Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2)

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Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2) Page 10

by Warren, Rie

  Sadie’s head fell back. She cried out in a loud moan.

  I smiled against her then started back at the bottom of her pussy. Up and down, over and over, I bathed her with my tongue and she spilled her juices into my mouth. My cock rasped against the sheets. When I thrust one finger inside her, I had to lift my hips up off the bed. I was too close to coming from the tight wet heat of her perfect lush slit.

  When I let the pressure of my palm off her stomach her hips ratcheted up. Her hands shot into my hair, pulling my face closer. Adding another finger, I pumped her. I swirled and circled inside her. I turned my fingers and found the sweet motherfucking spot. She hooked one leg over my shoulder to keep me right where I was, and I laughed against her. I had no intentions of going anywhere anytime soon.

  Keeping up the tongue action on her sensitive clitoris, I thrummed her g-spot. When I had her squealing and the heel of her foot thumping me on the shoulder, I took her clit right into my mouth and lashed it with my tongue.

  She stretched and froze. Her shout ripped through the air, “KINKAID! Oh . . . oh . . . oh. Fuck!”

  She shook all around me, the hard vibrations of a massive orgasm destroying all her boundaries. I stayed on her clit with soft pulling sucks. I plunged my fingers in and out of her, slower now, letting her wetness guide me.

  At last, she stopped shaking. Her leg dropped to the bed. I kissed her clit and let it go. Easing my fingers from her, I swiped at her pussy one last time. Her hips shimmied and she moaned.

  “Greedy,” I said, my voice unrecognizably deep. “You’ll get more later.”

  She breathlessly chuckled. Her hand rested on her tummy, her eyes shining at me. Those sparkling eyes drifted down my body. She reached for me, and I rested slowly on top of her. The warmth and lushness of her skin against mine dragged a groan from my throat. My cock pulsed between her damp thighs, painfully erect and curving up against my stomach.

  “Later.” She agreed. Her hand skimmed down my body directly to my dick.

  Another rush of blood heading south left me dizzy to fuck her. She grasped me in a loose hold and stroked upward. Her grip tightened at the head, juicing me so good my muscles sprung tight. I grunted, and a spurt of wetness slipped from my tip and over her fisting fingers.

  “I think we better do something about this now, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. Need to be inside you, Sadie.” I kissed her, a slick slide of thrusting and retreating tongues and wide open lips.

  “Still can’t believe how big you are. Everywhere.” She reversed her grip, squeezing.

  My hips struck forward. I was on the verge of begging. Sweat trickled down the center of my back, and my ass flexed.

  She released me, and I exhaled with a groan. Hastily grabbing my jeans off the floor, I dug out my wallet and rooted around for a condom.

  “I’m on the pill, baby. And I’m clean if you are.” Sadie arched her back. She lay there playing with her nipples, scissoring her legs in impatience.

  I nodded wordlessly.

  Fucking her raw? Holy shit. I almost blitzed it right there all over the sheets. I had to lower my head and take several deep breaths. I locked my muscles tight and swallowed hard.

  Control barely regained, I climbed on top of her. Sadie immediately hooked her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck. She trailed kisses up my throat to the hollow beneath my chin.

  I held the base of my cock in a tight grip, plying the head up and down her slick hot pussy. I tapped it against her clit in a steady beat.

  She wound her limbs tighter around me and bit my earlobe. Air hissed out of me.

  “Don’t tease me, Kaid.”

  Waiting poised and ready, I asked, “You’re sure?” I popped my head down to suck one berry-hard nipple into my mouth.

  “Yes.” Her fingernails grooved into my shoulders.

  That small bit of pain blasted down to my heavy, throbbing cock, barging through the last of my control.

  I steadily pushed past her swollen slick lips. The head of my cock tunneling inside, her pussy puckered around me. Shutting my eyes, I stopped just inside because the heat was so intense I didn’t dare move another goddamn muscle. My heart frantically beat all over my body—in my ears, in my chest, and thudding hard along my long stiff dick.

  “Give it all to me, Kaid,” Sadie whispered.

  I lunged powerfully, grunting as her body swallowed me. “Ahh, fuck!”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

  I didn’t have to worry about her being ready. She gushed around me. I’d never gone raw before . . . and this was more than just skin-to-skin, cock in cunt, bareback fucking. It was emotional, intense, beyond flesh bared to flesh. A high so high I jerked and shouted . . . and holy shit, Sadie. Tight wet hot fiery wet tight my-best-friend Sadie seated around my uncovered cock and arching her hips against mine.

  Seated balls deep I froze in place, her melting depths taunting me to drive deeper, to pound into her, to claim and possess her. My arms trembled. My breath scraped in and out of my throat.

  Opening my eyes, I saw Sadie staring at me, her blue gaze tiny slits and her mouth ovaled.

  “Did I hurt you?” I swept the hair off her face with unsteady fingers.

  Shaking her head, she said, “Fuck me.”

  My nostrils flared, catching the scent of her body and mine combined. I withdrew slowly, the restraint agonizing. She tried to follow with her hips tilting further every inch I pulled out, but I pushed her back down.

  “Stay still and wait for me to give it to you,” I bit out.

  “Ohhhh . . .”

  The cold air washed across my slick heated cock. My head slipped out. I waited one pounding heartbeat before slamming into her all the way to my wide base.

  “Oh my God, Kaid!”

  I kept retreating and burying myself inside her. Her body moved in sync with mine, her pussy hot as a fire, wet as an ocean.

  Rising up on my fists, I looked down between us. My cock shined, the veins bulged, the head huge. And I felt her snug cunt stretch with every thrust, opening to accept me, almost sucking me in, sucking on me.

  I slowed down. Rocking just my hips, I swiveled from side to side. Sadie thrashed in rhythm with me again.

  At one point she nipped at my neck and slammed her pussy up against me, crying out in a harsh fast climax. Gritting my teeth, I fucked her through it. She didn’t stop either, and suddenly the fucking was hard, rough and anything but the earlier tenderness. Biting, scratching, railing into her. Trying to get inside each other the deepest way possible. To leave the memory of skin on skin. Body on body.

  The bed thump against the wall—Bang! Bang! Bang! We rolled onto the floor from the low mattress—a tangle of arms and legs and kisses and fucking and insane heat. Sadie landed on top, her hips jamming down on me, her hair all over the place.

  In between our groaning and hissing and moaning and shouting, I heard the downstairs neighbor:

  “Some of us are single, you know?”

  Sadie and I exploded in sudden laughter, hugging onto each other. But the laughter dried up fast. She pushed me onto my back and arched on top of me. She rode me in easy, sexy undulations for a while. Hypnotizing me. Hair swinging. Tits jutting and bouncing. The wet suck and hard thud of our bodies meeting.

  I spread my hands on her hips and ran them up the indent of her waist to her breasts. Cupping them, I caught a nipple between my teeth and tugged it. That set Sadie off. She went wild on me. My dick almost unloaded as she twisted and turned and bucked on top of me.

  My legs stretched out, feet flat on the floor, I grabbed her waist then thrust up like a jackhammer. She screamed into the night, locking her hot vise onto my cock and rippling around me.

  “SADIE!” The loud shout the last thing I said before my cock ruptured, my brain stroked-out, and I shot off inside of her.

  I held her clamped down on me, plunging as deeply as possible, painting her pussy with my come.

  I fell back, one big boneless mass, completely su
rrendered to her. Seconds or hours might’ve passed before I blinked my eyes open to find Sadie dreamily smiling on top of me.

  Rolling onto my stomach, I dragged her half under me. I snatched some blankets off the bed and covered us up.

  “Was it okay?” She shifted beside me.

  My muscles twitched in response. It was so okay I couldn’t otherwise communicate.

  Sadie pinched my ass. “Well?”

  I yelped, slitting one eye open at her. “More than okay. Astronomical. Out of this world hot. To the moon and back unbelievable.” I opened my other eye and smiled. “Can’t think of anymore ways to describe how you felt, Sadie.”

  I could’ve been mistaken, but I thought she blushed for me.

  “Anyway, you used up my brain,” I added in a rough voice.

  “Ha! I might’ve used up your cock but not your brain.”

  I slid a hand across her shapely ass and gently swatted it. “Woman, don’t you know where a man’s brain is?”

  She chuckled. After a moment, I slid my eyes shut, so content even the hard floor beneath me felt like a fucking feather bed. There was peace and silence and stillness, until she wormed her way onto my back. Her body draped over mine, we connected everywhere. Her soft tits pillowed my back. Her tiny landing strip of hair pressed against the top of my ass. Her lean legs fell against mine.

  “Comfy?” I grunted.

  “You feel good. You’ve got an amazing body. I could stay here all night.” Her whisper tickled the back of my neck.

  “Good. Not moving.”

  Her fingers trailed up the muscled pads of my ribs to find the pale blond hairs under my arms. She started tickling me, and I squirmed beneath her.

  “What was that about not moving?” she asked.

  With another grunt, I hefted up onto my knees, and then onto my hands.

  She hit my back. “What are you doing?”

  “Shhh. You’ll wake the neighbor again.” Swiveling my head around, I stole a quick kiss from her lips. “Stay on. I’ll piggyback ya.”

  Her arms and legs wound around me, and I got to my feet. I let her go on top of the bed. She bounced with a high-pitched squeak I’d never heard before.

  “What was that?” I lay next to her.

  “Well, you just manhandled me from lying flat on the ground without any effort at all after I fucked you senseless, mind you. I’m certainly not small, and I don’t weigh nothing. What else is a girl supposed to do but squeak?”

  I rubbed a knuckle over her bottom lip. “I liked it.”

  Her eyes flipped to mine, one slim eyebrow arched high. Her hand wandered low, into the heat of my groin. “Seems I didn’t use you all up after all. Round two?”

  I pumped my hips. “Oh yeah. Round two then three at least. After you feed me. You got me starved.”

  The next thing I knew a pillow was smashed over my face, and she darted away from my grasping hands.

  Luckily, Sadie did feed me—leftovers of warmed-up pizza. The ambrosia of the college student. And cold beer. The nectar of biker babes and dudes.

  Round two? Was so hot I was surprised we didn’t set the apartment on fire. Sadie’s sucking and fucking skills left me in a mindless heap in the middle of her bed. I remembered kissing her and murmuring something, slipping my hands down her back to her ass before sleep pulled me under.

  When I woke, it was late. The hushed, still of night, intimate kind of late. The type I’d never shared with anyone. Sadie stood beside the window, framed in moonlight. I was glad the curtains were closed and the lights were off. No silhouette would appear; otherwise she’d be giving one hell of a peepshow.

  I, on the other hand, took every advantage of the peepshow afforded me. The silver moonlight lined every curve of her achingly beautiful body like one of her paintings. With her back to me, the dove and tree tat only served to highlight her womanly shape. Her straight hair shined down her back all the way to the fullness of her apple-shaped ass. The curve of her hips, the length of her legs. The slope of one breast, tipped up and revealed in nightshades.

  Leaning up on my elbow, I whispered, “God. I think you’re a mirage or something, Sadie.”

  That long fall of hair swinging, she glanced at me. “You’re awake.”

  “Come to bed. It’s cold without you.”

  I listened to the quiet pad of her feet. When she curled up beside me, I stroked all that skin that had shone silver but I knew to be golden.

  “You’re amazing. I can’t believe I’m with you like this.”

  “Me either.” Her fingers traced the lines of my face and circled the width of my shoulders. “Finally.

  “It always annoyed me, you know, crushing on you and not even from afar but up close and personal and—”

  I clasped her hand to my chest. “My best friend. My best girl. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  Tugging her hand free, she huffed. “Because.”

  “Because is not a good answer.”

  “Because you’re a player, and you never looked at me like that anyway.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but she shook her head threateningly at me. I closed up shop instead of tempting disaster.

  “And it aggravated the hell out of me. Why you? The guy who always acted like a big brother but casually fucked just about anything else out there with a big set of jugs and a wet hole to dip your pole in.”

  “I’m not playing now. And I might’ve looked at you that way if you hadn’t always acted like my best bud but the woman you clearly are instead!”


  “Ha ha, yeah. Jesus, Sadie. The second you showed yourself to me, all of you, how could I not want you? ALL. OF. YOU? I never would’ve thought in a million years you were interested in me like that. Like this.” I pulled her to me, attempting to avoid any possible elbow jabs to my ribs or knee thrusts to my nuts. “God, Sadie,” I murmured against her hair. “You’ve always been everything to me. How can you not see that? And now everything is . . . endless with you.”

  I heard her sniffle before I realized . . . was she crying? My tough girl, tomboy best friend, my woman, my lover . . . was crying because of me?

  I lifted her chin even though she resisted. Tiny teardrops spiked on her lashes. Using a corner of the sheet, I dried her face. Then I looked real deep into her eyes.

  “I am not playing with you. I think I’m the luckiest sumbitch in the world to be with you.”

  She solemnly nodded. “Okay.”

  “And don’t cry again. Breaks my fucking heart.”

  “Okay. I don’t usually, you know.”

  I kissed her slowly with all the passion still reined inside me. “I know. And I’m lying. Cry in front of me all you want so long as I’m the one who gets to make you feel better.”

  “I already do.”

  I wrapped my arms around her, moving my legs around her, too. I’d be her human shield, her protector, her lover, her best friend. All those things if she’d let me.

  After a quiet lapse, I whispered, “I think you were right, earlier. Maybe there’s a reason I never committed to anyone before, Sadie.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Maybe I’m supposed to be with you?”

  “And you were just too numbskull thick to realize it?”

  “Somethin’ like that.”


  “I’m staying all night.” No buts about it. I curved my hands along her sides, amazed once again how well she fit me.

  “What about Grampa Dean?” she asked.

  “Miss Curry is with him.”

  “Oh. Okay. You’re too big for me to budge anyway.” A satisfied smile plumped her cheeks.

  “You like it.” I flexed one hilled bicep.

  She poked it with a fingernail. “Yes, I do.” Her hands roamed down my chest, onto my pelvic muscles, and around to my butt. “You’re like a mountain. Hard everywhere.”

  “Got that right.” Rolling on top of her, I pushed her legs up beneath my arms. “Hard
.” I surged inside her velvet heat. “Everywhere.”

  Chapter Nine


  Even Hiro grinning in my face with his maniacal porn flick riff couldn’t put me off my game tonight. I grinned back at the masked Japanese superhero stripper.


  I was getting ready for my routine in the changing room. The guys, those not on stage for the opening blue-collar balls out act or out working the floor in order to get the honeys rip-roaring ready, were crowded against the clothes racks, lit mirrors, and the free weights station in the far corner of the room. Getting their muscles juiced up and contoured for a night of dollar dollar bills, y’all.

  Mamie thrust her deep black face through the door. “Kinky-aid!” She hooked a finger at me.

  “What up, Mamie?”

  She waddled inside and plugged a steaming plate under my nose. “You eat ’dis. Beans ’n’ rice. Stick to yo’ ribs. Mm hmm. You gettin’ skinny. Need some meat on dem dere ribs, boyo.”

  She wasn’t called Mamie for nothing. I accepted the plate with thanks, but I begged to differ about turning into skin and bones. Peering down my front, I was shredded with cut muscle all over my body. I leaned to the left then the right. All good as far as I could see. If I was a bit thinner than usual that was due to Sadie and me fucking like jackrabbits for the last week and a half.

  I knocked Hiro’s grabby hands away, eating a huge mouthful of the tasty beans and rice.

  Screwing like bunnies wasn’t all we’d done. We’d spent a lot of time hanging out as usual, with the added bonus of going on dates or heading out on rides. Knowing I could reach over and hold her hand or kiss her any damn time and any damn place I wanted put an entirely new spin on things I never once took for granted.

  February had arrived in a burst of sunshine and springtime warmth, but it had nothing on the golden warmth of Sadie. What could I say? My girl made me poetic.

  The only potential screw in the works—the other kind of screw, that is—might’ve been the fact she hadn’t mentioned the stripper thing again. Or maybe that was a good thing. I didn’t see a problem with it personally. It was a job, nothing more.


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