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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 4

by Harris, K.

  Suicide never crossed her mind for she didn’t want to suffer further by living eternally in hell. Besides if Christ could bear the inflictions he did when he died for humanities sins then she could deal until something better came along. At least that was her thinking. If she was murdered by her crazy husband at least she would be free. It was nothing but evil that had her held captive, this she was certain of. Constantly reading her bible is what gave her the revelation that she was destined for better it was just going to take some time. School was an idea that came to her during a strong prayer session. This way if the opportunity ever presented itself for her to possibly dip out and get a job at least she could provide for herself.

  “Get this place cleaned up.” Derek barked. The house smelled of stale cigar smoke and the stench of alcohol was sickening. Still naked as the day she was thrown in the basement she walked the stairs to their bedroom. Upon entrance she saw the bed was a mess. The covers and sheets were all bunched up. From the looks of the scene, someone had quite a time in their room but obviously it didn’t include her. For that she was grateful.

  “May I take a shower?”

  “For what you will only get dirty again.”

  “Alright.” She replied defeated further. Just the thought of him being with another woman in their home, in their bed, while she was right downstairs caused her head to hurt. Excruciating pain coursed through her at the revelation that she was nothing to this man. The man that lied before the official and God when he married her.

  “Hurry and get dressed!” He barked. “When I return home everything better be as I expect it to be. Dinner had better be on the table or this time I won’t hesitate in giving you exactly what your disobedience is asking for. Do you understand?!”

  “Yes Derek.” She flinched at the base from his demands.

  With that being said, Derek turned in his expensive shoes and left the house. No goodbye. Have a good day. I love you, nothing. The fear crawling all over her skin was all too much for her to deal with. Although the shower was desperately calling her name, she did what she was told to do. While cleaning the bathroom she noticed the purplish bruise on the side of her face where he had slapped her the other day. Leaving to attend class would not happen due to the fact that Derek threw away all of her makeup stating she looked like a hooker. With nothing to cover up her bruises and her will was tattered from the verbal beat down he always delivered any other day, she just did what she was told.

  Maybe if she got done quickly enough she could jump in the shower to wash away the stench of not having a complete bath in a few days. Although she had snuck some nonperishable snacks down there, tooth brush, baking soda, and a towel she still felt unclean. Washing up and brushing her teeth with only baking soda since it didn’t have a smell. If he smelled soap he would suspect her of disobeying his command to not come to the basement unless he allowed it. Then when she would emerge from her prison he would humiliate her further by talking about how badly she reeked. How terrible her appearance was or her breath would stink. Sadly it was nothing she could do but listen to his belittling. She was too weak to do anything else.

  ‘God please help me. Send me a sign. I’m so weak I don’t know what to do. Where to go. Who to run to. Is this your will?’ Allison continuously prayed as she tended to her assigned duties.


  Allison was starting to wake up. The problem was she was confused about a lot of things. The last thing she truly remembered was waking up in the basement of her home by Derek. Looking around her surroundings she realized this was not her prior prison this was another. Still a room but she was laying on a couch instead of a cot. This time she was fully clothed though. Derek rarely left her in her clothes because he said she may get some absurd idea to kill herself. Stating that she would never be free from him and now she was certain that was true.

  Slowly her memory started to resurface with the banging headache she had. Like a tidal wave it slammed into the forefront of her mind that she was snatched from their home. The two big guys that were in Derek’s office must have drugged her somehow. Taking her away from one prison to only put her into another.

  When Derek arrived home to find she was gone, there was no doubt that it would initially be her fault. A fault she didn’t have a choice but to accept because sadly she didn’t even know why they took her to begin with. The last thing she remembered them asking was where the money was and since she couldn’t tell them she guessed that’s why they took her. For all she knew, when or if Derek ever found out, he may just write her off as a liability. It’s not like he ever loved her. He couldn’t have. The fact that he was probably more interested in his missing dinner is what made her weep.

  Her full bladder is what made her move around a bit to get a better look at her surroundings. From the looks of things she was in an office of sorts. Observing the dust that was in certain areas, it wasn’t an office that was used often. There were two doors and one she prayed led to a bathroom. On the first guess she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding until now. Relieving herself sent a shiver down her spine from the chill in the building. Flushing and washing her hands in the sink she returned to the office. This time she wasn’t alone, so finding a way out was clearly lost. A rather large white guy wearing a suit was leaning against the desk as carefree as ever. Like a very obedient little puppy Allison reclaimed the seat on the couch she woke up on.

  “Good evening Mrs. Myers.” The gentlemen spoke with an accent she could only describe as Italian if she wasn’t mistaken.

  “Hi.” At her timid response he cocked his head to the side as if studying her.

  “Need I ask what happened to your face?” In the midst of everything happening she had forgotten about her bruises.

  “…” Instead of responding she attempted in covering her face. Derek would be livid if he knew someone was questioning about his handy work.

  “Silence.” He snorted his remark. “Did this happen tonight?”

  “…” Allison only shook her head at the question without thought. Meaning if it didn’t happen tonight then it could have only happened before they abducted her. That alone pointed directly at her husband.

  “Figures.” The man said and then they fell into a comfortable silence. He didn’t say anything else and Allison was too afraid to look up. For instance, what if it was just another test to see if she showed any attention to another man. Just like the Brian incident this could all be a setup to catch her up. “It looks like the rest of the party has just arrived. You will be a good girl and stay put. Correct?”

  “Y-yes.” She said almost like a whisper.

  “Good because it would be quite dangerous for you to try anything such as looking for a way out.”

  With that said the man left the room to parts unknown. Allison only breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t under scrutiny any longer. She had no clue where she was or why. Who all was a part of this so called party? What was going to happen when whoever came back for her? Was this the day she met her maker? So many questions and so little answers. From under the door she could see a shadow or two loom around. No doubt that was the eyes and ears to see if she was up to no good. Even though it would be stupid to just sit and do nothing, somehow it made more sense to not bother. It seemed pointless to look for an escape which may turn into a regretful decision later.

  What if this was her last night on Earth? Would Derek even attempt at looking for her if she didn’t make it out of this alive? If this indeed had little to do with him, what could be going through his mind at that moment? Then the kicker rang loud and clear in her mind. What if this was Derek’s way of getting rid of her? He had often bragged about working for the mafia in an inconspicuous way, could these men be a part of the mob? That would explain the muscle bound men that were searching his office and then kidnapping her. The man that was just in the room with the nice suit on with his cool behavior, could he be what they call the boss? Anything was possible when you didn’t have
the definite answers.

  “This way.” A stern voice snapped her out of her constant mind storm trying to figure out what was going on. She recognized the face as the one who spoke to her at the house.

  “Come on sweetheart. No one is going to hurt you.” The other man from the house. “Yet?” That one word caused tears to flow from her eyes. What was on the other side of the office she had been stashed in was a large warehouse. It was dark and creepy. Clear across the expansive floor she could see a few lights on in that area.

  The tall machinery and boxes hid whatever was not to be seen from that stand point. The walk was not rushed but the tension in her shoulders was causing her to feel faint. So much pressure with no answers. Upon approaching the lit area she could hear voices. One in particular sounded all too familiar. Her jumbled brain couldn’t comprehend just what all was being said. The loud knocking coming from inside her chest was enough to make her ear drums feel like they were about to burst. Another voice boomed causing her to shake to the core and halt in her steps. One of the men only fell behind enough to nudge her into keeping up with the others strides. Her only thought process was that she was about to die.

  “Lovely of you to join this little impromptu meeting Mrs. Myers.” A smooth voice spoke upon her arrival. Although the voice sounded like something straight from a romance novel she didn’t dare look up. This was another setup she would be damned if she failed.


  “Y-yes h-honey?” She responded timidly only glancing around the room.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Derek grounded out.


  “ENOUGH!” The voice she once thought was seductive in a way now sounded scarier than Derek’s. Flinching back caused her to bump into one of her captors. “Now Derek you know good and damn well why you both are here. After the lies you have told to acquire finances from me, why would you think that I wouldn’t gather my own insurance policy?”

  “Sir. Mr. Mucciono, I will pay you back all that I owe you. That is my word.”

  “Your word means shit to me.” The man chuckled dryly.

  “M-my home.” Allison just stood there looking at her big bad husband beg for his life. Beg for himself to be spared for whatever debt he owed. The one man that would slap the taste from her mouth if she looked at him wrong was now the one almost in tears.

  “You must take me for a fucking fool.” A punch was delivered to his midsection with precision by the brick wall of a man. Allison looked away in fear. The tears just would not stop flowing down her face.

  “Please.” Derek begged after going through the coughing fit.

  “Please what, your house is already near foreclosure. What the fuck will I get out of that?”

  “Foreclosure?” Allison questioned to herself or so she thought.

  “Allison, shut the fuck up. This doesn’t concern you.” Derek snapped causing her to lower her head as usual. If they made it out of this alive she was sure he would do some serious bodily harm to her.

  “Tsk, tsk, Derek. That’s no way to speak to a lady. Your wife has truly been in the dark of your dealings?” The man that was asking her questions earlier mocked. “Tell me does she even know that you have a gambling problem.”

  “More like losing problem.” The guy standing next to her sneered. At the revelation coming from these men, she knew they wouldn’t lie about anything this serious. From the looks of the things they take their money very seriously so why would Derek get himself tangled up in this mess. These are obviously the people he worked for or some distant relatives. Hearing a gun cock was the nail in the coffin for her. She knew one or both them was going to die, the question was, who? In fiction productions, it’s always the innocent one that dies first. Honestly death would be an easier way out because if he got his hands on her again she was sure she would suffer by his hands anyway.

  “Please. If you could just give me a little time to come up with the money Mr. Mucciono.” Derek continued to plead.

  “You are damn right you will pay me back with interest for my troubles. The question is how? With what collateral will you buy some time with?”

  “My wife?” Derek said eagerly like he just thought of the million dollar answer.

  “Your wife?” The man by the name of Mr. Mucciono questioned. From the tone of his question, Allison could tell he was frowning. “What the fuck do I need with your homely wife? She’s battered and bruised already from your hands I’m sure.” Allison didn’t quite understand what she could possibly have to do with this and how she could be of assistance to this man. Especially hearing him talk about her as if she were a piece of bad property. Nothing. Homely. Broken piece of nothing.

  “Take her as collateral.”

  “W-what?” Allison questioned. The room was starting to spin. None of this made sense. There was no way he would just give her away like she was puppy being dropped off at the pound. With all the eyes on her, she had tuned out the conversations going on around them. This had to be a nightmare. It just had to be.

  Chapter 5

  Antonio was more than pleased when they brought back the current thorn in his side. Dealing with a debt of this magnitude had been obsolete for some time now. The hands he sent to fetch him did a little number on the boy. He was knocked out cold on the hard slab of concrete. His suit was a tad bit wrinkled, probably from the trunk ride from the next state over. The audacity of this punk to think he could borrow money and not have to pay it back. What kind of fuckery did he think he was dealing with? When they drug him out of the casino he only had ten measly thousand dollars left to his name. That wouldn’t even tickle the amount that is owed to the family.

  “Wake up!” Gio kicked Mr. Myers to wake him from his peaceful slumber. Antonio had just arrived to see Gio approaching from the rear. His guess was that he was checking on the guest appearance.

  “…” Groans was coming from the worthless body. “Where am I?” He jumped to defense when the cold water hit his face.

  “Your location doesn’t matter at the moment.” Antonio said calmly. “Where is my money?”

  “Mr. Mucciono…?”

  “I ask the questions and you answer. Understand?”

  “Yes sir.”


  “I don’t have it yet.”

  “What were the terms of the loan and bet?”

  “All bets settled at the end of the night. The loan was to be completed by the weekend.”

  “Please enlighten me on the other bet you made across town.”


  “Stop. Before you begin with your excuses let me break it down for you one time. As I am sure you know I hate repeating myself. I ask the questions and you answer them, capisce?” Antonio cut off the man’s rant. They were all the same. Same excuses different corpse when it’s all said and done. “The other bet?”

  “Yes sir. I thought it would be a way to gain back the money quicker. I placed half with Paolo and the other half with Lucian.”

  “Did you not think that would be a conflict? Since you are quite seasoned in the gambling world. What is something like that called?”

  “Betting on both sides of the pond.”

  “You lost one and won one. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. Now I ask again. WHERE IS MY MONEY?!” Just then the woman of the hour walked up with his men. He had the wife snatched in hopes of him coughing up his funds.

  Antonio turned his attention from the prick in front of him to the timid woman who seemed afraid of her own shadow. Speaking to the woman is what snapped the man out of his fuming. He was staring at the woman like he wanted to inflict some serious pain upon her. When her head snapped up at his bark is when Antonio saw apparently he already had.

  For some odd reason that pissed him off terribly. Women that put up with this sort of treatment was a waste of air to him. Low self-esteem females was a turn off completely. She was dressed in some very unappealing clothing, her hair was damaged, and he
r face was the playground for bullies. The back and forth had gone on to a point where the sniveling woman was starting to become damn near annoying.

  When he first bartered his wife in turn for more time to get the money that he owes, Antonio wanted to shoot him in the head and say to hell with it. Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth of reasons is what’s saving his pathetic life. No way in hell was this woman worth that much money. From what he could tell just from looking at her, she wasn’t too much to look at. She had potential if she wasn’t so sickly looking but other than that nothing. Even if it wasn’t nice to judge a book by its cover, her cover is doing a good ass job at concealing anything other than a punching bag.

  “Boss?” Gio snapped Antonio out of his silent pondering. “My suggestion?” He quietly asked if he wanted to hear what he had to say. One thing about Antonio is that he valued his right hands opinions when it came to business and personal arrangements. He was not only his employee he was his best friend and brother before any of the Don talk came up.

  “By all means.” Antonio said equally as low never taking his eyes off the barter chip.

  “Take the collateral.”

  “I am assuming there is more to this than what you are willing to say here.”

  “Of course.”

  “This isn’t a dick move is it?”

  “Never. My dick and I don’t agree on a lot.”

  “This had better be good.”

  “Have I ever let you down thus far?”


  “Tell your wife goodbye.” Antonio said gruffly with a scowl on his face.

  “NO!” The woman shouted.

  “Shut her up or I will.” He threatened as an afterthought.

  “Allison! Quiet now!”

  “D-Derek please. How can you be alright with this? What have you done?”


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