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In the Mood for Love: A Cupcake Lovers Novel (The Cupcake Lovers)

Page 19

by Beth Ciotta

  “Be insulted if you didn’t.” When Charlie stood, Sam offered his hand, but the shorter man pulled him in for a swift hug. “You feel that? My baby’s smiling down on you, son.” He smacked Sam’s shoulder as he walked him to the door. “Go be happy.”


  “Step on it, Speedy!”

  “We wouldn’t be running late if you hadn’t insisted on attending church and staying for the whole dang service.”

  “I never miss church,” Daisy said. “Besides, I needed to say a special prayer today.”

  “I know you’re worried about Chloe and the surgery—”

  “Of course I’m worried. She’s going under the knife!”

  “Don’t think of it that way.”

  “But that’s the way it is. Maybe you should let me drive.”


  “You’re going too slow.”

  “Going eight miles over the speed limit.”

  “Like I said.”

  Vincent edged to the side of the highway.

  Daisy blinked as he unfastened his seat belt. “What are you doing?” she asked as he opened his door.

  “Letting you drive.”

  Her eyes fairly bugged out of her head. “You are?” Her family had banned her from driving. Too many accidents. And the few times Vincent had let her behind the wheel it had been on deserted back roads. This was the highway to Pixley! With oncoming traffic and everything!

  “If I let you drive,” Vincent said as he stepped outside, “you’ll feel in control. Which could help your fretting. Also, you’ll be concentrating more on the road than Chloe.”

  Vibrating with excitement, Daisy scooted across the seat. When Vincent climbed into the passenger side they jerked the seat closer to the wheel. Then Vincent reached in the backseat, nabbed a small pillow and passed it to Daisy who slid it under her heinie for a higher view.

  “Buckle up, Petunia. And don’t forget you’re carrying precious cargo.”

  “That you are, Vincent,” she said as she accelerated and pulled onto the road. “That you are.”

  A half hour later, Daisy turned into the hospital’s lot and parked the Caddy without incident. She even refrained from tapping the bumper of the car in front of her, which she often did given a slight problem with depth perception. She looked over at Vincent and smiled, her heart bouncing when he smiled back. “I love that you trust me,” she said.

  “I love that you’re fearless.”

  Again her heart fluttered. Vincent Redding made Daisy feel like she was sixteen again. She didn’t know about fearless, but she was impetuous … and head over heels in love. She started to say so, but the words stuck in her throat. Yes, she’d loosened up over the last couple of years, but she wasn’t wholly comfortable sharing sappy sentiments. Besides, her man had already left the car, rounding the hood to help her out.

  “Ten forty-five,” he said as he waddled and she shuffled toward the hospital. “Not too early. Not too late.”

  Daisy gave a little whoop. “My first great-grandchild. What a thrill!”

  “Speaking of grandchildren…”

  Daisy followed Vincent’s line of vision and saw two young people striding their way. His granddaughter Peppy and Daisy’s grandson’s friend Adam.

  “I can’t believe she moved in with one of the Brody boys,” Vincent said close to Daisy’s ear.

  “The responsible, good-hearted Brody,” Daisy reminded him. Not that Kane wasn’t kind, but he wasn’t ready to settle down. From everything that Luke had told Daisy, Adam was. “Peppy was driving Marvin crazy,” Daisy went on in a whisper, “and vice versa. And Adam needed a roommate. I think they make a cute couple.”

  Adam was really tall and Peppy was really short. Adam looked like a sports star and Peppy looked like, well, like a sports star’s little sister. Not quite the dynamic Daisy was going for. Still, her heart told her they were good for one another and, according to her horoscope she was supposed to trust her instincts.

  “They’re not a couple,” Vincent said. “They’re roommates.”

  “We’re roommates and we’re a couple.”

  “Yes, but we’re mature adults.”

  Daisy snorted. “Speak for yourself.”

  The older couple and the younger couple reached the glass doors of the hospital at the same time. They exchanged pleasantries, although Daisy and Peppy did most of the talking. They talked and walked and got separated as soon as they entered the crowded waiting room. Even though they’d have to take turns visiting Chloe and meeting the baby, everyone had shown up at the same time. Daisy beamed, thinking that showed just how supportive and caring all her friends and family were. It made her feel warm and fuzzy as she made the rounds saying her how-do-you-dos and what-not. She turned downright teary when she got a dose of the happiness rolling off some of her grandchildren as they stood arm in arm with their spouses. Rocky and Jayce … Luke and Rae … And she could just imagine the way Dev was holding Chloe’s hand right now. Even her stick-up-the-patooty son had his arm around his wife.

  Daisy dug in her purse for a tissue, her fingers sweeping over her family bucket list. She’d crossed off Sam and Harper because she just knew that was a done deal. Any ninny could sense the sexual zing sizzling between them. She had high hopes for Peppy and Adam, too. She didn’t know what the heck to do with Nash. Maybe he’d meet a nice girl when they were out in Vegas. Daisy was still sort of surprised he’d agreed to fly them to Sin City considering that’s where his mom, Kelly (Daisy’s only daughter), lived and they were pretty much on the outs. Daisy was miffed with Kelly, too, but she intended to seek her out all the same. Life was short.

  Mind racing and turning to Vegas, Daisy made her way over to Harper who was juggling her phone and a laptop computer. “How’s it going, Slick?”

  “Great. Everything’s great. As of ten minutes ago, the Cupcake Lovers are good to go in Vegas. Charter to Vegas, limo from airport to hotel, hotel rooms. I’ll provide everyone with details and an itinerary after we board. Also,” she said, while typing on her computer, “the social sites are buzzing about the TV show appearance as well as the CL mission. And of course everyone’s dying to see a picture of Chloe’s baby. Considering she’s in surgery now, it won’t be long.” She glanced at Daisy, eyes dancing. “Are you bursting at the seams or what?”

  Harper had no idea. “And how!”

  Sam moved in, kissing Daisy on the head then settling in next to Harper and whispering in her ear. The way Harper smiled at him felt awfully personal so Daisy looked away.

  She turned, heart skipping and racing and giving her a bit of a scare. Too much excitement maybe, but then she realized she was looking at Vincent who was looking at her and smiling one of his goofy, lovey-dovey smiles. She chalked her heart palpitations up to old-fashioned infatuation. Although she knew her feelings ran much deeper, being smitten was nice, too.

  She serpentined through relatives and friends and tugged Vincent toward a quiet corner. “You should come with me to Vegas.”


  “It’ll be fun.”

  “That generally means trouble.”

  She waggled her brows.

  Vincent grinned then stroked his beard. “I dunno. You’re going on business. You’ll be promoting the recipe book and celebrating with your friends. Plus I have the store to run.”

  “Marvin can run the store. And I don’t have to stick with the pack the whole time. I could be a lone wolf … with you. Ah-oooh! We could do something wild and crazy.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Like what? I’m not a drinker or a gambler or—”

  “Like elope.”

  Vincent blinked.

  “They have all those wedding chapels. I’m thinking we should get hitched by one of those Elvis guys. He could sing ‘All Shook Up.’”

  “Or ‘Love me Tender.’”

  “Or ‘Burning Love.’” Daisy snickered.

  “Or ‘Always on My Mind,’” Vincent said, because Vincent, bless his
soul, was romantic. His smile slipped a little and she could tell he thought she was teasing. “Thought you were opposed to marriage.”

  More like she was opposed to the marriage she’d had the first time around with Jessup. It wouldn’t be the same with Vincent. She’d been ignoring that glaring fact, because she’d been scared. Scared of losing her freedom and whatever time she had left in the world.

  “You were right,” she said, while fingering her rhinestone necklace. “While driving, I didn’t obsess on Chloe’s surgery. I focused on the road and where I was going. I thought about the future and I realized I don’t want to miss out on a second chance at wedded bliss. We may not be young like Chloe and Devlin, but we’ve got that same zing, don’t you think?”

  “I certainly do.”

  “When I kick the bucket, I want my headstone to say ‘Daisy Petunia Redding.’”

  “That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  “Is it?” She scrunched her brow. Maybe it was. Even though she spoke her mind a lot, she rarely spoke her heart. She’d never been a mushy person. Mostly because Jessup had always cooled her jets in that regard. “I can do better,” Daisy said. She wanted to do better for Vincent. “I love you, Speedy.”

  He smiled and got all misty-eyed. “Guess that means I’m going to Vegas.”

  Just then a chorus of dings, pings, and chimes rent the air. Devlin had promised to text everyone when Chloe had given birth. Daisy beamed as she read and recited in unison with friends and family: IT’S A GIRL!


  Sam couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled so much. The only thing that had trumped the sight of Chloe and Dev saying I do (albeit on his phone) had been the sight of Chloe and Dev posing for pictures with their new daughter, Lily. Lily Mae Monroe. Sweet name. Sweet baby. A tiny thing with a shock of dark hair and a button nose.

  A sentimental lump welled in Sam’s throat as Harper snapped a couple of publicity shots. Seeing Dev and Chloe cradling that tiny bundle of innocence … Sam had felt that overwhelming happiness with Paula. First with Ben. Then with Mina.

  Twice blessed.

  He waited for a pang of melancholy that never came.

  “You’re absolutely, one hundred percent sure you don’t mind me posting this photo online?” Harper asked the radiant couple.

  “On second thought,” Dev said, “I’m wary of having Lily’s picture floating around the Internet.”

  “But we already okayed it,” Chloe said to Dev while smiling down at Lily. “Harper hyped it and people are waiting. It’s for charity. Besides, I kind of want to show her off. She’s so sweet. So perfect. So beautiful.”

  Dev smoothed Chloe’s hair, kissed her brow. “Like her mommy.”

  “I should go,” Harper said, looking uncomfortable now.

  “Run with the picture,” Dev said.

  She smiled. “Okay. Great. Congratulations, you two.” She sidled past Sam, brushing his hand with hers as she slid out the door.

  Sam moved forward, touched the baby’s cheek, smiled at Chloe then hugged his cousin. “You’re in for the best part of your life, cuz.”

  “May need some advice,” Dev said, clearing emotion from his throat.

  Sam squeezed his shoulder. “Anytime,” then moved in for a hug. He held tight a second longer, knowing Dev had suffered a loss years ago. He’d no doubt sweated bullets in surgery worrying about this baby, worrying about Chloe. On the outside, Dev was a rock, as always, but it didn’t take much for Sam to imagine the inner turmoil his cousin had suffered in that operating room. Yup, an extra squeeze. Then another smile for Chloe. “I wish you could be with us for that talk show,” Sam told her as he stepped back.

  Her doe eyes glittered with sympathy. She knew he wasn’t comfortable in the limelight. “You’ll be fine, Sam. Tasha’s flying in, right?”

  “God help us.”

  She laughed. “Between Tasha and Daisy, you have nothing to worry about. They’ll do all the posturing.”

  Dev’s lips twitched. “Better you than me, cuz.”

  “Bastard,” Sam quipped as he left the room. In the hall, he backed into Harper who was thumbing away on her phone.

  “Gold, gold, gold,” she said. “Sales up. Donations up.”

  Sam squeezed her arm. “Thank you for all you’ve done for the Cupcake Lovers.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  “Considering how little we pay you, you’re going above and beyond.”

  “I don’t mind. I believe in the cause. I wish…” She looked over her shoulder, lowered her voice. “I wish I would’ve turned my talents to helping soldiers and their families sooner.”

  “Meanwhile you’ve made a positive difference in a lot of troubled celebrities’ lives.”

  “I suppose.”

  Sam noted her dip in mood and addressed something he’d wondered about. “I know Sapphire shot down your efforts to patch things up. Same reaction across the board?”

  “After four clients, I gave up on reaching out. Figured if anyone valued my worth over the agency, they’d say so. I got a couple of well-wishes. Period. And not a peep out of any of my former coworkers. Doesn’t say much about me.”

  “Or maybe it speaks to their shallow natures.”

  She arched a brow. “If you knew them, some of them, you wouldn’t say that.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” Ignorant to suggest everyone associated with Hollywood was a narcissistic piece of fluff. He knew better than to stereotype. He was better than that. But he knew Harper’s feelings were hurt so he’d taken a cheap shot in her defense. “I don’t know why you’ve been snubbed, Harper, but I’m certain your clients benefited from your kind heart and quick thinking.”

  She smiled then. Beamed, actually. “Thank you, Sam.” She pressed her lips to his—soft and brief. Nevertheless the connection stirred his interest. As she pressed up against his body, her smile turned wicked. “I’m tempted to pull you into the janitor’s closet for a quickie, but I should go. I need to pack for the trip, review final details. Plus we have dinner tonight at Rocky’s and—”

  “Glad I caught you.” Rocky stepped in, along with Rae. “Sorry. Wasn’t eavesdropping,” she said. “Just rounding the corner and overheard about dinner. I hope you’ll understand, but I’m canceling.”

  Sunday dinners at Daisy’s house which was now Rocky’s house were tradition. “Never been done,” Sam said.

  “First time for everything,” Rocky said. “Between Lily’s arrival and several of the Cupcake Lovers leaving for Vegas, everyone’s got a full plate. Preparing, packing. Plus Gram said she wants the night free to dye her hair. Says blue’s all wrong for the big event.”

  “Did you ask Daisy to tone it down for TV?” Rae asked Harper.

  “I didn’t. Although I have to admit something more sedate would be in keeping with the Cupcake Lovers’ wholesome image.”

  “Don’t know that I’d expect sedate,” Sam said. “More like glitz. We’re talking Vegas and national television.”

  “We could be talking sparkles,” Rocky teased.

  “I can spin sparkles,” Harper quipped back, and Sam smiled, again, enjoying the budding camaraderie between Harper and his family.

  “I wish you could be in two places at once,” he said to Rocky and Rae.

  Rocky swatted his shoulder. “You’ll be fine.”

  “Chloe said the same thing.”

  “It’s true,” Rae said. “Brice and Kaylee will want to talk cupcakes and you’re one of the best bakers in the club, Sam.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “Spare me the false modesty,” Rocky said with a grin.

  “You’re an incredibly talented baker,” Rae said, “and a valuable liaison because of your military background.”

  “Agreed,” Harper said, her bright blue eyes on Sam. “Why you’d want to quit the club is beyond me.”

  Rocky and Rae gaped. “What?”

  Sam drilled Harper with o
ne of his death glares, only she didn’t cringe. She didn’t even look contrite.

  “Is this because of the baby talk?” Rae asked. “I feel awful.”

  “Don’t. I’m not quitting.” He shot Harper another pointed glare. “Happy?”

  “Delirious.” Smiling, she glanced at her phone, noted the time. “I should go. I’ve intruded enough on your family’s time and there’s so much to do in preparation for the trip. Although I understand why you begged off,” she said to Rocky and Rae, “I’m with Sam. I wish you were coming. From what I’ve heard, Tasha Burke’s a poor substitute.”

  “Tasha’s no angel,” Rocky said, “but she’s earned this dance in the limelight.”

  Considering all Tasha had cost Rocky, all the strife she’d caused Dev, Sam marveled that he, too, felt it was only fair to include her. Then again, Tasha had owned up to her shit judgment and behavior, suggesting she’d changed for the better. Maybe.

  “I don’t know Tasha,” Harper said, “but she can’t be any harder to handle than some of my former clients. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She pocketed her phone, winked at Sam. “Besides, we’ve got eye candy for the ladies.”

  Sam grunted as Harper zipped toward the elevator.

  Rocky snorted in a pitiful attempt to smother a laugh.

  Rae pressed her lips together.

  “Not a word,” Sam said to his cousin and friend as he watched Harper go. She’d busted his balls and all he felt was … happy.

  Rocky cleared her throat. “Okay. Not about that, but—”

  Sam turned. “What?”

  “We weren’t going to say anything,” Rocky said.

  “But maybe we should,” Rae said.

  “Spit it out,” Sam said.

  They tugged him farther down the hall, away from the hustle of staff, and lowered their voices.

  “The Cupcake Lovers’ social sites and Harper’s personal sites,” Rocky said. “I followed them through the night. Chimed in here and there to keep a CL presence.”

  “Me, too,” Rae said, palming her swelled belly. “Insomnia.”


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