited and if we took more than that…,” he cleared his throat. “Sorry, I’m rambling a bit.”

  He shifted in his chair, as if uncomfortable, and she couldn’t help but wonder about his past. She knew he hadn’t meant to share so much, but she felt honored he had. She wanted to know everything about him.

  “I don’t mind at all,” Caroline said, smiling at him. “Please, keep going.”

  He nodded and continued.

  “Later, we moved in with an old bear named Joe who had very few rules. They were mostly things like be a good person, help others when you can, that kind of thing. Anyway, we had free reign in the kitchen, and one day I made lunch for the three of us and I went a little wild. I’d piled the bread high with two kinds of meats and cheeses and added ranch, mayonnaise and all the veggies we had in the house.

  “When I was finished, I stood and stared at my masterpieces while shaking uncontrollably. I knew I’d gone overboard, but there was no way to hide what I’d done. When Joe came to check on me, instead of being angry, he praised me and took me grocery shopping. He gave me the tools to try new combinations, and he convinced his friends to be my guinea pigs. By the time I graduated high school, I knew what I wanted to do with my life.”

  “That’s an amazing story. It sounds like Joe was a great role model,” she said, easing into her next question carefully. “What happened to your—”

  “It’s burger time,” Olive said, stepping onto the patio carrying a tray of perfectly molded patties.

  Bree and Dawn followed, each carrying a tray of appetizers. The guys got out of the pool and soon everyone took a seat around the table and talked as Trent flipped the burgers on the grill.

  As much as she wanted to continue her conversation with Luke, she knew it wasn’t the time. She would never embarrass him by bringing up something so personal in front of her friends, so she commented on Olive’s lovely presentation and shoved an appetizer in her mouth.

  As expected, everyone followed her lead, and the conversation flowed around the table effortlessly. Luke wasn’t as shy as he seemed to be, and he fit into their group easily.

  She liked having him by her side, and he seemed to like her in return, but she knew better than to get her hopes up too high.

  The real test would be later, when they were forced to be alone.


  What the hell are you doing? Stop talking!

  No one knew about his past except for Lily, Joe and Drew, but Luke couldn’t stop talking. It was as if his mouth and his brain weren’t connected. The words spilled out effortlessly, and deep down he found that he wanted to tell her.

  Sort of.

  Caroline listened with none of the censure he’d expected, but he’d been relieved when the girls had come out and delayed her next question. Some thin
gs were still difficult to talk about, and he had to remember she was leaving soon. He didn’t want to share everything with someone who would be gone in two weeks. What if she told her friends about his past?


  He mentally cursed as everyone around him laughed at something Bree said. He’d already said too much; he’d have to guard his secrets more carefully.

  He smiled, nodded and listened to Caroline work the group. She definitely had a way with people. Her easy going, friendly nature put everyone at ease, and he was no exception. He blended with her friends flawlessly, and he couldn’t help wishing things were different. If she lived closer, he’d see her as often as she’d let him.

  After dinner, he and Caroline said their goodbyes to her friends and he walked her out to the curb. The sexual tension between them was palpable, and he desperately wanted to kiss her, but more importantly, he wanted to mark her. Her voice soothed him in a way he couldn’t explain and he longed to hear her beg him in the quiet of the night. Suddenly, the lack of noise on the street didn’t bother him like it usually did.

  “Would you like to go back to my place for some coffee?” he asked.

  “That sounds great. I’ll follow you,” she said, motioning toward her car.

  When they got to his house, he waited for her to get out of her car, and then they walked up the driveway together. He opened the door, flipped on the light, let her inside and shut out the outside world.

  He stood next to her in the tiny foyer.

  “I have a confession to make,” he said.

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  “I don’t really want coffee.”

  “Neither do I.”

  He leaned down to kiss her and she met him half way. Sparks flew when their lips touched. When she gasped because she’d felt it, too, he slid his tongue inside her mouth and deepened the kiss. Caroline met him stroke for stroke, and he pulled her closer, but momentarily froze when she placed her hands on his waist. He grabbed her wrists and pushed her back flat against the wall.


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