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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 12

by Harris, K.

  “What?” Antonio asked Gio who was just staring at him. No words were uttered the entire time Allison was leaving.

  “Oh nothing just enjoying the show.”

  “What show?”

  “You’re attracted to her just admit it.”

  “Obviously you all thought she was quite attractive since you fawned over her all night. Everyone vying for her attention.”



  “Don’t worry, she only has eyes for you.”

  “What would give you such an idiotic idea?”

  “For someone to race out of the restroom to tell me what she overheard, seems to have some vested interest. Not to mention she beat me to you before you could take a drink. I was trying to get the boys lined up to be sure the shooter didn’t get away.”

  “She told me it was because she wants to gain my loyalty.”

  “She surly gained mine if not yours.”

  “Don’t make me shoot you.” Gio held his hands up in surrender and chuckled.

  “As you wish. Sir.”

  “Anyway, what did you find out?”

  “They were sent by Chon.”

  “…” Antonio was now brewing and could surly chew nails he was so angry.

  “Checking into their phone records, it came from the area Chon’s empire is located. The sharp shooter in the rafters was seriously skilled but didn’t stand a chance against our secret weapon. From what I heard he definitely recognized a set of skilled hands when he saw them. Even though it was very noble of him to go down without begging or squealing, it still doesn’t explain why Chon wants to start a war.”

  “He’s been hired.”

  “That was my next thought. A contract inside of a contract, which could implicate anyone that our organization is associated with.”

  “Who would benefit from my absence?”

  “Definitely not Chon.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “What kind of message was sent to our dear friend Chon?”

  “…” Gio chuckled before scratching his brow. “Faceoff, in a manner of speaking. You know how OCD he is.”

  “Very good.” Antonio’s brain was clouded with anger even after Gio left to his room. The gym was calling his name to relieve some tension but a shower would have to do for now.

  Walking into the bedroom, he saw Allison asleep on her side. The only covering she had was the stark white sheet. Her skin was clean and clear of any makeup or sweat from their earlier workout. The once long straight hair was pulled to the top of her head in a sloppy bun. One thing he loved about his presidential suite was his bed but it was occupied with someone he wanted to get real cozy with. In all the most intimate ways imaginable.

  With the little will-power he had left, he went to the shower. Turning it to the steam setting, he tried his best to relax. His vengeance would come soon enough but for now he needed to fly off the radar forget below. Every move he makes is always watched. If it was someone he has done business with he knew they would know immediately their plans failed. So it wouldn’t be long before they slip up and he would be there to take advantage.


  Antonio felt like an outsider peaking in on his own sexual experience. An experience he would love to live until the day he died. His head was thrown back, hands gripping the edge of the counter, all the while groans escaped his throat. There had been enough experts in the oral department in his time but this time was like no other. NO one could compare to the remarkable skills displayed below.

  “Mm… mia bella…” He called out the pet name especially set for his beautiful girl. “Fanculo! That’s enough bella.”

  “What’s wrong?” She’d questioned the reason he’d stopped her. Antonio silenced any further conversation by connecting his mouth to hers. His tongue swept her minty flavored mouth relishing in the pure taste of his lady love. Lifting her off her feet, she wasted no time wrapping her thick legs around his waist. They connected groin to groin like magnets. The slick, warm, pulsating walls he loved so much felt like a dream come true.

  Antonio smirked to himself as she snatched away from their heated make out session. With her head back, she screamed out incoherent words that only served as encouragement. Her creamy, warm cunt fit his extremely hard length like a tight glove. In and out… over and over… Antonio was enjoying himself to no end. Like clockwork her inner muscles constricted to a point where it was almost painful for him. Tightening her thighs, Antonio had to do what he knew he did well and would get her to loosen up. POUND!

  “Oh mio Dio, Antonio!” He was indeed Italian and spoke it often though hearing her express her passion in Italian made his already stiff member, stiffer.

  “Bella, say it again.”

  “Sì Tony, proprio lì.”

  “Oh cazzo, bella.”

  “Si!” Antonio was pondering over who she has been conversing with that taught her all of this. All of the sensual talk in Italian was beyond sexy. He needed to thank whoever the helper was because she was speaking it so fluently.

  From Italy back to the states they had been going none stop like monkeys. He loved every bit of her body. How anyone could do harm to it was a mystery to him. The only battering he felt compelled to deliver was to the inside as he tapped her cervix. The day that bastards debt fell into his lap until the very intense moment he was currently in, he had been a new person. Slowly morphing into one but a new individual none the less.

  “Antonio, cazzo me!”

  “Allison, bella… you gotta stop talking like that baby.” Antonio threatened. “We’re going to land soon.” Suddenly he heard alarms going off making him pull out of his happy place.

  Antonio opened his eyes to look at the ceiling. Reaching one hand to the bedside table he turned the alarm clock off. These visions were coming back to back. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Allison butt assed naked with him deep between her thighs. In so many different positions, all ending the same, him being awaken before he could bust one. He has taken so many cold showers as well as brought on his own orgasm because of these dreams. His mind was made up. He had to seduce her but in due time.

  “Allison?” Antonio tried to be gentle in waking up sleeping beauty but she seemed dead to the world. Obviously he had worn her out seriously. Damn it to hell if he wasn’t disappointed it wasn’t the other type of exhaustion. “Allison!”

  “I’m sorry!” Just then Antonio felt bad for startling her the way he had. From the frantic look she had at first, it must have been a flashback from her abusive marriage.

  “We must get back to the villa.”

  “Alright.” She said groggily. “Oh shoot, what will I wear?”

  “Just throw on a pair of my sweats with the shirt you slept in. We will take the elevator down to the parking garage.” Antonio watched as Allison rose from the bed and walked to the restroom. “My shirt definitely looks better on you than me.”

  “…” She didn’t have to speak to let him know she was soaking up every compliment he gave.

  “Ready to go?” Gio asked walking into the sitting area of the suite.

  “Yeah just waiting on Allison to come from the restroom.”

  “Morning Gio.” Allison spoke confidently.

  “Morning beautiful.” Gio responded. Antonio grunted at his consigliere’s greeting but was ignored. “You’re looking better than you did earlier. The limp is gone. Feeling better?”

  “I am so sore but in time I know it will pass. You get used to handling pain after years of practice.” Allison absently stated but sobered. She’d said the last part kind of low but they heard. After sharing a look they let sleeping dogs lie and didn’t ask her to elaborate. Both men were thinking the same thing though, ‘if I just had two minutes with that figlio di una cagna, he would wish upon the death angel to take him away.’

  The ride back to the villa was filled with silence. Roberto was in a vehicle bringing up the rear of the truck they rode in. Instead of the limo they went to
the club in the night before, they were being transported in his large sport’s utility vehicle. The tent was dark and as bullet proof as the rest of the truck.

  Allison was drifting off to sleep while Gio and Antonio were busy in their own thoughts. Each preparing to meet with the other bosses. They needed more information and a plan of action. Two problems quickly surfaced leaving him mulling over whether they were related or not. First someone is living foul taking money that doesn’t belong to them and lastly someone is trying to kill him. Charges keep adding up that is tempting the mean bear to come out of hibernation.


  “It’s about time you all made it home. I was beginning to worry.” Carlina started as soon as they crossed the threshold.

  “We decided to stay in town mamma.” Antonio soothed her spirit with a kiss to the brow.

  “Cara, you look exhausted.”

  “Thank you?”

  “I only meant, it seems we have to put our brunch on hold as well as church service.”

  “Oh. No, just let me get myself together.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes of course. Just give me thirty minutes.” Allison dashed up the stairs to keep her promise to return. Antonio had to admit it made him smile on the inside to see her go out of her way to please his mother. His mother has never been an easy nut to crack but somehow Allison seems to have found a secret passage.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Why is Allison wearing your clothes figlio?”

  “Oh she accompanied me during one of my late night workouts.”

  “What kind of workout that has her walking that way?”


  “Forget I asked.”

  “It’s nothing like that, mamma.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t. After all you keep reminding everyone that she is a married woman.” Carlina said with meaning behind her sentence. “What has you so riled up that you needed to work out? Is there trouble?”

  “…” Antonio didn’t respond.

  “Fine. I expect you to join us figlio.” His mother walked away humming. Antonio was thinking ‘what have I gotten myself into.’

  Chapter 13

  The group sat down to for lunch with a brunch menu. Indulging in light conversation, nothing too heavy to keep everyone comfortable. Somehow Allison had been placed on the left side of Antonio as he assumed his rightful seat at the head of the table. While Allison usually sat next to Carlina, they insisted she sit there instead. It was clear Allison thought it was an unusual request but followed the request. However Antonio saw something totally different but he was determined not to voice his opinion about it.

  To prevent any mishaps while they traveled into town, Antonio suggested they ride in the protective trucks with the excuse it had more room. A lot of people in the community who knew them personally were curious as to who the new comer was with the family. Rushing over with so many introductions, it became a little overwhelming for Antonio. He could only imagine what and how Allison was feeling.

  “Mr. Mucciono, may I introduce to you my niece Alessandra De Vitis from Florence. She will be visiting me and my family for a spell.” One of Antonio’s associates approached. This was one of the main reasons he didn’t want to stick around too long after mass for the vultures would swoop in.

  “Pleased to meet you Alessandra.”

  “You as well Mr. Mucciono.” Alessandra wasted no time batting her long eyelashes. He wouldn’t lie and say she wasn’t beautiful. Tall elegant brunette, thin waist, and a moderate bust line was the typical woman the public is used to him being with. He is starting to think the onlookers assume this is the type he prefers.

  “How are you enjoying our fine city thus far?”

  “I have only just arrived two days ago. Perhaps I need a proper tour guide. My uncle and aunt haven’t the time yet.”

  “Speaking of tour guides, we would be so honored if you joined us for dinner one evening. Perhaps afterwards you could show her around.” The brazen man suggested.

  “Pardon me Mr. Mucciono.” He had never been so happy as to see Allison as he was at that moment. It saved him from blatantly refusing the offer.

  “Yes Miss Myers?”

  “Your mother sent me to retrieve you.” The stone face she displayed was comical for it resembled jealousy as she darted her eyes from Alessandra to himself.

  “Excuse me dear but I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.”

  “Mr. De Luca and Miss Alessandra De Vitis, may I introduce Miss Allison Myers visiting from the states.”


  “Ciao bella.” Mr. De Luca went so far as to kiss Allison’s knuckles as he perused her from head to toe. The appreciative smirk on his face let Antonio further know he found her attractive. On the other hand, Alessandra played the catty role.

  “Mr. Mucciono , non vedo l' ora di vedere più tardi . Sì?” She asked in Italian to exclude Allison he was sure.

  “Perhaps another time.” Antonio smoothly stated while silently enjoying the crestfallen look on the young woman’s face. “Mr. De Luca.” He nodded his head in a final farewell before walking away with his hand resting comfortably at Allison’s lower back. The gesture was meant to be exactly what it was. A tell-tale sign that she was off limits. To him and every other male whom had their eyes on the prize. She may not know it yet but she was going to be his. Even if it was only to fill his curiosity.


  “Zio Carmine.”

  “Antonio ragazzo mio, è bello vederti.” It was always a pleasure to see his uncle. He and his late father resembled one another immensely.

  “It’s good to see you too.”

  “Your father would be so proud of you.”

  “Grazie zio.” Antonio relished in the small praise. “Where is Ernesto?”

  “Ernesto had some business meeting he needed to attend to at the last minute.” Carmine huffed and then shook his head. “Knowing your cousin, he is chasing some skirt. How I wish he was as responsible as you.”

  “…” Antonio didn’t know how to reply to the statement so he chose to say nothing.

  “I don’t know where I went wrong with that boy.”

  “Carmine.” Carlina saved him from yet another awkward conversational point.

  “Carlina amato. How are you sweet girl?”

  “Carmine. I am doing wonderful and yourself?”

  “Couldn’t be better.” Carmine noticed Allison as soon as she stepped into the room. “E chi è questa bellezza near?” He inquired who she was.

  “Carmine, this is Allison Myers. Allison caro, this is my brother in law, Carmine Mucciono.”

  “Pleased to meet you Mr. Mucciono.”

  “You may call me Carmine and a pleasure it is to meet such a beautiful young woman such as yourself. What brings you to our lovely country?”

  “A work opportunity actually.” Allison answered. Antonio was pleased she was quicker on her feet than when she first arrived.

  “I wasn’t aware we had dealings in the fashion industry.” Carmine joked. The guys instantly got where he was going with that.

  “She is quite exquisite isn’t she?” Carlina gushed. As if a light bulb went off over her head, she giggled and blushed.

  “This is going to be a long night for sure.” Antonio groaned.

  Everyone sat down to dinner enjoying the company. Carmine and Carlina told embarrassing stories of all the boys when they were younger. Antonio, Gio, Roberto, and some others not present grew up together. They kept up all types of trouble from toddlers to adolescents. Especially when it came to the little girls running home crying of a broken heart to their fathers about the mean spirited boys. Of course the fathers of the devastated kids weren’t about to approach any of their parents out of fear for their own lives.

  Allison was actually enjoying herself and for that Antonio didn’t mind his dirty laundry being aired. Even if the smile on her face was at hi
s and his friends expense, it brought her bit of peace. Although putting the pieces together to find out where the problem surfaced with the finances had to be put on hold for now, it was for the best. Like an annoying pimple, in due time the nasty shit will eventually rise to the surface. Antonio is all too ready to clean house by any means necessary.


  Chon was on pins and needles expecting a visit from Mucciono ever since he received his lunch. His overly sensitive obsessive compulsive disorder was taken to an all-time high seeing some cannibalistic stuff such as that. The intricate detail in removing a person’s face without nicks or overstretching took some skill and steady hands. There was only one person known for those type of messages or that type of skill and that was the ‘surgeon.’

  He’d never seen the person in all of his years in the business. That hadn’t stopped the person from taking out a few of his scrubs. Some even say the ‘surgeon’ is a woman but those creatures aren’t patient. If it is one, she must be the last one on earth. Plus the scene of the crime had to be gruesome and to do a job like that, a woman would never be capable of something of that magnitude.

  “Chon, I am very disappointed.” Chon felt belittled and offended at his visitor’s assessment. He’d never failed an assignment before.

  “The message received from your Don was very clear. He is coming.”

  “What message was that?”

  “FACEOFF!” Chon shouted. “The son of bitch is coming and there is no telling when that will be. It wasn’t supposed to come to this. You told me it would be an easy hit. Everyone was in place, how was this plan botched? Unless you double-crossed me.”

  “Double-cross you? How would that benefit me? I hired you, remember that. There seems to be someone in the way that I know nothing about. According to a few spectators, there is a woman in his proximity. Somehow she managed to intervene.”

  “Don Mucciono never runs with women openly. This is a drastic change. Who is she?”

  “Some black woman from the states is all I know at this point. There is a meeting called by the king himself at the end of the week. I will make it a point to introduce myself to the distraction.” Chon sat on the phone silently regarding what the man had to say for a few minutes, wondering just why he wanted to kill Don Mucciono so very badly. There seemed to be an underlining hate for the man that ran as deep as the Pacific.


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