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Love’s Serenade

Page 9

by Sheryl Lister

  Mrs. Boyd rang everything up. “You can pay for the dress when you pick it up on Friday.” She leaned closer and said conspiratorially, “I won’t be charging you for the alterations.”

  Leigh smiled. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Boyd.” Not many members of the race owned businesses and she made sure to patronize those who did.

  “You can thank me by getting your music on one of those race records, so I can hear your pretty voice anytime I want. My husband bought me one of those fancy phonographs.”

  She laughed and took her bag. “I’ll do my best. Have a nice day.”

  “You too, Leigh. See you Saturday night.”

  Leigh spent the balance of the afternoon reading portions of The New Negro by Alain Locke. She especially enjoyed the writings of Zora Neale Hurston and the poetry by Anne Spencer and Langston Hughes. After a dinner of collards, yams and ham, she dressed for the evening. She wanted to go down a little early to talk to Liz.

  She took the stairs down and as she reached for the door and a hand yanked her back. Leigh spun and punched the offender in the face. He released his hold and staggered back. Percy. She turned to run and he caught her around the waist.

  “You little bitch! Do you know how much trouble you’ve caused me?” Percy snarled.

  “Take your hands off me!” She squirmed and fought, but couldn’t get out of Percy’s grip. “Problems with your little traveling singing group scheme?” His eyes widened for a split second. “Yes, I heard you talking at the church. And where is my sculpture you stole?”

  An evil grin crossed his lips. “It fetched a good price.” His featured hardened. “You caused me quite a bit of problems by leaving, but that’s all over. Now quit moving. You’re coming with me.”

  Leigh renewed her struggle. “No! Let me go.”

  The door opened and Miles was across the space in a flash. He slammed Percy against the wall and held him there with his forearm across Percy’s throat. “You okay, Leigh?”

  “Yes,” she answered, still shaken. Percy clawed at Miles’s arm, trying to breathe.

  Not taking his eyes off Percy, Miles said, “Go on inside, baby. Percy and I need to have a little chat.”


  “Don’t worry, I only plan to talk. Go on now. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  Percy looked her way pleadingly. Surely he didn’t expect her to intervene. “Okay. Enjoy your chat, Percy.” As much she wanted to get rid of Percy, she didn’t want Miles to do anything to jeopardize his freedom.


  “So, you like manhandling women?” Miles pressed his arm a little tighter against Percy’s throat.

  “Let me go, or I’m going to the police,” Percy choked out.

  “Is that before or after you tell them you assaulted a woman in a hallway? Let me give you a piece of advice. Don’t ever let me catch you with your hands on Leigh again. Get on the train and go back to wherever you came from and you’ll live a long life.”

  Still struggling and clawing, he rasped out, “You can’t threaten me.”

  Miles smiled coldly. “Nah, it’s not a threat.” Percy opened his mouth to say something and Miles stuck his colt right between Percy’s eyes. “It’s a promise. Get my meaning?”

  Percy’s eyes went wide and he nodded vigorously.

  He released his hold and Percy slumped to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Miles slid the colt back into its holster and hauled Percy up by his collar. “And just so you know, I don’t like to repeat myself.” He dragged him to the door, opened it and caught Oliver’s eye. The big man rushed over. “Can you put the trash out?”

  “With pleasure,” Oliver said.

  Miles left Oliver to handle Percy and sought out Leigh. His plan had been to arrive early and talk to her about what happened last night. He hadn’t expected to find her being shoved around by Percy and was glad he’d gotten there when he did. He came up behind her at the bar. “Hey, baby.”

  Leigh whirled on the stool and threw her arms around him. “Miles. I was so worried.” She looked him over critically and palmed his face.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Where’s Percy?”

  “Oliver is taking care of him.”

  “You didn’t—“

  Miles chuckled. “No, I didn’t kill him.” He turned serious. “I warned him to stay away from you is all. I hope he takes me at my word.”

  “I’m so sorry about all of this. Can we go to the dressing room to talk?”

  “Sure.” He led her out of the club and held the door open for her to enter. Leigh sat in one of the upholstered armchairs and he lowered himself into the one next to her. “I came early to talk to you about last night.” He got mad all over again thinking about Percy with his hands on her. “I’m glad I got here when I did.”

  “So am I.” Leigh wrung her hands. “I know you’re upset and I can’t blame you, but I’m not his fiancée.”

  He leaned forward, took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “Sweetheart, I’m not angry with you and I believe you.”

  “But last night you left and I thought…”

  “Leigh, I did leave last night because I was angry, not at you, but Percy. I wanted to strangle him on sight and in order to keep myself from doing that, I left.”

  Relief flooded her face and water filled her eyes. “You don’t know how glad I am to hear you say that.”

  Miles wiped away the tear running down her soft brown cheek. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. But I need you to tell me about Percy.”

  Leigh gave him a watery smile. “I should have told you before. He’s the pastor’s nephew and was visiting from somewhere. I never asked because I didn’t care. He was supposed to be there for two weeks, but apparently decided to stay in Magnolia. Anyway, he heard me singing in the choir one Sunday morning and after that, he followed me around every week asking if he could call on me. I kept saying no, but he wasn’t deterred. Somehow, he struck it up with my father. Percy gave him some sad story about starting a church, said he was looking for a wife and asked my father’s permission to court me. I told my father I wasn’t interested.”

  He angled his head, confused. “Then how did the whole engagement come about?”

  “My father knew I wanted to leave Magnolia to become a jazz singer. He said marrying Percy would settle me down properly.” She shook her head. “I told my father that I overheard Percy talking about wanting to start a traveling singing group, that he was lying about starting a church, but he didn’t believe me.”

  Miles couldn’t believe her father would take the word of a man he’d recently met over that of his daughter. But times being as they were, women were still expected to defer to a man. “I’m sorry.”

  “Percy got himself invited to dinner a couple of times, showed up unannounced and I was forced to sit with him in the front room.” Fire leaped into her eyes. “On one of those visits, he asked about a sculpture sitting on the mantle. I used a good portion of the money I’d been saving for New York to purchase it and he stole it.”

  His anger flared again. “Did you get it back?”

  “No. I asked him about it earlier and he said he’d sold it.”

  “Be glad I didn’t know that then. I’d have gotten every penny back if I’d had to take it out of his hide.”

  She grabbed Miles hands. “Please don’t do anything crazy. I don’t want you to get into any trouble.”

  “That depends on Percy. I told him to get back on the train and warned him what would happen if he came near you again. But I don’t trust that he’ll do that.” Miles cut off her protest with a kiss. “Don’t fight me on this, sweetheart. Any man who would travel this far for a woman he knows doesn’t want him isn’t playing with a full deck. Is he still talking about this scheme?”

  Leigh nodded. “He said something about my leaving causing him problems, but that it would be over now if he took me back.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that. I don’t want you going an
ywhere alone.”

  “Miles, I can’t just stop my errands. I need to go to the market tomorrow, pick up my dress from Mrs. Boyd’s shop on Friday and do a host of other things.”

  “Then go with Liz or somebody else. Better yet, I’ll go with you.” The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that would be the best choice. Percy wouldn’t dare try anything with him around. “I’m not going to let him anywhere near you.” A knock interrupted his next words. “I’ll get it.”

  “Fifteen minutes,” the announcer said when Miles opened the door.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right out.” Miles closed the door and hunkered down in front of Leigh. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” Miles bowed his head briefly. Just the thought made his chest tighten with fear. “I couldn’t take it. So let me take care of you, protect you like I should have three years ago.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, either.”

  He covered her mouth in a heated kiss. “See you in a minute.” Miles went out and before taking his place at the piano, asked the two bouncers to keep an eye out for Percy. Watching Leigh perform, one would never know the turmoil going on, but he knew and vowed to do everything in his power to keep her safe.

  After the show, instead of hanging around until closing Miles escorted Leigh up to her place. He didn’t want to leave her alone and considered camping out until they knew for sure that Percy left town.

  Leigh removed her shoes and came to where he still stood near the door. She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Is something bothering you?”

  “I don’t want you to be here alone.”

  She looked up at him. “Percy can’t get in the building without a key and the club is locked at night. Oliver and Jacob said they would keep an eye on the side door to make sure he doesn’t sneak back there again. I’ll be fine.” She led him over to the sofa. “Come sit with me for a while. Do you want something to drink?”

  Miles removed his suit coat and hat and placed them on the chair. “No, thanks. I just want to hold you.” Miles scooter closer until their bodies were touching and draped an arm around her shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and she placed her head on his chest. His emotions swelled. He wanted to see her face each night before he closed his eyes and when he opened them every sunrise, sit on the porch of their home talking and holding hands, make her every dream come true and spend the rest of his life loving her. Miles tilted her chin and captured her mouth in a slow kiss, feeding on the sweetness inside. Leigh held him in place and he had no problem with that. He could kiss her all night, but other parts of his body had other ideas. She boldly ran a hand over his erection and he grew harder with each stroke. On the brink of release, he stilled her hand.

  “Problems?” she asked with a sultry smile.

  Miles surged to his feet, lifted her in his arms and carried her to bed. “Nope. None at all. Problems?”

  “Just one.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re going too slow.”

  Miles threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Then let’s see if I can speed things up.” He had her naked in the blink of an eye. He caressed her breasts then circled his tongue around one sable-tipped nipple then the other, while his hand continued to blaze a trail over her stomach, hips, thighs and back up to her wet center. Her hips rose to his play and her breathless moans stoked the fire building in his body.

  “Miles, I…ohh.” She arched and came, calling his name.

  He watched her ride out her passions then stood and removed his clothes. He sheathed himself in the rubber, climbed on the bed and kissed his way up her body. Miles parted her legs and eased himself inside. He shuddered, feeling her so tight around him. She ran her hands over his chest and, as always, her touch elicited a multitude of emotions that he had been unable to define. Until now. He started moving, slowly at first and gradually increased the pace. Without missing a beat, he rolled over onto his back, pulling her on top of him. She met each of his upward strokes with one of her own. Miles leaned up and took one erect nipple into his mouth. He suckled it then the other, all while keeping the same pace. Their blended cries mingled in the room, playing the melody of his heart. Her body trembled and her muscles clenched him as release washed over her again. Gripping her hips, he thrust faster and deeper. His orgasm sped through him in a searing burst of passion that forced a low groan from his throat.

  Leigh collapsed on top of him and let out a sigh of pleasure. “You’re really good at this.”

  “So are you.” Miles idly ran his hand up and down her spine. “I love you, Leigh.”

  Her head popped up. “What did you say?”

  “I love you.”

  She stared at him for a long moment. “Truly?”


  “I love you, too.”

  Miles smiled and pulled her down for a kiss that left them both panting. He held her close, not wanting to leave, but knowing he had no choice.

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave.”

  “Me, too.” He lay there a few minutes more before getting up and putting on his clothes. “What time do you need to shop tomorrow?”

  “I usually go around ten.”

  “I’ll be here shortly before then. Good night.”

  “Good night and be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Miles got in his car and before he could drive one block, he saw the police behind him. He pulled over and waited. One came to the driver’s side and the other went around to the passenger side. He kept both hands on the steering wheel and didn’t move, not wanting to give them any reason to shoot him. Not that they’d need one.

  The policeman on his side glanced inside the car. “You out kind of late, boy.”

  The slur tightened Miles’s jaw, but he said nothing.

  “Where are you coming from?”

  “I play piano over at The Magnolia Club, sir.”

  His eyes swept over the interior again. “Didn’t they shut down over an hour ago?”

  “Yes, sir. But I was visiting with my lady friend, who lives in the apartments above.” Beads of perspiration dotted his forehead and his hands shook.

  He stood there, as if looking for some other reason that Miles had been out. “You have papers for this car?”

  “Yes, sir. In my inner pocket. May I?” At the man’s nod, Miles slowly extracted the folded paper and handed it to him. He held it up to catch the light of the lamppost and stared at it so long, Miles worried he wouldn’t give it back.

  Finally, he handed it back. “Where you headed?”

  “Just two streets over to my place, sir.”

  “Well, get on over there then.”

  “Yes, sir.” Miles waited until the policemen got back into their car before starting his and continuing on to his apartment. They followed. He parked, unlocked the outer door and went inside. They drove on. Miles released the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.

  The incident had soured his good mood, but as he lay in bed later, thoughts of Leigh’s confession that she loved him lifted his spirits. He’d do whatever it took to keep her safe because he wanted her as his wife.

  Chapter 10

  “Good morning, beautiful. Ready to go pick up that dress?” Miles stood leaning against the door wearing a dark blue suit, giving Leigh that heart-melting smile.

  Initially, Leigh wasn’t too keen on having Miles escort her everywhere, but found she enjoyed his company immensely. He’d paid for her purchases at the market yesterday and she, in turn, cooked dinner for him. “I am.” She picked up her handbag from the nearby table, took his extended arm and he escorted her out. “Any idea when the man from the record company plans to come hear us sing?”

  “I actually wanted to talk to you about that. He asked if I could meet him this afternoon at two. I spoke with Liz before coming up to get you and she said it would be okay for us to meet in the restaurant. I’d like you to be there, too.”

  “I’d love to come, but are you sure he’ll be okay with it. Some men don’t like to deal with women directly.”

  “He’ll deal with both of us, so it should be fine.”

  “Well, when you put it that way,” she said with a laugh. “Count me in.” He opened the door for her to enter Mrs. Boyd’s shop. Every woman stopped and turned their way. Leigh walked over to the counter to wait her turn and Miles stayed over by the door. She noticed the smiles on all the women’s faces.

  “You sure can play that piano, Mr. Cooper,” one woman said.

  Miles tipped his hat politely. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  The woman giggled like an adolescent and Leigh rolled her eyes.

  “Hi, Leigh. Your dress is all ready. Come on back and try it on.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Boyd.” She tried it on, pleased that no other alterations would be needed.

  “You look lovely, dear.”

  She certainly felt that way. “I love it.”

  When they came back, Mrs. Boyd seemed to notice Miles for the first time.

  “Oh, my word. That’s Miles Cooper. Can’t wait to hear you play on Saturday,” Mrs. Boyd called out with a wave.

  Miles smiled.

  “Lord, that smile will make a woman willingly cross the line into sin.”

  Leigh chuckled. That was the truth.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but men don’t usually come into a women’s shop.”

  She couldn’t tell the real reason Miles had come. “He graciously offered to accompany me before we meet discuss some music.” She counted out what she owed and collected her dress. “See you soon.”

  When she reached the door, Miles asked, “Do you want me to carry it?”

  “No, but thank you.” They started back up the street. She’d wanted to ask about making a few modifications to the song, but didn’t want to offend Miles. She decided to ask anyway. “Miles, do you think I can change a few lines of the song?”

  “Of course. Baby, that’s our song. You can change anything you want. We have some time before meeting Mr. Adams. We can do it at your place or mine.”


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