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In the Mood for Love: A Cupcake Lovers Novel (The Cupcake Lovers)

Page 26

by Beth Ciotta

  When she eased back, he stuck close, leaning in as she fell back against the car. She palmed her forehead, looking all kinds of miserable. “Why did you have to happen now, Brody?”

  “My timing’s been off since the moment I met you,” he said with a grin.

  “I have to follow through with this Nashville gig.”

  “I know.”

  “This is my big break and, cripes…” She blew out a frustrated breath. “I’m nervous.”

  He imagined that confession dinged her pride plenty. “I’ve got something big brewing myself. Reaching for a dream is scary stuff.”

  She nodded. “I know you have a job—meeting and commitments—and this is short notice. Really short notice and crazy besides, but … How would you feel about a road trip?”

  Adam swallowed. “You want me to come with you to Nashville?”

  “Just for the drive, and maybe to help me get settled and to, you know, lend a little moral support when I audition live with the band.”

  “I thought this was a firm offer.”

  “That doesn’t mean it won’t backfire.”

  Adam wondered if anyone, including her father, had ever gone out of their way to support Peppy’s dream. It wasn’t her style to reach out, to admit insecurities, to ask for help. Yet here she was reaching out to Adam.

  Oh, boy.

  “I have an important meeting at nine. Should last an hour at most,” he said. “After that I’m yours.”

  She didn’t ask for how long and he didn’t offer a time frame. He figured they’d feel their way. All he knew was that this, Peppy, felt right.

  Her eyes filled with tears and his chest swelled. He blotted out everything that could go wrong and focused on what could swing around to being the best thing that ever happened to him. He hooked his arm around Peppy’s waist and guided her back to the house. “Come inside. Have some coffee and a cupcake while I juggle arrangements.”

  Her eyebrows shot up under her bangs. “You have cupcakes?”

  “Stopped by Moose-a-lotta late yesterday. Thought you might like—”

  “You bought cupcakes for me?”

  “Not a big deal,” he lied while sweeping her over his threshold.

  “Maybe not,” she said. “But this road trip … I’ll probably get on your nerves after the first hundred miles.”

  “Doubt it will take that long.”

  She snorted, then swiveled in front of him, planting a hand to his chest. How the hell did she manage to look vulnerable and headstrong at the same time? “I’m thinking this will be a short-lived, hot and heavy affair.”

  “Hot and heavy, yes. Short-lived?” He palmed her hand and squeezed. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Lucy’s intrigued.”

  “George is intrigued, too.” Adam brushed a thumb over Peppy’s blushing cheek. “What about you?”

  She leaned into his touch, her eyes sparking with an intoxicating mix of mischief, wariness, and affection. “Definitely intrigued.”


  Sam woke up long before dawn. His body clock was off, three hours ahead of Pacific time. Not wanting to wake Harper, he moved to a corner club chair, melting into the dark while checking e-mails and social sites on his phone.

  No messages from Edward Wilson, but a new text from Jayce. Wilson had checked into a cheap hotel on the south end of town. His return flight was later tonight. Obviously he hadn’t come for the sights and sounds. No R & R. In and out. One day. Just long enough to humiliate Harper, just long enough to screw with her head and career.

  Sam still had trouble comprehending why the man would go to such lengths, why he’d hold a grudge for so long. Jayce hadn’t uncovered anything that led him or Sam to believe that Edward would employ violence. Neither of them anticipated a mass shooting. He wasn’t coming to take the lives of innocent bystanders or to forfeit his own. He was coming to tarnish Harper’s.

  Regardless, in a bid to cover all bases, Jayce had connected with an old friend, a former member of the NYPD who’d transferred to Vegas. Ian had agreed to conduct some off-duty surveillance. He’d be on Wilson’s ass as soon as he left the hotel, tailing him and advising Jayce and Sam with his exact location. Sam had also reached out to Nash and his copilot, Tripp. Wilson wouldn’t make it within ten feet of that shoot. A cop, a PI, two badass pilots, and a marine would make sure of it. Sam wasn’t an arrogant man, but he was confident. And Edward had misjudged if he thought Sam wouldn’t carry through on his threats. He was actually looking forward to this face-to-face. There would be a positive outcome.

  The sheets stirred and Sam’s heart jerked as he glanced toward the woman sleeping in his bed. They’d gone a couple of rounds last night. The first time had been hot and romantic. The second, hot with a dash of kink. Both times had ended in a tender embrace almost, but not quite, leading to spoken words of affection. Harper had yet to declare her feelings out loud and she’d stopped Sam short of voicing his love. He didn’t know what that was about, but he let it slide, Rae’s voice ringing in his ears. “You can’t force love.”

  As if she sensed Sam was watching her, Harper stirred then flicked on the nightstand lamp. She blinked across the room looking rumpled, and sexy, and slightly disoriented. “What time is it?” she asked in a croaky voice.

  “A little after four.”

  “In the morning?” She checked the bedside clock then rubbed her eyes. “Why are you up so early?”

  “It’s after seven in Vermont, hon.”

  “Oh, right. The time change. I’ve flown coast to coast so many times, it doesn’t throw me anymore.”

  She bunched her pillow and pushed up a little, pulling the sheets with her to cover her bare breasts. Now that was disappointing. He would have enjoyed the show.

  “I’m surprised the Cupcake Lovers stayed out so late,” she went on. “When Daisy sent us that text to join them down in the bar it was, what? Eleven?”


  “Two in the morning Vermont time. I can’t believe they were still awake.”

  “Making the most of their two days in Sin City,” Sam said. “Besides, you know Daisy. Not one to pass up a thrill.”

  Harper’s lip twitched. “I really like that about her. So what do you think her surprise is?”

  Sam set aside his phone, shrugged. “Maybe she got a tattoo.”

  “She wouldn’t.”

  Sam raised a brow.

  “You’re right. She would. But wait. The text read: VINCENT AND I HAVE SURPRISE.” She furrowed her brow. “Matching tattoos? Wouldn’t that be a scream? If Daisy got inked, I wonder where and what … Oh, God. You don’t think she’d try to show it off on live TV, do you?”

  “Maybe it’s something else,” Sam said. “Maybe they eloped.”

  A slow smile spread over Harper’s gorgeous face. “Wouldn’t that be something? Speaking of…” She admired her left hand. “I don’t want to take off my ring, Sam.”

  His pulse tripped. “I’m glad.”

  “When the CLs see it … they’ll ask questions. I know we agreed to tell them after the show, but…”

  “We’ll tell them at breakfast.”

  “I don’t want to overshadow Daisy and Vincent’s surprise—whatever it is.”

  “We’ll wait for the right moment.”

  “Today’s a big day on so many levels.”

  Sam saw a spark of anxiety though she quickly doused it. “A good day,” he said.

  “A very good day.” She smiled then, raked her gaze over his naked torso. “Why are you sitting so far away?”

  “I’m wondering the same thing.”

  “We’ve got an hour or so to kill,” she said, shifting so the sheet fell away. “Got any ideas?”

  “A few.” Sam devoured the sight of her naked flesh, shedding his boxers and freeing the erection he’d been sporting for the last five minutes. “How about we play doctor?”

  “Lucky you,” she said, grazing her fingers along long, hard Johnson
. “I’ve got a cure for your condition.”

  * * *

  Dressed and prepared for the day, Harper and Sam made their way to the elevator and down to the main floor a half hour before their scheduled breakfast with the senior CLs and Tasha. Sam wanted to do a preliminary walk around the pool. He wanted to know the lay of the land. He’d make an excellent bodyguard for celebrities, Harper thought, even though he didn’t swing that way. Sam was low profile. She liked that about him. His grounded calm was a gift for everyone around him. Harper was determined to cultivate and hone that quality for herself. It would make her a better publicist. A better wife and mother. Calm, she imagined, would prove advantageous in the future whenever things got dicey with Ben and Mina. And surely there would be bumps in the road with her and Sam. It wouldn’t always be like this between them—this honeymoon high.

  Holding hands, they made their way outside. The sun was bright, the air dry and warm and hinting toward sizzling. Harper and Sam slid on their sunglasses in tandem as they moved toward the glittering aqua pool. Her gaze immediately flew to the makeshift stage. A brightly striped canopy offered a patch of shade and protection from the heat. The set was modest. Yellow and red club chairs with a matching sofa, a couple of tables, a potted palm. A little to the left a portable bar and on either side large television screens that would feature B-roll. Tech crews were busy setting and wiring visual and audio gear—sound boards, lighting, monitors, computers, cameras.

  Harper was familiar with the drill and felt confident and serene as she took in what she knew would be overwhelming for the Cupcake Lovers—except maybe Sam who never got rattled. She glanced over and saw him scoping the perimeter. Harper did the same, trying to take in the scene through his eyes. She assumed he was noting every point of entry. The distance from the small audience seating to the stage.

  The pool area was dotted with tables, striped umbrellas, chaise lounges, and the occasional desert palm. A wide-open area. Nowhere to hide except within the crush of spectators. Security guards would be stationed and circulating. There would be crowd control. There would be order and procedure. Now that she was on site, Harper had no doubt that Sam and Jayce and friends would easily locate Edward. She was starting to feel irritated more than fearful regarding the man’s intrusion.

  “What are you going to do with Edward once you find him?” Harper asked.

  “We’ll steer him away from the scene and lay down the law, so to speak.”

  “What if he won’t go quietly?”

  “Ian’s badge will come in handy in that regard. Jayce is scary persuasive and I’m particularly motivated to end this bullshit.”

  “Don’t hurt him.”

  Sam shifted, looking down at her over the rims of his Ray-Bans. “What?”

  “If he insults me or threatens me or you, if he’s looking for a fight—”

  “I won’t give him one. Not with my fists anyway.” Sam touched her arm. “I know how you feel about violence, hon. And I know some part of you feels sorry for Edward. Nash said he can work magic and get Wilson on the first flight back to Canada. Jayce and Ian will make sure he gets on that flight, since I have to stay here for the show. You won’t have to deal with any of this. You won’t have to see him.” He angled his head. “Unless you want to.”

  Harper wondered what she would even say and instantly knew she’d said everything in her letter. She’d found her closure. By not seeing Edward now she wasn’t running away, she was moving forward. “I don’t need to see him.”

  Sam pressed his lips to her forehead and Harper absorbed the affection and calm.

  She caught sight of movement and a wave and saw Val coming their way. “Come on, Rambo,” Harper teased, “Val wants to meet her eye candy.”

  * * *

  Daisy figured if her old heart gave out, if she keeled over face-first in her oatmeal, or bit the dust while dishing cupcakes with Brice and Kaylee, she’d die the happiest woman on this planet.

  Last night she’d married a man who put a spring in her step and a zing in her ticker. A man who could lip-twitch better than Elvis, although, of course, the jumpsuited singer who’d rocked their blue suede shoes hadn’t been the real Elvis. Still, that impersonator probably practiced his twitches and swivels in the mirror and she was pretty sure Vincent had never practiced.

  After leaving the chapel they’d met up with the rest of their gang minus Sam and Harper. Daisy thought it was sweet that the younger couple had stolen away on their own. She secretly hoped they were doing some mattress dancing in addition to sightseeing. The more she saw those two together, the more she knew they were meant to be. She hoped things were going as well between Adam and Peppy.

  As for Daisy and Vincent, they’d floated through dinner and the magic show on a cloud of love. They danced under the stars while watching an amazing fountain show. At the end of the night, after breaking the news of their marriage to their friends, they’d boogied in the hotel lounge until midnight. After that they’d gone back to their room for some private cuddly time.

  Daisy went to sleep happy and woke up happy. Now they’d gathered with the CLs for a breakfast buffet, and with every passing second, happy climbed a notch. To her surprise Jayce had flown in to watch them live and in person on stage, plus he had some business, he said. And Nash rolled out of bed early (early for him) to join them all for breakfast. So exciting to be joined by more family! By the time they stepped on stage with Brice and Kaylee, Daisy imagined she’d be downright giddy!

  She looked up from her Spanish omelet and squealed. “Here they come!”

  “Such a striking couple,” Judy said.

  “Too bad they missed out on the festivities last night,” Helen said.

  “Can you believe they went to bed so early? Where’s their sense of fun?” Ethel asked.

  Daisy snickered. “Who says they weren’t having fun?”

  “Who says they were sleeping?” Vincent asked while pouring syrup on his waffles.

  Daisy snickered some more.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Harper said as she and Sam neared the table. “Got tied up with a short preshow chat with Val.”

  “Everything still on track?” Daisy asked.

  “We’re good to go,” Harper said.

  “Should be fun,” Sam said, even though Daisy knew he wasn’t thrilled about being on television. She knew he was here to support the club and probably as a favor to Harper. Sam was a good man, and if Daisy wasn’t mistaken, he looked awfully content.

  “Did you get the good-luck texts from everyone?” Daisy asked. “Rocky, Chloe, Dev, Monica, Rae and Luke—”

  “My phone’s been pinging all morning,” Sam said with a slight smile.

  “Mine, too,” Harper said, sweeping her gaze around the long and crowded table. “Where’s Tasha?”

  “Tasha’s having breakfast in her room with her husband,” Daisy said. “Apparently she doesn’t do buffets,” she added with a snort.

  “But Jayce and Nash are here,” Helen said. “Such a nice surprise.”

  “They’re over there,” Ethel said, “grabbing something from the buffet.”

  “You two go fill your plates. When you’re all seated, Vincent and I will share our news.”

  “Can’t wait,” Harper said.

  “We’ll hurry,” Sam said.

  Daisy leaned into Vincent as they walked away—hand in hand. “They look happy.”

  “Very happy,” Vincent said. “Looks like you were right about Sam and Harper, Petunia. And you might be two for two.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When Nash first came in he told me he spoke with Adam this morning. Peppy got a job with a band in Nashville.”


  “She hit the road at dawn.” He raised a brow. “Adam went with her.”

  Daisy gawked. “For good?”

  “For now.”

  “That sounds promising.”

  “Definitely interesting.”

  Daisy smiled. She coul
dn’t predict the future, but she did trust her gut. “I foresee great happiness for that girl.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Vincent said.

  By the time Sam and Harper and Jayce and Nash were seated, Daisy had already ordered a round of mimosas for the table. “The seniors already know, but this will be news for you four.” She squeezed Vincent’s hand. “Speedy and I got hitched!”

  There was a slight hesitation, a moment of surprise, then the younger set beamed and the well-wishing and hugs commenced. Daisy hoped they got the same cheerful reaction when she shared the news with her stick-up-the-butt son and his stick-up-the-butt eldest.

  Nash offered a toast and they all drank to Daisy’s and Vincent’s health and happiness.

  Sam cleared his throat. “As long as we’re sharing good news…” He and Harper held up their left hands and everyone saw the rings and gasped. “I know it’s unexpected—”

  “Not by me,” Daisy said with a yip. “I saw it in the stars!” She waved her napkin at a waitress while the others expressed their joy. “More mimosas!”


  It was a beautiful day. Sunny. Hot but dry. Breezy, but not too breezy.

  Hotel security was efficient and plentiful. The production and tech crew worked flawlessly. Brice and Kaylee were personable and professional and went out of their way to make all of their guests feel welcome, visiting them prior to the show in the makeshift tented green room located a few feet from the stage.

  Daisy, Ethel, Helen, Judy, and Tasha were anxiously awaiting their moment to take the stage. Harper had worried they’d be overwhelmed by all the high-tech gear and general production atmosphere. They weren’t. Daisy and her pals were especially excited about a chance to share stories regarding the history and mission of the club. After one face-to-face with Tasha, Harper had no doubt the beautiful woman would charm Brice’s socks off and she’d definitely light up the stage with the sentimental story about her mom and grandmother, both former CLs. But Harper also recognized Tasha’s deep need for attention, recognition, and probably respect. Harper knew her type all too well. Appearing on national TV and grabbing fifteen minutes of fame was probably a much bigger deal to Tasha than to any of the other CLs. She was a little snooty and a lot polished, but Harper didn’t dislike Tasha Burke. She understood her and even felt a little sorry for her.


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