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MATED BY ALL FIVE ALPHAS (Paranormal BBW FMMMMM Bareback Shifter Dark Erotica Romance)

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by Amelia Frost

  Mated By All Five Werebears

  By Amelia Frost

  All Rights Reserved: No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use and cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law.

  This book is intended for adult audiences only. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers, though hopefully titillating by most. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Amelia Frost

  Mated By All Five Werebears © 2015 Amelia Frost

  All rights reserved

  More Titles By Amelia Frost:

  Join the Mailing List!

  Click or copy/paste into a web browser:

  Shifters, Werewolves, Werebears, Oh My!

  Riding Hard With All Five Alphas (currently too hot for Amazon!)

  Taking All Five Alphas

  Mated By All Five Werebears

  Red & The Revenge of The Pack: A MMMF Shifter Erotic Fairy Tale

  Monsters, Creatures, and Other Things That Go Bump In The Night:

  Taken By The Snowman

  Taken By The Minotaur

  Taken By The Tentacles

  The Taboo, Forbidden, and Illicitly Naughty:

  Watching the Brats: Caught On Camera By the Billionaire Man Of The House

  What Cassie Saw

  Legally His

  Royal Brat: A Princess’s Punishment

  BDSM, Thrillers, Horror, and other darker erotica with an edge:

  Taken On A Winter’s Night (Baby It’s Cold Outside)

  Yes, Sir: The Dirty Diaries of a Billionaire’s Au Pair

  Double Dose of Doctor: A Naughty Medical Exam

  Other Titles:

  Magic Curves: A BBW Erotic Fantasy

  Lust Is A Threeway Street: A Biker MC MFM

  College Girls: A Story of First Time Lesbian Love

  Fertile Land: Pregant By The Cowboy


  Holly’s cheeks burned as she slammed the door to the locker room shut on the roar of laughter echoing behind her. Once alone, she wiped at the hot tears threatening to tumble down her face as she stormed down the hallway back to the gym entrance.

  Fuck Chrissy Barrington, she fumed as she stalked off down the darkened gangway back towards the stadium parking lot.

  She realized suddenly that her clothes were still back in her locker, but there was no way she was going back for it now; not back into that gaggle of catty, cruel girls. She’d get it later.

  This whole thing had been a shitty idea from the start

  Holly had been an outsider in high school. Nothing intentional mind you, and certainly not for lack of trying. For some reason though, she’d just never clicked with the the usually vicious and cutthroat hierarchy of an American high school.

  She wasn’t friendless, and she’d even managed one brief boyfriend in her senior year, but as her last summer before college rolled around, Holly had decided she needed a change.

  College, she decided, college was going to be different. Holly had made a pact with herself that summer that come fall, a brand new, upgraded Holly was going to march onto that college campus a whole new girl.

  She’d waited tables all summer, saving her cash to put away towards trendy new clothes, a sexy new hairstyle, and really anything that would change the old unpopular Holly into a the sexy new college girl. She could reinvent herself however she wanted on the other side of the country where no one knew her.

  And for whatever reasons, reasons she was now sorely second-guessing, she’d somehow gotten it in her head over the summer that trying out to be a cheerleader at her new college was going to be her ticket into popularity. So, that was another thing she’d done all summer; she’d worked out and gotten in shape. Sure, Holly wasn’t ever going to be one of those anorexic little sticks that got tossed in the air, but she’d worked at toning up her curves all summer. She’d hit the gym, watched youtube videos, and even taken a modern dance class two towns away to no one would recognize her. And come fall, she was actually pretty damn impressed with the way her curvy body looked in a pair of jeans.

  But as she slammed open the doors to the darkened, drizzly parking lot, hot tears threatening to roll down her cheeks, she realized all of that hard work, all of that preparation had been a waste. The new confidence, the new clothes, the haircut, the determination to be someone NEW; all of it had come crashing down at the feet of Chrissy fucking Barrington.

  Because apparently, those clique-y shallow cunts from high school also went to college, and they stayed that way.

  Chrissy had sized her up and deemed her “unworthy” the second she’d shown up for tryouts. The “are you sure you’re in the right place” remark set the tone, and it’d been all downhill from there. She’d laughed at Holly when she’d missed a mark on routine, rolled her eyes when she’d cartwheeled across the mats; she’d even loudly asked Holly if maybe she “needed a bigger uniform - if we even have that size”.

  Fuck that bitch Holly grumbled inside as she stomped across the rain soaked parking lot and slumped behind the wheel of her car.

  She held back the sting in her eyes again; the other girls could go to hell; Holly was ready for home, a good book, and maybe some tea. She started the engine and slowly pulled out of the parking lot and began the drive home.

  Holly drove carefully on the slick roads. The southern Kentucky girl in her was still trying to get used to the wet, grey weather of the Pacific Northwest, especially driving in it. She tried not to think about Chrissy and the rest of the girls as she drove through the wooded roads back home; tried to keep the laughter and the snide little remarks at bay. But they kept coming up to drag at her, like barbed little hooks.

  “So much for a fresh start,” she grumbled out with a cold laugh.

  Without warning, a shadow suddenly darted across the road in front of the car. Holly screamed as she slammed on the breaks and jerked the wheel, and then the whole world spun.

  There was a horrible shrieking sound as the tires skidded across the road; rubber wrenched against asphalt as the car lurched sideways. Holly screamed as the car spun wildly out of her control on the slick road as her car careened wildly towards the embankment.

  And then with a horrible sound of twisting metal, her car punched through the wooden guardrail on the side of the road, and Holly’s whole world went upside down as the car flipped over.

  Almost in slow motion, as the tires suddenly left the ground, Holly’s whole center of gravity went flipping on its head as a silent scream caught hard in her throat. Up became down in the flash of a second, and then with a sickening crunch, the car came down hard on its roof.

  There was a dull, far away ringing sound in her ears, and lights flashing across her eyes. Holly groaned, feeling the dull throb of blood rushing to her head as she hung limp, suspended by the the seatbelt mercifully holding her in her seat.

  Her vision swam as shadows fluttered across her
eyes to the tune of the pulse of her heart in her head. There was a sound to her left, something against the window, and Holly slowly turned.

  She screamed.

  The enormous bear loomed huge and terrifying, filling her vision with its enormous shaggy face as it peered at her through the glass. The beast opened its mouth, revealing a gleaming row of savage looking teeth as it peered at her with its piercing green eyes, trapped and hanging helplessly within the car.

  Holly’s vision swam to black again as the scream in her throat echoed through the car.

  Suddenly, there was a knock against the window. Holly’s eyes flew open with a start, and she fought for breath, trying to fill the void within her chest. Her head lolled towards the knocking sound, and she gasped.

  The face staring back at her through the glass was that of a man, not a ferocious bear. And yet the eyes that bore into hers, hauntingly, were the greenest, sharpest pair she’d ever seen. They seemed to gleam at her through the glass, holding her gaze and causing her breath to catch in her throat. Slowly, she let her eyes adjust.

  The eyes belonged to a face; an extremely handsome, shadowy face half obscured by a large beard. The eyes seemed to gleam at her, full of concern and seriousness, and Holly realized through the gauzy haze surrounding her that the man was talking to her.

  “Wha?” she managed to croak out.

  “Can you hear me?” The man’s face was drawn tight as he looked at her anxiously. “Don’t move, ok! Just don’t move!”

  The man yanked at the door as Holly’s dulled and addled senses slowly took him in.

  The man was dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt, open down the middle with vintage concert t-shirt showing through. Holly noticed just how attractive he was, and then felt silly that it was the first thing to come to her mind given her current predicament.

  He was broad-shouldered, and muscular looking, and the way his forearm muscles bulged a bit where his flannel was rolled up at the sleeves. hinted a power strength there.

  “Ok, i’m going to get you out, ok?” He looked at her with a strange look. “Just- stay back from the door.”

  Suddenly, with a wrenching sound of twisting metal, the drivers door was pulled away from the wreck of the car. Holly stared, dumbfounded. The man looked strong, sure, but holy shit!

  The man tossed the door behind him and started to reach inside for her. Holly flinched and drew back from him, suddenly afraid of this man who’d managed to pull the steel door from a car frame. Plus, she thought, this was starting to feel like the beginning of every episode of unsolved mysteries she’d ever seen.

  The man instantly noticed her hesitation and instantly and quickly back away, his hands raised and his palms open.

  “Woah, woah, sorry, I totally didn’t mean to scare you!” He backed away from her car a few steps, his hands up in the air.

  “Look, I just want to help you, ok. I’m not in the business of scaring pretty girls alone in car wrecks.” He winced and shook his head.

  “Ok, sorry, that probably actually made it sound worse, didn't it.”

  Holly felt a smile come to her face then. There was something totally disarming, completely charming about the young man with the beard. She was wary, to be sure, but something in her gut told her this guy really was here to help her. slowly, she nodded her acquiescence to him.

  He moved back towards the car.

  “Does anything feel broken?

  Holly felt bruised, and knew she probably looked ridiculous hanging upside down with her hair dangling over her eyes and her skirt bunched around her waist, But ego aside, she was pretty sure she was otherwise ok, thanks to her seatbelt. She shook her head at him.

  “No, I think I’m in one piece.”

  He nodded, still looking concerned.

  “Ok, don’t freak, but I’m going to get you out of there, ok?”

  Holly nodded slowly, unable to tear her eyes away from him. The man folded himself through the doorframe to grab her in a slightly awkward bear-hug.

  “Ok, just hold on to me for a second.”

  Holly let her arms link through his to grasp him around the torso, feeling the hard, powerful muscles of his back beneath his shirt. She felt him grasp her seatbelt in his hands, and suddenly gasped as he tore the belt cleanly in two.

  Slowly, he backed out of the car, holding her in his arms before setting her down shakily on her feet.

  “My name’s Eric by the way.” He took a tentative step towards her and held his hand out.

  “Holly” she closed the distance, the wary feeling from before melting away then. Eric, while big looking, looked pretty harmless really; more a teddy bear than a would be rapist. A hot, well-muscled teddy bear with hauntingly gorgeous green eyes, but a teddy bear nonetheless.

  His hand was warm, and strong feeling, though he held her much smaller hand in his big paw tenderly as he shook it and smiled at her.

  Pleasure to meet you Holly.” He nodded toward her forehead; “how about I take a look at that?” Holly brought her hand up and frowned, feeling the lump already forming. She nodded, and felt a little flutter in her pulse as the ruggedly handsome man leaned in close to her.

  “You sure there’s nothing that feels broken?”

  Holly shook her head, still not able to take her eyes away from this man.

  “Just sore, I think. I can't imagine what I would've done if you hadn’t have gotten here though! Right before you drove up, I could’ve sworn there was this huge bear right outside the car! You driving up must’ve scared it away.

  Eric cocked a grin and gave her a funny look.

  “Yeah, must’ve.” Those piercing green eyes of his captured her own and held it for a second.

  “Listen, I don’t want to come off as creepy or anything, but seeing as its another forty-five minute drive back to your campus health center, why don’t you let me just make sure you’re ok? We only live a few minutes away, and we’ve got stuff to help back at the house.”

  Holly paused; “We?”

  “My brothers and I; well, not my brothers-brothers, but they’re like my family.”

  Holly looked at him, suddenly suspicious again.

  “How do you know I’m a student at the college?”

  Eric gave her a strange look; “Aren’t you a cheerleader there?” He pointed at her uniform, and Holly felt a wave of embarrassment flood over her as Eric chuckled.

  “Ok, I’m sorry, I’m really not usually this weird or suspicious of people, its just been a strange day.”

  Eric grinned. “No worries.”

  Holly weighed the options for a second. She realized that if Eric had wanted to murder her, they were already alone in the woods in a ditch on the side of the road and he probably would have already. As far as Holly knew, that was prime murder real-estate.

  “I’ve also got a hitch on my truck, and we keep a garage back at the house. I’m sure we can take a look at your car too.”

  That did it; the offer was suddenly too good to pass up.

  “Ok, deal” Holly grinned at Eric. “But no murdering, ok?”

  “I’ll try to contain myself.” he said with a sarcastic grin.


  “So, these are the guys.”

  Eric’s housemates had met them on the porch of the tudor-style house they shared. It was secluded, but in a mysterious sort of fantasy way, rather than a creepy way. Trees surrounded the place, and it had an almost fairytale quality about it as the late afternoon sun finally broke through the clouds to trickled through the branches.

  And true to Eric’s word, off around the side of the house was a classic-looking two-car garage, complete with tools, spare tires, a motorcycle that looked half-way through a face-lift, and an old vintage cadillac resting on holders.

  Eric’s “brothers” (as he kept referring to them), were clearly not really related to him, thought they were all dressed similarly as him in the sort of hipster lumberjack fashion; lots of denim and plaid, and two of them had beards as well, though n
ot as thick as Eric’s. Amazingly though, though they didn’t look much like each other, every single one of them had the same piercing green eyes.

  “Guys, meet Holly; Holly, this is Jock, Griz, Evan, and Red.”

  One of the bearded ones, a strawberry blonde guy who had to be Red was up close in a second, studiously inspecting the bruise on her head.

  Holly had to admit; even after deciding to trust Eric enough to get into the truck with him and drive to his house, she’d had a momentary flash of apprehension when the four other men had stepped out from the house or from back behind the garage with curious looks as they’d driven up, pulling her battled Toyota behind it.

  But the minute he’d introduced her and explained the situation, they’d all be instantly warm and attentive to her; Red checking her injuries to make sure she was alright, Evan bringing her a chair from the front porch to sit on and an icepack for her head.


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