Book Read Free

Free Fall

Page 7

by Unknown

  "Do you have kids?" She asked. Before Laura could answer, she went on, "Does Joseph have kids somewhere?"

  "Wait! Listen." Laura pulled into a trendy strip mall and parked close to a boutique store called Rufus. "No, he doesn’t have any children anywhere, okay? And I don’t have any kids either, at least not yet. That’s still in negotiation between Tom and me. Let’s do some shopping. I’d like to get a new pair of flats. I saw a commercial the other day and they showed an adorable pair of slippers that are supposed to be the latest thing." She reached over and grasped Nina’s hand and gave it a squeeze. "Don’t look so worried! I promise no serial killers, inbred offspring or insane parents are in the history of Joseph." She got out of the car and her hands smoothed the chic, golden, wrap-around dress she wore. "The history of Joseph. Isn’t that a story in the bible?" She winked.

  Later, after an hour and a half of shopping, they stopped for lunch in a deli at the far end of the strip mall. Nina had bought a swim suit, three pairs of flip flops, two pairs of shorts, a black, halter dress with a draped V-neckline, and a beautiful periwinkle blue suede blazer. Nina saw the jacket displayed prominently in a boutique and immediately snagged it. The leather was brushed soft and velvety. Laura had gotten the flats she wanted plus about five hundred dollars worth of lace, silk and satin at a posh lingerie store. Altogether a very productive excursion. Nina was happy to see that Laura wasn’t one of those shoppers who lingered, window shopped and took forever to make decisions. Like Nina, she knew exactly what she wanted and went straight for it.

  "Try the seafood salad. It’s so fresh and crisp and the homemade dressing is wonderful!" Laura suggested while they perused the menu.

  "Sounds good," Nina agreed. She was enjoying herself with Laura. For someone so lovely and poised she was unaffected, unpretentious and good company.

  "So, really. How long are you planning on staying here?" Laura asked.

  "I’m not sure. I’ve only been here a few days. I thought I would play it by ear."

  "If you do stay longer are you going to look for a job?"

  "I get the feeling you have plans for me and Joseph. Are you hinting that you want me to stay here and make a life in LA?"

  "I think you guys make a good couple and frankly, Joseph needs a girl like you to whip him into shape, settle him down. I could put out some feelers and get you a job at one of the exclusive hotel lounges in Beverly Hills."

  "Um, No. But thank you. I will only work in a bar at my bar. If I stay here I will probably use the time to work on my book."

  "You’re a writer? Why didn’t you say so?"

  "Because I don’t consider that my profession, really. Just more of a hobby. And I haven’t touched the novel in two years, I’ve been procrastinating. Now would be the perfect time to bring it back up and try to finish it. I use to work as a technical writer. I haven’t been a waitress all my life, you know."

  "What’s the story about?"

  "It’s a post-apocalyptic romance."

  Laura started laughing and said, "My favorite genre! Let me guess. There’s a shortage of women and children and a tyrant who controls the reproductive processes of everyone?"

  "Right," Nina grimaced. Laura had just nailed the premise of her novel.

  "If you do stay, and you do finish the novel we can help you get it published, you know."

  "Alright, alright! Slow down, sister." Nina held up her hands. "No more!" Their salads were set down they both set to with gusto.

  A few weeks after Nina came to LA, Joseph was weaving through traffic on his way home when a number he didn’t recognize appeared on the display of his cell phone. He pressed the talk button and said, "Yes?" into the phone.

  "Hi Joseph," Karen breathed into the phone. She had called from a different number so he would answer when she called.

  Damn it! Joseph felt heat burn up into his face. Why wouldn't she leave him alone? She called him every other day like clockwork. It was always the same. She missed him. She talked about all the times they had together, and although he knew she was trying not to talk about her film premier, she managed to slip it in every time. The film would not premier in less than a year’s time. It might not even premier at all. Things could happen in post-production to nix the whole project. Did she really think they would be together then?

  He'd stopped answering her calls and then came the voice mail messages, which he deleted without listening to. Now she had snuck up on him and he started seriously thinking of changing his number.


  "How are you, honey?"

  "What do you want? Are you turning into a stalker now? I don’t want to talk to you! I’m in love." Furiously he pushed the end button and tossed the phone onto the seat beside him.

  Jesus! She made him so angry he wanted to throttle her. Now she’ll tell everyone what he had just said, mocking him to their mutual friends and acquaintances. He could just hear her simpering voice now. 'Joseph says he’s in love, we’ve got to set up an intervention'.

  Evil, manipulative bitch! What did he ever see in her? The two years they spent together seemed like they never happened, like a long ago, forgotten memory in his mind. And was he in love? He thought about Nina waiting at home for him and felt elated. And that’s how it was, wasn’t it? He looked forward to seeing her like a little boy with a crush. He was happy.

  Nina was in front of the computer in Josephs’ office researching Montana map locations for one of the settings in her book when her cell phone rang. The number showed an LA area code. When she answered she heard a woman speak in a rough smoker’s voice.

  "Is this Neena," the woman inquired in an exaggerated drawl.

  "This is she," Nina said edgily, thinking it was probably a telemarketer. How did these people get her number? On second thought, how do they know her name? She silently prepared her firm refusal of whatever was being peddled.

  "You better get your ass back to Washington."

  "What?" Nina searched her mind trying to make a connection to the voice. Was someone playing a joke on her? Was it someone from the club? She wouldn’t put it past any one of the waitresses to pull this kind of stunt. "Who is this?"

  "This is someone who's been getting it on with your boyfriend," the woman answered harshly.

  "My boyfriend?" Nina repeated.

  "You don’t remember all the guys you’ve slept with?" the woman asked. "You’re so stupid you think he doesn’t have anyone else? What do you think he does all day? You’re not welcome here. Go home." The line went dead and Nina stared apprehensively at the phone with the unfamiliar number staring back at her.

  The front door slammed and she heard footsteps as Joseph searched the house for her. "Here’s that girl again," he said when he found her.

  "That’s right. I’m still here." Nina turned from the computer.

  "Hey!" Joseph saw the word document on the screen. "Can I read it now?"

  Ever since Joseph had found out that Nina was working on a novel he kept hounding her to let him read it and demanding that she make him a character, if not the main character in her book. He believed that they could make it into a screenplay and become some kind of powerhouse couple, she writing the scripts and he acting them out. But Nina guarded it jealously and wouldn’t let him read one word until it was done.

  "No, you may not." Nina got up and gave him a hug. "I just got off the phone with someone who said she’s been getting it on with you and that I should quote, 'get my ass back to Washington'."

  Joseph’s brow furrowed in confusion. "Huh?"

  Nina relayed the short conversation and handed him the phone to see if he recognized the number. Joseph saw the same number that had called him just fifteen minutes before.

  "It’s Karen!" he said, "I can tell you now that I’m not sleeping with her. I have everything I want right here," he grabbed her butt for emphasis. "You keep me pretty busy, Nina. Where would I find the energy?" He pushed the call button on the phone. "Let’s call back and see if she answers."
br />   "No! Joseph, wait!" But Joseph held up his hand and listened as the number rang and rang. Finally he hung up the phone.

  "No answer."

  "What were you going to say if she answered?"

  "I’d tell her to quit harassing us."

  "Us?" Nina said.

  "She’s been harassing me."

  "Harassing you how?"

  "She's been calling me all the time. And she sent me a couple of emails with some naked pictures she took of herself. I deleted them and blocked her email address. I've told her over and over that I don’t want anything to do with her, but Karen is a very stubborn woman. She might stir up trouble."

  "Laura told me that she wants you back. Why didn’t you tell me this before?"

  "Because I like to pretend that she doesn’t exist. I just want her to go away."

  Turning away from him Nina walked several steps across the room, pivoted, and walked back with her eyes on the carpet. She believed him. Things were solid between them and he was right. He couldn’t possibly have the energy for someone else unless he was some kind of superman porn star.

  "You think she did this? How did she get my number?"

  "It’s not that hard, you know. There are people who work at the phone companies who will give private information if you pay for it."

  "But I’ve got a disposable phone. I don’t even have a contract."

  "Yes, but I do, and if she got a hold of my phone bill, she would see all the numbers I had called and received."

  "Great!" Nina felt even more threatened. "Do you think she’s dangerous?"

  "I’ve never seen her get physically violent with anyone."

  "That makes me feel a whole lot better."

  "If she starts coming around I’ll get a no contact order. I’ll change my number, and we’ll get you a new cell phone with a new number so you can get rid of that stupid throw-away and join the ranks of the technologically able. That'll put a stop to it."

  Nina was a little reassured by his course of action. "Were you thinking of breaking up with her anyway? Before you met me?"

  "I wanted to break up with her as soon as I saw her again. I was also completely miserable without you."

  "How long did you wait after breaking up with her to call me?"

  "A week."

  "And in that week you managed to sleep with how many women?"

  Joseph rolled his eyes, "Just that one you saw at the restaurant. And I really don’t think that counts because officially we weren’t together at the time. I was a little confused about what I wanted."

  Nina was silent.

  "Is everything clear between us?" Joseph said.

  "Between us? Yeah I guess. I don't think everything is clear between you and Karen, though."

  "I'll take care of it, Nina. I promise."

  "Okay. Want some dinner? I’m cooking."

  "What are you making?"

  Nina headed toward the kitchen. "You’ll eat whatever I give you and like it."

  After she left the room Joseph pressed the call button on the cheap little phone and waited again while it rang at the other end. After fifteen rings a man answered.


  "I’m sorry I think I’ve dialed the wrong number," Joseph began.

  "No shit? This a pay phone you called!" The man slammed down the receiver.

  Joseph slipped Nina’s phone into his pocket. He would buy her another cell phone and add her to his existing plan. He would also change his number too while he was at it.

  Karen stood on a street in North Hollywood. She handed a woman twenty bucks and said, "You going to go smoke some crack now?" The hooker was haggard looking and well past her prime.

  "I did what you asked. You and me are done. Now get the fuck out of here," she gave her a hard look.

  Clearly reading a warning in her expression, Karen tossed back her blonde mane and walked to her car. Two for two. Now, I’ll just show up at that dive he hangs out at on Saturday nights. If she’s there he’ll see us side by side and boy, what a comparison that will be! She’d go to the mall later and buy something so sexy, every guy in the place will be drooling all over her. Then he’d see what he gave up!

  "It's been more than a month. When are you coming home?" Trish asked over the phone.

  "I don't know." Nina had no plans to return to Seattle anytime soon. "Why don't you come down here for a visit?"

  "Hmm, I'm not sure if I want to come down there and party with a bunch of celebrities," Trish joked.

  "Actually, it's not all that glamorous. Joseph is gone a lot during the day. I read and work on my book. I putter around the house, and once or twice a week we go out and have dinner or go to one of the clubs down here. So far he hasn't taken me to any hot parties."

  "God, Nina. Did you just say putter? I never took you for the little wifey type. Does he have a maid?"

  "Yes, he has an Ecuadorian woman who comes in once a week, and a gardener too."

  "What does he do all day?"

  "He starts a TV show on Monday. He also does voice-overs and he’s involved in some play."

  "A TV show? Like, a sit-com?"

  "No, it's a crime show."

  "Another crime show? We've already got a hundred of them. Is it good?"

  "I don't know, Trish. I haven't seen it."

  "Ah. Have you guys talked about your relationship any?"

  Why does she have to bring this up every time we talk? Nina switched positions on the sofa. She felt pressured by Trish and an unaccountable defensiveness whenever she talked to her now. Trish was only looking out for her. She was worried that Nina would get hurt again. But, she and Joseph still didn't talk about their status. Of course she knew she loved him. She had dropped everything at his phone call and came barreling down here full speed to be with him, hadn't she? And here she was, installed in his house in California. It wasn't like it was a taboo subject between them. There just wasn't a need to gush romantic nonsense all the time. She also wouldn’t tell Trish that Karen was still trying to keep herself in the picture. It was embarrassing. Trish would question her choice in Joseph and Nina didn’t want to explain that she was in it for the long haul, no matter what.

  Nina attempted to change the subject. "So how is the club doing?"

  "Has he said he loves you?"

  "No, Trish. He doesn't need to say it. He's very loving to me."

  "Okay, well I just thought since your apartment is standing empty, your spot at the club is also standing empty and everyone misses you, that there'd be some kind of commitment in the works."

  "If I stay here another month, I'll sublet my apartment. And I miss the club, but you do have someone else tending bar in my place."

  "Yes, but honey, you have fans here."

  "Oh, please. I can sing anywhere I want."

  She would also have to make arrangements for the profits to be divided differently. Although she didn't receive a paycheck, she did get part of the profits each month from the club. Since she wasn't an active participant in its upkeep, she didn't think it was fair that she get a third of the money as before. The thought of less money didn't worry her at all. She still had a nice chunk of change in savings and investments and so far Joseph had paid for almost everything else.

  "Let me get online and see what flights are available," Trish said.

  Nina heard clicking noises over the phone as Trish typed on a keyboard. Nine-inch nails, she said to herself thinking of Trish's long, lacquered, product enhanced claws.

  "Thursday, June seventeenth," Trish announced. "The plane arrives at LAX at nine forty five am, United Airlines flight two twelve."

  "I'll meet you out front by the baggage claim area. And Trish? Don't go being all pushy with Joseph. This is my thing and I'll deal with it the way I want to."

  "Who me? Interfere with true love? I'll be the soul of discretion, sweetie."

  Nina and Joseph were at Willie's, a club that had a jam session on the calendar every Saturday night. Joseph wanted to hear her sing and
he also wanted to show her off. She was jacked up, her adrenaline running so high she couldn’t sit still. Most of her performing was done with the familiar back up of Luke’s band and the regular guys at the club. She had put in her name and chosen a song on the list that the band could play. Catching Joseph’s eye she said, "I’m gonna puke!"

  "No, you’re not. You’re going to do fine. You always do fine."

  "Don’t talk to me that way, it just makes me more nervous." She always felt this way before she sang. Her nerves were zinging and every muscle in her body was tense.

  "Okay," he patted her back. "You’re going to sound like shit! You’re going to choke and not remember the lyrics!" Joseph burst into laughter, obviously pleased with himself.

  "Just shut up. You're not helping me."

  Joseph stroked the back of her neck and looked around the bar at the other customers.

  When her name was called from the stage, Nina got up from the table and turned to kiss him.

  "Knock ‘em dead!" he said.

  The first notes of 'Run Baby Run' started. Joseph immediately got caught up in the music. As usual Nina performed the song flawlessly, her sweet husky voice pierced through him as if she were singing to him alone.

  When she finished, the lights came on for the band to take a break. Joseph saw Nina walking towards the stairs off the stage and stop right in front of them. He realized that she was literally blinded by the lights. He walked over and reached for her hand, pulling her off the top step and catching her in his arms.

  "Thanks sweetie."

  "You were great."

  Nina giggled, "Thanks sweetie," she said again.

  "I always feel like you’re singing to me only."

  "I’ve been singing to you only since the day we met. Could we go outside for some air? I’m all hot and sweaty."

  From the corner beside the bar at the far end of the crowded room, Karen watched the pair of them walk to one of the exit doors and step outside. She was truly baffled. The woman was quite ordinary, average—almost mousy looking. And though she could sing, she was missing something in her performance that, in Karen’s opinion, made the song fall flat. She just didn’t get it. This is what he left me for? She started plotting how she could casually show herself so that Joseph could make a side-by-side comparison.


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