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The Prince’s Game: A Mershano Empire Novel

Page 14

by Foss, Lexi C.

  He smiled against my lips. “Sarah?”

  “Yes.” My voice was husky.

  “Remember what I said about keeping my hands to myself off camera?”

  I clung to his shoulders and nodded. “I do.”

  He pressed his mouth to my ear. “Let me know when you’re ready to renegotiate that clause, because I’m done holding back, sweetheart.”


  Chocolate Foreplay

  “When I asked you about living in Chicago, you mentioned missing seeing the stars at night. So I thought you might like an evening under them,” Evan said as we walked barefoot along the beach after dinner.

  “I can’t believe you remember that.” I mentioned it during the group date we went on last week. The moment was spoiled by Amber interrupting us and stealing Evan away for some alone time.

  “I remember everything you say to me.” He kissed my cheek. We were both in our evening attire, him in black slacks and a button-down, me in a blue cocktail dress. Our shoes were near the beach entrance. “What do you think?” He gestured to a blanket sprawled out over the sand. A fruit plate and wine were sitting on a tray off to the side.

  “It’s beautiful.” I couldn’t see the stars well, thanks to the blinding camera lights around us, but the evening air and roll of the ocean were calming. And from what I could make out above, the sky was gorgeous and clear.

  I sat next to Evan on the blanket and picked up a strawberry. He caught my wrist and led my fingers to his mouth. The berry disappeared between his lips, making me lick mine.

  “Gorgeous,” he murmured. I wasn’t sure if he was referring to the fruit or my mouth. He picked a strawberry from the tray and held it up for me to taste. I nipped his finger, making him chuckle, and then enjoyed the succulent sweet. I approved. We fed each other another berry in companionable silence. So many unspoken words passed between us. Promises, desires, emotions. You’re falling for him, my subconscious whispered.

  I broke the intimacy by falling backward onto the blanket. He set the tray aside and joined me. The cameras flicked to night mode, allowing us a better view of the sky, but the audience ruined the romantic atmosphere.

  “Tell me more about where you’re from, Sarah.”

  “In Indiana?” I glanced sideways. “It’s not very exciting. Just a little town outside of Indianapolis with a population of fifteen thousand. Very flat. Some windmills. That about sums it up.”

  “Your mom still lives there?”

  “Yep, and so does Abby when she’s not traveling aimlessly.” I watched a wave roll up onto the shore. “They hate that I live in Chicago, but I love the city life. I can walk everywhere, so I don’t need a car, and there’s always something to do.”

  “Would you ever consider New Orleans?”

  The question caught me off guard. Was this for the show or for him? Does it matter? There was an unspoken pact between us to be honest. It was our foundation. I wouldn’t risk destroying it for a dating game.

  “I would consider it for the right opportunity.” I loved Chicago. Moving was never a consideration, but the idea of resettling in New Orleans didn’t repulse me. Being close to him was a benefit rather than a deterrent, a realization that unnerved me. Relocating for a man was outside my comfort zone, especially one I met a month ago.

  His gaze was intense. “Do you mean that?” The way he studied me was telling. These questions were for him, not for the show. He wanted to know if I would ever consider living in New Orleans. For him? For work?

  “I mean what I say, Evan,” I said, repeating his promise from a few weeks ago. It was my way of letting him know that I wasn’t answering for the show, but for him. The answering smile in his eyes told me he understood.

  “Hmm, I guess I’ll have to come up with a good incentive.” He rolled on top of me, his forearms rested on the ground beside my head. One strong thigh went between mine, causing my dress to bunch up high on my legs. “How am I doing so far?”

  “It’s a decent incentive.”

  “Decent?” His chuckle vibrated my stiff nipples and tingled my nerve endings. He brushed his lips against mine. “And now?”

  “Getting warmer.”

  “Yeah?” He nibbled my bottom lip and sucked it hard into his mouth. Fiery lust stirred in my veins and settled in my lower abdomen. “Warmer or cooler?”

  Hotter. I wrapped a hand around his neck and kissed him. It started as a way to give him a dose of his own medicine but blossomed into a passion I couldn’t control. I wanted him. It would hurt later, but I didn’t care. I craved him with a foreign lethality that threatened to break me if I didn’t act on it. I was done saying no.

  “Mmm, finally.” He kissed me back with a vengeance, showing me with his mouth what he wanted. I shuddered under the intensity, loving the way it warmed me inside and out. There was a promise in those lips, one I returned in kind. No more chaste good-night kisses. He would be sharing my bed tonight, and I would welcome him with open arms.

  His hands remained on the ground beside my head as he gentled the kiss and lifted his head. “I approve of this incentive.”

  I blinked. Incentive? “For?” Sex? Yes, please.

  Those alluring eyes swirled with wicked intent. “New Orleans.”

  To move. Right. “I don’t know, Mister Mershano. I think I’d need a bit more before I could decide.”

  He grinned. “I might take you up on that later.”

  “I hope you do.”

  We were interrupted by waiters carrying some sort of pot. They set it down beside the fruit, and my nose was hit with a delicious scent.

  “Is that fondue?” My favorite dessert. Another thing I mentioned in passing during filming last week.

  “Yes. Dark chocolate with Irish cream, to be precise. To go with the plate of strawberries and bananas.” Because I told him those were the only worthy complements to melted chocolate amazingness. He rolled off of me and pulled me up to sit beside him.

  “I think I might love you, Evan Mershano.” It was said in jest, but my heart skipped a beat at the veracity of my words. No. Not happening. I like him. Nothing more.

  His chuckle was affectionate as he dipped a strawberry in the chocolate and brought it to my mouth. “Open.”

  I welcomed the distraction and did as requested. Sweet deliciousness hit my tongue, making me moan. Now, this is my kind of foreplay. I dipped a banana in the chocolate and painted his lower lip before licking it off. His gaze darkened as I slid the fruit over his tongue. Not wanting our audience to hear me, I leaned in to nip his ear. “This would be a lot more fun if we were naked and alone.”

  His hand went to my hip, holding me against him. “I would keep this dress on you just to drizzle chocolate between your breasts and lick it off.”

  My nipples stiffened. The blue silk had a deep V-neckline, making that prospect sexy as sin. “Well played, Mister Mershano.”

  “Oh, I haven’t even started yet, sweetheart.” His tongue trailed a long, sensuous path down my neck and back to my ear. “You told me fruit was your preferred chocolate complement. I’m thinking your skin, specifically your pretty pink nipples and swollen clit, would be mine.”

  I swallowed thickly. “When can we leave?” Because I was craving a whole different dessert now.

  He nuzzled my neck. “What about stargazing?”


  His laugh was low and hot against my collarbone. “You know what they say about delayed gratification.”

  “That it’s also overrated?” I guessed.

  He kissed me and grinned against my lips. “It’s all the sweeter.” He taunted me with another strawberry. I ate it because saying no to such an offer was wrong. I returned the favor by drizzling chocolate on his chin and licking it up. Dessert blossomed into an erotic affair involving stolen kisses, chocolate-coated tongues, and sensual deliciousness.

  We polished off the plate and were both panting for each other by the end. Instead of finding a room where we could be alone, Evan pulle
d me into his arms and insisted on stargazing. I distracted my hormones by discussing the stars.

  “Did you take an astronomy class in school?” he asked.

  “No, my dad used to take Abby and me outside when it was clear, point out a few constellations, and read us the stories before bed.” Thinking of my dad made me wistful. I missed him every day, but clear nights like this always reminded me of him even more. “He loved all things science and math. That’s where I get my business skills from. My mom was the artist.”

  “Hence the artistic eye for photography,” he murmured. I had told him about my undergraduate studies and my obsession with lighting during our private conversations. It was a slip I doubted Paul would notice.

  “Yep, but Abby got all the artistic talent. She’s an amazing painter.” Thinking of her made me grin. Rachel called two nights ago to let me know my sister was back from her European cruise and looking for me. Rachel refused to tell her anything. It was her idea of revenge. I approved. Of course, my plan with the sexy fed would be the ultimate payback.

  “I don’t know about her getting all the talent, Sarah. I think you have your fair share of it, but I understand. Mia would say I got all the business talents from my father, while she got our mother’s discipline. I think it’s a bit of both in the end.”

  He didn’t mention his sister often, but I sensed his pride when he mentioned her name. “Do you miss her?”

  “Every day.” He kissed my forehead and snuggled me closer. “Tell me more about the stars, Sarah.”

  I did, pointing out a few of my dad’s favorite constellations that could be seen this time of year.

  “What’s your favorite?” He was rubbing my arms, keeping me warm.

  “Pleiades, commonly called the Seven Sisters. It’s a star cluster in the Taurus.”

  “Any particular reason?”

  “I like the Greek mythology about the heavenly sisters and their supposed affairs with the Olympian gods. Very scandalous.”

  His chuckle vibrated my back. “And how old were you when your father told you these stories?”

  “Oh, maybe ten or eleven?”

  “That explains so much.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at him. “That better not be an insult to my dad.”

  “I would never insult you or your father.” He nuzzled my cheek before placing a kiss on my lips. “I’m sorry I can’t meet him.” Another thing I had mentioned in private, my father’s death. I doubted anyone would notice the slip, but we needed to be careful, or the producers might get suspicious.

  “Me too. I think he would have liked you, and he would have definitely approved of this date.” Maybe not the chocolate part or the sexual innuendos, though. Sorry, Dad.

  “And your mom? What will she think?”

  I snorted. “Not even a question. You’re a gorgeous man who can dance. It’s a done deal.” My mom and I shared the same weakness for dark male features. Estrella Summers would fall in love with Evan the second she laid eyes on him.

  “I look forward to meeting her.”

  “Cut.” I jumped at the abrasive word, not expecting the intrusion. It came from Paul. “All right, that’s a wrap, and the jet’s waiting.” The wannabe teenager strolled over to stand at our feet. “I’m glad to see you finally touched one of your dates, Evan. We’re going to need more of that with the other girls, especially Amber.”

  “Wow.” Because that’s what a woman wants to hear at the end of her date. I sat up and brushed off my dress, making to stand, but Evan’s hand on my hip kept me beside him.

  “They’re not props; they’re people, Paul. And I will touch the ones I want to touch, but only with their permission. Now apologize to Sarah for spoiling what was otherwise a good evening until you opened your fucking mouth.”

  “Excuse me?” Paul’s bleached blond eyebrows touched his spiky hairline.

  “You heard me. Apologize. Now.”

  “For what?” He sounded genuinely perplexed.

  “The fact that you even have to ask that tells me all I need to know about you and this damn show.” Evan muttered an epithet under his breath and stood up. He extended a hand to help me up and fixed my dress before tending to his button-down shirt. “I’m sorry,” he said to me.

  “Don’t apologize for him.” He wasn’t worth the time or wasted effort.

  “That’s not why I’m apologizing.” He kissed my temple. “I meant—”

  “Hey.” Paul snapped his fingers to get our attention. “Love the flirting, but we need to go if we’re going to keep on schedule, and that requires getting to the new hotel by midnight.” Paul made a shooing motion before shouting commands for his minions to hustle.

  I frowned after the spiky-haired idiot. “New hotel?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Evan cleared his throat, his expression uneasy. “We’re spending the next two weeks in Jamaica. Surprise?”


  Ungentlemanly Conduct

  My new room had a private balcony with a view of the ocean. The moonlight dancing over the waves made for a romantic sight that paled in comparison to the look Evan gave me in the lobby. It was filled with promise and made me wet with anticipation.

  I didn’t bother changing. The cocktail dress was sexy and perfect for the humid air outside. I kicked my legs up in the oversized lounge chair and waited. The privacy walls and lack of light gave the nook a secure feel, while the sweet sound of rolling water set the mood. It was the perfect place to seduce a prince.

  I left the screen open behind me to make it easy for him to find me. He had a habit of knocking once before using a skeleton key at the last hotel, and I expected a similar entrance. He didn’t disappoint. I heard the light rap followed by the snick of the latch. He joined me on the balcony a minute later in jeans and a white T-shirt. In his hands was a bottle of wine.

  “I may have stolen this from the kitchen,” he greeted.

  “Is it stealing when you own the property?” We were staying at another Mershano Suites property. This one had a resort feel that catered to the Caribbean vibe. I approved.

  “Probably not.” He set the bottle on the table beside me. “Also, I brought you a new phone with international calling. It’s on the coffee table in a box.”

  Smart, wonderful man. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I checked out his ass as he walked into the room to snag two glasses. They were tumblers because the room wasn’t equipped with a kitchen. The king bed and oversized marble bathroom were nice. I hoped to use both tonight, with Evan.

  He poured two healthy glasses and took over the other lounge chair. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers.” I clinked my drink against his and took a sip. It was a dry white with citrusy notes. “Not bad.”

  He grunted his agreement and ran his fingers through his brown locks. “Sorry I took so long. I almost ran into Paul and Amber in the stairwell on my way back up. I had to wait for them to go back to her room.”

  I choked on my wine. “What?” Paul and Amber? Gross.

  Evan rested his head against the back of the chair and blew out a breath. “They could be fucking, or more likely, Paul is on my mother’s payroll. That would explain why he’s pushing all these damn scenes with Amber. He’ll probably receive some monetary gift at the end if the show pans out as expected.”

  “How are you not pissed?” He sounded so nonchalant about the whole thing. If it were me, heads would roll.

  “My parents are always meddling in my affairs. Rather than fight them on it, I’ve learned to beat them at their own game.”

  “Hence your deal with me.”

  “Sure. Of course, our arrangement has certain benefits.” His lips twitched. “Such as your lovely company and the low neckline of your dress.”

  “Flatterer.” It came out thicker than I wanted, a side effect of his eyes dropping to my breasts.

  He sipped his wine with a casual ease I didn’t feel, and sighed. “In all seriousness, this is a round they won’t win, so
I’m not worried.”

  “What if they come up with another plan after I reject your proposal?”

  “Oh, I’m sure they will, but the amendment to my birthright, which they signed, makes whatever scheme they come up with null and void.” His smile was all triumph. “Garrett’s good at what he does.”

  “That’s what Rachel tells me. Apparently he’s the ‘devil.’ ” I used finger quotes around the nickname.

  Amusement teased his expression. “An apt description. Garrett’s into some kinky shit. But that’s not how he got the pseudonym.”

  That piqued my interest. “Meaning?”

  “Another time.” He shook his head and finished his wine. “I’m more interested in discussing you.” His pupils flared as he zeroed in on my lips. He set aside his glass. “Paul made me describe you in the lobby for the camera as part of the post-date interview. He had cue cards, but I refused to read them.”

  “Bet he didn’t like that.” Whenever I tried to go off script, they made me start over.

  “Not at first, but he approved in the end.” His grin was sinful. “Want to hear my description of you, Sarah?”

  My nipples hardened under his gaze. “Does it involve my rack?”

  “It does indeed.”

  I set my glass on the table and moved to straddle his lap on the lounge chair. The strong wood base and plush top were made for lovers. My knees were cushioned on either side of his strong thighs. I didn’t want there to be any confusion about where tonight was headed. From the dilation of his pupils, the message was received.

  “Well?” I placed my hands on his chest as he grabbed my hips. “How did you describe me, Mister Mershano?”

  His dimples made me swoon. So fucking hot.

  “Mmm, I told them you’re a gorgeous woman with a drive that rivals my own, enough intellect and sarcastic humor to keep me entertained for a lifetime, and a body that drives me wild.” He pulled my hair away from my face and let it fall down my back. “Physically, I described you as a temptress with fantastic tits, athletic legs that tangle well with mine, a firm ass, and a smile that tempts me even on my worst days.”


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