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Planet DAN-X34

Page 3

by Lamees Alhassar

  “The exact building cells of plants on Earth?” Andrews asked.

  “Yes. For some reason, they are not green. Rather, the chlorophyll pigment here is what we can see as yellow, red, or blue. Isn’t that remarkable? And it is just so colorful! I am pretty sure that future tourists will be very attracted to them.”

  “I agree with you on that, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews said.

  “And the size of the leaves,” Richard continued. “I wonder if it plays a part in the collection of gases from the atmosphere, as well as synthesis of their food. Or perhaps it could be some kind of self-defense mechanism.”

  “All those are possible explanations, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews said. “The good thing to note is that they are all non-toxic, at least not to us humans.”

  At that point, they were flying directly over a huge expanse of water. Anyone could tell that this was a body of water, perhaps because of the way it was moving and the waves that were being generated by the force of the winds that were blowing. However, the color of the water and the waves were entirely different from what people were familiar with back on Earth. Rather than being a shade of light blue, the water that was flowing underneath them was actually yellow. And considering the huge expanse of water that was flowing, it looked as if someone had poured a bowl of orange juice onto a floor of white marble. That was the image that they could see because the ocean floor was sparkling white, and it was quite visible, even from that height.

  Richard enhanced the image that he was seeing and started to study the flowing yellow water.

  “Is this an ocean or a sea?” Richard asked as he peered over the waves underneath the shuttle.

  “We think it might be an ocean, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews replied.

  “And I can see some fishes inside it as well,” Richard said as he watched some dolphins and whales swim by. The fishes all had the usual dark brown colors of fishes back on Earth, and their fins were exactly like those on Earth. “But how can they be surviving in such water?” Richard asked.

  “I think that there is a pigment in the water that gives it its strange yellow coloration,” Andrews said. “The water is equally perfectly harmless and supports life 100 percent. But that is just the color that it has adopted on this planet.”

  “Wonders shall never end,” Richard said. “And the ocean floor’s sand is almost pure white, if not perfectly white.”

  “Actually, there is so much we still do not know of the planet. There is just so much that remains to be explored. As of now, we have barely been able to map a fraction of the entire planet. It is just too big, and filled with such an abundance of resources and vegetation that it will take a while for us to completely cover it.”

  “I see,” Richard stated. “Anyway, in spite of that impediment, I do not foresee anything that might hinder our tourism plans for this planet.”

  “No, Mr. Daniels. I don’t think there will be any obstacles whatsoever.”

  “For now, we should focus on just some portions of the planet, and then open it for tourism events. And then as we explore, document, map, and develop other new areas, we will open those places for tourists as well. That way we can be sure that no one gets exposed to any sort of danger. But I know that such an occurrence is very unlikely.

  “I vividly remember that when we first did a broad, planet-wide sweep survey of Dan-X34. During that exercise, we were able to determine that there were no unusual species on the planet. Unusual in the sense that there were no dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals on it. From the reports that you have sent me, I know that as of today, we have identified a wide array of animals that have similar resemblance to those on Earth. This means that in a short while from now, this planet will be a haven of sorts for people who have interests in studying its animal and plant life. I was amazed when you said that the animals do not have any fear or aggression. How is that possible? This is really a piece of good news. Our tourists are going to be extremely delighted with the prospect of being able to interact with the various animals and birds.”

  “They will love it tremendously, Mr. Daniels, because there is absolutely nothing to fear from them. They are extremely harmless and not aggressive in any way. Besides, we have determined that almost the entire flock of animal, bird, and fishes are herbivores, which means that they depend on the planet’s rich vegetation for their food and sustenance. We are still searching, but so far we have not discovered any carnivorous or harmful creatures on this planet.”

  “I can just imagine the thrill that tourists are going to experience once they begin to interact with our animal life forms here on Dan-X34,” Richard said. “And this is not to talk of the potential interest that will be generated by science and research institutes as well.”

  “You are very right about that, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews replied. “Already, we have gotten some preliminary requests and expressions of interests from scientific bodies back on Earth that are highly interested in studying the life forms on this planet. Of course, we have told them that their requests will be kept until we commence frequent flights and tourist activities.”

  As they approached the planet, it soon became possible to recognize and distinguish between the vast expanses of land, vegetation, and large bodies of bright-yellow and orange water.

  The space shuttle flew into the wide expanse of land and began to decelerate. On its side was boldly marked the inscription of his company, “Galaxy Exploration Initiatives GEI Traveler.”

  As it decelerated, its engines began to also simultaneously reduce their thrust and power. In time, it had landed in a clearing.

  The doors opened and Richard Daniels stepped outside. He looked around and admired the details of all that was around him. He did not pay particular attention to his colleagues, who were still unbuckling themselves from their seat belts inside the shuttle.

  Richard was impressed at what he was seeing around him.

  There was so much plants, and vegetation all around. The trees were tall and very leafy, with plump fruits hanging from their brown branches. The ground was littered with lush grasses and shrubs that were red, blue, and yellow in color. Every now and again, it was possible to see clusters of bright-yellow, red, or white flowers gathered together.

  “This is extremely beautiful,” Richard said.

  “Mr. Daniels!” Andrews called out after his CEO. But he could not stop Richard.

  Richard ran for a while and looked around. As he did so, he saw the other members of the crew gradually come out of the shuttle, each holding a laser rifle that they pointed in front of them, as if anticipating danger. When they decided it was safe, they lowered their laser rifles and began to watch Richard with amazement written all over their faces. They could not believe how happy and excited their CEO was.

  But Richard did not care what might be going on in their minds. At that moment, he was indeed the happiest and most excited man in the entire universe.

  “You are excited, Mr. Daniels,” a voice came over the internal communication system embedded in Richard’s headgear. On checking the glass visor, he could see that of the four names on it, Andrews’s name was highlighted in yellow with an inscription by its side that said: IN COMMUNICATION WITH YOU.

  Richard shook his head. “Excited? Professor, did you just say that I am excited? You are very wrong. I am overwhelmed with excitement! You don’t know how I feel. In fact, words cannot begin to express what I am going through at this moment. I knew this new planet must have something to offer. Apart from the preliminary reports you made available to me, I felt deep within me that Dan-X34 was going to be special. This is GEI’s thirty-fourth planet so far. Wait until we sign on more trade agreements with our alien trading partners. It is going to be simply mind-blowing!”

  “I agree with you,” Andrews said. “It is indeed a beautiful land.”

  “Just look at this place!” Richard said. “It is like a brand-new, virgin version of our own Earth. So pure, and untouched by any being whether human, alien, or otherwise.
I am pretty sure that this how Earth was when it was initially created. At that time it had not yet been contaminated and polluted with the fallouts of industrial and technological advancements.”

  Andrews wanted to make a comment. But when he looked at his employer, he saw that Richard was already pressing a button by the side of his headgear. Alarmed, Andrews started to rush to his CEO’s side. “Sir, what are you trying to do?”

  “What do you think I am trying to do?” Richard asked as he started to disconnect the headgear.

  Before Andrews could do or say another thing, Richard had already removed the headgear. He was still holding it in his hands as he took a deep breath of the fresh air and exhaled.

  The professor and the crew members stood transfixed as they watched Richard. They must have been expecting the worst to happen to their CEO for inhaling the air from the atmosphere of an unknown planet. But they were mistaken. Rather, Richard turned around to face them with a broad smile on his face.

  He adjusted the earpiece on his head. “So this is the way Earth looked when it was created,” Richard said through the mouthpiece.

  “Are you okay, Mr. Daniels?” Andrews asked.

  “Of course I am, Professor. Why are you asking me such a thing?”

  “Your headgear, sir. You should not have removed it. We barely know anything about this planet,” Andrews replied.

  “We know everything there is to know, Professor. The aliens gave their assurance to me that this planet has Earth-like atmosphere; exactly like Earth, but far more endowed than it. What did you expect? The air is perfect. It is so refreshing and crisp, very much unlike what we are used to breathing on Earth, where the air has already suffered from pollution from cars, factories, and other technologies. I am sure that the exhaust fume from our shuttle was the first time there was ever a deposit of contaminated air on this planet. And just look at the surrounding environment! I cannot remember when last I saw such fresh and rich vegetation.”

  One of the pilots came forward holding a tablet computer. “The purity level of air is very high, Professor,” he said. “Not polluted at all. I cannot remember when last we saw such air. It is unbelievable,” the pilot said.

  “This is remarkable,” Andrews replied. He then turned to Richard. “I think I have to agree with you, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews said. Now convinced that his employer was in good health, Andrews also took a careful look around, peering at the trees and shrubs and flowers around.

  Richard bent down and picked up one of the blue flowers that were scattered all over. He looked at it, admiring its beauty and design. He then smiled with a look of triumph and accomplishment. “Professor,” Richard said, still smiling, “This planet, this Dan-X34, is nothing more than our chance, Earth’s second chance. It is our opportunity to create a better and a more ideal Earth than the one we already know of.”

  Richard started to walk across the ground towards the nearest shrub. He was followed by other members of the crew. They then came out into another clearing from where they could see much more of the landscape that was ahead of them. The scene that lay before them was extremely beautiful.

  Richard pointed into the trees at the animals that were jumping to and fro. “Are those things monkeys?” he asked.

  Katrina raised her tablet computer at the treetops and took a picture. She then made some brief analysis using the tablet’s diagnostic system.

  “From what I can see, they are very closely related to chimpanzees on Earth, sir,” Katrina replied.

  “Wonderful,” Richard remarked. “Professor, can you imagine what we can do with this world? Can you just begin to visualize the scope of things we can accomplish on this planet?”

  “I can only imagine, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews replied.

  As they walked some more, the team came across various types of animals. The animals looked similar to those that were back on earth. However, they were very colorful and beautiful. They had bright colors on their skins, furs, and feathers for the birds.

  On closer observation, Richard and his team realized that the animals were not aggressive, not confrontational.

  “It is almost as if they are not afraid of us,” Andrews said.

  Richard nodded. “You are very right about this, Professor. It is if they think that we do not pose any sort of danger to them, Professor.”

  “Their color patterns seem to be reacting directly with the atmosphere, sir,” Katrina called, holding up a monitor.

  “What do you mean by that, Katrina?” Richard asked.

  “I viewed some of the antelopes and gazelles through my computer console. It appears as if their skin reacts to the atmosphere of the environment, much the same way that chameleons back on earth behave as well,” Katrina replied.

  “But chameleons use theirs as a form of disguise and shield,” Andrews said.

  Katrina nodded. “That is true, sir. But these are not even bothering to shield themselves. Rather, they seem to be enjoying the display of beautiful colors.”

  As they walked around some more, they came into contact with even more radiantly colored bears, rhinos, and hippopotamus. None of them confronted the visitors from earth.

  “I bet this is the first time that they are coming into contact with any other beings apart from themselves,” Richard stated, on observing the reactions of the animals towards them.

  “This planet is an absolute virgin planet,” Andrews nodded. “It has not had any sort of contact with the outside world. How is this possible? How did it remain so preserved and excluded from other explorers and alien beings?”

  “I really wish I knew, Professor. But who needs to start asking such questions?” Richard asked. “I’d rather want to extend my gratitude to our alien partners for offering to enter into trades with us. It is truly a masterpiece.”

  “You are very right about that, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews said. “Meanwhile, I have already directed the engineers with us to record as much of the scenery, vegetation, and animal life as possible. They are presently doing so with their tablets, as well as the onboard cameras on the Traveler shuttle.”

  “That is very intuitive of you, Professor,” Richard smiled. “I want you to get me clear images of this particular landscape, as well as others that you will notice around. I have already started to visualize what kind of structures and facilities will be erected in each place.”

  Michael pointed ahead of them. “Sir, speaking of structures, I think we are in view of some already.”

  The entire team members turned around and looked at the towering structure in front of them. It towered higher than the trees and hills close to them. There were three of them, and their tips were pointing out of the top of the trees like triangular needles. Their surfaces had a brown color on it.

  “What are those things?” Richard asked, pointing.

  “They are obviously some sort of physical structures. From their size and the similarity of their design and pattern, we can tell that they are not mountains or hills,” Andrews said.

  “Is there a way to determine exactly what we are looking at from this distance?” Richard asked.

  “Of course there is, sir,” Katrina said. She switched on her tablet and typed some keys on it.

  “What are you trying to do?” Richard asked.

  “I want to generate a hologram projection of those structures, Mr. Daniels,” Katrina replied.

  “A hologram? Will that be possible from this distance?” Richard asked.

  Andrews nodded. “I think it will be, sir. We developed an in-house software that can project and generate 3-D holograms of any structures, no matter their distances. Katrina should be running the most current version right now.”

  “The most current version?” Richard asked.

  “Version 3.0, sir,” Michael added. “It was upgraded to suit other atmospheres and environments that might not be carbon-based like that of Earth.”

  Richard nodded. “I see. This will really be interesting to see.”

  A matter
of minutes later, Katrina looked up. “I think I have got something ready. Let me generate the images in 3-D and expand it for us all to see.”

  Katrina placed her tablet on the ground. As she did so, a blue and yellow ray of light began to emit from the four corners of the tablet. And then a 3-D hologram image was formed.

  The image was floating about four feet above the tablet. It showed the trees and some hills. But none of the crew members were interested in the trees and vegetation. Neither were they interested in the undulating terrain or the surrounding hills.

  What caught everybody’s attention were the three identical towering structures that loomed high above the tree line and the hills. They were placed in the formation of a triangle.

  Each of the structures resembled a prism, and it was their highest peaks that were sticking out of the top of the trees.

  “Pyramids?” Richard asked.

  “Impossible,” Katrina said.

  “Impossible?” Andrews repeated. “But we are staring at them right now, and yet you say ‘impossible.’ Where is your inquisitiveness and drive, Katrina?”

  “I meant, how could this be here? What are pyramids doing here?” Katrina asked.

  “And not just one, but three of them, all located very closely together?” Michael added.

  “Now you are talking like the scientist that GEI knows you to be,” Andrews said. “With a mind full of curiosity. We can now advance to inspect these pyramids and find out what we can about them.”

  Andrews turned to Richard. “Or what do you think, Mr. Daniels?”

  “There is nothing to think about, Professor. That is why we are here in the first place. We have come to explore and discover all we can about this planet. We better go and check it out immediately.”

  The team then advanced forward towards the pyramids.

  As they approached, they discovered that they were massive in size and structure.

  “Sir, each of them is bigger than the Giza Pyramids of Egypt back on Earth by at least eleven times,” Katrina said, looking at her tablet’s console. “My tablet has been able to cross-reference their surface areas and volumes with the data available on those on Earth. These things are simply awesome.”


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