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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 22

by Harris, K.

  “That’s fine. I will call her to let her know.”

  “I’ll call her.”

  “Alright, Più tardi.”

  “Later.” Rob drove with a purpose to get to Alli. He really liked her for his friend, brother, and boss. She was damaged goods when she was first apprehended but things have definitely made a change for the better.

  It was eating him up not to tell Antonio of his up and coming fatherhood adventure but didn’t want to rob him of the chance to tell him herself. She was optimistic about him even wanting anything to do with her but Rob knew otherwise. No matter how hard Antonio is trying to fight his attraction to her, he is sprung. Everyone knew it but him. When he finally figured it out, Rob was anticipating having his camera ready to mark the time when something finally got over on the great ‘Don.’


  “Hello?” Rob answered his ringing cell that only called a number but no name. He was trying to call Alli but his phone rung instead.

  “Roberto, I’m so glad I could reach you. Where are you?”

  “Let me stop you before you get started. I don’t want to continue the discussion of this morning.” Roberto shouted. This is why he preferred to be alone. He hated having to answer to his whereabouts at every given moment.

  “No that’s not why I am calling.”

  “Alright then what?”

  “…” There was silence on the other end of the line. He thought the call was disconnected until his lover finally decided to speak. “I am so sorry. They made me do it.”

  “Do what? What are you sorry for?” Roberto took his eyes off of the road just long enough to look at his dashboard as if he could stare into the eyes of the caller. Just then he heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights in his rearview mirror. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!”


  “You know what, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be seeing you around, baby.” Roberto disconnected the call. That was the reason for the eerie feeling creeping up his spine all morning. Something was about to transpire, this he now knew for sure.

  “Yeah?” Gio answered.

  “Listen bro, I don’t have time to explain. I’m being pulled over and I believe it’s to create a diversion.”

  “Fuck! What the hell is going on?”

  “I don’t know yet. I got a strange phone call just before the lights were hit.” Roberto was sitting on the shoulder of the expressway waiting on the officers to approach his Range. Just then he saw a K-9 unit pull up as well. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. Somebody was trying to set him up. “Something is wrong, I can feel it. Get to Allison as soon as you can.”

  “On it!” Gio hung up with no further conversation. They were all short with words when it was time for action. From the looks of things it was time for action. Thinking quickly he phoned their lawyers private line.

  “This is Jackson.” Instead of speaking back Roberto spoke to the office alerting him of what was transpiring.

  “May I help you officer?”

  “License, registration, and proof of insurance.”

  “Can you tell me why you pulled me over sir?”

  “This vehicle was reported stolen this morning.”

  “I assure you this is my vehicle officer.”

  “License, registration, and proof of insurance will surly do the same.”

  “Yes sir.” Keeping his eye trained on the officer by his window as well as what was going on in the rear. He kept all of his information in the visor for easy access. “Here you are.”

  “Sit tight.” The officer walked away with his information. While he was away he took the time to explain his theory to Jackson their attorney. He’d already prepared to meet him at the precinct because it was destined to happen seeing as though there was a canine sniffing around the cargo area of his vehicle.

  “Sir, please step out of the car.”

  “What for?”

  “Sir, I asked you nicely to please step out of the car.”

  “And I asked nicely, what is the reason?”

  “According to the tip line this vehicle has also been identified as being in a well-known crime infested neighborhood.”

  “That is bullshit and you know it.”

  “Sir there’s no need to be hostile if you have nothing to hide.”

  “Roberto follow the direction of the officer.” Jackson blared over the car speakers. The officer looked taken aback at the sudden intrusion. Since Roberto had a keen eye for detail and a photographic memory, he’d already given Jackson the officers badge number. “I’m sure Officer Willis is only doing his job.”

  “What the…” The officer looked pissed. That only caused Rob’s smirk to grow wider. “Slowly!” Officer Willis shouted with his hand never leaving his weapon. Escorting him to the hood of the first patrol car, he watched as the patrol dog sniffed until he started to go crazy. Roberto didn’t fool with drugs so if anything was in there it was planted there.

  ‘Yeah, someone is definitely going to die for this.’ He smiled to himself. On the outside the smile seemed weird but on the inside it was the only thing keeping him from making a scene.

  “Found something!”


  “I know you have to search me and place me in the car.” Roberto finished his statement. Since a scent was picked up they had no choice but to search the vehicle. All the doors were opened, the area where the jack laid was removed completely, and seats were flipped. They were destroying his truck looking for something and he had yet to see them find anything. This both surprised him and puzzled him.

  “Uhh, nothing is there.”

  “What do you mean nothing’s there?” Officer Willis exclaimed. “The dog picked up on a scent.” He said lowly but not low enough.

  “I don’t know what to tell you. This was a complete waste of time.”

  “What did you do with it you son of a bitch?” Willis growled so low it would take some serious ears to hear it on the recorder from his dash.

  “Do with what? I have no clue what you are referring to officer.”

  “Turn him loose Willis.” A detective showed up out of thin air. Rob didn’t even hear another car drive up.

  “You’re free to go.” He mumbled under his breath.

  “I need my information please.”

  “On behalf of my fellow officers, I would like to apologize for the misunderstanding of this morning. He was only told to follow through with the call. Isn’t that right Willis?”


  “No harm, no foul.” Roberto displayed a menacing smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. From the look on the faces of Willis and the other detective, they recognized just what he could possibly be capable of. “You fella’s have a wonderful day.” Rob hurriedly replaced his discarded items back into his truck. All the while stewing over the betrayal that was just dealt.

  “Just no honor amongst criminals now a days.” He said aloud. Following up with Jackson that everything was all good, he got back in route to the condos. Some bodies would drop by the end of the day, this he knew for sure.

  Chapter 23

  Allison was preparing for her sixteen week doctor’s appointment. Antonio had yet to find out about the baby, for she hadn’t seen nor spoken to him. The only solace she has in knowing he’s still alive is through word of mouth. Gio and Rob, tell her simply that he is fine, just really busy. They swear they haven’t told him anything about his upcoming fatherhood and she believed them. She is sure she would have seen his face if he was aware. This was just something you had to see with your own eyes.

  If she were an outsider who knew her story, she wouldn’t believe it word of mouth either. The odds of her ever getting pregnant after all the trauma her body has endured was slim to none. At least that’s what the doctors always told her after each loss. Somehow she always blamed herself for each failed pregnancy. If she hadn’t of stood by her vows she wouldn’t have had those horrific falls and bumps. She just prayed that this one didn�
��t suffer because of her past foolish choices.

  Gio was on his way to pick her up for her doctor’s appointment because Stephanie was on duty at the hospital. Although it would have been great if Antonio could be present for any and all of her prenatal appointments, she would take the support system that she could get. Plus there was no guarantee how he is going to respond to becoming a daddy. This may not please him in the least bit. One thing was for sure, she was past the stage of termination. That she was grateful for.

  She’d just got done putting pre-lunch in her growing tummy and the after taste was driving her crazy. Her taste buds had been on the retard level lately. Whenever she eats either she is burping beyond toleration or her tongue just feels like, blah. Unlocking the door for Gio, she ran upstairs to brush her teeth real quick. Having a huge craving for some old town pizza, she already had in her mind she would sucker Gio into taking her out for a late lunch after her appointment.

  Making sure she was presentable, she went back into the bedroom to be sure her purse had everything she needed in it. Checking her cell phone she noticed she had four missed calls from Gio. Wondering why she didn’t hear it ring, she realized she must have put it on silent by accident. She’d done it so many times it wasn’t even funny. Hearing the front door close downstairs at the same time as the phone flashed again, she laughed before answering.

  “Sorry, my phone was on silent. I’m coming.” She rambled thinking Gio was about to start fussing cause she didn’t answer. He always worried when she didn’t answer.

  “No. Alli I was calling to tell you I was running behind. There was an accident on the interstate.”

  “Oh, Rob must be downstairs then.”

  “What? No Rob is…held up. What are talking about downstairs?”

  “I just heard the front door close. I left it unlocked for you to get in.”

  “Shit, Alli. I need you to concentrate. Where are you?” Gio shouted. Alli was starting to shake a bit because if it wasn’t Gio or Rob than she was afraid of whoever it could be.

  “In the bedroom.”

  “Lock the door. I need you to hide.”

  “Where?” Before she could get that statement out good, she saw a shadow approaching the opened door. She was trapped. Right then and there, she felt the blood drain from the top of her body straight to her feet. Weighing her down in the spot she stood in.

  Faintly she could hear Gio shouting her name, trying to get her attention. The hand holding the phone fell away from her face and dropped to the floor. It bounced from the crash and slid to places unknown. The figure soon came into full view and the shock she felt was enough to cause a straight heart attack. She was shell-shocked with fear. The sinister yet lustful smirk on the perverts face made her skin crawl. Then a thought came to mind that she didn’t stand a chance against the prick, especially in her condition.

  “Hey there Alli-cat.” The bastard had the nerve to say nicely. There was nothing friendly about the two. “Finally I have you all to myself.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you of course.” He looked around as if he were admiring the place. “Nice place you have here.”


  “I always admired Antonio’s taste. Especially in women.” Pausing for affect he continued. “Never took him for the type to take to dark meat though. Seeing as though he has set you up nicely in his condo, furthermore has me curious. The pussy must be golden. I recall it being nice and tight, so I can only imagine how it’s going to feel around my dick.”

  “You’re sick.”

  “Sick of your teasing ass. Now that no one is here to block our fun, we can get down to business. That dumb ass husband of yours is dead so there’s no need to feel guilty anymore.”


  “Oh come on, you know you want to. I saw how you looked at me when we first met.” The delusional bastard kept going in his fantasy. “I know that tight little pussy has been neglected for so long. I could tell when I first fingered you that you hadn’t been broken open right.”

  “This is not happening.” Allison’s dreadful tears started to slide down the corners of her eyes. There was no way he would take her without a fight. This could not be happening to her. Judging by his size there was no way she could fight her way out. Gio was stuck in traffic and he said that Rob was being held up somewhere as well.

  “Oh it’s happening. The only decision to make is are you going to open your thighs the easy way or do I have to beat them open. I have been skilled to beat a person until their just conscious enough to feel every last inch of my dick. Your choice really.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Shh. No more questions, no more talk.” The more she stepped back the more he followed. He was so close she could smell the pungent stench of some sort of smoke. “I must warn you though. The more the fight the more turned on I am so if you want it easy you might not want to resist.” His hard calloused hand jetted out and grabbed her breast roughly.

  Flinching away from him only pissed him off as he snatched the shirt dress she wore with such force that all the buttons flew all over the place. There she stood with her bountiful breasts in the lace material bra on full display. Pushing her to a sitting position on the bed, he removed his own shirt and that’s when she saw his gun on display. Fear racked her body, more so for her unborn than her own life. She had to do something. There was no way she would lay back and let this man take what she had designated as Antonio’s treasure.

  Nudging her to scoot back on the bed, she did so reluctantly. Brian looped over her body, his eyes only stopping briefly at the obvious bulge at her panty line. It wasn’t completely visible when she was fully dressed but anyone as close as he was could tell she was pregnant. The disdain on his face made her mind run wild with possible solutions. Discreetly she slid her hand under the pillow as if she were trying to prop her head up to see what he was doing. He’d only regarded her for second before returning his angry gaze to her stomach.

  “You know we are going to enjoy bargaining this little bastard seed that you carry off to Antonio’s bitch ass. I am sure he would do anything for his heir to not be harmed or worse used against him.” He chuckled as if he heard the best joke ever. “All you bitches are the same. For you to actually think that a man like him would ever risk everything on a black bitch other than to fuck. You didn’t think you were different did you?”

  “No.” At her admission he looked up surprised she answered. “Antonio has made it clear he doesn’t want me.”

  “No matter I have been under strict orders to not hurt the abomination growing inside you so keep being a good little girl and we won’t have any problems. I was warned to not hurt the baby, the carrier is of no concern of my boss’.”

  “But you work for Antonio?”

  “Wrong again Alli-cat. Ernesto pays better.”

  “But they’re cousins so it’s the same difference.”

  “Why does it matter? The great ‘Don’ will be dead soon and Ernesto will be the boss. With this demon seed in his possession there is no way Antonio won’t come running to save his first born heir. There he will go straight to hell. Along with any and every one who tries to stop us.” Brian’s dumb ass laid all the cards out. Allison was sickened at the small details revealed. “Now where were we?” He bent his head to sample her breast.

  Allison saw her opportunity and gripped the cold metal in her hand. With all of her might she swung the Honshu Kerambit knife that Stephanie and Gio had made her swear to keep under her pillow. The swing was successful in hitting his carotid artery with precision as if she had practiced the move often. Remembering Gio’s instructions as if he were standing at the foot of the bed, she twisted the knife clockwise, and yanked the blade out in sweeping motion.

  The move was done so quickly he didn’t have time to recover. Instead the only thing he tried to do was jump up and hold his neck at the same time. Allison wasted no time tucking and rolling from beneath him ju
st in case she didn’t completely enable him. That’s all she needed was for him to start shooting ending her attempts of trying to protect her and her baby. Ducking into the closet, she slammed against the wall holding the knife out in front of her. Her hand, arm, and parts of her upper body was covered in the crimson substance. No tears were present as she watched the door like a hawk.

  Suddenly she heard a loud thud and then nothing but silence. Allison was far from one of those dumb chicks out of the horror movies so she didn’t budge. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting in that one spot not even sure if she had even blinked. Hearing her name being called didn’t even jar her from her musings. She wouldn’t let anyone take her chances away of having this little miracle. There was no way she would allow anyone else to rob her of her womanhood. She’d suffered for years under the harshness of the one she shared a name with. The days of being weak were over. She would die protecting her and her unborn.

  “Allison!” She thought she heard Gio but she couldn’t be sure. And there was the fact that she didn’t know if Brian had come alone. What if there were more of them just waiting in the shadows for any movement of life? “FUCK!” Then she heard Gio speaking to someone on the phone in Italian.

  “Alli?!” The voice was getting closer to the closet. Slowly the door opened. Everything from before seemed to happen in slow motion but it had to happen a lot faster. Her adrenaline was pumping. “Alli, oh grazie a Dio.”

  “…” Alli still held the knife pointed outward. She could see Gio’s face but it was foggy, hear his frantic voice but it sounded fuzzy.

  “Shit, she’s in shock.” Gio held his hands out inching towards her. “Come on Alli, let me look at you.”

  “Gio…?” She’d said his name so low that she almost didn’t recognize the voice.

  “Yes Alli, it’s me. Are you alright?”

  “Gio?” At the touch of Gio’s hand on hers caused her to slightly snap back to reality.

  “Are you hurt anywhere?”


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