Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2)

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Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2) Page 9

by Warren, Rie

  Sultry almost sleepy blue eyes drifted up to mine as I pulled my head back.

  “I still need to collect on that ride you promised me,” Sadie said.

  “I thought it was you promising me the ride?”

  “Au contraire. All I said was you better make sure I got something massive between my legs at least twice today, and it better not just be your motorcycle, babe.” She lashed her tongue against mine a final time before sliding out from my arms.

  On the ride back to Mt. Pleasant Sadie took charge of my Road King and me. True to her word, she could handle the bike. I couldn’t friggin’ wait to see how she handled me, too. I liked having her in front of me on the motorcycle. Her hair flipped into my face, her breathy laughter swilled back to me. I enfolded her in my arms and kept my thighs locked against hers. My protective feelings surged even stronger, heat overlaying the shared warmth of our bodies.

  We were headed to her apartment. I knew what was going to happen just as certainly as she did. And we weren’t going to talk bikes or trade jokes.

  We were going to fuck.

  Chapter Eight

  THE SUN WAS SETTING when we got back to her place. Sadie parked with the ease of a woman who’d been on or around big bad bikes almost all her life. Her helmet came off, spilling the wealth of her sun-spun hair down her back. Reaching around her, I hung my helmet on the handlebar, my arm barely grazing the side of her breast. She gasped quietly.

  I unstraddled the Harley and held my hand out to her. She gripped my palm, rising from the saddle. Taking the keys from her, I unlocked the front door of the building and ushered her inside. She walked up the stairs ahead of me to her third floor apartment and I hung back just enough to admire the swivel of her ass in the tight-fitting jeans. At her door, I pushed in the key, turned the lock, and waited for her to enter.

  I swallowed tightly, closing up behind us. Sadie walked around the room, setting down her helmet. I saw a new painting on an easel in the small two-room studio apartment. She closed the thin curtains on all the windows while I approached the easel. She had a way with the oil paints, somehow capturing the play of light and shadow, making everything burst into life from the simplest bowls of fruit to lowcountry landscapes or figurative studies. That was why I knew she’d love the Sheldon church.

  She turned on the lamp beside her bed. Even across the room, her electrifying presence stirred something desperate and wild in my body. The air coiled between us. The hyperaware silence stretched until I heard her take off her jacket with a long, slow zip that sent chills racing along my skin.

  When I turned to face her, my eyes bugged out. “Jesus Christ, Sadie.”

  She wore nothing but a skintight thermal shirt to go with her jeans. By nothing I meant no bra. The shirt was pale pink, stretched to the limit over her tits, her nipples dark and clearly visible.

  “What?” She looked down, unhelpfully shimmying her tits.

  I gritted my teeth. Balled my hands. Hoped my cock wouldn’t explode in my pants. Needless to say said cock was verrry happy with the braless look.

  “Please tell me you would normally wear something under your shirt, say, if your shirt was tight and nearly see-through?”

  She frowned at me.

  “For the love of God, woman! I mean, I really, really like it, but I think I’d kill any other motherfucker who saw you like that.”

  “Oh. So what if I did this? This would probably piss you off, except it’s just for you, right?” Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she drew it up and off.

  I almost fell flat on my ass. I would have if the wall hadn’t been behind me. Her hair formed a glorious sunny and sandy cloud around her body, and her tits wobbled. Full, round, more than one of my large handfuls, they were peaked by dusky nipples that tilted up. Her skin glowed in that tawny way as if from the inside out.

  I snapped to instantaneous full attention and full arousal.

  BIG GULP. “Don’t you want a drink or something?”

  “I think we’ve wasted enough time, don’t you?” She dropped the shirt to the floor and spread her arms wide. “So are you gonna help me out or what?”

  I wanted to help her all the way out of the rest of her clothes. I also thought I maybe didn’t want to end up throwing her down on the floor and then systematically fucking her all the way across it, and that was exactly what would happen if I didn’t stop and take two deep breaths. All right, make that four deep breaths. And a ten-count.

  I prowled to her, my head down, my eyes seared to her skin. I cupped her tits, feeling the weight of each hot heavy breast. “Not a tomboy anymore.”

  I leaned in to lick one proud nipple with a rasp of my tongue, turned my face and licked the other.

  Her fingers dug into my short hair.

  Latching onto one peaked bud, I sucked deeply. “Fuck me,” I mumbled through my mouthful.

  She bowed into the arm I ran around her waist, and I pressed my fingertips into the concave dip beside her hipbone. I pulled at her tit, my teeth biting softly. With a last circular lick, I withdrew. Her breast gleamed, glossy wet, the nipple turgid and a dark purple rosy color, a smudge against her skin. I blew a breath across the slick flesh, a harsh smile spreading on my lips when she moaned.

  Flicking at the aroused nipple with my thumb and forefinger, I turned to its pert, pretty twin and licked it up and down. Taking her pebbled flesh between my teeth, I shook my head back and forth.

  Sadie dragged her fingers to my shoulders, her nails biting my skin. “Kaid!”

  Suckling until she shuddered in my arms, I leaned back and asked, “Still need help?”

  “Take off the rest of my clothes.” The skin seemed to stretch tighter over her cheeks, her face wild with passion.

  I kneeled down and unlaced her boots. Well, I tried to, but the laces got tangled, and I ended up ducking my head, my shoulders bouncing with laughter.

  Smooth. Real smooth, Kaid.

  She chuckled. “Got stuck?”

  “I’ll get the damn things off you one way or the other.” Truth. Even if I had to use the Bowie knife clanging at the side of my belt. “Ah ha!” I tossed one heavy-soled boot over my shoulder, flipped off her sock, and set to work on the other side.

  Her belly trembled with laughter.

  The laughter stopped when—both boots and socks thrown across the room—I kneeled up and started working on the buttons of her jeans.

  “God.” My hands shook. My voice came out desperately low.


  “I want you so much, so suddenly, Sadie. I had to jerk off about you. A lot.”

  Her fingers threaded into my hair. “I had to get off about you too. A lot.”

  I blew a hot breath against her belly, my muscles tightening into knots and ropes. “Did you?”

  “You make me hot, Kaid. I couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d be like. How hard you’d feel. What you’d look like fucking me.”

  Nipping Sadie’s belly, I let out a grunt. I looked up the length of her body. Her nipples still tight, her tummy taut, her breath uneven, she nodded at me.

  The button undone, I started on the zipper. “Wearing boxers today?”

  She shook her head and bit her lip.

  Then my hands really started shaking.

  The zipper down, I parted her jeans. Leaning forward, I nuzzled my nose against the low rise of her panties.

  “Yellow’s a nice color,” she panted. I leaned in to lick the front panel and she broke off, only to resume with, “It’s a thong, by the way.”

  That did it. I needed the goddamn jeans off. I ripped the zipper the rest of the way down, pushed off her jeans, and sat on my haunches. The thong was yellow and cotton and tiny.

  “Turn around.”

  She did, presenting me with a lush round bottom and nothing but a string between the cheeks of her ass.

  I slapped a hand against her butt. “Fuck, that’s nice.”

  I kissed the hot cheek where my palm had landed then licked up to a sweet
set of ass dimples. After nibbling the divots of skin, I took her hips in my hands and spun her around. The straps of the thong hooked in my fingers, I dragged it down her legs. Her thin line of curls pointed the way to a slick cunt the color of her nipples. And pierced through her clit hood, the two hoops.

  “These are what I wanted to see.” I flushed. “Not that I didn’t want to see all of you but I felt these the other morning and . . . wow.”

  The top ring was silver and the little ball I’d felt was hot pink. I swallowed harshly, staring intently. The larger ring that touched her clit was silver as well but the gem set in the center of it was a deep jade green.

  She was already wet. Moisture seeped from between her lips but instead of going for the source I leaned forward to swipe my tongue along the two rings.

  “Mmm.” I groaned. I wrapped my hands around the tops of her thighs and pulled her closer. I needed more of her in my mouth.

  I set my lips against the hot metal and tapped the hoops with my tongue. Moving lower, I used the tip of my tongue to lick one side of her pulsing pink clit, around the top, and down the other side.

  Just about to dive lower and discover the rest of Sadie, I groaned when she pulled away from my mouth.

  Her husky voice cut through the roar of blood in my ears, my veins, my cock. “I want to see you too.”

  I rose slowly, staring at all of her. Tall, willowy, curvaceous. Aroused. My best friend for years, and I’d never seen her like this. My cock was hard as an ax handle in my jeans. I wondered how much longer the denim could hold up to the battering it was getting from inside the strained material.

  I didn’t have to wonder long. Sadie stood on her tiptoes and pulled off my long sleeved t. Humming with approval, she kissed all over my torso then took my hard nipples for a spin, too.

  I clenched my teeth so I wouldn’t shout. All that came out were low animalistic grunts as she licked lower and lower.

  My belt whipped aside with one fast move, she pulled open my jeans. I looked down. A light blond thatch of hair curled out from the faded blue material, and my cock punched up as soon as it was freed.

  She didn’t stop to take off boots or socks or even the jeans, leaving them stretched mid-thigh. Her hands curling into the light blond hair of my thighs, she forced me to spin around.

  “Christ Almighty.” She grasped both sides of my ass. “And this is what I wanted to see.”

  I peered back and down. She stared at the ink that twined down both sides of back and continued to curve around my left butt cheek. The snake tail looped to the side, over the swell of my ass and onto my upper thigh in tight black ink.

  “Did it hurt?” Her moist breath raced across my skin, speeding a rush of arousal along my spine.

  I shut my eyes, trying to dam down the need to come. My voice, low and coarse, rumbled. “No. That’s the meatiest part of my body.”

  “Oh really?” She reached around and wrapped a hand around the base of my cock, squeezing the turgid flesh. “This feels meatier.”

  My head knocking back, a whoosh of breath slammed out of my chest. “Sadie, Jesus.”

  I had no chance to form further words. Her lips suddenly sealed onto the skin of my ass, and she started licking the lines of the tat. She released my cock to grasp both sides of my ass, opening me to her exploration. Her breath combined with her moist lips and wet tongue, trailing all over my taut skin.

  When she brought her teeth into play with sharp-edged bites I nearly blacked out.

  “Fuck. FUCK!” My thighs turned to mush as I shook all over, hardly keeping my legs steady.

  She nipped my ass again before biting a little trail she soothed with hot licks down the insides of my thighs.

  “Does that hurt?”

  “No. Fucking hell. Keep . . . keep going.” God. Higher. Suck my balls before they burst.

  I grabbed the back of her head, pushing her nibbling mouth harder against me. “Bite me. Suck me. Fuck me any way you want. Just don’t stop.”

  Sadie whispered something low then turned me around. She pressed her cheek against my heavy, heated cock. My ass tightened and I thrust forward. I couldn’t help it. A clear drip streamed from the head of my dick. She saw it, and rubbed it against her closed lips, her high cheeks, her chin until they shined.

  “Look good, Kaid?” She smiled, blue eyes dark as midnight coals.

  I swallowed and nodded, my fingers convulsing at my sides.

  Burrowing her nose against my groin, she sniffed at my tight springy pubic curls and the base of my shaft and the hanging load of my testes.

  “Aaahh!” I grabbed two bundles of her hair, fucking my fat rigid meat against her face, her neck, anything I could reach.

  I stopped suddenly and let her go. Desire lit a burning flame inside of my skin, but I resisted taking her head in my hands and dragging her mouth over my cock.


  “You could fuck my face if you wanted. You’re big, but I won’t break.” She licked the side of my aching pole from balls to the top, smiling as she dipped her tongue right into my slit.

  “Don’t say things like that. ’Cause I’ll do it,” I rasped.

  “Or”—she wrapped a sure fist around me and pointed me toward her mouth—“you can let me blow you my way.”

  I smoothed the hair from her temples, touched the lobes of her ears, and ran my fingertips across her lips. “Your way.”

  Her way was good. She licked me with wet laps of her tongue. When she encountered a bulging vein, she nipped at it with her lips, sometimes nibbles of her teeth. She ignored the head of my cock even though it was deep red, mushrooming above the shaft, with precome welling out. She scooped the liquid in her palm and slicked me with it. Tight jerks up, loose fist down, fondle of my sac.

  Real good.

  I didn’t want to think about how many guys she’d had practice on. We’d never talked about chicks or dudes like that. Somehow it had always seemed off limits. Or maybe neither one of us really wanted to know.

  I spread my thighs, bending my knees. Asking without words for her to take me, please motherfucking take me into her mouth before my body ripped apart.

  After repeated agonizing circles of her tongue around and around and around my engorged head, I clutched at her hair. She peered up at me and pressed my cock onto her tongue then slowly, softly sucked me inside.

  I shouted. My knees buckled.

  Opening her lips wide, she slurped down, looked up, and squeezed the root of my cock with more than three quarters inside the snug wet cave of her mouth. Up and down, left and right—she seemed to take ultimate hardcore pleasure from pursing her lips around the rigid cliff of my cockhead and sucking just the top of my dick in and out of her mouth.

  When she moved to my balls, kissing and lapping them, her face shiny from my precome and her eyes glittering like stones, I grabbed the back of her head.

  “Oh damn, Sadie. What the fuck?”

  My stomach muscles slammed together, grinding like the gears of a motorcycle.

  Her mouth was hot as sin. It was like dipping my cock into a vat of pure desire. Slow and sensual, she gave me the sexiest head any woman ever had. Part of it was the insane twirling action of her tongue on my frenulum until I went blind with pleasure. But she hummed and moaned and swiveled that fucking hot ass of hers, too, almost humping it up and down on her bent legs so I knew she was really getting off on me. The wetness of her mouth, the slurping sounds of her lips, the glossy shine up and down my thick dick every time she gasped at the head of my cock . . .

  A groan rippled out of my chest. “Stop. You gotta stop. I don’t wanna nut in your mouth the first time.”

  She sucked slowly back to my drum-tight tip and slipped me out. Rubbing my cock against her cheek, she left a wet glistening streak. I punched down on the muscles of my groin, willing myself not to come at the sight.

  “Nut? You do say the most romantic things, Kinkaid.”

  I couldn’t talk. My teeth biting down hard, breath st
eaming in and out of my chest, I lifted her in my arms. The bed was two steps away, and I pulled back the covers and laid her in the center. Crawling over her, I started at her mouth, tracing her teasingly and retreating until she growled, reached up, and dragged me down to her.

  I smiled against her hungry lips but moved away quickly. I had other matters to attend to. A return visit to her tight dark nipples for starters. Lick, pinch, squeeze, suck until they’d drawn up harder and her tits were wet all over.

  Roaming down her flat belly, I kissed the perfect little belly button while her stomach clenched in laughter. My hands slid up the insides of her thighs while I moved closer to the heat and scent and sex guiding me lower, my lips always on her body, tasting every sleek inch of her skin.

  Sadie rose up on her elbows to watch, her lips in a slight smile, her turquoise eyes a much deeper shade tonight. I spread her legs and tongued the soft gold curls leading down to her pussy. With her knees raised, her feet flat, her thighs wide, I stopped. My face hovered just above her.

  “Jesus Christ.” I groaned.

  “That there better be a good Jesus Christ, or I’ll thump you on the nose again . . .”

  I was too busy drooling and staring to respond. I rubbed a fingertip across my mouth. “Oh yeah. It’s good, babe. Fuck, Sadie.” Glossy, swollen, dark rosy pink, and smooth except for the thin tuft of hair and the clit hood rings.

  Then I was on her. I outlined her lips just like I had the ones on her mouth, taking my time to taste every hidden secret. Peaches, just like I’d thought. I pulled on her labia, nipping gently. Sealing my mouth against her cunt, I swirled my tongue, adding my wetness to her own slick juice. Sadie whined, her feet arching, her hips lunging up. I pressed her down, one arm hooking her thigh open and one across her stomach.

  Licking all the way up the sexy divide, I dipped my tongue into her little hole, and continued. I bypassed her clit and went for the silver hoops of her piercings instead. Poking the bottom ring with my tongue, I let the tip flick her clit while I tugged the hood ring.


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