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Kira's Reckoning (Blessed Five)

Page 5

by Sasha Parker

  As Kira spoke to Calli, their sisters gathered closer to them. "You think that's really it? That they aren't disappointed in me?" Calli asked in a whisper.

  All of the sisters gave a moan of disbelief, but it was Ari who knelt down in front of Calli and said, "Little girl, don't you ever let me hear you say something like that again. They are so proud of you and I know they are watching over you. Kira is right, they are trying to give you time to understand your gift without their interference."

  Erin made a sound of agreement. "She's right. They always let us make our own way first."

  Calli frowned. "I wish I could remember as much as you guys do."

  Sheela ran her hand over Calli's head. "That's why you have us, so we can remind you and tell you the stories."

  Ari patted Calli's knee and said, "Come on, squirt, let's get you into bed." This was what Ari had always said to Calli before bed when she was little. Calli gave her a ghost of a smile then stood and got under the covers.

  The sisters took up the routine of bedtime that they hadn’t practiced in years and began to tuck Calli in like she was four again. Sheela was first, she would always give Calli her favorite stuffed animal, Bobo the raccoon. Their father had won it for her at a fair when she was two. Sheela grabbed Bobo and then climbed into bed beside Calli. She sent a silent message to her sisters that she wasn't going to leave Calli alone.

  Kira stepped up next and handed Calli the cup of water that was on her bedside table. Calli smiled at her and then took a sip. Erin was next as she tucked the blankets in on either side of Calli as she laid back on the pillows. Erin even added the tickling she used to and Calli giggled then hugged her.

  Ari was last to step up as Kira and Erin took their places at the end of their bed. Ari always told Calli a story and it seemed that tonight she was not going to disappoint. Kira's love for her sisters flowed through her as she looked around at them all sitting on the bed as they used to do.

  "Once upon a time, in a land far away..." Ari always began her stories the same way.

  The sisters all settled in to hear Ari's story, a story that they hadn't heard in a long time. A story of a little princess who had four older sisters who played with her and two loving parents who adored her.

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning, Kira exited her room to find Brendan and Ronan standing in the hall waiting for her. In moments, they surrounded her with their strong, muscular bodies to envelope her in their heat. Brendan was in front of her and he leaned in to kiss her good morning. When he pulled back, it seemed he had taken her ability to breathe with him. His eyes gleamed knowingly as he looked into her eyes.

  "How did you sleep, dearling?" Ronan growled in her ear as he ran his hands down her back and leaned over to kiss the side of her neck.

  Kira leaned back into him. "I slept very well, thank you. And you?"

  Ronan's lips touched her ear and she shivered as he said, "It was a restless night for both of us." He pulled her back more firmly against him where she could feel his need for her without words.

  "Come, sweetling, let's go get some breakfast," Brendan said to her as he reached out his hand.

  She placed her hand in his and then Ronan took her other hand as they led her down to the dining room. She knew if her body had its way, it wouldn't be long before she was in their bed, but her mind struggled with the knowledge that she was sorely lacking in that area. She certainly didn't want to disappoint them, knowing she had very little experience. She also reminded herself that she had a mission ahead of her, according to Calli's spirit, and one of her own making.

  As they entered the dining room, Kira noted almost everyone was there, it seemed Ari and her men were running late. Kira walked over and gave her grandmother a kiss on her cheek, telling her good morning. She turned to find a seat only to see her men standing by their seats with an empty seat in between them. Ronan was holding it out for her. She heard her sisters snicker as she rolled her eyes and sat down. The next thing she knew Brendan had put a plate heaping with food in front of her. Then Ronan placed a cup of coffee in front of her, which she gratefully began to drink.

  As the conversation flowed around her, Kira concentrated on eating her breakfast. She had to begin planning what her next move was going to be in her commitment to finding who was out to hurt her family. She needed to talk to her grandmother in private after breakfast, she thought, she might be able to help her. Her ears perked up as she saw Ari, Reilly, and Lachlan enter, they seemed to be having a disagreement.

  "There will be no arguing, we leave on schedule, luv," Reilly said firmly to Ari as he pulled out her chair.

  Ari looked down as she sat but grumbled, "I don't see why we can't put it off for a little while."

  Kira saw Lachlan place his arm around the back of Ari's chair and lean down to whisper in her ear. She watched Ari's face turn a lovely shade of pink and then Ari nodded to whatever Lachlan said.

  "Then it's settled, we leave on time," Lachlan said a little louder and then nodded at Reilly.

  Kira frowned and caught Ari's eye. She raised her eyebrow at her sister, silently inquiring if she was okay. Ari leaned forward and said, "I was telling the guys that maybe we should put off our honeymoon, just for a little while, due to everything that's happened."

  "You mean because of what happened to me?" Kira asked. When Ari just glanced away, Kira said, "No way, I am fine. You need this. Go. Have a great time, as I'm sure you will."

  Ari looked hesitant. "Are you sure?" The entire room had gone quiet as everyone was listening to their conversation.

  Kira smiled at her sister. "Of course I'm sure. Ari, you just married the two loves of your life! Be happy, enjoy the moment while you can."

  Ari's face broke out in a genuine smile as she looked between her two men who were raptly listening. "Okay then. If you are sure you are okay."

  "Of course I am. We all want you to go and have a good time," Kira assured her.

  "Just don't forget to bring us our souvenirs," Sheela said sassily.

  Everyone laughed and then continued eating breakfast, talking about plans for the day. Kira winked at Ari when she caught her eye and Ari smiled her thanks. She turned to Ronan when she heard him speaking to Reilly about the Council.

  "We will be calling them right after breakfast. We need to update them on yesterday's activities as well as try to glean why this is happening," Ronan told Reilly.

  Kira leaned over to Ronan and said, "May I be in on that conversation? I have some questions as well and they may be answered by what you find out."

  Ronan turned to her. "You want to sit in with the Council?" He looked over at Reilly who shrugged.

  "I don't think it's a big deal. It's my family that's being attacked, I have a right to some answers," Kira said indignantly.

  Ronan seemed to think about what she said and then she saw him look over at Brendan who was also listening. She felt more than saw him shrug, leaving it up to Ronan to decide. "If you promise to sit back and let us do the talking, we will allow you to be present. You must remember this is the Council and you must show respect," he admonished her.

  Kira nodded. "I promise. I will show respect," as long as they give me answers, she thought.


  As Julie was going to be flying back as well, she was riding with Ari and her men to the airport. Everyone was outside saying goodbye, the men were loading the luggage into the back of the SUV while the women were hugging.

  Sheela pushed a package into Ari's hands. "Don't open until you are at the hotel," she said with a sly grin and a quick glance at their grandmother.

  Ari blushed to the roots of her hair. "I love you guys." They all went in for a group hug.

  Reilly came over and scooped up Ari into his arms saying, "It's time to go, luv."

  Ari squealed as Reilly carried her over to the SUV, kissing her neck and gently set her in the back seat. As he shut the door, she waved happily at everyone as the men got in and they drove off.

  When they were out of sight, Kira hardened her resolve as she turned to face Brendan and Ronan. "Let's go talk to the Council."


  "It's good to see you, Thomas. Tell me you have news," he said as the two men walked in the garden. It was late night, the darkness almost swallowing them as they walked through the shadows.

  "Good to see you too, sir. We have found a way in to retrieve the last item."

  "It looks as if I was right, I will need to make a trip myself to the Council," he told Thomas.

  "I suggest we go after the final piece now while you are visiting the Council," Thomas said.

  "Very well. Do that. You know where it is and what you have to do. Get it at any cost," he ordered Thomas.

  Thomas nodded and then turned, walking off into the darkness. The man turned and headed back toward his house. He needed to pack and head for the Council immediately.

  Chapter Ten

  As Kira went to step into Ronan's bedroom with Brendan leading the way, Ronan grabbed her from behind to pull her flush against him. For a moment she snuggled into the comfort of his warmth, leaning her head back on his shoulder. She could feel his breath on her neck as he leaned in close.

  "Come into my parlor..." His deep chuckle sent shivers down her spine. "I have been waiting to get you into my room for quite some time."

  She laughed aloud at his antics but still felt a thrill all the way down to her toes at the thoughts his words provoked. She smacked at his hands on her stomach to make him release her. Once he did, she proceeded to enter his room, seeing the amusement in Brendan's eyes told her that he had heard everything. She winked at him as she joined him by the large desk in the room. There was a laptop set up, complete with webcam.

  "Remember what we said, you must stay in the background and be silent unless one of the Council speaks to you. It is a sign of respect," Brendan reminded her.

  Kira nodded and watched as Ronan was speaking to someone who "answered" on the other end. Brendan explained to her quietly that the person Ronan was speaking to was Twila, one of the assistants to the Council. Twila was an older woman who was dressed smartly in a business skirt suit. She disappeared and then the screen split into three sections. One held a man who looked to be in his late forties sitting in an armchair, he was attractive with dark hair and a little gray at the temples. The second chair held a woman who to Kira was beautiful. The third was Una, Queen of the Fairies, Kira recognized her as she had performed the ceremony for Ari's wedding.

  Ronan and Brendan stood side by side as all three came on the screen and then placed their fists over their hearts, bowing at the waist. The Council members nodded at them and then Una spoke.

  "Guardians, we trust all is well?" she asked as Ronan and Brendan sat down in chairs in front of the laptop.

  "We had a small setback, but all has been resolved. Everyone is well. Ari just left on her honeymoon," Ronan informed them. Both men went on to inform the members as to what had happened. Kira went and grabbed a chair from the corner of the room to sit down behind the men. As she did so, she realized she had drawn the attention of the Council members.

  "Kira Kirkpatrick. We trust you are well after your ordeal?" Una asked her.

  "Yes, ma'am. Thank you," Kira said respectfully.

  Una inclined her head. "This is good news," she said and then looked at Ronan and Brendan. "Guardians, we need to find this being who is perpetrating these attacks. They are becoming more aggressive."

  "We agree. They were bold enough to come here during a time when we had a member of the Council here," Ronan stated.

  Una glanced at the other two men. The middle-aged man sat forward and said, "We think that you need to consult the grimoires here. There may be a hint as to why this being is interested in the Five."

  "What are the grimoires?" Kira asked. Ronan and Brendan gave her looks that said she spoke out of turn. Kira rolled her eyes at them.

  The gentleman who had spoken smiled indulgently at Kira. "The grimoires are repositories of knowledge. They hold information in them of witchcraft. Some hold incantations, while others hold the histories of those before us."

  Kira thought over what he had told her and then said, "I would like permission to see these books."

  Both Guardians turned to her in shock. Obviously, it was unheard of to boldly request of the Council in this way, Kira thought. She shrugged at them as if to say, 'Oh well' and then turned her attention back to the Council members.

  Una laughed aloud and that got everyone's attention. "I think that is a splendid idea. You are welcome to come to the Council," she said with the two men nodding in agreement. "Guardians, bring Kira to us as soon as you can travel."

  "Yes, Una," both men said. The screen went blank and both men turned again to glare at her.

  "What?" Kira asked innocently.

  "Are you out of your mind?" Ronan roared. "You do not ever ask to go to the sacred library, you are invited."

  'Calm, brother,' Brendan's voice came into Ronan's head.

  'How the hell can I be, you be calm? She wants to go to the Council! You know what danger she will be in,' Ronan shot back.

  'Listen to her.' Brendan remained calm.

  Kira frowned at him. "How was I supposed to know that? I need to see them. They may have answers that we need to find out who is trying to hurt my family. I don't care who I piss off or offend in the process," she told him angrily.

  "You have to be cautious in what you are doing. You are playing a dangerous game!" Ronan continued to yell at her.

  "It's not a game!" she yelled back, getting tears in her eyes. "This is my family and their lives! I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe."

  The sight of Kira's tears were like an off switch for his anger as Ronan heard not only the fear in her voice but the anguish over the thought of anyone she loved getting hurt. He took a deep breath and then glanced at his brother. Brendan had his arms crossed as if he was angry as well; however, his eyes told a different story.

  Brendan uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around Kira instead. He pulled her close and said, "Breathe, luv. We understand." He rubbed one of his hands up and down her back.

  After a few moments of silence, Kira stepped back out of Brendan's arms and looked at the two brothers. "I have to do this. I need to do this," she whispered.

  Ronan huffed out a breath. "We have been Guardians for so long, Kira. You have to understand that protocol comes first to us."

  "Well, it did come first," Brendan said with a side long glance to his brother.

  When Kira saw the look in both men's eyes, one green and one blue, she knew that she came first to them now. She ducked her head, overwhelmed by the emotion she saw there. She knew her own feelings for these two wonderful men were getting deeper than she would have thought possible, but again her rational side told her that she had to help her family first. All the rest would need to be pushed to the side until the danger was over.

  Kira cleared her throat and said, "I thought there were four Council members."

  Brendan, recognizing Kira's need to change the subject, and decided to allow her to do so, for now. "You know Una." Kira nodded. "Well then, the middle-aged gentleman was Kai. He is the High Priest of the Warlocks. Then the other woman was Vesta, she is Priestess of the Wiccans. There is a fourth, he is Eragon, leader of the Elven Clan."

  "Why wasn't he there?" Kira asked curiously.

  "Una said that he had been called away on an urgent matter," Ronan told her.

  Kira nodded in understanding. "Okay. So, when do we go?"

  Ronan glanced at Brendan, then back to her. "We will leave in the morning. We will have to make arrangements for travel and speak to Myles and Aedan."

  "Then I need to go speak with my sisters and grandmother." Kira turned to go but then hesitated before half turning back to the men. "Thank you." She left before they could respond, knowing she needed to fill everyone in and deal with the fall out. They weren't going to like it that she was going t
o the Council or that she was trying to fight whoever was trying to hurt them. This was something she had to do. They were just going to have to deal with it. That sounded tough, she thought with a firm nod, now she just needed to remain that way, firm and tough.

  She grimaced as she headed out to the greenhouse to find her family. Well if this threat didn't kill her, her family would.


  "You are going where?" Sheela yelled.

  Kira sighed, yep, they were going to go ballistic. "I need to go and see if I can find something in the grimoires."

  "The what?" Erin asked, looking confused.

  "The grimoires, it's these sacred books they have that might be able to give us a hint as to why, and maybe who, is behind all of these attacks," Kira said, trying to be patient.

  "Why do you have to go? Why can't the Council look for themselves?" Calli asked curiously.

  "I want to go. I'm curious about the Council anyway. This just gives me the chance to check it all out," Kira said, thinking that if she played it off as a more casual trip, her family wouldn't worry.

  Her grandmother, who had yet to say anything, finally spoke. "I think this is a good idea. After the message Calli got last night, I think this is Kira's path to follow."

  The incident with the spirit had slipped Kira's mind with everything going on and now that she reflected on it, it was coming true. She was grateful for her grandmother's support in the decision to go to the Council. Her sisters were all looking at her with worry.

  "You are taking Brendan and Ronan with you, right?" Calli asked.

  "Of course," Kira assured her and then snorted. "Like they would let me go without them."

  Calli looked at their grandmother. "Mamo, maybe now is the time to show them. You can tell Ari later but I think Kira should see the book before she goes."

  Their grandmother nodded and then said, "Let's go into the dining room." She turned and walked in that direction with the women following behind her.


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