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Match Point

Page 3

by Chelsea Dorsette

  Although it seemed like his home life couldn’t be any worse, half way through his senior year things took a very dark turn. His mother was arrested and thrown into jail for drug possession with intent to distribute. With her gone, Dayan’s father began drinking even more and became violent. His older brothers had since moved out and Dayan became his father’s punching bag. Feeling he had no other choice, Dayan dropped out of school, packed up his car with the few meager things he had and left the hell he used to call home.

  Over the next year Dayan’s life was miserable. With no particular direction in mind except to get out of Florida, he headed north picking up odd jobs whenever he could. Most nights he slept in his car, but every now and again he could squeeze enough money together to get a sleazy hotel room so he could properly bathe and sleep on something other than the back seat of his car. Being a high school drop out with no marketable skills, Dayan knew finding a good job was going to be challenging. Thinking that maybe he could try putting his tennis skills to some use he decided to head to South Carolina, apply at some tennis centers and see if for once, luck would come his way.

  Chapter Seven

  Kelly and Patrick were quickly becoming an item and they saw each other as much as time would allow. Kelly was improving markedly on the tennis court and her writing was progressing nicely.

  As she stood on her side of the court waiting for Patrick to lob a ball so she could practice her overhead shots she teased, “OK big guy. Let’s see if you can get that ball to reach me!”

  Scowling at her he shot back in a challenging tone, “Oh I can get the ball to reach you, little lady. The better question is can you hit it and keep it in the court?”

  Feeling a bit miffed by his slight diss on her overhead skills she responded, “You’re darn right I can!”

  Amused by her over-confidence he decided to make things interesting. Gesturing for her to come up to the net, he said in a low voice so no one could hear, “Since you seem quite confident in yourself, how about we make a little wager?”

  Curious to what he had in mind, Kelly put one hand on her hip, cocked her head and said nonchalantly, “Name it.”

  Scratching his chin thoughtfully he continued, “I will give you fifteen lobs to return. For every one you miss or goes out, I get to put you over my knee tonight and spank you as many times.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “You must be kidding!” she said in disbelief. As Patrick just stared at her, she knew emphatically that he wasn’t kidding. In fact, she could see he was actually becoming more and more delighted by the idea. Just thinking about her bare bottom being slapped by his big hands sent Kelly’s body into overdrive. The thought of it was so sexy, she could feel her pussy getting wet.

  “What’s the matter, darlin’?” Patrick teased. “You chicken?”

  Just hearing his arrogant tone made Kelly huff and sputter. Turning and walking away from him she called over her shoulder, “Bring it on! I’m not scared of you!”

  Patrick wanted to laugh out loud at her competitiveness but contained himself as he got back into position on the court. Standing face to face he called out, “Ready? Remember to keep count on how many you miss!” Without further ado, Patrick sent the first lob up in the air and Kelly smacked it right into the net. Smiling broadly Patrick teased, “Looks like my hand’s gonna be pretty busy tonight if you keep that up!” Glaring at him while mumbling something unintelligible under her breath, Kelly waited for the next lob. Ten minutes later the challenge was over. Kelly was so flummoxed by the bet that she tried too hard and much to her dismay, she was going to be spanked nine times. Perhaps by the time the evening was over, Patrick would either forget about the bet or confess he had just been kidding. Secretly, she hoped he wouldn’t.

  All through dinner Kelly and Patrick chatted easily and teased each other about the wager from earlier in the day. Yet Patrick made no mention of spanking her. Kelly was beginning to think that he did change his mind. She was too embarrassed to bring it up and would never admit to him that she had thought of nothing else all afternoon.

  Kelly had never been spanked before. As she tried to picture the scenario, she became so horny that she had difficulty keeping her mind on the story she was writing. By the time Kelly met Patrick for dinner, her body was so worked up that she wanted to jump him but instead, played it cool. When Patrick suggested after dinner that they go play miniature golf, Kelly thought she was going to come out of her skin. What she wanted desperately was to go back to his condo. The waiting to know whether he was going to spank her or not was torture and she was now beginning to feel like it wasn’t going to happen after all. Hiding her disappointment, Kelly agreed to miniature golf.

  As they proceeded around the golf course, Patrick was once again amused by how competitive Kelly was. Every time she missed a putt she would mumble profanities under her breath so as not to offend others on the course. But Patrick heard every single word and thoroughly enjoyed her antics.

  By the time they got to the 5th hole, Kelly began to tease and taunt Patrick in an effort to try to get him to miss his putt. After successfully getting the ball in the 5th hole despite her best efforts to make him miss, Patrick faced her squarely and said, “You are being a very naughty girl taunting me like that. I think what you need is another wager to add to the one from this afternoon.” Kelly’s stomach did a flip flop. He hadn’t forgotten! She was secretly thrilled but was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much she wanted it.

  “Oh yeah?” she replied. “So far you’re all talk and no action. But I’ll hear you out.” Ignoring her challenging remark he leered at her and laid out the bet. Kelly was stunned at his proposal. A thousand thoughts raced through her head and a shiver coursed through her body. If she took the bet, what was she getting herself into? Kelly’s mouth wanted to say no, but her body was saying yes, yes, yes. Her competitive nature was also saying yes. Looking up at Patrick and seeing the smug look on his face was the last straw. She took the bet.

  Chapter Eight

  Shortly after arriving on Hilton Head Island, Dayan applied for a tennis instructor position. Jeff Michaels, the owner of Palmetto Dunes Tennis Center wasn’t willing to start him as an instructor because he felt Dayan was too young and inexperienced. However, Jeff was willing to start him out in the maintenance department. Desperate for a steady job, Dayan took it.

  For three years he took care of grooming the courts and doing maintenance around the grounds. He envied the tennis instructors but kept his jealousy hidden. Finally in his fourth year, he was promoted to work in the clubhouse. Although Dayan was grateful for the job change and a slightly higher salary, he absolutely detested dealing with people whom he considered to be a bunch of rich entitled snobs spending money hand over fist on clothes and accessories they didn’t need. Day after day Dayan held his tongue as the tennis instructors paraded in and out of the clubhouse with their students. Finally after two years of catering to the over-privileged, Jeff approached him and offered him the long awaited position of instructor. What Dayan hadn’t known was that over the years when he would use the ball machine or play matches with various locals, Jeff would surreptitiously observe him. He knew the kid was good. Damn good. But the boy’s personality made him a bit wary. With the high season about to descend upon them and being short an instructor, Jeff decided to give Dayan a shot. He would just have to keep a close eye on him.

  It didn’t take long for Dayan to see that there was an unspoken hierarchy amongst the instructors and he was at the bottom. All of the lessons he was scheduled for were with kids. He hated kids, but had no choice other than to suck it up because his long term goal was to be the club director one day and he didn’t want to make waves. In addition to getting kids day after day, Dayan was also stuck with old people. Being that a fair amount of the income instructors earn is through tips, he was making squat. The kids didn’t have money and the old farts were cheap.

  Over the next few years, Dayan fum
ed about how Patrick, the senior instructor, got all of the good tipping guests and members. His resentment over this got stronger with each passing year and his anger and jealousy boiled inside of him. In addition to the fact that Patrick hogged all of the good tipping members, it was also obvious that the women fawned over him and requested him when scheduling their lessons. That just pissed Dayan off to no end. The guy seemed to have everything Dayan didn’t have: good looks, a chiseled physique, all of the good tipping students and a personality everyone loved. To make matters worse, Dayan recently heard through the club gossip mill that Patrick was dating that hot-looking strawberry blonde who recently joined the club. The same gal who Dayan had his eye on! Just when Dayan thought he couldn’t get more jealous and pissed off at Patrick, he was hit with the ultimate blow. Jeff, the club owner had recently made an announcement that he was looking for a new club director.

  This announcement was one that Dayan had waited for and worked toward for years. He knew he was the best man for the job and lobbied hard for it. Dayan concluded that since he had started at the bottom in maintenance and worked his way up over the years, he was the best candidate to oversee the overall operations of the club. He could all but taste it and with his usual arrogant sense of entitlement, Dayan was already making plans for what he would do once he was promoted. What he wasn’t prepared for, was being passed over for the job. What he wasn’t even remotely prepared for, was being passed over in favor of Patrick. For Dayan, that was the last straw. It was pay back time.

  Chapter Nine

  After Kelly and Patrick arrived back to his condo after playing miniature golf, they sat drinking a glass of wine and absentmindedly watching TV. Kelly was starting to feel a bit nervous about what she had gotten herself into making those two bets, especially the one from tonight. But her pride would not allow her to show that she was nervous.

  As the news report came to an end, Patrick reached for her hand and said with a sexy undertone, “I think it’s high time you pay up for your lost bets.” Kelly couldn’t help but give him a defiant smirk to try to throw him off. Undeterred, Patrick stood up and pulled her with him. “Come on,“ he coaxed. “Naughty girls who make bets and lose need to pay up and that’s just what you’re going to do.”

  As Kelly followed Patrick into his bedroom, she was completely aware of how her pussy was throbbing and aching with sexual excitement. She could feel the warmth of her female juices secreting onto her lower lips and all her erogenous zones were on fire.

  Stopping at the end of his bed Patrick instructed, “It’s time I get my hands on that bare naughty ass of yours. But first, I want to watch you undress…slowly.” Kelly was so turned on that her hands were shaking slightly but she managed to unbutton her blouse and push it to the floor.

  “Keep going,” Patrick coaxed. “I want to see those beautiful big tits and sweet, sweet rosy nipples.” Giving him a shy smile, Kelly did as he asked and was pleased to hear him let out an appreciative moan when her breasts spilled out of her bra. As Kelly began the process of unzipping her pants, Patrick watched intently while fondling his cock from the outside of his jeans. Kelly loved how much she turned him on. It made her feel beautiful and desirable.

  Standing before him completely naked, Kelly watched Patrick turn around and walk over to the dresser that stood a few feet away from the end of his bed. When he turned back around to face her, she could see that he was holding a small video camera in his hand. Kelly gasped! He couldn’t possibly be thinking about video taping her spanking, could he? And if that was his plan, would she allow it? Kelly was stunned and speechless. As she watched him fidget with a few buttons, it became very clear that Patrick was intent on taping what was about to happen and was not looking for her to weigh in on the matter.

  Placing the camera in position on the dresser, Patrick walked toward her while ripping off his T-shirt. Kelly could see a small blinking light on the camera and knew it was recording. Wanting to please him, she made no objection. Without a word, Patrick sat down on the end of the bed and looked up at her. Taking her hand in his, he said in a quiet steady voice, “Now let’s review how you got yourself into this, shall we?” Nodding her head, Kelly remained quiet while he continued. “Your spunky competitive nature got you in this position, didn’t it?” Kelly nodded again. “First, you made a bet thinking you could hit all fifteen lobs. You missed nine of them, so the first thing I’m going to do is spank you with my bare hand for the missed overhead shots.” Keeping his steady tone, Patrick continued. “Obviously not learning your lesson from the bet you made on the tennis courts, you later challenged me on the golf course and made another bet, which you will also pay up for tonight. If you recall, you made that second bet with me on the 5th hole. That left thirteen remaining holes once you took the bet. You missed eight putts. Therefore, you will be spanked an additional eight times but these will be delivered to your bottom with any object of my choosing.”

  All Kelly could do was nod her head in affirmation. She had agreed to those rules and now it was time to pay up. The next thing Kelly knew, Patrick pulled her toward him and she was across his lap in seconds flat. She felt vulnerable but also sexy because she trusted him.

  In a matter of fact tone Patrick said, “Let’s begin, shall we? I would advise that you count out loud, as I may forget where I am and spank you more than nine times.” Before Kelly could say another word, Patrick’s hand landed squarely on her right cheek and she jumped slightly in surprise at the cracking sound of flesh on flesh. “You better count Kelly, if you want to keep track!” warned Patrick.

  “ONE!” Kelly gasped. The next slap went to her other cheek. “TWO!” she counted. As he continued to firmly spank her, she grunted out the numbers and could feel her bottom starting to sting.

  Keeping his even tone Patrick continued to spank her while saying, ”You were a bad girl for making those bets, weren’t you?”

  “Yes” Kelly groaned out as another blow landed on her reddened bottom. “SEVEN!” Kelly loved the dominance he was exerting over her and she could tell it was exciting him as much by the feel of his cock pressing against her stomach. When she finally called out number nine, Kelly felt exhilarated and stayed across his lap while he gently massaged and rubbed her bottom. As Patrick let her rest there for a few more minutes, he continued his ministrations on her rosy ass cheeks by kissing and licking them. His gentle tongue and lips felt so good in contrast with her stinging skin, all Kelly could do was moan in pleasure.

  After helping her to her feet, Patrick ordered, “Stay there. We’re not done with you yet, are we?” Giving her a wicked smile, Patrick returned to the dresser as the video camera stayed rolling. Opening up the top drawer he pulled out a small handful of things, walked back to the bed and placed the objects on it. Staring at the items Patrick had just placed before her, Kelly’s heartbeat began to quicken and her skin started to prickle all over. Carefully watching her expression, Patrick explained, “As you know, we agreed that I can spank you now with any object that I desire. However, I think it would be far more interesting if you choose!” Feeling very satisfied with himself for this new twist, Patrick watched as she stood speechless looking at the items. Kelly was very quickly beginning to understand the magnitude of making that second bet.

  Spread across his bed was a wooden hair brush, leather belt, wooden yard stick, and a leather paddle. How could she possibly choose which item he was now going to spank her with? Interrupting her thoughts Patrick interjected with enthusiasm, “How about we get creative, my little bet maker? There are four items here. You are to be spanked eight times. How about I spank you twice with each of them?” Kelly just glowered at him, indicating that he was enjoying all of this a little too much.

  Not waiting for her to say yes or no, he guided her to the side of bed and told her to bend over and lean on the bed with her elbows. As she got herself into position, Patrick grabbed all four items and laid them right next to her.

  “Close your eyes, my spunky pet,” he
instructed. “Let’s see if you can tell which one I’m spanking you with as we go along.”

  Looking back at him she rolled her eyes and commented, “You’re enjoying this way too much.” To which Patrick replied simply, “Yes I am!”

  As Kelly closed her eyes, Patrick reached down and grabbed the yard stick. Taking two steps back, he put the end of it against her bottom and gently rubbed her cheeks in a circular motion. Then without warning, he brought his arm back and smacked the yardstick across both of her fleshy, bare mounds. It sounded like a whip to Kelly but thankfully it was not as painful as one. Seconds later, Patrick landed it across her cheeks again and she jerked slightly. “OK, we’re done with that one. Do you know which one it was?” he asked.

  “The yardstick,” Kelly answered in a muffled tone.

  “That’s exactly right,” Patrick praised. “Now let’s see if you can tell which one this is!” Taking a few seconds to decide which object he would spank her with next, Patrick finally decided on the hair brush. Positioning himself closer to her bottom this time, he landed the brush along the fullest part of her cheeks and noticed how her beautiful ass jiggled as the brush made impact. Kelly let out a soft gasp. Moments later it cracked down again and she gasped a bit louder. Questioning her further Patrick asked, “Care to guess which one that was?” Once again Kelly answered correctly. Stopping for a few moments, Patrick rubbed her bottom to give the sting a chance to lesson before he picked up the leather paddle. “OK baby, keep those eyes closed. Here’s item number three. And I’ll tell you right now, this one is my personal favorite.”


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