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A Fox's Mission

Page 5

by Brandon Varnell

  Then again, Kevin and Lilian liked to shop a lot too.

  She’d always found it odd how those two would travel to the mall during the new season and get the latest clothes. Maybe not so much for Lilian or Iris, but definitely Kevin. Weren’t guys supposed to dislike fashion on principle? Still, she supposed that was what happened when your mother was a fashion journalist. What was Kevin’s mom up to these days anyway?

  “Lindsay?” Jessica pulled her attention away from her inane thoughts. “Are you okay?”

  “Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” Lindsay knew that her smile must have been unconvincing when she saw the worried look Jessica sent her, but she couldn’t muster up a better one.

  “You… were you thinking about Kevin and his… girlfriends?” Jessica blushed at the mention of Lilian and Iris. Not that Lindsay necessarily blamed her. Polygamy aside, there was a lot wrong with that relationship, especially when Lindsay took the time to consider that Lilian and Iris were fraternal twins.

  How Kevin got himself stuck in that relationship is beyond me.

  Her friend really didn’t seem like the type to get himself a harem. She had the feeling that he would be happy with just Lilian, yet somehow, Iris had attached herself to the pair. Lindsay guessed it was because Iris was more interested in Lilian than she was Kevin, even though the idea of being romantically interested in one’s own sister disturbed Lindsay greatly.

  “They are my friends,” Lindsay said. “It’s only natural to be worried about your friends, right? We don’t even know where they went, or what they’re doing. I can’t help but worry for them when things are like this.”

  “You really do love them, don’t you?” Jessica’s smile was envious. “I’m kinda jealous.”

  Confused, Lindsay tilted her head. “What’s this about love?”

  “N-nothing! It was nothing!” Jessica waved her hands back and forth, her cheeks burning a dark shade of crimson. “Please forget I said anything!”


  Lindsay decided to do just that. She had a lot on her mind anyway, not just about her three friends, but also about her other friend, Christine, who she hadn’t seen since before the war started. She didn’t know if the girl she loved was even alive.

  I wonder how she’s doing? I hope she’s okay.

  Lunch came and went, and school eventually ended. It was Friday, and just a few days before Christmas. Unlike when they were going to normal school, where they’d get the Christmas holidays off, this year there was no such thing as a holiday. The war had changed a lot. Not only were they forced underground, but because of the constant need to keep the place running, holidays like Christmas, spring break, and summer no longer existed.

  People still celebrated, of course. It was only natural. During stressful times like this, having even a single day off to sit down and enjoy a nice meal with family couldn’t be underestimated. Even one day to relax could ease the mind and soothe the soul.

  Lindsay walked home with Jessica, who lived right next door. Their complex was a multi-story building that, instead of being built up, was built down. While it looked like a single-story building that spanned several thousand square feet, it actually had six basement levels, each one containing exactly one hundred moderately sized two-bedroom apartments.

  “Um, so, I guess I’ll see you later?” Jessica said, squirming in place.

  “Yeah.” Lindsay grinned at her friend. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Right. Um… bye.”

  Frowning, Lindsay watched as Jessica walked away. The girl seemed somewhat depressed for some reason. It bothered Lindsay, but she didn’t really know what was wrong with her friend.

  I should talk to her sometime soon and see if I can help with her problem—whatever that problem is. A beautiful girl like Jessica should not be so depressed.

  “I’m home!” Lindsay called out as she entered the apartment. No one answered her, which she’d expected. Her parents wouldn’t be home until late since they had work.

  The soft pitter patter of feet reached her as she took off her shoes and stepped further into the interior. Mere seconds later, a familiar figure walked out of the small hallway.



  Lindsay was glad that she’d been standing on carpet, otherwise landing on her back and hitting her head on the floor would have hurt a lot more when this bountiful goddess slammed into her.

  Lilian lay on top of Lindsay, rubbing her cheek against Lindsay’s head, which was pulled into the redhead’s superlative bosoms by a pair of deceptively strong arms.

  Lilian was naked.

  Blood rushed to Lindsay’s cheeks and nose. She’d only been living with this future version of Lilian for a few days, but she was already beginning to understand how Kevin became so comfortable around women. If this was how Lilian acted when she and Kevin first met, then he would’ve quickly become desensitized to the female body.

  “C-could you please get off me?” Lindsay asked.

  I’m in love with Christine. I’m in love with Christine! Damn it! Why does this hot girl have to push herself on me?! Doesn’t she realize this is making it hard for me to stay loyal?

  “Mou,” Lilian moaned in complaint as she sat up. Her pout was adorable, which should have been impossible for a woman with such an amazing body to have. “Do you know how bored I was waiting here?”

  “Ha… I could only imagine.”

  “It was super boring,” Lilian continued. “Super duper uper boring.”

  “Is ‘uper’ even a word?”

  “And you don’t even have anything here to keep me occupied. I couldn’t even find a single hentai or a secret porn stash anywhere!”

  “Why the heck do you think I would have porn?!”

  “You’re a lesbian, aren’t you? Why wouldn’t you have porn?”

  Lindsay tried to scowl even as she blushed. Just when she thought she’d gotten used to this woman…

  “Listen you, I don’t know what kind of girl you take me for, but just because I like girls more than guys doesn’t mean I’m gonna act like a horndog.”

  “Tch, how boring.”

  “What was that?!”


  Lilian climbed off Lindsay, who sat up, trying not to look at the beautiful naked woman.

  At least she’s using her tails to cover up.

  She tilted her head to stare up at Lilian. The kitsune’s nine tails wrapped around her body, caressing her bare skin, which occasionally became visible as the furry appendages moved. Lilian blushed and looked away.

  Then again maybe that’s not such a good thing. I think the tails make her look even more erotic than if she was just naked.

  “Could you please put some clothes on?”

  The look Lilian gave her was that of someone who didn’t understand what the problem was. “I don’t get it. Do you not like seeing me naked?”

  “The problem is that I do like seeing you naked,” Lindsay muttered under her breath, her cheeks turning red at the admittance.


  She shook her head. “Never mind. Just put some clothes on already.”

  “All right. All right. Fine.”

  Strands of light wrapped around her body, dazzling and bright. They encased her in solid gold. Lilian stretched out her arms and gloves appeared along their length. The gloves were soon overshadowed by bright, voluminous sleeves. A shimmering robe appeared along her form, conforming to her skin yet also appearing loose as it flowed down to her bare feet. A hood appeared in the back.

  Lindsay was in shock. “What the heck kind of transformation is that?”

  “Ufufufu, it’s pretty awesome, right?” Lilian grinned as she made a spirited twirl, which caused her robes to flare around her. “I have the ability to manipulate celestial youki to such a high degree now that I can make clothes from nothing.”

  “What kind of inane use for your talents is that? And if you could do that, then why have you been lounging a
round my house naked?”

  “Because I like being naked.”

  There were so many things Lindsay could have said, or done, in response to that. She did none of them, however, and instead merely sighed, as if resigning herself to fate. “All right. I’ll admit, I walked into that one.”

  “You did.” Lilian nodded in a sage-like manner.

  “Don’t patronize me,” Lindsay mumbled, sighing again. This future Lilian, while similar to the one she knew, seemed to have gained several levels of airheadedness and stupidity that the current one didn’t have… which was shocking because present Lilian could be downright ditzy at times.

  “Ufufu, my apologies.” Lilian’s smile wasn’t very convincing. Lindsay doubted her sincerity. Still, she wasn’t about to say something. She’d learned that this was just how this future Lilian acted.

  “It’s fine. So, are we going to train now?”

  “Not yet,” Lilian’s answer surprised Lindsay.

  “Why not?”

  “Because your training won’t start until tonight.” Lilian peeled her lips back in a wide grin. It was a pleasant grin, very sexy, but something about it was also bone-chilling. “I’ve got a very special training regime planned for you, one that I think will give you the highest possibility of becoming a magical girl.”

  Lindsay gulped.

  She was beginning to regret agreeing to let this woman train her.

  Eric arrived home after track.

  It still astonished him that Coach Deretaine had somehow managed to become their track coach again. That being said, he really wished the bald old fart would lay off the drills. Ever since Kevin quit track, back before the war, the hardass of a coach had been running the team ragged. Eric had been hoping to catch a break once he and his family arrived in Neo Seiryuu, but somehow, against all the odds, Coach Deretaine had arrived mere days after him and become the track coach once more.

  It really sucked.

  “I’m home!” Eric called out as he stepped into the living room after discarding his shoes. The scent of food wafted from the kitchen.

  “Ah!” An excited gasp was soon followed by rushing feet. His resident trap appeared in the kitchen entryway seconds later. “Welcome home, Master.”


  Eric’s eyes burned as he saw what Julius was wearing: an apron and nothing else.

  “M-Master!” Julius cried in shock as Eric dropped to the floor and attempted to claw out his eyes. “A-are you okay? What’s wrong, Master?”

  “My eyes! They burn!”

  “D-do not worry, Master. I can help you!”

  “You’re the reason they burn, damn it!”

  “P-please calm down, Master!”

  “Oh, gods! The pain!”

  “I-I am terribly sorry, Master,” Julius apologized profusely several minutes later.

  “Ugh… I think I’m going to be sick…”

  They were sitting at the dinner table, on which a delicious meal had been prepared. Julius, it seemed, was an excellent cook. Eric still didn’t like the little turd, who’d totally tricked him into becoming a magical…. ugh… girl, but if he got to eat like this every day, well, the situation could have been worse.

  It was always important to look at the silver lining.

  Julius was back in his clothes. The shirt and pants he wore were actually Eric’s. They didn’t fit his lithe frame, so they hung off him, making them appear baggy. Somehow, this made him look even cuter than he normally did.

  I think I’m gonna be sick. No guy should ever be that cute, trap or not.

  “H-how does it taste, Master? Is it good?”

  “Could you stop calling me master?” Eric begged. “It’s really creeping me out.”

  “Y-you don’t like it when I call you master?”

  Eric’s eyes widened when tears appeared in Julius’s eyes. Oh, no! This was not good! If he didn’t do something quickly, then the water works would come, and then his mom would randomly appear to drop kick him in the face! Not good!

  “N-never mind!” Eric waved his hands back and forth frantically. “You can call me that if you want! I don’t mind!”


  The unadulterated hope brimming in Julius’s eyes made Eric turn his head in discomfort.


  “Thank goodness.” Julius clasped his hands together as if in prayer. “I was really worried that you didn’t like me for a moment.”

  I don’t like you, Eric wanted to say.

  “For you to not like me after I let you see my naked body would make you scum.”


  Eric felt like someone had shot him in the chest with an arrow.

  “C-could we please not talk about that?!” he cried.

  “But never mind that.” Julius clapped his hands together and smiled. “How is the food?”

  “It’s good,” Eric mumbled. “You have a real talent for cooking.”

  “Thank you. I’ve spent a long time collecting recipes, so I was confident in my skills, but it’s always nerve wracking when you cook for someone the first time. Still, I like to think of myself as a good chef.”


  “I might even be a better cook than Shirou Emiya.”


  “In any case, once you finish eating, I can begin your training as a magical girl.”


  Eric had been doing his best not to think about that. He really didn’t want to become a magical girl, never mind the fact that he wasn’t a girl. It was fundamentally wrong for a boy to become a magical girl.

  When dinner ended and Eric cleaned the plates, Julius brought out the stick that was to be Eric’s magical wand and handed it to him.

  “Okay,” Eric sighed in resignation, “what am I supposed to do with this?”

  “First, I want you to try talking to it.”

  Eric stared. A lot.

  “You want me to try talking to it? Are you serious?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be serious?” Julius adopted something of a lecture pose as he spoke. “In order to become a magical girl, you need to build a strong rapport between you and your wand. The first step toward doing that is talking to it.”

  Eric looked down at the wand in his hand. Was he really supposed to talk to this thing? That was the dumbest thing he’d ever heard. What kind of idiot talks to a stick?

  I beg your pardon, young man, but I am not a stick.

  “It talks,” Eric mumbled in disbelief.

  Of course, I can talk. What kind of magical wand do you take me for?

  “Holy shit, this thing talks!”

  Shrieking like a little girl, Eric tossed the wand, which flew into the wall and landed on the ground.

  Ow… the wand groaned in complaint.

  “So, you got a name, or should I just call you the talking stick?”

  A stick? The “stick” sounded offended. I’ll have you know that I am far more than a mere talking stick! I am a magical wand—no, I am THE magical wand, the one that all magical girls wish to have as their wand. You should be lucky that I have selected you for the most time-honored task of becoming a—

  “Don’t say it!” Eric covered his ears. “Don’t you dare say it!”

  —magical girl, the wand finished almost smugly.

  Eric shuddered from his head down to his toes. Just hearing a magic talking stick call him a magical girl gave him chills.

  “Whatever. Look, are you gonna tell me your name or aren’t you?”

  Ha! Very well! Listen well, young fledgling, and prepare to be amazed! My name is Raising Heart—owch! The wand’s introduction turned into a cry of pain, as Julius picked the thing up and slammed it onto the table.

  “P-please ignore what this thing is saying, Master. It must be malfunctioning. Isn’t that right, Mr. Magical Wand?”

  U-um, right.

  “Uh-huh…” Eric wondered what fucked-up deity had brought about this tsukkomi duo. “So… name?”<
br />

  “Hahahahahaha!” Julius laughed, even as he smacked the magical wand against the table, again and again. “You’re a funny.” Smash! “Magical.” SLAM! “Wand.” CRACK!

  My spleen! You just ruptured my spleen!

  “Um,” Eric began, “I hate to break this to you, but… you don’t have a spleen. You’re a stick.”

  Oh, right. Right you are. And it’s magic wand! I’m not a stick!

  Eric thought he felt his mind break as he continued to watch the stupidity in front of him.

  Someone, please. Kill me now, Eric prayed to every god he could think of in the hopes that they might end his suffering.

  Unfortunately, it was the gods’ annual poker night, so they didn’t hear his prayer.

  “So, um, maybe I shouldn’t be asking this, but what are we doing wandering the city in the middle of the night?” asked Lindsay.

  “We’re beginning the next phase of your training, of course,” Lilian answered as if the reason should have been obvious.

  “Right. I should have figured that.”

  “Indeed, you should have.” Lilian nodded her head several times.

  Lindsay clicked her tongue. “Don’t be a jerk now.”

  Neo Seiryuu was an interesting community. It had everything that one might expect from a city. There were shopping districts, residential districts, and business districts. The place where they were currently strolling down was one of the business districts. Large office building stood on either side of them in rows as they moved down the street. All of the buildings were uniform, identical in every way that mattered. Rectangles made from gray bricks that were three stories in height and had many windows. Boring. That was the word Lindsay used for this district. Everything looked dull.

  Lindsay looked from the office buildings to Lilian. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course. What do you want to know?”

  “Why are you in your fox form?”

  Lilian strolled by Lindsay’s side on all fours. Her crimson fur shimmered in the low light, provided by a series of street lamps, and nine tails swayed about behind her like rhythmic streamers dancing in the wind.


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