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Planet DAN-X34

Page 12

by Lamees Alhassar

  “How come we were not told about the gates?” Andrews asked.

  “They were actually surprised that I was not aware of the gates, because we have multiple gates on Earth,” Richard said. “And that is why we are going back there. This tablet is going to take us to its exact location. Now, once we get there, it will equally assist us in travelling to the four planets.”

  “I don’t understand, Mr. Daniels. How are we going to travel to these four planets?” Michael asked.

  “First, we have to get to Dan-X34,” Richard said. “Once that is done, we will be able to gain access to the four planets, which are actually our primary destinations through one of the three gates on planet Dan-X34.”

  “This is really a unique method of travel,” Andrews said. “From what I can see, this is a form of multidimensional space travel. We are all familiar with the territorial environment of Dan-X34. Unlike other planets that exist closely with other planets in a large solar system, I recall that we never did see any other planetary bodies that were close by.”

  “Except for its three moons,” Katrina added.

  “This is really something, to be able to travel to other distant worlds from one distant world,” Michael said. “Maybe these other four planets are located in other systems, galaxies, universes, or even dimensions!”

  “And we thought we were more advanced and well ahead of our competitors when it comes to space and interstellar travel,” Andrews remarked.

  “Well, I will say that we are still very much ahead of them. And with this trip, we are going to solidify that lead forever,” Richard said.

  “We are going to meet with alien mercenaries, right, Mr. Daniels?” Andrews asked.

  “Yes, you are correct, Professor,” Richard replied.

  “Are they friendly to humans?” Andrews asked.

  “Friendly? Well, the alien businessmen assured me that they are obviously business-minded and customerfocused. So, I assume that they must be friendly and easy to interact with. Otherwise, why would the universe continue to go to them if they weren’t?” Richard surmised.

  “I think that is comforting enough,” Andrews said. “I just wanted us to be sure before we jetted out. I wouldn’t want us to get stuck and not know how to deal with hostile aliens. You know, there is nothing as bad as encountering an alien who is not only hostile towards you, but one that you cannot even communicate with.”

  “I can imagine, Professor. But I think it will not be like that,” Richard said.

  “Alien mercenaries,” Michael said. “This is going to be a good trip.”

  “Okay, Katrina. You can sync the shuttle’s systems with the tablet so that this trip can commence,” Richard said.

  “Yes, Mr. Daniels,” Katrina replied. She then turned on the shuttle. Immediately, the tablet started to glow. Katrina placed it on the dashboard of the Shuttle and it clamped onto it firmly.

  “Sir, the device has synchronized with our shuttle completely,” Katrina said. “From the feedback on my monitors, it has taken over our navigation, surveillance, and engine thrusters and systems. We are effectively on remote autopilot right now. We should begin taxiing any moment.”

  “Thank you, Katrina,” Andrews said. “We had better settle down and get buckled in then.” The crew of the shuttle quickly buckled their seat belts and settled down while they waited.

  In a short while, the engines of the shuttle began to rev. An electronic voice crackled and came over the speakers.

  “Autopilot has been engaged. Stealth mode configured successfully. Coordinates set and calibration of speed, distance, and time effected. Launch time to initial destination set for eleven seconds. Commencing countdown now,” the voice said.

  On the console on the monitor, a timer appeared.

  …11, 10, 9, 8,….

  Richard looked around the shuttle. All of the crew had settled in and were waiting for departure. They all looked excited at the prospect of embarking on a new space adventure to unknown destinations.

  He relaxed himself into his seat and closed his eyes.

  …4, 3, 2, 1, 0,…

  “Launch in progress,” the electronic voice said, and the shuttle lurched forward. Their shuttle began to speed across the runway at GEI Operations, then it took off and headed up into the sky.

  *** The screen of the tablet was beeping. When Katrina looked at it, she could see a data stream displaying on it.

  We have just come out of a successful space jump, Katrina thought to herself as she analyzed the readings on the monitor.

  “It is already logging and streaming the outcome of our space jump as being a successful one,” Katrina said.

  “Is it? To log a space jump shouldn’t take much time. Why is it still beeping?” Andrews asked.

  “I think it is trying to analyze our present location,” Katrina said.

  “Analyze or communicate?” Andrews said.

  Richard pointed outside the window in front of them. “Do we really need the analysis of the tablet? We can visually see where we are. I presume that DanX34 is the planet just ahead of us.”

  The other crew members looked ahead and saw the planet coming closer to them as they sped towards it.

  “I guess you are right, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews said. “Aren’t those the three moons of Dan-X34?”

  Katrina nodded. “You are very right about that, Professor. And the tablet is already giving us scientific confirmation. Here on the screen it has displayed our position and highlighted us as well.”

  “Are you sure we are still in stealth mode?” Richard asked.

  “Yes, Mr. Daniels,” Michael replied. “Our shuttle is flying in stealth.”

  The Traveler shuttle soon got into Dan-X34’s orbit. As it did, the crew members were silent as they watched the unfolding scenes below them. First there were the usual vegetation, flat, and undulating landscapes, and huge bodies of water. Next came the hills and rocky mountains. Then they arrived at what used to be their structures and facilities.

  The ruins of the destruction were still very visible. Everything had been destroyed; heavy equipment lay strewn and scattered all over, while buildings were lying in ruins and rubble. The debris from the collapsed buildings was heaped in several places, and there was an air of desolation and abandonment everywhere.

  The shuttle continued to move. They were flying well above the scenery, just close to the clouds of the planet.

  “Any indication that we are alone?” Richard asked.

  “I am trying to spot movement using our own surveillance systems, sir,” Katrina replied.

  “I cannot get a visual of anything out of the ordinary,” Michael said as he peered through a pair of binoculars in his hands. “It is just the animals and wildlife that we are already familiar with, sir. Nothing seems out of place.”

  “Maybe the giants are at the gate of the planet,” Andrews suggested.

  “Doing what?” Richard asked.

  “Perhaps guarding the gate?” Michael asked.

  “Why would they be guarding the gate? It wouldn’t make any sense,” Richard said.

  “Let us all keep an open mind and let the tablet do its work,” Andrews said. “I am sure we are almost there. Let us worry about crossing that bridge when we come to it.”

  “A bridge? I thought Mr. Daniels made mention of a gate?” Michael joked.

  “The professor was just using a figure of speech, Michael. Come on, where did your mind pick up bridge from?” Katrina asked.

  “But that is what the professor made mention of.”

  Andrews gasped and pointed outside. All of the shuttle’s occupants followed, turning their gaze to the direction that Andrews was pointing.

  Outside, they could see the cluster of pyramids not too far ahead. They looked as massive as they once were when they were all last there.

  But it was not the pyramids that had caught the professor’s attention. There were thirty giants close to the pyramids. And they looked menacing and deadly as they surveyed the

  “The Tarvians are here! Let us hope that this tablet will not fail us but work as the aliens forecasted,” Richard said. Just then, the tablet started to beep.

  …proximity to planetary gate…

  …adopting stealth maneuver measures…

  And then they suddenly stopped moving.

  Richard looked out of the window. He could see that they were very close to the first pyramid. There were some mountains around them and lots of trees close by with some flowing water like a sea, and a shoreline very close to it. “Why did we stop moving?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, sir,” Katrina said as she crosschecked the monitors and panels close to her. “I cannot detect any reason why.”

  Michael was peering through his binoculars again. “And neither can I see anything out of the ordinary. The giants are not attacking us. In fact, they are looking past us as if they cannot see us here,” he said. “We are just hovering here in one spot.”

  “They cannot see us because we are in stealth mode. I am sure the tablet is calculating the best means to maneuver through them to get into the nearest pyramid,” Andrews said.

  “I think you are right, Professor. Otherwise, I see no reason why we would still be in one place for such a long time. It is a good thing that the shuttle is not visible to the giants because of our stealth mode,” Richard said.

  “Look!” Andrews said, pointing at the tablet.

  On its screen, a message was being printed out.

  …pyramid selected…

  …gate identified and successfully unlocked…

  …adopting evasive maneuvering to arrive at selected gate in

  selected pyramid…

  …evasive maneuvers implemented….

  “But where is the gate?” Katrina asked.

  At that moment, the tablet typed out another message.

  …planetary gate unlocked…

  …access granted to shuttle…

  At that moment, the shuttle began to move forward once again. As it did so, it veered through several trees and mountains, and sped silently towards where the giants were standing close to the pyramids.

  And then right before them, one of the huge pyramids began to appear. The pyramid was several times the size of the shuttle. It seemed to have polished metal edges that glistened in the light of the planet.

  All of sudden, one of its sides began to slide open. As it did so, they could see what appeared to be light emitting from deep within the pyramid.

  From the shuttle, they could see that all the giants had turned around to look at the pyramid. But they did not know what was going on. They only stared at each other and frowned.

  Richard chuckled. “The tablet is really working properly. They must be confused as to why the pyramid is being opened without seeing who is opening it.”

  “Exactly, Mr. Daniels. They never even saw us pass through it because this is the first time that we have succeeded in such a maneuver, by making use of stealth mode,” Michael said.

  “How could they? In stealth mode we will be both physically invisible and electronically undetectable to them and their devices,” Katrina said.

  By this time, they were now flying inside the pyramid.

  The tablet began to communicate again. Its screen came alive and it began to display another message.

  …searching out four planetary destinations…

  …four planetary destinations found and called up…

  …four planetary destinations reviewed as follows: Vernia, Ishbant, Tendroa, Mendetl…

  …coordinates for four planetary destinations called up and inserted…

  …coordinates for four planetary destinations relayed…

  …relay of coordinates to planetary gate successful and accepted…

  …coordinates to first planetary destination inserted…

  …coordinates relayed to planetary gate successful…

  …shuttle proceeding through the planetary gate…

  …departure for first planetary destination: Vernia in progress…

  In time, the shuttle reached the center of the pyramid in which the bright light was located.

  Without pausing, the shuttle accelerated and flew straight towards the beam of light. As it did, the crew of the shuttle felt as if they were being swallowed up by the pyramid.

  And then, the shuttle disappeared completely from the pyramid.

  The crew of the shuttle knew that they were now inside the pyramid. But what they saw around them looked so strange. The shuttle was in motion, flying fast, right through what appeared to be a tunnel with many rocky formations all around. Occasionally, they would encounter what seemed to be a constellation of stars shining brightly. At other times, they would see a bright sun whose light seemed to illuminate the entire region along their path.

  “Are we still inside the pyramid?” Michael asked as they were moving through the dark environment, populated by stars and other bodies.

  “The tablet is not really saying anything except ‘flight destination to Vernia in progress,’” Katrina said.

  “Wait, didn’t Mr. Daniels tell us that we would use the gate to access the other planets?” Andrews asked.

  Richard nodded. “That is very right, Professor. The gates were the access point to those planets.”

  “Then that means we are not inside the pyramid anymore but rather on a different path that connects these planets to one another,” Andrews said.

  “This is wonderful!” Katrina exclaimed. “It must be like some kind of secret doorway or secret passage between these planets. Otherwise, we would not have had to fly back to Dan-X34 in order to gain access to any of these four planets.”

  “I wonder, since Earth has its own secret gates, could it be possible to gain access to other planets outside of our solar system from our gates?” Michael asked.

  “That is an important theory to be worked on, Michael. Especially when one takes into consideration the fact that we can already travel directly to other planets in our own solar system,” Andrews said.

  “Of course, Earth has its own secret gates,” Richard said. “I was told that there are actually a number of them. I am sorry to be the one to discourage you all, but I really don’t think we should be thinking of exploring Earth’s gates and where they could lead to. I am sure you can imagine the consequences of such a venture, and I am not enthusiastic about placing Planet Earth at any kind of risk.”

  “I agree with you, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews said. “Still, the human mind can be so curious. And then there is the scientist’s mind that is always asking, what if?”

  “Professor, I admire your inquisitiveness, but for now, I think we should concentrate our minds on the journey ahead and what it will take to salvage Dan-X34 from the hands of these giant Tarvian invaders. Who knows; if we are successful, we might explore Earth’s gates and the worlds and planets that are connected to it,” Richard said.

  “That will be all right, Mr. Daniels. Even science is never rash about such things. Moderation is always in good order,” Andrews said.

  The tablet’s screen lit up at that moment.

  …proximity to Vernia achieved…

  …proceeding to debarkation point…

  “We are here already,” Katrina said as the shuttle started to land.

  “We’d better put on our headgear and activate the air purification systems in our suits,” Michael said. “The shuttle’s systems are pointing out that the atmosphere is not suitable for us to breathe in.”

  The crew members then put on their headgear and clipped them down over their space suits. Once this had been completed, the door of the shuttle was opened and they prepared to disembark.

  Richard looked around. “I can see a lot of trees here, as well as rocks,” he said, pointing into the distance.

  “Trees? Did you say trees, Mr. Daniels? Those things don’t look like trees at all, sir,” Andrews said.

  “Is it because of their strange colors, Professor?”
Katrina asked.

  Andrews nodded. “The trees we are used to are normally green. But these ones here all have leaves that are white and different shades of blue.”

  Michael pointed ahead of them. “And look at those solid structures on the ground below. The ones that are covered all over in pink. Are they supposed to be rocks and boulders or what?”

  “Well, they just might be rocks of some sort. I mean, they have similar molecular structures, except for their external colorations, which are pink,” Katrina said, looking up from a monitor.

  “But we should not be fooled, sir,” Michael said, raising his tablet. “Apart from the fact that their colors are very different from our own trees back at home on Earth, they don’t seem to have any roots.”

  “Are you sure?” Richard asked.

  Michael nodded. “Absolutely, sir. My system is giving me pollution levels that are very high. These might really not be plants of any sort. They don’t have green leaves, and I still cannot make out any roots,” Michael continued to say.

  “Look!” Katrina exclaimed suddenly. They all turned their attention to the direction in which Katrina was pointing.

  All around them, they could see that the illumination from outside was reducing drastically.

  “What is happening? Are we under attack?” Richard demanded.

  “I’m not too sure, sir. It is the trees and rocks,” Katrina said, looking around the monitors on the console.

  “What is wrong with the trees and rocks?” Richard demanded. By now, the entire environment around them had become darkened.

  “This is strange, sir. They are forming a cocoon around our shuttle,” Michael muttered.

  “A cocoon? What do you mean by a cocoon?” Andrews asked.

  “It’s true, sir. Take a look at the playback on my system,” Katrina said, handing over her tablet.

  Both Andrews and Richard watched the playback on Katrina’s system. They could not believe their eyes as they saw their shuttle suddenly get surrounded by the same trees and rocks that they had been admiring earlier on.


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