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Rule of Three (Carnal Coeds #3)

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by Suzanne Rock

  Rule of Three

  Book #3 of the Carnal Coeds Series


  Suzanne Rock

  Rule of Three

  Book #3 of the Carnal Coed Series

  Written by: Suzanne Rock

  This e-book is contains excerpts that are works of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © April 2012 by Suzanne Rock

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Suzanne Rock. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Cover Artist: Suzanne Rock

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Excerpt from Two Are Better Than One


  Chapter One

  Shana did her best to hide her embarrassment as her boyfriend, Odin, argued with the two hunky men behind the sign-up table. She was never one for confrontation, and Odin’s outrageous behavior was only making their situation more difficult.

  “I don’t see why we can’t be in the other class.” Odin put his hands on the table and leaned in close to the rugged, auburn-haired instructor. “All of you are teaching beginners classes. I’ve known the other instructor for years and feel more comfortable with him. What’s the big deal?”

  “It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known each other. The rules state—”

  “Damn the rules.” Odin slapped the table and glanced at the man’s name tag. “And damn you, Nolan, for not taking me seriously.”

  “Is this all really necessary?” the handsome instructor next to Nolan asked.

  Nolan flexed his thick fingers over the signup sheets, as if preparing to connect his fist with Odin’s face. “We aren’t in charge of the schedules, Mr.—”

  “Finley. Odin Finley. Bah.” Odin pushed himself off the table. “I don’t see how your organization can stay in business if you can’t grant a simple request—”

  “It’s too late to accommodate requests, Mr. Finley.” The man sitting next to Nolan said. His voice was smooth, cultured and calm as he leaned back, revealing the kayaking company logo on his shirt. “If you wish for a refund, we can talk to accounting and arrange something—”

  “Just leave it, Odin.” Shana placed her fingers in the crux of her boyfriend’s elbow and felt him stiffen. She paused, not wanting to anger him further, but decided that someone had to intervene. There was a line behind them, and she couldn’t take up any more of the handsome instructor’s time. “All of the groups will be together for the most part. Besides, this weekend was supposed to be about us.”

  “All of the groups will be together in the beginning, Mrs.—” Nolan turned his gorgeous blue gaze to her.

  “Miss.” Shana shifted her gaze to his and felt her heart flutter in her chest. Damn, he was good-looking…and unnerving. It was as if those eyes could see right into her soul. “And it’s Parks. Shana Parks.”

  “Shana.” Nolan’s gaze softened. “I’m Nolan. I’ll be your guide.” He stretched out his hand. Shana took his firm, comforting grip and ran her gaze over his angular features. The man looked amazing. He was nothing but muscle, but not the kind one got at the gym. No, Nolan’s lean, athletic frame was the kind that came from an active, outdoor lifestyle.

  Shana used to lead an active life before Odin. This trip was, in part, his way of appeasing her constant nagging that they get off the couch and do something fun together.

  She guessed that if Nolan was her boyfriend, she wouldn’t have to nag him to go hiking or camping, or even kayaking. He’d be right there next to her, laughing the whole time.

  “And I’m Jag.” The man seated next to Nolan extended his hand. Shana switched her gaze to the other instructor and was captivated by his eyes. While Nolan’s were piercing, Jag’s hazel gaze was warm and inviting. Combined with his tousled latte-colored hair and day-old stubble, the man looked like he stepped off the pages of an outdoor magazine.

  Before she could shake Jag’s hand, Odin pushed it aside. “Now that introductions are out of the way, what can you do about changing our group?”

  Nolan started to stand, but Jag placed a hand on his arm, stopping his movements. After a brief exchange of glances, Nolan settled back in his chair and sighed.

  “Mr. Finley,” he said. “Like we’ve mentioned before, both groups start out together with the same beginner kayak instructions: exiting and entering, equipment instruction, basic paddling, bracing and so forth. Then we paddle to the other side of the lake where we camp. Those in the lake kayaking course will stay there. Those in the whitewater course will go with us and learn how to navigate class I and II rapids along the Penobscot. You and your girlfriend chose to take the rapids, which is where Nolan and I will be taking our group. Your friend, Mateo, will be keeping his group at the lake.”

  Odin made a very ungentlemanly-like noise and pushed his whitish-blond hair from his face. “Then we’ll stay at the lake as well.”

  “But—” Shana tightened her grip on Odin’s arm. She had always been fascinated with whitewater kayaking, but never had the chance to try. Odin knew this. When he had brought up this weekend-long class in Maine as an apology for cheating on her, she couldn’t resist. While she wasn’t sure that their relationship could be saved—there was just too much baggage to overcome—she really wanted to give whitewater kayaking a try. Besides, she and Odin used to have so much fun together. She was hoping that this trip could recapture some of that adventurous spirit they seemed to have lost.

  “No.” Odin dragged his gaze over to where the lake kayaking group was assembling. “I don’t want us to get all wet. We stay at the lake.”

  Shana followed his gaze to where Mateo was talking to some blonde chick with big boobs and a tight ass. Shana glanced down at her flat chest and pear-shaped frame and realized why her boyfriend wanted to go with the other group. So much for working on their relationship.

  Normally Shana would just go along with what Odin said to avoid a fight. This time was different, however. This was about their relationship, not him getting some fair-skinned piece of ass. Besides, she really wanted to do this. She couldn’t give up the chance to whitewater kayak without a fight. “But we agreed to do the rapids. You said that this was so we could spend time together and reconnect. If you are with Mateo—”

  Odin held up his hand, stopping her words. “Fine. We’ll do it your way. We always do.”

  Shana wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but Jag interrupted her thoughts.

  “It’s just as well. There’s not enough room in the other group for you both to switch groups.” He leaned in closer to Nolan, and Shana noticed that they made a striking pair in their matching green T-shirts and cargo shorts.

  “It filled up pretty fast,” Nolan added as he dragged his piercing blue gaze over Shana’s body, causing a warm, tingling feeling to spread out over her skin.
br />   Odin frowned at Mateo and his busty companion and returned his attention to the men. “Where do I sign?”

  Jag handed him a bunch of papers. “Here, here, and here.”

  Odin started scribbling furiously. “Your turn,” he said as he shoved the papers in Shana’s direction. “I’m going to go talk to Mateo and see if I can’t work something out.”

  “But—” Shana said, but Odin had already dismissed her. “I wanted to take the rapids,” she whispered as she watched the lanky frame walk away from her and secretly hoped his pasty skin would fry to a crisp while they were out on the water.

  “What an idiot,” Jag murmured. He widened his eyes and turned to Shana. “Sorry. I didn’t realize I just said that out loud.”

  “No problem. I know he’s an idiot.” She took the pen and signed her name on the papers, releasing the kayak company of liability should she get hurt. “This trip was supposed to be our last big effort to save our failing relationship. Some bonding time away from the pressures of our lives.” And his cheating. Shana had discovered Odin’s indiscretion by chance and, after an explosive confrontation, had broken up with him. Two weeks later, he came crawling back, wanting to try again. At first Shana said no, but when he mentioned the kayaking class, she couldn’t resist. It was such a sweet and thoughtful gesture, especially since she knew that Odin hated spending time out doors because of his fair complexion.

  “A kayaking adventure is a great way to begin a new chapter in your life. I should know.” Nolan put his arm around the back of Jag’s chair. “It’s how Jag and I met, and it’s our love of the outdoors that held us together and helped us start this business.”

  Shana offered him a shy smile. “That’s great.” She glanced over to where Mateo and Odin were flirting with the blonde. If she didn’t know any better, she’d guess that the best friends were engaged in some type of macho contest where the bimbo was the prize.

  Jag placed the papers in the filing box at his feet and followed Shana’s gaze. “I never did like Mateo.”

  “No,” Nolan agreed. “I didn’t either. He spends too much time flirting with Bree and not enough time being a guide.”

  Shana realized that Bree must be the bimbo the men were fighting over. She was the complete and total opposite of her physically. Shana’s mocha skin and pear-shaped frame couldn’t compete with the cute, freckled beauty.

  “I thought that once they started dating, things would calm down, but they’ve only gotten worse,” Jag added.

  “That’s Mateo’s girlfriend?” Shana asked. Funny, Odin had never mentioned her before. And yet, she could tell by how the three interacted that they had hung out together before—without Shana.

  Hurt and frustration welled up in Shana’s chest, but she pushed it aside. She had no right to be jealous. If Mateo was dating Bree, then she wasn’t the whore Odin had slept with, the one named ‘pickles69’ who kept sending him dirty texts on his phone.

  “Hey lady, are you done yet?” someone asked Shana from behind.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve taken up too much of your time.” Shana forced her gaze away from the trio and focused on Nolan and Jag.

  “Nonsense, Miss Parks.” Jag’s warm smile melted away her insecurities and caused a fluttering in her lower abdomen.

  “Shana. Call me Shana.”

  “Shana.” He flashed her a seductive half-smile and raked his gaze over her latte-colored skin. “Pretty name.”

  “Just so you know,” Nolan said. “There’s one spot left in Mateo’s group, but only one.” He winked and slid his arm around the back of Jag’s chair. Shana was struck once again by how powerful and captivating the pair looked together. Jag’s tanned skin was a perfect contrast to Nolan’s fair complexion. Shana had always loved the affect of light-on-dark, which was one of the reasons why she had been so attracted to Odin when they first met.

  It was more than their skin tone, however. The men looked at her as if they were assessing her body and discovering that she was just what they were looking for. The raw hunger and yearning in their gazes was unnerving yet compelling at the same time. Without even trying, the men had made her feel more beautiful in a few, short minutes than she had felt during her entire relationship with Odin.

  “I, uh, thanks.” Shana moved to the side and let the next person in line sign up. She rubbed her arms and mulled over Nolan’s words. What could he possibly mean? If there was only one opening in Mateo’s group, it was just as good as having no openings. Both she and Odin couldn’t switch groups, which was fine with her. The less time he spent with Mateo and the blonde, the better.

  Besides, she didn’t want to switch groups. There was something about facing the rapids that excited Shana. Sure, they were rather tame, but there was something thrilling about navigating one of Maine’s largest rivers on her own. It had been a long time since she had done anything so adventurous. She could hardly wait.

  She thought about going over and breaking up the little triad but decided against it. The more time she spent with Odin, the more she realized that things just weren’t going to work out between them. They were too different. Even before Odin had cheated on her, things didn’t feel right. Odin was too selfish and needy. Shana wanted more from her relationships. She wanted something like the triads her friends Hannah and Becca had back at college.

  Her friends’ relationships were considered a little unconventional, and Shana didn’t delude herself into thinking that a permanent ménage relationship was for her, but it seemed to work for her friends. Shana wanted that same kind of love and affection. It was becoming more and more obvious that Odin wasn’t going to give her what she needed.

  Shana frowned at Odin and Mateo. Odin’s behavior was embarrassing. Part of her wanted to go over there and break up with him on the spot for flirting with Bree. The other part of her didn’t want to create a scene. Odin had already drawn enough ill-will toward them earlier by holding up the line. She didn’t want to distance herself even more from the other students—or from the handsome instructors.

  She turned her gaze back to the men behind the table. Nolan and Jag were so incredibly handsome, but they were more than that. They were nice to her. Shana couldn’t remember the last time a man treated her with respect. Mateo and Odin were too self-centered for that. She sighed as she remembered how Nolan put his arm around Jag’s chair, and how familiar they seemed to be with each other. It was a damn shame that they were both gay. She could have totally gotten into a relationship with one of them—or both.

  Fuck, now Hannah and Becca’s relationships were starting to affect her. While ménages worked for them, they were rare. It would never work out for someone like her. Besides, the men were just being friendly because it was their job to be nice to the customers. They had no real interest in her.

  She sighed and curled her arms around her middle. Perhaps she should just endure the weekend and then break things off with Odin—again. It was better to be single than to put up with such torture. On the other hand, it looked as if she might not have to break up with Odin after all. Judging by the way the man was flirting with the blonde, it seemed like he had already moved on from the relationship.

  * * * * *

  Nolan leaned over to Jag as the last student left the table. “She’s been watching us for the past hour.”

  “I know.” Jag flashed him a knowing grin. “Have you been thinking what I’ve been thinking?”

  Nolan frowned. “But she has a boyfriend.”

  “One who obviously has no interest in her.” Jag shrugged. “Look, I’m not talking anything serious, just a little fun.” He slid his hand under the table and dragged his fingers up Nolan’s leg. “Let’s face it. Anything can happen out in the wilderness.”

  Nolan’s cock stirred as his lover inched toward the apex of his thigh. “This is true.” He slid his arm along the back of Jag’s chair and leaned in until his lips hovered over his lover’s ear. Fuck, he loved how this man felt, how he smelled. Jag was like the sun in springt
ime, stirring up his libido after a long hibernation. He’d give his right arm to drag Jag away from the crowd of students and have his way with him. Not now. Soon, though. Very soon.

  He toyed with the edge of Jag’s shoulder as he spoke. “We’ll just have to find some way to get rid of that boyfriend.” Nolan was tempted to kiss the sensitive spot right underneath Jag’s ear, but didn’t dare. There were too many people watching. He steeled his jaw and forced himself to lean back.

  “Hmm...” Jag focused his gaze on where Mateo, Odin and the blonde were gathered a short distance away. “Leave that to me.”

  Nolan raised his brow. “Taking charge, are you?”

  Jag turned to Nolan, his gaze softening. “You know that I always like it when you take control. In this instance, however…” He shifted his gaze back to the group. “I think I know just what to say to make everything fall into place.” He nodded toward the group. “Take a look at them.”

  Nolan forced himself to look away from his lover and turn toward Odin, Mateo and Bree. “Yeah?”

  “I suspect that this Odin might be the very one Mateo keeps telling us about.”

  Nolan raised his brows. “The one he’s had a crush on for decades?”

  Jag nodded. “The one he’s afraid of losing if he confesses his love.”

  “What about Bree?”

  “She’s a tool, a catalyst he’s using to make Odin more comfortable and explore his feelings.”

  Nolan rubbed his chin. “Makes sense. He’s been asking me a lot of questions about how you and I go about seducing women together.”

  “Bingo. Mateo swings both ways, and I’d bet my life that Odin does, too. He just doesn’t know it yet.” Jag grinned and slipped his hand up to cover Nolan’s swollen shaft. “All the trio needs is a little time alone together, so Mateo and Bree can give Odin a little…push in the right direction.” As he said ‘push,’ Jag curled his fingers around Nolan’s shaft.


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