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The Billionaire Dragon’s Mate (BBW Paranormal Romance)

Page 15

by T. S. Ryder

  Avalon's breath caught in her chest. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? Her heartbeat increased and her hand in his suddenly felt clammy. She wanted him to say the words so badly…

  "My life depends on your safety. I couldn’t live if anything happened to you," he grinned suddenly, eyes twinkling. "Uncle Stane would kill me. Now come on, break's over."

  Avalon's heart fell as quickly as it had risen. Her shoulders slumped and she dragged herself off the bench, trying to ignore the pit of disappointment sinking into her stomach.

  Chapter Seven

  Avalon nervously eyed Vaughn as he stood on a chair in front of her. They were in the training rooms again and Vaughn had the idea that if she could levitate things and blow them up at the same time, then perhaps she could use her defensive levitation as an offensive technique.

  He had a nerf gun in his hands, pointing it towards her. She was meant to levitate the chair he was on since no magic worked on him, while shielding herself from the nerfs.

  "I don't know about this." She swiped some of her short hair from her eyes. "What if I blow up the chair and hurt you?"

  "You won't," he said, his voice confident. "You have the skills to do this, Avalon. You're just doubting yourself."

  Well, that was the truth.

  Avalon took a deep breath, tucking her hands into her pockets. It was easier to do these spells if she could make the hand gestures, but Vaughn insisted that would give her enemies time to counter the spell and in a fight, she needed every advantage she could get.

  As Avalon let out her breath, she was able to raise the chair. It was easy and her shoulders relaxed. As Vaughn shot off the first nerf at her, she summoned a shield. It sparked pale orange around her, stopping the nerf in place. He emptied the gun and though there was a slight strain on her mental barrier, the chair remained in place and none of the nerfs hit her.

  "Good!" Vaughn jumped from the chair, landing lightly on the floor, making almost no noise despite his impressive muscular configuration. "Now how about you use the levitation as an offensive weapon now?"

  Avalon caught onto his meaning right away. She swung the chair at him and he danced out of the way, laughing. As he was distracted by the clumsy chair pursuing him around the room, Avalon raised one nerf half an inch off the ground and trailed it over to him. By the time he noticed it, the nerf was at his feet. Avalon shot it upwards, bopping him on the nose.

  She laughed at the look of surprise that came over his face and bombarded him with the rest of the nerfs. He smacked them all away, hands moving so fast she could hardly see them and Avalon clapped her hands, delighted, as she kept tossing the nerfs back at him. Vaughn grabbed one of the chair legs, trying to tug it from where it still hovered over his head, but couldn't budge it.

  "I am so good," Avalon bragged, doing a little victory dance as the nerfs bounced off the dragon's chest.

  Vaughn grinned and leaped towards her. His skin turned fire-engine red and smooth, shiny scales burst from his pores, covering every inch of him with tiny, glittering armor. He ripped off his shirt and Avalon gasped. Large, leathery wings burst from his back and his face lengthened. His mouth gleamed with serrated teeth.

  It was only when his arms closed around her waist that she realized she had dropped her shield. As he swung her around, growling with curls of smoke coming from his wide nostrils, she shrieked.

  Not from fear, though her heart was suddenly pounding as hard as it ever had. There was a tremor of fright racing through her blood, but it was the type of fright that dilated her pupils and heated her everywhere his body pressed against hers. The type of fright that sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine.

  The dragon faded from him, leaving him with pale skin that was just a little too pink, with his hard, muscular chest under her fingers. She couldn’t breathe. What was he going to do?

  "Make me let go of you," he ordered, pushing her against the wall. "If your enemies are this close, you're physically helpless."

  She opened her mouth, wanting to tell him that she didn't want him to let her go, she never wanted him to let her go, but the words got stuck in her throat. Vaughn chuckled, moving his mouth slowly towards hers.

  Abruptly she was angry. How dare he? He knew her feelings for him–it wasn't like she could hide her reaction to him and there was a reason he no longer walked around the dorm without a shirt on. And he was using her feelings for him to put her in a position where he demanded she fight him off, knowing full well she couldn't.

  "Let go of me," she seethed.

  "Make me."

  Avalon summoned her shield, hugging it against her body. Glaring into Vaughn's blue eyes, she thrust it outward, expanding the shield. His hair rippled, but his grip on her was just as firm as it ever was.

  His lips were almost against hers and he stopped. He stared into her eyes and maybe he saw the anger in them because he let her go and stepped back. His chest heaved, as though he had run a marathon, and he shook his head.

  "I shouldn't have done that. I apologize."

  "No," Avalon said. "You shouldn't have."


  Avalon trained with Madame Fire for the rest of the day. It surprised her that Vaughn would leave her alone with somebody that wasn't him for so long, but she wasn't going to complain. She needed some space from him.

  The past four months had been her and him in close quarters constantly. And though that hadn't really bothered her, the way he almost kissed her earlier did. It was humiliating the way she wished he hadn't changed his mind, especially when all she wanted to do was forget it.

  For the last three hours of training Madame Fire just had her meditate and so Avalon was feeling much calmer and energized when Vaughn came to collect her. They didn't talk as they walked back to the dorm, but just outside the door Vaughn stopped and faced her.

  "Avalon, about earlier—"

  "It's fine. I don't want to talk about it. Let's just forget it happened." She smiled at him, not wanting to bring up those feelings again.

  "It's not fine. I acted… inappropriately. I wasn't thinking. Well, I

  was, but I was only thinking about how close to you I wanted to be."

  Avalon's eyes widened.

  "I know it's wrong. You're a witch, a Lady Grey, future keeper of the keys of Albian. I am meant to be your protector. But it seems what you really need to be protected from is me. I… I have been falling in love with you a little every day. I'm weak, I don't know how to keep myself from you."

  "Then don't," Avalon whispered. Her heart hammered. He loved her?

  Vaughn looked at the floor and let out a soft laugh. "You're not going to ask where I went earlier today, are you?"

  "Why should I? We both needed space, and you made sure I was with somebody who could defend me if it came to that. If you think I'm angry because you left me with Madame Fire—"

  "That's not it at all." One of his hands caught hers and his thumb stroked the back of her hand, sending shivers of pleasure up her arm. "I didn't leave you alone today because I needed space. I left because you were angry with me and I wanted to do something so you wouldn’t be angry anymore."

  Avalon's brow furrowed, and Vaughn opened the dorm room. She gasped.

  He'd moved the bed and desk into the kitchen, opening up the space as much as it could be. Paper ribbons crisscrossed over the ceiling and glow sticks were scattered all over the floor. As Avalon stepped in, she became aware of soft, sensuous music playing.

  Vaughn turned off the lights. The glow sticks lit the dorm in soft light, making it feel cozy and romantic. Avalon turned to Vaughn, smiling, tears in her eyes.

  "You were upset that you couldn't go to Elsa's dance, so I thought I'd bring the dance to you."

  "It's perfect," she whispered, choking on her words. "I'm not dressed for a party, though."

  Vaughn stepped closer, brushing his fingers along her cheekbone and into her hair. "You're perfect."

  His arms twined around her and she responded by pu
tting her arms around his neck. They swayed side to side, not really in time with the music but not caring. Avalon felt desire stir in her and saw Vaughn's pupils dilate. Slowly, as though he was afraid she was going to pull away, he lowered his lips to hers.

  Chapter Eight

  The kiss was everything Avalon had hoped it would be.

  His lips were firm and demanding against hers and a peculiar smoky scent she hadn't noticed before filled her senses. She ran her tongue over his lips, enjoying his taste and his arms tightened around her. He thrust his hips forward, grinding against her and Avalon gasped as her body instantly responded.

  His hands moved up her shoulder blades, resting against her neck. Avalon leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his head. A buzzing started at the base of her skull like she'd had a couple of beers, but her mind was perfectly clear. As Vaughn's thumbs stroked the pulse in her throat, she moaned into his mouth.

  "Avalon," he whispered, moving his mouth to her neck. Bolts of electricity traveled through her bloodstream, pooling in her core. "You're so beautiful."

  His words sent unexpected sparks through her. As confident as she was in her looks, hearing those words was always so nice. She pulled him closer, letting her head fall back.

  "You're so handsome… your body is perfect."

  "I know." He chuckled into her skin, tickling her with his breath. She instinctively squirmed away, giggling.

  In response he spun her around, pinning her hands to her side as he kissed the back of her neck. Avalon ground herself against him, groaning.

  "What do you want me to do?" he hissed in her ear.

  "I want you to take me."

  His hands ran down her body, tracing every curve, before returning to her breasts and squeezing them. "Should I rip off all your clothes and take you like an animal?"

  "Yes!" She reached for her waistband but he grabbed her hands and returned them to her sides.

  "Or should I undress you slowly and kiss every inch of your body?"


  "Which one?"


  Vaughn laughed as he spun her around again, catching her face in her hands. She was hardly aware that he was walking her backward. She was fully engrossed in his tongue flicking into her mouth, fast and wicked, seeming to find all the right spots to fill her with a pooling desire. Both panted, chests heaving, hands dancing over each other's bodies.

  The cool air brushed against her skin as he tugged her clothes off, his eyes roaming over her body as though he owned her–and she found she loved it. She loved the raw power, the possessive need in his face as he tore off her lacy bra, fondling her breasts, teasing the nipples with his fingers as he pushed her onto the bed and kissed her hip.

  Avalon lost herself, pleasure coursing through her as his mouth focused between her thighs.

  She never wanted this to end, but it did–just long enough for him to swing her higher onto the bed and crawl over her, parting her thighs with his knees.

  His mouth was on hers again, she tasted herself on his lips, and then he was inside her, thrusting with all his strength. She cried out as pleasure bolted through her, grasping at his shoulders. He pulled back, staring into her eyes, his lips curled back into a snarl.

  He finished suddenly and violently, biting her neck before he grew still. Her fingers ran down his back, feeling his muscles bunch and relax. She breathed heavily, gulping in, trying to find words that could describe what she was feeling.

  Bliss? Or ecstasy? She'd never done drugs, but couldn't imagine it would feel better than this. And he hadn't even brought her to climax with him! How much better would it be when he did? She grinned, imagining it.

  Eventually, he propped himself onto his elbows. "I'm sorry."

  "Sorry?" she gasped.

  "I lost control."

  Avalon bucked her hips upwards again. "I want you to lose control again."

  His eyes widened. "You liked that?"

  "Loved it." She curled his red hair around her fingers. "I've been waiting for this for so long…"

  Vaughn groaned. "I know. You think I didn't notice those looks you gave me? Your blushes, the way you checked me out when you thought I wasn't looking, the way you'd bend over or flip your skirt up… It's been torture trying to resist you."

  "I'm sorry I was torturing you," Avalon said demurely, batting her lashes.

  He groaned again, pressing a searing kiss to her mouth. "You're doing it again."

  Avalon moaned into his mouth and they spoke no more.


  They held hands when they left the dorm the next morning, headed for the Offense building to get some more training in.

  Avalon couldn't stop grinning, though her body ached for Vaughn's with every step she took. He had insisted that they get to sleep around one, even leaving her in the bed alone to make sure she couldn't tempt him into changing his mind.

  "You know," she said casually, leaning against him. "Some people say bigger women are better lovers. Is it true?"

  "Definitely," he grinned at her.

  Avalon laughed, but the sound was drowned out by a sudden, terrifying screech. She jumped, head jerking from side to side as she looked for whatever it was.

  A huge dragon flew low over the Arts building. Its leathery wings beat the air, the narrow head on the end of its long neck swinging back and forth until it narrowed in on Avalon. It was covered in white skin, thick and wrinkled like an elephant's, with two legs ending in gigantic talons. A whip-like tail streamed behind it, ending with a nasty-looking barb.

  "Wyvern," Vaughn whispered.

  His arm shot out, slamming into Avalon's chest. Pain shot through her ribs as she flew back. She landed with a thump on the grass and saw a large stinger where she had been standing seconds ago. The wyvern ignored Vaughn, swooping in towards Avalon. She scrambled backward and dived under one of the stone picnic tables that dotted the ground.

  Claws scraped against the stone. Avalon shuddered, drawing a magical shield around herself.

  An enraged roar rang in her ears. Something streaked over her and the white wyvern collapsed onto the ground next to the table, writhing. Avalon slipped out from under the table as it struck out. A Red Dragon stood over the wyvern, flames licking from its mouth. Vaughn.

  Avalon gaped, forgetting the wyvern for a moment. She had never seen Vaughn in his dragon form before and he was magnificent.

  Everything was sharp points and spikes on him, his red scales gleaming in the sunlight. Four feet like eagle's talons flexed and slashed as he leaped at the wyvern. His tail ended in a spear point that stabbed towards the wyvern.

  The White Dragon avoided his strike and took to the air, opening its mouth wide. A cloud of stingers came from the back of its throat, shooting towards Avalon. Vaughn let out a pained roar and let himself drop into the path of the stingers. Avalon screamed.

  The wyvern made a sound like laughter–until the stingers bounced off of Vaughn's scales. It whirled around and sprang into the air, rapidly beating its wings.

  Vaughn did not chase it. He turned, grabbed Avalon in his front talons and launched himself into the air.


  The ground swaying beneath her made Avalon sick twice and when Vaughn finally set down in a clearing halfway up a huge mountain, all she could do for a few seconds was lie still. By the time she regained her senses, Vaughn had set up a lean-to with cedar branches and started a fire.

  Avalon moved closer, shivering. There was still snow on the peaks around them, and she was only wearing a t-shirt. Vaughn was completely naked, but Avalon couldn't bring herself to admire his body right now.

  "Do you believe me that somebody wants you dead now?" Vaughn's expression was furious and he stood, pacing back and forth. There was a red glow around him, like an aura of fire. "I let my guard down."

  "My parents," Avalon said. "I need to let them know I'm okay."

  "Do you have your cellphone?"

  Avalon patted her empty pockets and her heart

  "We have to stay here for right now. There could be more of them," Vaughn said. He knelt beside her and put his arms around her shoulders. "Uncle Stane will find us. Right now we have to stay away from public places. That was too bold. Something's changed, they’re confident they can get away with it."

  "Who? The Ladies of the Lake?" Avalon thought she might be sick again.

  "Maybe. Whoever it is, they're serious, sending a dragon after you…" Vaughn pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

  Avalon closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around him. He was scorching hot but she was so cold that she welcomed it. What are we going to do now?

  She didn't dare ask–she couldn't imagine how it could be answered.

  Chapter Nine

  "Why can't we just go home?" Avalon snuggled closer to Vaughn's chest, tucking her freezing feet under his kneecaps.

  It had been three days since the wyvern attack and he stayed in a semi-shifted state, skin red and rough with scales, half-formed wings protruding from his back, heat radiating from him.

  They had found a shallow cave to stay in and Vaughn hunted for food while Avalon practiced her magic. Fear was a great inspiration or else Vaughn's kisses after she completed something correctly were. She was able to dramatically improve on the techniques Madame Fire had taught her.

  "I've seen the wyvern a couple of times while I was hunting," Vaughn replied. "If we tried to make a break for it now, we'd be caught. I can't fight it off and fly with you at the same time."

  "But what about before? Why come here instead of home?" Avalon knew she was whining, but she was tired, cold and hungry.

  She missed mattresses, hot food, her parents. What would they be going through right now? Did they hear about the attack at the school? Were they desperately searching for her?


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