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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 25

by Harris, K.

  “He’ll be back before you know it. Don’t worry.”

  “How did you sleep?” Steph changed the subject to what she thought was a lighter topic. A blush immediately spread over her face. Just thinking about the positions they were in through the night and that morning was causing warmness to envelop her body. “That good, huh?”

  “I slept soundly.”

  “I bet.”



  “Girls.” Carlina giggled and rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure you girls had an eventful night but we are talking about my boys here.”

  “Sorry Carlina.”

  “I’m only kidding.”

  “Carlina, may I ask you a question?”

  “Sure caro.”

  “When did you know you were in love, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “…” The girls noticed Carlina got a far off look before smiling fondly. “As cliché as it sounds, it was love at first sight. I was so afraid of my late husband when we first met. He was so intimidating plus his reputation was horrible. Therefore I had every reason to be fearful but something about his eyes made me want to be brave if for nothing else other than to stand beside him.”

  “Sound familiar?” Stephanie asked with a smirk.

  “Vaguely.” Allison answered with a blush.

  “Allison, although you two didn’t meet the traditional way there is no reason to feel guilty for loving my son so early. And before you deny my suspicions just remember I am a mother. I know all and see all before any of you.”

  “I do love Antonio. I just can’t figure out how that’s possible. Honestly I never loved my late husband. I felt obligated to him if anything.”

  “Why did you suffer silently all those years? Almost ten years is a long time.”

  “Derek is the first and only man that showed me genuine attention aside from just saying how sexy my curves were. Looking back it’s all in what he said versus what he showed. Talk should have been cheap instead it was golden being everything I wanted to hear.” Allison reminisced over her past surprisingly not bitter but grateful. “After the magic potion that painted him as a saint wore off I was left with the real monster. The one so demanding that he would lock me in the basement of our home when he was angry. I was forced to subdue in every way imaginable. I have lost lives that should have brought about joy but it was nothing near.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing he pawned such a fine piece of china as yourself or else I would have never gotten my daughter in law.”


  “Come on now. You can’t tell me that both of you weren’t thinking the same thing.”

  “…” All three women laughed because they were selfishly thinking the same thing. If Derek hadn’t been so dirty Allison never would have been able to experience real love from a mother figure and give love to another. Stephanie would have been consumed with work and secretly meeting with Gio. Allison was her first girlfriend she could talk to about anything being that she was a foster kid herself. Carlina made her happiness clear from jump so there was no question as to why she was thrilled.

  “What if Antonio never feels the same?”

  “…” Steph and Carlina looked at one another before looking at Allison like she had lost her mind.

  “You can’t be serious, right?” Steph asked.

  “Of course I’m serious. I mean I am having his baby but then what. No offense Carlina but your son could just take his child and be done with me.”

  “None taken because that is just idiocy coming from your mouth right now. I will just consider that as cold feet talking because you are making no sense right now.”

  “It’s a very valid question. Especially with us being as different as we are.”

  “You are tripping for real. I wish I would have videoed the reunion between you two last night.” Steph said.

  “Caro, my son absolutely adores you. If you think he doesn’t then just ask him. I am pretty certain he would love to show and tell you just how much.” She winked and took a sip of her tea.

  “Okay ewe. Furthermore the way he was telling you that everything was going to be alright and he was apologizing for not being there to protect you, you have that man. He is probably wrapped all the way around your fist forget the one finger. I don’t know Antonio like that and can tell he loves you.”


  “Have you ever told him you love him?”


  “Exactly but I bet he knows from the way you show him. Do you feel loved when you are together and I’m not talking only sexually? How did it feel to wake up next to him? How did it feel to talk to him and be comforted by him?”

  “Thank you Carlina.” Allison conceded.

  “No problem caro. I am here for you girls whenever you all need me.”


  The remainder of the day they indulged in some in house spa treatments. Through a careful screening process a spa team was allowed through the iron gates. There was no complaints from any of the women as they enjoyed the pampering. Girl talk, an array of gourmet snacks, and relaxation was just what the doctor ordered as they let all of their cares waste away. Every so often she would look at the clock to gage the time wondering was Antonio alright and when would he return.

  Not wanting to be a party-pooper she allowed them to drag her to the theatre area to watch different movies. About midnight she decided to partake in a long bubble bath to relax her nerves. Thinking maybe he was just spending the night wherever his meeting had been she called it a night. Allison prayed to the God above to return the man she loved in one piece before drifting off.


  Allison felt small butterfly kisses on her tummy but was too tired to open her eyes. Thinking for sure it was just the wind blowing the sheet across her half naked body. After her bath, she had rubbed down with some brown sugar and vanilla scented shea butter. Sleeping without panties had become a fetish so she just slid into one of Antonio’s undershirts. Knowing full well it would only cause her boobs to fall out of the arm holes and it would probably ride up her wide hips. It was just comfortable sleep attire.

  “I know your awake, bella.” She heard Antonio whisper from close by. Opening her eyes to the darkness, she tried to shake off the sleep. Antonio was laying on his side half way down her body. His infatuation with her stomach was cute.

  “Ciao Bello.” Allison spoke to him in his native tongue. Everybody had been teaching her a little bit at a time. His one brow cocked up in amusement and she wondered did she say it wrong.

  “You’ve been learning, bella.” He commended. “What else can you say?” Allison bit her lip trying to decide if she wanted to say what was in her heart.

  “Mi sei mancato terribilmente.” The shock on his face when she told him she missed him was gratifying.

  “I missed you too baby.” Now it was her turn to look shocked.

  “Why didn’t you wake me before you left?” She asked when she finally recovered from his confession.

  “You needed to rest.” He chuckled with a hint of mystery. “We had a long night and an intriguing morning. Thank you by the way.”

  “For what?”

  “You gave me that much needed boost to finish my work and get back to you.”

  “You’ve been gone all day.”

  “Yes well, my business was out of town. I apologize if I worried you.” They were now face to face as they spoke.

  “Was your business trip productive at least?”

  “Very much so. All of the funds that were embezzled have been recovered.”

  “That’s great. I’m so glad everything worked out.”

  “Thanks to you.”

  “Please, you came to me. You saw something in the test you gave me, I just dug a little deeper.”

  “You did more than that but your modesty is cute.” They both laughed. “Now that business is completed, I would like to dig a lot deeper myself.” Antonio wiggled his eye brows befor
e attacking her lips.

  His kisses were hypnotizing. Instead of the hungry kisses of before this one was slow and packed a lot of meaning. Trailing kisses down her body slowly was driving her berserk. He was torturing her with every kiss, caress, and glance he gave her. She didn’t know what was different but knew it didn’t feel like all the other times they’d been together. Not that she would ever complain but this just caressed her heart softly. Laying before him completely naked with him in only a towel, she waited for what was to come. Normally she would feel vulnerable being so wide open for his appraisal but the way his eyes grazed over her figure told her a story. A story of admiration.

  Slowly he lowered the top of his body down to her perfectly trimmed triangle while simultaneously pushing her thighs apart. All she could feel was his hot breath on her exposed flesh. Antonio seemed to be inhaling her scent committing it to his memory for future references. The first flick of his tongue against her sensitive nub caused her to hiss from the sensation. Never in her life has anyone ever gone down on her. Derek only demanded she give him oral in the beginning of their marriage and it was always when she was on her menstrual.

  Only from the movies or the porn he forced her to watch in the past had she ever even seen it done. Nothing could have prepared her for the rapid rolling waves of passion coming from down below. Antonio was feasting on her goodies like a freshly baked batch of chocolate chip cookies with a sticky ooh-wee gooey center for good measure. The slurping and groaning sounds he made caused her to leak uncontrollably. He didn’t disappoint because every time she felt like her world was splitting apart he would greedily dig his face in further. Screams of ecstasy damn near rubbed her throat raw. Her fingers were tangled in his head of hair to be sure he didn’t move away while she was riding the last of the waves.

  “No more. No more.” She pleaded pushing his head away with those same hands that was just holding on for dear life.

  “Whatever you say baby.” He chuckled swiping a hand down his face to clear the sheen of her essence and licking his lips. “So damn sweet.”

  “…” Allison only blushed not knowing what to say.

  “Don’t be shy, bella.” Antonio laid on his back and gestured for Allison to get on top. Recovering from her many mind-blowing orgasms she took the position requested. Sliding down slowly she tried to adjust as best she could to his size. It should be easy seeing as though it wasn’t their first time but alas it wasn’t. “Shit.” Antonio hissed when she accommodated his length and girth inside her trembling center.

  Short spirts of breaths left her body as she rocked on the fullness inside of her. Bracing her hands on his hard sculptured chest for leverage Allison let go of her inhibitions and let her body take control. Up, down, round, and even escalating to bouncing Allison tried to recall all the sex scenes she has fantasized about. Obviously she was doing a good job because Antonio was cursing up a storm, biting his lip, and gripping anything in his reach.

  “Oh baby, Ti amo.” Antonio groaned and just like that it clicked for them both what he just belted out. Allison didn’t stop moving and he didn’t stop grinding into her every downward dip. They locked eyes both in shock at his revelation. Allison was finding it hard to breathe let alone believe what he just confessed. “Ti amo tanto.” He repeated his previous statement adding ‘so much’ for good measure Allison could only assume.

  “Ti amo anch'io.” Allison couldn’t help the wide smile that graced her face and it warmed her heart to have Antonio return it with one of his own. That was all that needed to be said as they sealed that deal with a kiss. At that moment nothing else mattered, the world could come to a screeching halt but it wouldn’t stop the moment that was just shared between the two unsuspected lovers as they came together.


  Carlina was over the moon and back with happiness. Finally her son has married the woman of all of their dreams. Allison was a mother’s dream come true for a daughter in law. Now that the two have added even more excitement by making her a grandmother, she had finally given up on her resolve of not leaving Naples. Silvio would be so happy to see how everyone had faired since his departure.

  Silvio was probably leaning on the bannister in heaven jumping for joy at little Alana Simone Mucciono. She was the epitome of the perfect little bundle of joy. A perfect mixture of Antonio and Allison. Antonio was so smitten with his little princess, he wouldn’t see any flaws if there were any. Between catering to Allison and breaking his neck to get to Alana if she even attempted to cry, he had his hands full.

  Since they’d arrived in Illinois, he’d barely left Allison’s side to go to the bathroom let alone leave the house. After the baby was born, during a home birth at the estates, he hardly let anyone near either one of them. Carlina had to barge in and demand that he lighten up a bit. Still he commanded that everyone give them time to settle in and only when Allison pleaded with him to let everyone in, did he relent.

  A healthy birth and a healthy wife signified a happy life in Antonio’s eyes. Carlina rarely left Italy since her soul mate left the earth due to a hard fight with testicular cancer. Always wanting to feel near him by staying home. Considering this was Allison’s first birth and Antonio was being extremely over-bearing she knew either she needed to be there or she wouldn’t see either of them for a while.

  Not to mention Giovanni and Roberto needed their mother around on a regular basis. Giovanni and Stephanie were now considering taking the plunge into wedded bliss now that the stage has been set. Roberto would be her tough cookie because his trust issues ran too deep. If there were only someone to break through his impenetrable fence, they would be surrounded with nothing but love.

  He’d confided in her that he was distraught over the last sap that betrayed him. Rob blamed himself over everyone else that he wasn’t able to reach Alli before that scum, Brian did. Dealing with the easily persuaded little shit almost cost his freedom. Gratefully at the last minute he’d had a change of heart and removed the drugs from his car before Rob left that morning. By him calling Rob to warn him was a last ditch effort to ask for forgiveness. One of Ernesto’s men had planted the drugs and planned the raid.

  If he hadn’t of dealt with it she was sure she would have sought them out on her own. No one hurt her boys. Once he touched down in Italy after everything happened, the physical strain he displayed was heartbreaking. When he first saw Allison, he’d actually broken down from the sheer guilt he was carrying. After she’d convinced him there was no harm-no foul and revealed he’d actually prepared her well, only then did he let it go. It was going to take some work but Carlina was convinced she had the perfect specimen. A person with the same outlook on keeping those close to them safe. One that didn’t harp over the long excruciating hours and dangers that lay in the unknown places.

  “Rosario, Roberto I need you to go somewhere for me. Handle something.” Carlina requested.

  “Sure. What is it that you need?” Rosario asked seeming a bit preoccupied.

  “Something I left at the suite downtown.”

  “What on Earth were you doing at the suite?” Rob asked laced with confusion. It was clear he was skeptical about going down there for one but to be flanked by Roserio was a bit suspicious.

  “Forget it, I will go.” Carlina rolled her eyes dramatically.

  “No it’s fine.”

  “I’m sure Roberto doesn’t need me tailing him. I mean… He probably doesn’t need company to retrieve something for you.” Rosario blushed a tad bit. Yes she was on to something.

  “I was just thinking because you hardly ever get to visit the states, you could enjoy the scenery on the drive in. Downtown Chicago is beautiful at night.”

  “Mamma…” Roberto squinted his eyes at her as if he were reading her mind. She just shrugged her shoulders in response.


  “Come Rosario.”

  “Um, sure. Alright.”

  “Watch mamma work.” She said to herself watching them pull from the driv
eway. Cupid doesn’t have nothing on a mother convinced on setting her children up to be as happy as she once was. Someone deserved to live happily ever after.


  “How are my beautiful girls?” Antonio greeted walking into the master bedroom. He’d rushed out of work to get home just to see his girls.

  “Fine papa, how was your day?”


  “Did you receive the updated work?”

  “Yes and I thought I told you to take the time off to rest. When Alana is resting you should be as well.” Antonio was hell bent on Allison only focusing on the baby and nothing more. Miss Alana was now two months old and Allison was going a bit stir-crazy doing nothing. Alana slept a lot after she has eaten. Being so little she didn’t require much especially with Carlina being there.


  “Allison, I’m serious. You don’t have to work anymore.” Antonio only wanted to spoil her.

  “Miele, I want to work. Per Favore.” She’d begged him in part Italian and English. She knew that always broke his tough exterior.

  “You are not playing fair bella.”

  “Not playing fair would be what I have planned for later tonight.” Allison said. “Oops, did I just say that aloud.”

  “Mm, you are going to be the death of me woman.”

  “Mm, what a way to go. What do you say, Mr. Mucciono?” She’d turned the sexy voice on to an all-time high. Antonio had to adjust his pants to accommodate his rising manhood.

  “Indeed it is, Mrs. Mucciono.” Antonio said. “Indeed it is.”

  The End.


  Kanika K. Harris developed the passion for writing in middle school with writing short stories. Deciding in 2011 to pursue that dream full-time and turn that dream into a reality, she released her debut release 'Love Drug.' With the steadily growing support of her loving husband and drive to be a great role model for her three children she continues to live her dream. Through hard work, keeping strong in her faith, and constant evolving Kanika is determined to succeed in her literary endeavors. This is only the beginning, she looks forward to continuing the dream with future concepts.


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