Book Read Free

Staff Master 2

Page 18

by Daniel Sandoval

  Chapter 17:

  Connor walked back to his room relieved that Billy did not have him followed. The crack in the door to his room illuminated a small green light as he slowly opened it, he paused and noticed Lena sitting in the hallway several doors down the hall. Connor's mind was once again tickled by the soft slinky tail of the cat. He felt drawn to Lena and called for her to come join him.

  Lena stood up and walked over to Connor. "Andre is doing better."

  "That's good." Connor compassionately took Lena by the hand.

  "I need him to come to the village tomorrow morning or the land will be foreclosed on." Lena let out weepy tears. "Babushka left a loophole in the legal documents and Andre is the only one who can file an appeal to the foreclosure."

  Connor wasn't expecting Lena's news. "Can Andre talk?"

  "He's still asleep, but he's moving around in his sleep and one of the nurses says he keeps getting better." Lena exhaled.

  Walking with Lena into the hotel room and toward the bed, Connor sat down and made sure his idea had solidified in his mind before abruptly changing the subject. "Do you know anyone in the media?"

  Lena looked confused at Connor. "My friend from grammar school runs a political news campaign here in Kyiv."

  "What methods does he use to circulate his message?" Connor asked calmly.

  "Everything from digital marquees on roadsides to political broadcasts..." Lena looked sheepish as she offered up the information. "Why do you want to know?"

  Connor sat up and smiled. "Do you think we could stop in on him?"

  "Right now?" Lena shrugged.

  Connor stood up and grabbed his bag with his quarter staff. "Let's go."

  Lena seemed a bit confused, but she willingly followed Connor out of the hotel. Lena started to walk south on the street and Connor told her to go ahead of him and that he would follow behind. Connor sat on an empty bench outside the hotel as Lena briskly walked away. Connor observed the scene for a couple of minutes before he was certain that Billy did not have a trace on him. After a casual stretch of his arms he stood up and walked after Lena. The walk did not take long; a mere three blocks away Connor saw Lena enter a building housing several small businesses. The facade of the building was intricately designed to reflect the bourgeoning Ukrainian prominence in Europe. Connor hastened his pace to catch Lena inside the building.

  Lena artfully awaited Connor a few meters inside the buildings entrance. The two walked up a flight of stairs and found themselves in a large open space with video cameras, computers, banners, and a flurry of people walking around and talking. Lena led Connor back to an office in the corner of the large open space. Inside the office sat a tall lanky man with black hair, bushy eyebrows and thick glasses. His face was somewhat gaunt, but he looked healthy as he studied the computer in front of him. Lena opened the door.

  "Michael... Do you have a minute?" Lena asked with a tone of apology in her voice.

  Michael turned his chair and in a fluent American voice responded. "Lena!" He stood up and walked over to the door and embraced Lena. "Come in... I'm just finishing a story for the Moscow news tonight."

  Michael offered Lena and Connor chairs to sit down in. Connor smiled politely to Michael, but the news man was much more interested in Lena.

  "What can I help you with Lena?" Michael sat back in his chair.

  Lena looked at Connor as if she didn't know where to start. "This is my friend Connor. He is from England."

  "Glad to meet you Connor." Michael looked a bit more studiously at Connor. "Aren't you the stick fighter?"

  "Yes I am." Connor responded.

  "It's a shame you're mixed up in that racket." Michael stated bluntly.

  "What do you mean?" Connor asked.

  Michael grimaced and tried to stop himself from talking when he looked at Lena, but the words came flying out. "The entire mass media market in Kyiv has been bought out by the guy running that tournament. He's controlling all the messages media outlets are putting out here. Most of the other media outlets have allowed themselves to just get paid off and wait out his little escapade, but I decided a long time ago no one would ever pay me for my silence. I've been busier than ever since he got here." Michael smiled.

  "How do you mean?" Connor prodded.

  Michael stared intently at Connor. "Kyiv is a major city in Eastern Europe and plenty of agencies across Europe want to know what's going on here. Everyone is reporting on your damn tournament, but we have a major election happening here in two months and I'm the only one covering it."

  "What does an American care about Ukrainian politics?" Connor inquired further being ruffled with Michael's gruff tone.

  "My mother is Ukrainian and I chose to move back here after my parents immigrated to America. This is my home. Lena knows how I feel about my homeland. She was my only true Ukrainian friend the twelve years I spent in the states." Michael fired back.

  Connor felt like his hope of securing Michael's help was fleeting, but he knew he had to ask. "I want to bring down the man running the stick fighting tournament."

  Michael laughed softly through his nose. "Good luck with that." Michael glanced at Lena. "How'd you get tangled up with this guy?"

  Connor stood up from his chair and gently pressed his fists onto Michael's desk. "I need to run a spot after my match tonight displaying how great a fighter Billy is... A spot that will induce the crowd to demand him to fight!"

  Michael's squinty eyes widened. "I don't have time for stupid gladiator games. I'm sorry Lena, but I'm extremely busy."

  "Tell him about Andre, Lena." Connor pleaded.

  Lena paused and looked up at Michael and Connor. She looked confused and frightened. Finally she cleared her throat. "If he doesn't fight this man, I will lose the village."

  "You mean our village?" Michael's posture sunk.

  Lena looked relieved. "Yes Michael. The village you were born in will be owned by Billy who runs this stick fighting tournament if Connor doesn't stop him."

  Michael looked at both of them for several moments. "I'm not sure my agency has the capacity to pull something off like you want."

  Connor paused. "You'll do it then?"

  "Of course I'll do it. Our villages are some of the last pure things left in this extortionist culture.” Michael said firmly. “You two go out the back door, hopefully no one saw you come in. If the spot runs you’ll know within a few minutes of your match ending… and by the way. I will deny that you ever came here, I hope you honor that secret.”

  Connor’s smile was about to burst as he clenched his teeth tightly. “We weren’t followed and I’m not sure how we confused your office for the bakery the maître d’ told me about at the hotel.”

  Michael had a tense look and then let out a smile, he walked across the office as Connor and Lena followed. “The bakery you were looking for is on the first floor, not the third floor. Enjoy your time in Kyiv.” Michael gestured his friends out the door and then went straight to work.

  Chapter 18:

  Connor carried all his belongings to the nearby empty stadium. The security crew let Connor in without protest. He walked out onto the pitch of the stadium and took a deep breathe. The late afternoon sun cast a shadow across most of the stadium as the cool autumn air softly wisped around some litter in the corners of the stadium. Connor could feel the calm before the storm. He knew it was time to fight with boldness, provoke his enemy, and bring out the wrath of the bear. He raised his arms straight into the air, let out a roar and then slowly descended onto the pitch in meditation.

  Connor felt a tremble on the ground. He cautiously opened his eyes and swiveled his head. At least a dozen stick fighters were warming up on the pitch where he sat. A smattering of spectators had entered the stadium signaling it was soon time for the fights to begin. Connor smoothly stood up, grabbed his fighting bag and journeyed up to the sky box where he would await his name to
be called to fight. As he walked he thought of Michael and knew in his heart that somehow he would be able to fight Billy tonight. He thought of Andre and Lena and what it would mean to them for Connor to bring down Billy, and then he thought of Maria. He had not seen her since he fought Andre and did not know where she was. His pulse rate increased as worst case scenarios flashed in his mind, but he could not do anything right now, he knew the best way to make sense of Maria and his mom was to take down Billy and he knew he would have to do it alone.

  From the skybox Connor watched the stadium fill to capacity. He also watched as the jumbo screen carried the television broadcast of the pre-fight show. As the first match started the screen continued to show the television coverage. Rather than a public address system in place it seemed as though the two Ukrainian broadcasters had taken control of introducing fighters and filtering the messages heard by the crowd. Connor knew this was different than the first round of competition and he quickly stared towards Billy’s skybox to see what type of reaction was going on. As expected, Billy was calm, but had several men advising him in silent close eared whispers. Connor knew Michael altered Billy’s agenda and Billy was scrambling trying to figure out what exactly had happened and if it was going to be a problem with the fights. Connor contently sat down and finished watching a Russian fighter take down a Portuguese fighter. The crowd was noisy and the broadcasters were more amplified and animated than anything Connor had ever seen.

  The second round fights were some of the most competitive Connor had seen. All the fighters fought inspired and even though two staff masters reigned victorious, their margins of victory were very slim. As the night waned on, the time was quickly approaching for Connor to fight. In his mind he continued to evaluate his plan. He would have to win to incite the crowd to demand Billy to fight, but if Michael failed then Connor’s victory meant losing all of his friends and family. There was angst to fold under Billy’s demands, but he was already alone. He had no one with him and he felt like the only one preventing him from being with those he loved was the man who had killed his father and now enslaved his mother. Connor would play by the stick fighting rules only once more and then it would be time to destroy the man who was trying to destroy him.

  Connor’s attention was turned back to the jumbo screen to see his name and picture appear, he briefly waited to see who his opponent was. The broadcasters were briefly interrupted and halted their announcement and then read from a card. Connor did not understand what they were saying, but suddenly a picture of Takeo flashed on the screen as well as the title of staff master indicating that two staff masters were about to fight. Connor’s eyes widened, his shoulders tensed, he glared towards Billy’s box and could see his nemesis sneering at the crowd. Billy had once again countered Connor’s move with one that seemed impossible to overcome. Connor snatched his bag and stomped down to the pitch.

  The roar of the crowd was deafening and electric ambience was firing out high volts of energy. Connor caught up to Takeo who had left Billy’s skybox and was waiting at the elevator. Takeo smiled as Connor approached.

  “Are you prepared to spend time with your friend?” Takeo mocked.

  Connor did not respond to Takeo’s comments. He watched the elevator arrive. A group of security guards were in the elevator as the door opened. Takeo entered and Connor followed. The noise from the crowd was muted as the elevator commenced its quick decent to the pitch. As the elevator’s buzz slowed down, Takeo stared at Connor.

  “When I finish you I will walk into hospital and finish off stupid trainer who knock out my nephew from tournament.” Takeo’s voice was raised.

  Connor stared at him and knew that even he was being played by Billy. The master puppeteer was now pulling strings of the Kenshi. Shuji was right about Billy, he was the key to the Kenshi conquering the west and if he wasn’t brought down soon he could end up taking more power than he had any right to take. “I will avenge your nephew myself if you allow me to defeat you tonight Takeo.” Connor said calmly.

  “You are foolish boy. Kenshi fight for honor and revenge, is time for revenge to find you and your trainer!” Takeo gruffed.

  The elevator door opened and Connor hastily galloped up onto the pitch. The only way to get to Billy was to get through a stubborn and misguided Takeo. Connor positioned himself in the boar stance ready to charge Takeo once he took the pitch. Takeo sauntered onto the pitch and the official made it clear that he would not let Connor do anything until he signaled the fight to begin.

  Connor sized up Takeo as he stripped down to a pair of sleek shorts, he even removed his shoes. The official signaled for Takeo to come closer. Despite Connor’s impatience to start the fight, he carefully watched as Takeo pulled out a staff that was braided with a flexible and strong wood toward the middle of each end of the staff. The official looked studiously at the staff and asked Takeo for permission to look it over. After a minute of surveying the weapon he allowed it to be introduced into the fight.

  The instant the official started the match Connor boar rushed Takeo and flattened him on his back. A point was awarded to Connor and the crowd erupted. Takeo slowly pulled himself up off the grassy pitch and stood steadfast in an open stance. Connor charged him again and this time Takeo leapt in the air avoiding the charge. Connor turned quickly on his opponent and engaged in series of rapid exchanges of clashing staff’s. Takeo blocked everything Connor attacked with and Connor withstood all of Takeo’s counter strikes. The two fought at a rapid pace until Takeo landed a hard shot onto Connor’s left hand. Connor winced, but maintained his tight grip of the hawthorn staff. Takeo advanced on Connor infiltrating the slight change in momentum. Connor took a step backwards and then another step backwards. He sensed Takeo was plotting a major assault. Positioning himself in the stance of the stag he watched as Takeo violently spun his staff and came crashing toward Connor. With his sure footwork Connor averted the assault and took out one of Takeo’s feet and then caught him square on the back with a hammering shot from his quarter staff. Takeo plunged into the grass once again.

  Connor breathed a sigh of relief, he had withstood the onslaught from Takeo and was now one point away from facing Billy. The crowd was screaming for more action while Connor slowly watched Takeo rise from the humiliation he was facing. Takeo looked down at his staff and gingerly leaned over and clenched the middle portion of the staff with his teeth. He slowly and forcefully pulled out a wooden pin and the staff suddenly unraveled into two wooden nun chucks held together by the braided wood on each end of the staff. Connor had only seen this type of weapons in old movies. Now he watched as Takeo spun his transformed staff around his body furiously as the crowd cheered wildly.

  The style of the cat and fox simultaneously invaded Connor’s instincts. He paused with defined control and waited to see how he would adapt to taking on this new weapon. Without much notice Takeo was in attack mode. He flew at Connor spinning his nun chucks in front of his upper torso. Connor reacted by squatting to position himself to take out Takeo’s feet from under him. Before Connor knew what happened he had one of the nun chucks wrapped around his staff and Takeo was preventing Connor from attacking with it. Then a thunderous hit lashed across Connor’s face, he felt another and yet another until he fell to the ground. Connor could hear the crowd erupt. He lifted himself off the ground, but could quickly feel his right eye begin to swell. It was difficult to see anything out his eye. Connor knew he was now at a distinct disadvantage without full sight.

  Taking all the time he could to recover from the attack Connor reluctantly took his fighting stance. He could see rage in Takeo’s eyes and knew the next attack would come fierce. Connor began a flourish of his staff, he knew it would be the only way of combating the fast moving nun chucks. Takeo made several attempts to penetrate the flourish, but the hawthorn staff was too strong. Connor was about to advance when Takeo suddenly struck Connor’s left hand again. The pain b
urned up Connor’s arm and yet somehow he managed to grasp his staff with his right hand. He swung at Takeo, but the maneuver was evaded rather easily. Takeo advanced quickly and once again tangled up the quarter staff. Connor awkwardly used the staff as a brace to keep the nun chucks a further distance away from his already swollen face. Takeo was relentless and went right to work on Connor’s right hand. Connor endured the hits as long as he could and then his hold broke from his staff and he feel again to ground. Takeo had matched Connor’s points and in the process destroyed his most valuable asset, his vice like grip on his staff.

  Connor could scarcely feel the nerves and muscles in his hands. He was glad he could pick up his staff off the ground, but knew he could not withstand another attack like the one he just faced. Trying to clear his mind and focus on what he was taught as a boy, his mind for the first time went blank. He felt nothing, heard nothing, and ultimately the images in front of him began to fade. Something had overtaken Connor and he didn’t know if it was the pain, the desperate situation, or something he could not understand. He could sense that his fingers were slowly dropping his staff until a familiar voice rang in the back of his mind. It was his father’s voice. “Don’t give in to this my boy!” the voice said. Connor opened his one good eye and could see Takeo ready to spring back into action and the official holding him at bay. Flashes of his father’s death raced through Connor’s mind and then the posture and stance of Takeo was suddenly familiar. Connor had seen it before, it was brief and fast, but it was Takeo who threw the knife that killed his father. Adrenaline pumped at a rapid rate through Connor’s body. He suddenly thrust his staff high above his head and roared at Takeo.

  For the first time in the fight Connor noticed that Takeo looked uncertain as to what was happening. The official let Takeo loose and he once again flew with his spinning nun chucks at Connor. Before Takeo could reach Connor, the quarterstaff was lowered and thrust in the air toward Takeo. Connor watched his quarter staff soar like an arrow past the spinning nun chucks and hit Takeo directly in his left rib area. Takeo stopped his attack, grasped for his heart and fell prostrate to the ground. Connor’s rage was still ignited as medics quickly transported Takeo’s limp body off the pitch.

  Connor looked up toward the sky boxes and though he could not see Billy he knew what had to come next. The broadcasters revisited the epic fight they had just seen as the crowd cheered and reacted to the replay on the screen. Then, a video began to play showing close ups of Billy and his importance in the stick fighting tournament. The video shifted to some old fight footage of Billy. The crowd began to cheer Billy’s name. Before Connor knew it a live camera was on Billy inside his sky box. Billy looked uncomfortable, but was playing to the large crowd. He tried to move the broadcast to the next match, but then a camera appeared next to Connor. Connor could see himself on the jumbo screen.

  Looking at the screen and suddenly hearing his breathing through the microphone Connor made his challenge. “Wouldn’t you all love to see this legend of stick fighting in action?”

  The screen flashed back to Billy while everything was being translated into Ukrainian. “I’ve been retired for many years, let’s move on to our next match.” Billy emphatically insisted.

  Connor was once again on the screen. “You mean to tell me it was someone else I fought a few months back in France, Billy?” Connor antagonized.

  The crowd went silent as they waited Billy’s response. “You must be mistaken staff master, I do not fight anymore.” Billy plainly stated.

  The screen was back to Connor. He looked at the crowd who wasn’t sure how to react to the situation. “Get down here Billy and let’s give these people a proper stick fighting demonstration!” Connor insisted.

  The crowd erupted and cheered for Billy. Billy was visibly upset by the position he was being put in as he smiled and sneered into the camera. Connor grabbed the cameraman’s attention and had him span the audience as the screen shifted to shots of the crowd. “Look at these loyal fans Billy. Come and give them what they paid to see!”

  Connor panned the crowd as they cheered Billy’s name. The camera affixed to Billy would not move off of him and Connor could see the uneasiness of the situation infiltrate Billy’s mind. Billy smiled at the camera and motioned at them to wait a minute and then he turned his back to the camera and made a phone call. Billy’s security team instinctively created a barrier around Billy to protect the privacy of the call. Connor antagonized the crowd to cheer louder for Billy. As he raised his staff above his head and cheered he could feel his hand swell and ache. He could see that his vision was getting blurry, but he knew it was now or never. He had the most powerful force on his side for maybe only a few more minutes, the power of the masses.

  As the crowd escalated their chant, Billy finally appeared from behind his security team. He calmly walked towards the camera and paused as the crowd’s chant grew silent. “Despite what you may think, I am going to make this decision based upon careful consideration of the situation in front of me.” Connor internalized the message and his eyes grew wide. “I will show the world, once and for all that Mr. Connor Coleman is nothing more than a tightly wound upstart fighter who has no future in a sport that requires careful skill and planning. Connor…Prepare to be defeated!”

  The crowd erupted as Billy marched out of his sky box to prepare for the next fight. The broadcast of the fight returned on the jumbo screen as the stadium celebrated an unexpected heralded fight between a stick fighting legend and a young relentless rookie.

  Connor took the few minutes he had before Billy arrived to slow his breathing and close his eyes. He sat meditatively on the pitch and cleared the noise and commotion from his mind. Thoughts of his father’s death charged his mind like a wild boar. He withstood the pain it brought and thought back to the fight he had with Billy. He visualized Billy’s stance, his cocky persona and his attack motion. Connor could see the way to beat Billy would be to attack him on the right. Connor’s heart dropped as he then silently clutched his left hand acknowledging Billy’s most vulnerable side for attack would require a strong left hand, which Connor did not have. He wished in his heart for a balm or ointment to subside the swelling realizing the only assistance he would get would be from his training and focus.

  Opening his eyes, Connor watched as Billy made his way onto the pitch. He was escorted by four security guards. The official had the guards stop at the fighting entrance and Billy politely reassured them he would be fine. As Billy walked closer, Connor could feel the blood in his body get hotter. His plan had worked, but he would have to fight the best fight of his life to be rid of Billy.

  The official brought the two fighters together and explained the fight would be a knock out only fight. Connor looked at Billy who sniveled slightly. He could see that Billy was dressed in a black full spandex suit with padding on the legs, arms, abdomen, and back. Billy would be able to absorb hits fairly easily with the padding. The obvious finally hit Connor in the face. Billy knew Connor would fight him at some point and when it happened, Billy would be ready. The reality of the situation left Connor with a cramp in his stomach and a sense of hopelessness in his heart. Billy suddenly seemed indestructible.

  Before Connor could gather in his thoughts and compose himself, Billy was on the attack. Connor quickly took a defensive position and could feel his hand throb with each deflection of Billy’s advances. To make matters worse, Billy was purposefully attacking towards Connor’s bad eye making it difficult for Connor to anticipate what Billy would do next. Connor was reluctantly losing ground and the crowd could sense Billy’s momentum in the fight. Before he knew it, there was a sharp blow on his bad hand followed by a crisp jolt to his knee. Connor wobbled and then watched as Billy moved lightning fast with a full swing toward Connor’s head.

  Several things flashed through Connor’s mind as Billy’s stick came closer and closer. He could simultanesouly see t
he stick slowly moving toward him and the faces of Maria, Lena, Andre, Shuji, and finally his mother. Her face somehow blocked the forward movement of Billy’s stick. Her face was beautiful and terrified all at the same time. It pleaded for Connor’s help and warned him of the greater dangers if he truly decided to help her. Instintively he knew she was in trouble and a renewed sense of determination and strength returned to Connor’s body. He dropped his staff from his good hand and swiftly grabbed Billy’s staff that was less than a centimeter from knocking him on the temple.

  The crowd went silent while Billy’s eyes widened. He had the look of panic and uncertainty as his nose twitched, eyes welled up, and throat dropped. With the grasping power of the hawk, Connor wrenched the stick away from Billy and then pushed him to the ground. He placed his foot directly on Billy’s throat. The stadium watched in silence.

  “You have killed my father, disgraced my mother, and treated my friends like scum! It is time for the tables to turn!.” Connor let out a low guttural growl and put all his weight on Billy’s throat.

  Billy squirmed and kicked. His security guards rushed the middle of the pitch. Connor could see Billy would not go away without a fight and in one swift move he reached down and snapped his neck. Billy stopped moving. His security guards paused and then continued their rush toward Billy. Connor looked around and could hear sirens in the distance. He quickly realized his actions would be viewed as ruthless and murderous. The eerie quiet crowd gave him no reassurance. He picked up his prized hawthorn staff and headed for the stadium exit.


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