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Vaaden Captives: Susan

Page 2

by Jessica Couter Smith


  I still couldn’t answer him, even though his voice sounded worried. I no longer felt hungry, just weak and tired. Briefly, I thought that wasn’t a good thing, but then I felt myself being sucked back into sleep and I didn’t care about it anymore.

  A short while later, something cold, then a prick like a needle sliding into my arm and I felt something icy course through me. With a gasp, I opened my eyes and sat up in bed. I felt disoriented and looked around. A man dressed in white held my hand.

  “Good, you’re back.”

  “Back from where?” I frowned. My throat hurt and my voice came out scratchy.

  “From being close to death,” the man answered.

  “Why would you think I was close to dying?” I asked.

  He frowned at me. “When’s the last time you had something to eat or drink?”

  “I don’t know what day it is so I can’t say for certain.”

  “It’s been days?” Sylon asked in surprise.


  I shrugged a shoulder. “They didn’t feed me the day you came and chose me. I hadn’t eaten for a day or two before that. I don’t know why they singled me out.” The man in white looked at Sylon. “How long ago was that?”

  “It’s been nearly four days.”

  “She’s been without food and water for four days?” He nodded. “I hadn’t realized… there was supposed to be food here, but I checked the kitchen while I waited for you to arrive and it wasn’t stocked. But there was water.”

  Feeling weak, I lay back down and closed my eyes.

  “Susan, wake up,” Sylon demanded, a tinge of worry in his voice.

  My eyes fluttered open and I tried to smile at him. I didn’t blame him for what happened to me, not really.

  “You need to drink this,” he said, holding a cup to my lips.

  I made a mess trying to drink it and he climbed onto the bed behind me. Pulling me into his arms, he cradled me against his chest and tipped my head back.

  “Try again,” he said softly.

  I managed a few swallows before coughing. It was too much too soon. “I can’t,” I whispered.

  “You have to. It’s the only way you’re going to get better.” I shook my head, but he forced more of the broth-like stuff down my throat. To my surprise, I finished the whole cup. When he set it aside, he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

  The man in white quietly slipped away, leaving us alone.

  “You had me worried,” he admitted softly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I frowned. “Was I dreaming or did you yell at me for wearing your shirt?”

  He laughed. “No, you weren’t dreaming.”

  “I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

  “Why did you wear my clothing without permission?”


  I bit my lip, feeling uncertain for the first time since being with him. Should I admit the truth? His arms tightened around me and I yelped.

  “Answer me, Susan.”

  “It smelled like you,” I blurted out.

  He ran a hand through my hair. “You wore it because it smelled like me?” I nodded. “I… I was upset you weren’t here when I woke up, so I wanted something that reminded me of you.”

  Inwardly I winced at how pathetic I sounded. Since when had I become a needy, whiny woman? I’d always made fun of those weak women… and now it seemed I was becoming one. Sick for three days and I was a sap. Or maybe my feelings for Sylon were just different from anything I’d experienced before. That was a scary thought.

  “You know I won’t be here all the time. I have a wife and house I must tend to.”

  “I know.” And I did, but it didn’t mean I had to like it. I’d never done well with sharing, but I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I was the other woman. I had to remember that he’d had a wife when he’d claimed me. It infuriated me, but I had to hide my anger. I doubted Sylon would take it well if I threw a tantrum. I wanted to plead with him to stay with me, and at the same time, I wanted him to choose to stay with me.

  “You should drink some more,” he said softly.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think I can right now.” He sighed. “Then you need to at least go take a shower. It might make you feel better.”

  I would have loved one, but I wasn’t sure I could stand up. I still felt weak.

  “Sylon, I don’t think…”

  He growled at me, moving away from me and rolled me onto my stomach in the process. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

  I turned my head to the side so I could look up at him. “I…” He slapped my ass and had I not been ill, it would have turned me on.




  He lowered his head until his nose touched mine. “What part of don’t talk back did you miss?”

  “I wasn’t going to,” I snapped with what little energy I had.

  His jaw clenched and I knew I’d pissed him off. His orange eyes snapped with fire. “Do. Not. Raise. Your. Voice.”

  I sighed, feeling aggravated with the impossible man. “I don’t think I can stand up.”

  Some of the tension left him and he stared at me intently. “Was that what you were going to tell me?”

  I nodded, watching him warily.

  He cleared his throat and looked a little embarrassed. Standing, he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. Making sure to keep an arm around me, he helped me undress before undressing himself, and helped me into the shower, standing beside me the whole time.

  “I don’t mean to be so much trouble,” I told him as he washed my hair.

  “If I had made sure you were taken care of, instead of relying on someone else to do it then you wouldn’t have been sick to begin with.”

  “It isn’t your fault.”

  He paused and looked down at me. “You don’t blame me?”

  “I already said I didn’t, and I meant it.”

  He nodded and kept washing me. I knew I was too weak to do anything, but the feel of his hands on my body made me want him. As his fingers slid between my legs to wash my pussy, I knew he could feel how hot and wet I was. When he looked into my eyes, I saw his desire and wished I could give in to it.

  “I want you,” he said as he thrust two fingers inside of me.

  “I want you too,” I groaned, “but I don’t think my body can handle it yet.” He sighed and removed his hand. He washed me quickly and then dried me off.

  Carrying me back to the bed, he slipped a slave garment on me and I frowned.

  “Now what?” he snapped.

  “It’s just… it’s a little itchy.”


  He rolled his eyes. “Susan, you’re a slave, you aren’t supposed to be comfortable.”

  “I know,” I mumbled and lay down. When he drew the covers over me, he shook his head in annoyance.

  “I’ll be back in two days to see how you fare.” I panicked. “Two days?”

  “Is there a problem with that?” he asked with narrowed eyes, and I knew I was treading on thin ice. I didn’t want him to leave. I’d seen he could be gentle and had hoped he would stay.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” I blurted out, saying the first thing that came to mind.

  “I’ll have my cousin stay with you. He can play nursemaid while I stay with my wife and visit the harems.”

  It hurt that he was going elsewhere for his pleasure, but I knew it couldn’t be helped. I’d heard in the holding cell that Vaaden men would become ill if they didn’t slake their lust, and if I was unable to perform that service for him, he would seek it where he could. Once I was back to my usual self, I could please him again. At least, I hoped I was going to get back to my usual self. This mushy, sappy side of me was going to drive me crazy. It just so wasn’t me!

  “Randar will be here within the hour. I just need to stop by his house and let him

  “You don’t think he’ll say no?”


  I nodded and closed my eyes. A moment later, I heard the door close and knew he’d left me.

  Chapter Three

  True to his word, Sylon must have spoken to his cousin, because a man similar in looks to my owner was standing over the bed when I woke up.

  “Hello, Susan,” he said in a husky voice.

  “You must be Randar.”

  He nodded. Eyes the golden color of a lion’s fur watched me intently. His hair was brown and shot through with blond highlights. His skin was lighter than Sylon’s, but his facial features were almost identical. I guessed him to be a few inches taller than my owner and around the same age.

  “I’m sorry to be a bother,” I said. I felt like all I had done was apologize. First to Sylon and now to Randar.

  “It’s no bother to spend time with a beautiful woman.” The way he said it sent chills down my spine. The good kind. Sylon had certainly never talked to me that way. I wasn’t even sure he saw me as beautiful. He treated me like property, which I was, but it was nice for a Vaaden warrior to view me as a woman first and a slave second.

  “Sylon said you’ve been ill,” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Yes. I hate feeling helpless.”

  He smiled. “You seem like you’d be a fighter.”

  “Normally.” I sighed. “But being sick seems to have scrambled my brains.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I feel weak and helpless… and whiny.”

  “I’m sure my cousin took that well,” he replied dryly.

  I nodded, heat flooding my cheeks as I remembered how angry he’d been. “He was furious with me.”

  “For his own neglect?”


  “No, because I’m so needy right now. I couldn’t…”

  “Ah… say no more. Yes, my cousin is all about self-gratification. If he couldn’t fuck you, I’m sure he was angry and frustrated.” I inwardly winced at his choice of words, even though I knew them to be true.

  That’s all there was between me and Sylon, yet it sounded crude coming from Randar.

  Crude and cheap. I felt like a whore, which is close to what this planet had made me. I wanted to mean something to him, but I doubted that would ever happen.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked softly, his eyes understanding as if he’d read my mind.

  “A little.”

  “I’ll fix you something to eat. Just lie here and rest until it’s done.” I nodded and closed my eyes, feeling tired yet again. I’d never slept so much in my life.

  * * *

  I woke up what felt like hours later, but must have been only minutes.

  Randar walked in with a steaming bowl of something that looked like soup with some sort of crackers on the side. It smelled heavenly and my stomach growled.

  “Well, at least I know it won’t go to waste,” he said with a laugh.

  I was mortified, but accepted the bowl from him. Eating slowly, I managed to finish the whole thing. My stomach felt full and I wasn’t queasy, definitely a good sign.

  “Do you want something to read?”

  I scrunched up my nose. “I’m not much of a reader.”

  “I’m not sure how else you’ll pass the time.” I shrugged a shoulder, not sure either. I hadn’t really thought about what I would do when Sylon wasn’t around. It was going to be boring and lonely being his slave, two things I hated.

  “Perhaps I can teach you some Vaaden games of chance. Will you be okay if I go to my house to retrieve a few things?”


  I nodded and leaned back against my pillow. “I may feel helpless, but I’m sure I can manage being alone for a little while.” At least, as long as I knew he was coming back.

  He smiled and took the bowl from me. “I’ll put this in the kitchen and then I’ll go to my house. I’ll be back before you know it.” I smiled and closed my eyes, deciding another nap wouldn’t hurt. I’d heard that sleep was the best way to recover when you’ve been sick.

  * * *

  What felt like an hour later, Randar returned with a deck of cards and some sort of wooden tray with marbles. I wasn’t sure what they were used for, but learning something new sounded fun.

  “I thought we could start with the cards,” he said with a smile.

  “I’m glad you’re back.”

  “You really don’t like being alone, do you?” I shook my head. “It isn’t so much being alone, although it does make me nervous to be by myself for long periods of time while I’m so weak. Mostly I just hate being bored.”

  He frowned. “You realize that Sylon won’t be here much. Not unless he needs you.”

  “I know.” My eyes downcast, I folded my hands in my lap.

  He lifted my chin with a gentle touch and I saw compassion in his eyes. Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his cheek.

  He looked surprised. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” As a slave, I had to remember that there would be rules I would have to follow. I just didn’t know what they were. Apparently, kissing another man on the cheek, even if it was in gratitude, was against the rules.

  He shook his head. “It isn’t that, I didn’t mind. Hell, I want to do more than that, but Sylon would be furious.”


  I blanched, knowing he was telling the truth. I’d heard the anger in his voice over the way I was dressed, and I could only imagine what he would do if he knew I’d kissed his cousin, even if it was innocently.

  “I won’t tell him,” he assured me. “He’d be just as angry at me, if not more so.” I shook my head. “No, he’d be angrier with me. He’s already upset with me for wearing his shirt earlier.”

  Randar cocked his head to the side. “Why would that upset him? If you were mine, I’d find it an honor that you chose to wear something that belonged to me.”

  “He said I was a slave and should do as I was told, and wear the common slave garb.”

  Randar drew back the covers and his eyes became stormy as he saw the offensive garment I wore. “I’ll find you something better.”

  “No, you can’t!”

  “It will still be slave garb, just not something so rough. Your skin should only feel silky, soft material.”

  Pulling the covers over my body again, I covered my near nakedness. I felt awkward around Randar. He was an attractive man, but it was Sylon I wanted. While it was true that he was rough and domineering, I’d now seen a softer side to him as well.

  If I hadn’t known better, I would have said I was in love with the man, but that was ridiculous.

  * * *

  Later that night, I felt Randar slip into bed beside me.

  “I thought you said it was dangerous for Sylon to find us together.”

  “It is, but he wouldn’t expect anything less than for me to share the bed with you. As long as he doesn’t find us naked together, we should be fine.” Draping an arm over his waist, I snuggled into him, inhaling his scent. “Is this all right?” I wanted to feel safe, protected.

  “Susan, if we were together in any way other than sleeping, it would be the same as signing your death sentence.”

  “I’ve survived men like Sylon before. Besides, we’re not doing anything.”


  I felt him tense. “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t have the best luck with men on my planet. I’ve been hurt more than once.”

  “By hurt, you don’t mean a broken heart do you?”

  “No. Although one or two did. After that, I stopped letting my heart get involved.” At least, until Sylon.

  “I’m sorry you went through that. Did you not have any pleasant experiences?”


  Randar leaned down and kissed me gently. It shocked me and I didn’t know wha
t to do. I lay frozen, uncertain. As his lips moved against mine, I pushed against his chest. “Stop, please.”

  “I just want to show you that it can be pleasant between a man and woman.”

  “I appreciate that, but I belong to Sylon.” And he’s the only man I want.

  He sighed, but backed away. “Fine.”

  I curled up on my side of the bed. “Are you mad at me?” He reached out and smoothed a lock of my hair. “No, I’m not mad. I don’t understand you, but I’m not mad. I know you belong to Sylon, and I know we could get into trouble, but I want you.”

  “I want to be with Sylon.”

  He gave a humorless laugh. “You have to be joking. Why would you want to be with him? He’s cold and unfeeling.”

  Why indeed. That was the million-dollar question. “I don’t know. I just… I just do.”

  “Then I’ll honor your wishes. I won’t touch you.”

  “Thank you,” I said softly.

  I wanted to tell him I’d seen a softer side to Sylon. I knew that he could be a good man if he would only allow himself to be. The question, however, was did he want to be one? There was a difference in being dominant and being cruel. Was Sylon both, or just dominant?


  I wasn’t sure what exactly I saw in him, but I knew I wanted to be with him. I was convinced I could redeem him. Granted, he had a wife and didn’t seem to have the slightest inclination to feel anything for me. I could only hope that with time he would grow fond of me.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, I woke to find a silky blue slave dress lying across the foot of the bed. I knew without a doubt it was from Randar and the thought touched me, more than I wanted to admit. No one had done anything so nice for me before. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d received a gift.

  Slipping out of bed, I went to take a shower and change, except my legs gave out on me once I stepped under the warm spray.


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